Hands Across the Water - European Community
What time of day do you find yourself positing/reading the forums the most? |
What's more important to you? Having someone able to engage you and watch the forums during what would be considered "peak" posting hours or having someone who may be several hours behind, but has greater access to the development team? |
On the flip side, having somebody with greater access to the development team is a huge bonus to have but i cant really think of an example where a community rep was able to pass down information directly from a dev to the players. The only issue i feel with this being needed is translation issues.
I think you will find however that the EU playerbase seem to have a bigger bond with Avatea out of all the red names because she is/was "one of us" and still very much feels the voice of the EU.
Next question please

When we had Bridger, All his posting would be done by the time we are starting to pick up. Having a community rep to be around for us 9am to 5pm would probably increase your costs, and I dont think anybody wants someone to have to work unsociable hours just to post for us... |
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I read the forums at all times of day generally, since I have an unusual work pattern day to day, week to week is entirely different, so generally I accept that forum communication with us wouldn't be that great... except it fairly is, we win at this a bit more than our American counterparts imo.
At the start of your normal office hours is when we (generally) start getting home from work, so thats when you guys will start posting, some players like myself on the outside of normality (i'm just getting ready to go to work now) won't hit that, but forum communicaiton isn't supposed to be instant.
When we had Bridger, All his posting would be done by the time we are starting to pick up. Having a community rep to be around for us 9am to 5pm would probably increase your costs, and I dont think anybody wants someone to have to work unsociable hours just to post for us...
I think the main problem that some of us have been quite vocal about is the lack of events like the Special Baf preview being aimed at us, it would be nice from time to time if we got things first (talking about bridger, when I read both forums, it was clear that sometimes we recieved some info first, which was, I admit, nice)
Also the Character Copy Tool never (ok rarely) working is kind of annoying when some of us would love to test things. Generally looking at the forum the "high end masterminds who are willing to test" are few and far between, myself and Master Zap i'm sure would love to make the tests for making new stuff include MMs easier. I know thats only 2 people, but still its one of my concerns.
If theres one thing to take from this thread on my opinion on things (which I think echoes to voice of the EU community) Server List Merge. There we go. Its what I want, its what I think most of us want. I know its hard to sort out, maybe impossible but it would go a long way for us all.
Anyway, thanks for creating this thread to get us chatting

Indeed, I don't feel that there should be someone "assigned" to the EN-EU forum posters any more - we post/have access to all the same areas as other subscribers, it's simply a matter of making sure someone reads the past history of each forum daily (so EU ideas are not swamped by US threads).
Instead, what I feel the EU servers need is parity in access to events, special offers and testing. If the US Servers are getting special access to something, give the EU the same access (albeit more appropriately timed). If devs can't be present (although, why can't the devs schedule a little timeslot between midday and 3pm on a weekday to join us in our evenings?) I'm sure we would all understand why that might be and instead a Community Coordinator could fill in - a Paragon Studios employee who can take our concerns back to the same level as the US Servers could by directly interacting with the devs.
Give us parity of access, perhaps not by the same means and certainly not at the same times, and you'll see a happier segregated community.
More importantly - merge the server lists (not the servers themselves, just the lists) and you'll create a very happy community, with no segregation.
Do u bring Kerensky back, else who cares.
Our small community from Germany is used to that situation since kere left.

Do u bring Kerensky back, else who cares.
Our small community from Germany is used to that situation since kere left. |
Sorry to hear things are that bad over there Master0fCeremony - my German is bad, my French non-existent otherwise I'd be hanging out in your forums too.
What time of day do you find yourself positing/reading the forums the most? |

What's more important to you? Having someone able to engage you and watch the forums during what would be considered "peak" posting hours or having someone who may be several hours behind, but has greater access to the development team? |
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman
Thanks for your interest.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Wow I'm really glad you're taking an interest in our opinions.
TBH i don't mind that our forum interactivity is limited to several hours behind us. no one expects immediate forum moderation and since we moved to the US boards i think you'll find most of us are happy with the forum the way it is. Peak time for us is the start of your working day so it works out well. No one expects Avatea to start at 4am just so we can have someone who may or may not be required to moderate for us.
As has been said, i think we expect parity. if a special event is available for the US players, we should get the same offer, adjusted for times. That's the main bone of contention I think. us not getting treated the same. I think everyone would like a list merge (although I am worried about dozens of EU players leaving for other servers making Union and Defiant ghost towns, ripe for removal and free server transfers being given out) but I'm sure there's legal and financial challenges resulting from that now that the physical challenges have been solved.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief

City of Heroes is a vibrant, lively and global community. The challenges we face in engaging players from across the globe, as a Community, are pretty straightforward.
I'd like to start things off by asking our players from Europe a few questions. Your answers in this matter are much appreciated and will help us to more effectively make decisions to benefit us all. *What time of day do you find yourself positing/reading the forums the most? *What's more important to you? Having someone able to engage you and watch the forums during what would be considered "peak" posting hours or having someone who may be several hours behind, but has greater access to the development team? |

It would be nice to see someone online when posting is its most busiest and be able to be in contact with the development team also, especially if there is some really good ideas, requests, feedback etc so it gets back to the development team alot faster

"Instead, what I feel the EU servers need is parity in access to events, special offers and testing. If the US Servers are getting special access to something, give the EU the same access (albeit more appropriately timed)." (Master Zaprobo)
With reguards to the events we now have the EERC (EU Events Resource Committe) for running events in game by players for players with the help of Avatea. There are a few of us on there and am one of them as I am very happy to be more involved with COH where I can as I love this community and game to pieces. It's the community that makes the game so fun and addicting to play!

But access to testing and special offers etc should be fair across across the whole game and not by where you are gaming from to make it fair on all

"I'm sure we would all understand why that might be and instead a Community Coordinator could fill in - a Paragon Studios employee who can take our concerns back to the same level as the US Servers could by directly interacting with the devs." (Master Zaprobo)
This I can completely understand. It would be nice to have a EU CC who could interact with the players and the Devs alot so the player base feels more involved on the whole and would make players feel that their views are recognised, acknowledged and get on well with the CC in question.
*Sorry am useless at the multi quote thing as not done it before

I read the boards at about 7:20am while I'm having my breakfast, then not again until about 7pm or later, since I can't read them at work any more.
And I'll take someone able to communicate directly to the dev team, thank you very much. Immediate interaction was nice with Bridger et al, but nowadays, I think it's much less of a concern, with the servers being US based anyway.
Oh, and try and get someone who can give the French and German communitioes (such as are left) some significant attention. I may not play on those servers, or even speak the language, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be left out in the cold, regardless of the efforts Avatea puts in.
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
You're a brave man making this thread and I thank you. Bravo!
There are plenty of issues to be addressed, most covered by previous posters but be prepared for a download of disparity issues between server clusters. However, as to your questions:
1) Most of the time, between 8pm and 12am GMT. I do, however, browse the forums throughout the day.
2) I'd say the latter is more important. As much as I like a good forum chinwag, I'd rather that our issues were escalated to those who can do something about them. For years, we had an infestation problem of Supatrolls in Skyway. They would spawn and then not despawn leading to a huge lag issue and making SS a no-go zone. Despite numerous requests and petitions and PMs, it was only when War Witch herself saw the problem on one of her visits to us that something happened.
So latency isn't an issue, but getting things resolved is.
Your next question?
Oh, and try and get someone who can give the French and German communitioes (such as are left) some significant attention. I may not play on those servers, or even speak the language, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be left out in the cold, regardless of the efforts Avatea puts in.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

Oh, and try and get someone who can give the French and German communitioes (such as are left) some significant attention. I may not play on those servers, or even speak the language, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be left out in the cold, regardless of the efforts Avatea puts in.
Agrees too!
Avatea does spend alot of time with the French/German servers! Big up to Avatea for it!
Wish I could speak French or more German or I would play on those servers myself

Jumping in between meetings/calls...
Parity in service is one thing that's extremely important to me, on a personal level, and as such is something I try to consider when making recommendations regarding Community events.
Because the dev team is so vocal with the Community at large, I'm sure you understand the day to day rigors of developing for an MMORPG, but sufficed to say, scheduling is something that remains a constant challenge. When we're involving say, only the Community Team, it's much easier for us to drop everything and jump into game for events such as the upcoming code giveaways. Where we run into logistical nightmares is cutting into the day to day development and work of the Designers and Production folks.
Knowing those kind of restraints, and that we're working with a 8-9 hour difference, what kind of things do you, as players, feel are reasonable expectations from the developers?
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
Knowing those kind of restraints, and that we're working with a 8-9 hour difference, what kind of things do you, as players, feel are reasonable expectations from the developers?
Oh, and merge the server lists.

Knowing those kind of restraints, and that we're working with a 8-9 hour difference, what kind of things do you, as players, feel are reasonable expectations from the developers?
Like someone the players can go to knowing that their views will get across without that person in question being biased or twisting points of views and being able to trust that person to deliver the points they make to the dev team etc

The EU Events normally have a CC involved. Its normally Avatea and theOcho, though theOcho has now left

Maybe having a player representative and a Dev to liasion between might be the way to go on this as its easier for the two to meet via MSN/Skype etc??
Knowing those kind of restraints, and that we're working with a 8-9 hour difference, what kind of things do you, as players, feel are reasonable expectations from the developers?
If you set up a US Event, set up a corresponding EU event. If the US event contains devs, make sure at a minimum that the EU Event has Community Coordinators who will feed back to the devs (if not the devs themselves).
Oh, and merge the server lists. ![]() |
The EU Events normally have a CC involved. Its normally Avatea and theOcho, though theOcho has now left
![]() ![]() |
They have big socks.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Another vote to merge the server lists.
There is a sizable community of Euro players on the US servers who would love to play with our brethren on the Euro servers. A load of us started before the Euro servers existed, and had way too many toons to wish to transfer over at Euro startup.
A merged server list and some free transfers, and I suspect the Euro servers would get a welcome shot in the arm population wise.
Would also allow me to free up some of the 36 used slots on my main US server (Victory where a lot of the Euros hang) and give me somewhere else to play and create new toons.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
City of Heroes is a vibrant, lively and global community. The challenges we face in engaging players from across the globe, as a Community, are pretty straightforward.
I'd like to start things off by asking our players from Europe a few questions. Your answers in this matter are much appreciated and will help us to more effectively make decisions to benefit us all.
And yes, I know the title is cheesy as all heck ![]() |
On a work day (10am - 10pm) normally, I am online for a couple of hours to unwind.
On my days off, I am always on my PC either in game or browsing the forums.
My times are GMT
Merged List...
Browsing Forum Time: 11am - 3pm / 6pm - 9pm / 12am - 3am
Importance of Responses: Parity of Events/Escalation of issues of the EU Players over Peak Time Interaction.
Also, a merged server list would be nice.
(As fair as parity of events go, I remember a few years back the Americans getting access to an issue beta for testing, with no access for us. That's the kind of thing that tends to stick in people's craws, as it can sometimes get across the impression of a second tier playerbase, not needed for feedback. During the i19 Beta, however, Avatea arranged a testing (I think during a lunch break, actually) of some of the Praetoria Zone events which really worked. Some better display of notice of EU events would be nice though, like on the patch server. I tend to stick to General/European/Suggestions/Roleplay, which meant that I sometimes miss events if they're brought up in say, Union or Defiant. Now that I read the Dev/Community Digest, this isn't such an issue, but just getting it out there.)
Well I play the game from anywhere between 12:00pm to 12:00am, after this I know their are not many people online and so I browse he forums for while, between 12:00am to 3:00am.
I think it would be great for the servers to be merged, much more of an active environment then.
Knowing those kind of restraints, and that we're working with a 8-9 hour difference, what kind of things do you, as players, feel are reasonable expectations from the developers?
I'm not expecting or asking for War Witch or Positron to take hours out of the middle of their working day, but someone could maybe spend an hour with us maybe "leaking" a lil bit additional info than what is "leaked" during NA-Dev interactions, so the community as a whole is encouraged to piece together the hints on new content etc etc.
Generally though I don't expect anything from the Dev team, as I've mentioned before, coming from Guild Wars who had Gail then Alex sent to fan forums to provide tdbits and a bit of interaction, the ready amount of interaction here is quite enjoyable, and while when the old forums was in place I would be singing "Devs to post on our side of the atlantic too!" thats not really a concern, and I definately thing the forum thing was a step in the right direction for making us feel like one community.
The trouble is, not every EU player would read the NA boards, so maybe we didn't know when we were missing out, by doing this, there may have been the player imagined obligation to do these events for us too!
City of Heroes is a vibrant, lively and global community. The challenges we face in engaging players from across the globe, as a Community, are pretty straightforward.
I'd like to start things off by asking our players from Europe a few questions. Your answers in this matter are much appreciated and will help us to more effectively make decisions to benefit us all.
- What time of day do you find yourself positing/reading the forums the most?
- What's more important to you? Having someone able to engage you and watch the forums during what would be considered "peak" posting hours or having someone who may be several hours behind, but has greater access to the development team?
Thanks in advance for your answers and I look forward to reading your feedback!And yes, I know the title is cheesy as all heck
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios