Considered opinion now I've played the trials a few times.
I'm glad you're having some fun.
It HAS to be something very long winded and 'grindy' otherwise people would be finished it all by the end of the month and then possibly be bored and leave.
I gotta say I'm very much in your position. I agree, the trials are fun. Visually great, not a huge time commitment, and have a high-stakes, large-scale feel to them. But, like you, I am not sure if I am going to want grind them to death to get the components I need.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

I gotta say I'm very much in your position. I agree, the trials are fun. Visually great, not a huge time commitment, and have a high-stakes, large-scale feel to them. But, like you, I am not sure if I am going to want grind them to death to get the components I need.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
People are still going to be finished by the end of the month. Ran one today with a guy who already had a Tier 3 Destiny power. Granted, I don't know if he took the time to get any other powers (my guess would be no), but nevertheless, there will be those out there who have all of their T4s in about 2 weeks.
I gotta say I'm very much in your position. I agree, the trials are fun. Visually great, not a huge time commitment, and have a high-stakes, large-scale feel to them. But, like you, I am not sure if I am going to want grind them to death to get the components I need. |
Glad to hear it; yes the trials are a bit grindy and yes they're extremely hard on PUGs (mostly because people never listen) but I've had fun even on the ones I've failed so far.
My Ice tank is feeling ever so squishy though
Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes
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While I still hate Lambdas boss-clogged guts, BAF is quite fun now. While we sometimes struggle with one stage or other (prisoners if people let the LTs run, Finale if Siege's 9CUs get outta hand) it's also one that I've seen completed a good few times, the only losses being due to mis-timing a kill, and because the Prisoners spawn points bugged out and they came out the back of buildings.
So, BAF>Lambdurr
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
People are still going to be finished by the end of the month. Ran one today with a guy who already had a Tier 3 Destiny power. Granted, I don't know if he took the time to get any other powers (my guess would be no), but nevertheless, there will be those out there who have all of their T4s in about 2 weeks.
Fortunately, two runs let me buy my way through the rest of Judgement, so I'm 1/4 done on one character. (Yes, I broke down the higher merits. Not sure I'm going after the really high tier stuff.)
I will say these really let a good leader (and organizer) shine.
Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.
A tier 3 Destiny wasn't hard to get after you unlock it if you get some luck with the reward tables.
Astral Merits convert to shards, Emp merits also. A couple days and a T3 isn't hard to achieve.
ClintarCOH - Twitter

Some of you may be aware of the thread I posted recently raging about how my Invuln scrapper has been having, erm, 'difficulty' with the Incarnate trials. So I shelved her for a bit and will look at respeccing her at some point (even though I still feel I shouldn't have to. She's still running Fitness pool anyway so it'll be a few free power picks which will probably end up being weave, Tough and Combat jumping, but I digress) so I played a few other characters and i have to say, now that i've done quite a few BAF's and Lamdas. I've had FUN.
Sure my Dark Melee/Energy Aura Brute is far far better suited to either trial than my Invuln thanks to some softcapping but it's been quite good fun. We've failed a few, completed a few at a relative breeze, one we just completed with 5 seconds to spare when it really, really looked like we'd fail which felt good. Yes they're difficult and can, at times, be soul destroyingly 'unfair' towards certain characters who may be weak to the damage types used a lot, but I'm willing to maybe change my mind about the Trials. I've used my Earth/Kin Troller (which everyone should try. Hella good!) has proved to be most useful on the BAF trial, not so much on Lamda and she is also pretty squishy, but she's a Squishy, so it's kinda to be expected.
I still don't like the grind that's going to be required, but I can see that the system is designed to give you something to aim for in 6 or 9 months time. It HAS to be something very long winded and 'grindy' otherwise people would be finished it all by the end of the month and then possibly be bored and leave. It would be good to be able to get threads in a decent quantity faster, sure, but at the moment I'm willing to accept the Dev's vision.
I daresay if I try my Invuln again I may be filled with Nerdrage again, but hey, that's my perogative.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief