I've Had A Rejuvinating Moment!
warm fuzzies
I love doing things like this, most of the time its just helping them get wings though
I use to do this on my Main ALL the time. I use to run sewers with people on my Defender. It was always fun teaching people the ropes and seeing all the eh.. "Interesting" costumes on their first character.
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:

I had an experience like that today. I was in Perez Park with my level 50, trying to get some of the kill X of Y badges, and someone came up and asked me what I was doing. They were part of a team that came to kill the Kraken. They invited me to the team, and then everyone went around helping each other get all the badges.
I had a long vacation from CoX and despite the fact, that i sat on a 18 month Vet Badge, my highest Char was and is a EMP Defender (then) level 24 - now level 32. The first time i logged back in after nearly a year or more, i went to ICON to play with my costume and the new Costume pieces (and set myself to "looking for mission team"). As soon as i entered ICON i got a tell:
"Hey, wanna do AE?"
I responded: "Whats an AE?" cause i didn't know. The whole AE Issue went straight over my head.
The Answer: "Mad XP!"
*shrug* I chatted with him and he seemed nice (and he _was_ nice - the whole group was), so i accepted and went to a building in Talos and there we went into a Computer thingie and indeed, it was "Mad XP!", but also boring. My first and last time in this AE - thingie.
I got bored within two days of joining ae teams as well. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the ability to make stories and custom opponents, but I wish the teams were interested in exploring the missions, rather than farming. I suppose I should put my own team together, but I haven't cared enough yet, since I've got lots of other content to explore first.
*shrug* I chatted with him and he seemed nice (and he _was_ nice - the whole group was), so i accepted and went to a building in Talos and there we went into a Computer thingie and indeed, it was "Mad XP!", but also boring. My first and last time in this AE - thingie.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
The biggest problem with AE as a storytelling tool is that the contact text is not pushed out to the rest of the team. The team members can open the posted mission text and read it if the team slows down to permit it, but generally that doesn't happen, and as far as I know they can't see all the contact chat before and after accepting a mission. And they usually don't pause to let everyone read it anyway.
Since AE stories can be entirely unlike the rest of the game canon, this has the effect of not knowing what on earth you're seeing while these arbitrary-looking enemies pound on you.
Frankly all mission and contact text should be shared to the team without the option to avoid it (just close it if you don't want to read it). If the game is about stories, tell the stories.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Just because some folks lack imagination doesn't mean everybody that uses AE does. AE is a fantastic boon for people who enjoy creating and playing story content. It's an RPers delight, great for SGs to develop themed content for themselves, and there are some very talented writers out there.
Finding what you want can be a little tricky sometimes, because of all the chaff mixed in with the wheat. But to ignore AE simple because of the farms is a bit of overkill.
AE is on of the best innovations in this game, from the perspective of a story player, not a farmer or PLer.
*shrug* I chatted with him and he seemed nice (and he _was_ nice - the whole group was), so i accepted and went to a building in Talos and there we went into a Computer thingie and indeed, it was "Mad XP!", but also boring. My first and last time in this AE - thingie.
You could forego the AE and have pretty much the same boring experience farming some other mission in some other zone. The AE isn't the blame for a player's choice to repeat the same mission(s) over and over again. People did that before the AE ever came along. The AE gave people additional power to do it, but how you choose to use that power is up to you.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
The biggest problem with AE as a storytelling tool is that the contact text is not pushed out to the rest of the team. The team members can open the posted mission text and read it if the team slows down to permit it, but generally that doesn't happen, and as far as I know they can't see all the contact chat before and after accepting a mission. And they usually don't pause to let everyone read it anyway.
Since AE stories can be entirely unlike the rest of the game canon, this has the effect of not knowing what on earth you're seeing while these arbitrary-looking enemies pound on you. Frankly all mission and contact text should be shared to the team without the option to avoid it (just close it if you don't want to read it). If the game is about stories, tell the stories. |
If it works, couldn't everyone queue up the same arc, autocomplete each mission with the mission holder, and get the next mission and debriefing text from the Contact?
Obviously, if it doesn't work, then the rest of the team misses out on the Debriefing and, IIRC, the Clues, and a nice team leader will need to copy / paste the text for the rest of the team.
New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Here's a question I never though to ask. Does the autocomplete function work with AE, or does the Task Force code prevent it?
Just for giggles I tried on test just now. You just don't get the option to drop when talking to the contact

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
That's a really great story, Sig! I love moments like that in this game.
((Man... I've been here for over 5 years now, and I still can't Tank or Blast. >_>; ))
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
The AE isn't the blame for a player's choice to repeat the same mission(s) over and over again. People did that before the AE ever came along. The AE gave people additional power to do it, but how you choose to use that power is up to you.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
The biggest problem with AE as a storytelling tool is that the contact text is not pushed out to the rest of the team. The team members can open the posted mission text and read it if the team slows down to permit it, but generally that doesn't happen, and as far as I know they can't see all the contact chat before and after accepting a mission. And they usually don't pause to let everyone read it anyway.
At least the clues are given to all the team members in AE. I think that the only text *only* the leader can see is the mission exit dialogue -- at least, I remember trying to put the minumim text in there when I did my arc, and making sure there wasn't anything important to the story shown there.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Maybe you could put a good portion of the text into one of those pop ups that come up when you enter a mission.
Today I had one of those moments that just makes me glad that I play CoH, rather than any other MMO; something that really made me want to play the game, and not feel at all like a grind.
I was on my Controller, playing the 'Healer' role on an AE team. To no surprise, it was just a giant boss farm with the enemy group named 'XP FRENZIE'.
We're short a tank, so I go ask around on the search, and I find one. It takes the leader a little while to respond to the requests, but we get him on. He's a bit chattery, but I don't mind; it's a welcome change to the silence.
And as he's trying to find us, I inform him that it's an AE team, to which he replies something that made me smile...
"What's an AE?"
I sent him a tell, asking if he'd like to duo with me, and get some of his missions done, and we politely excuse ourselves from the team. I get on a team with him, exemplar myself to his level, and we go for his missions.
I spent about 2 hours helping this guy discover his role as a tank. One good thing about me; I've got one of every AT at level 20... So I've got on my squishy Controller, and I make him really work at it; protecting me, maintaining and managing aggro, and even how to NOT abuse PBAoEs.
I take out my Defender, but now I've got some offense, and I can still do a bit of buffing him to make things better, and he's really getting the hang of it.
Next, I bring my blaster, and things are a bit rocky... Because I'm not meant to play a blaster. You don't give someone with a permanent Scrapperlock the ability to do massive Targeted AoE, and then take his defense. I die enough to lose all my Patrol xp, but after a bit of communication, we get things coordinated, and get things right.
In the end, I added a new Global Friend, and I reminded myself how to play my own characters, and how to have fun (and after nearly a week playing CO... I needed a reminder.)