57 -
Quote:Hmmm, okay ... am I understanding correctly that the MM team then attacks the yellow mitos, at that point? I've never done a Hami redside on anything but Geni, my MM, so I am VERY ignorant of how other ATs/teams work.Every team lead will do exactly the same thing you normally do. The only difference is while forming up you will get a tally for how many of each warburg nukes your team has total. After the first wave is done I will be giving detail instructions on the nuke part of the raid.
Yellow taunt team is really the only team that has an extremely different role at that point. The MM team will become the spike team at that point. Brutes will be taunting hami once we start the nuke portion of the raid. The yellow taunt team will also be having to grab the aggro of the yellows as the are respawning which is going to be a little tougher for brutes than it was for the tanks on blue side.
In any case, I'll be there and I will do my best to follow your instructions.
Geni -
Unfortunately, I am unable to attend any of the separate events, due to previous commitments. However, I will be there to lead the MM team on Saturday. Y'all are going to have to give me EXPLICIT instructions of what I need to have the team do differently. Otherwise, I'll probably have a panic attack and mess it all up!
Geni -
Quote:My global is @Demaetrea. The specific toon's name is Sonido Radianza. I'll figure to be in Striga around nineish.What's your global or character name so I can make sure you're around?
Moonfire and Hess are both in Striga; I'll be in there sometime after 9PM trying to get everyone situated.
Geni -
Quote:I can do this. I have a rad/sonic who's sitting at about 38-39, possibly a little higher by then. I should be able to do all three.Combo Deal : Moonfire | Hess | Katie - Saturday | 1/16 | 930 PM EST
This will open up the levels for others if interested. You do NOT have to do all 3, but it would mighty kind if you did. Will probably be about 45 min per each one, and will start ASAP once Moonfire is filled and ASAP for each other when the full team is there. If interested, please specify for each one. I'll make a list later if necessary.
Edit: For Shamster clarity, yes, these are all Defender ONLY. And no Hamsters
Where do we meet at 9:30?
Geni -
Happy belated birthday, Celestial Lord! My apologies for the tardiness ... my internet was notable only by its absence yesterday, so I didn't see the thread until now.
Geni -
Quote:I do, Kat (lead the MM team, I mean). I think that I can promise to be on board for this.Who else? I need atleast 15-20 people with shivans, nukes and heavies to pull this off, bare minimum.
Most importantly I need an MM team leader? Who normally leads the MM team for regular villain raids?
My apologies, work's been crazy and I haven't been on the forums much this week.
And, thanks for the kind words, Meowtch!
Geni (Geninara) -
Okay, Squiddy; I"ll be there. Wish your mother a Happy Birthday for me!
Geni -
Quote:Please don't misunderstand, I was not implying that it's okay to judge people by their post count and reg date. I was simply saying that's one of the reasons that the OP was receiving what she considers "flames," and sadly, it proved to be true.
If anything, the line you were quoting was a jestful poke at Panzer.
Chad, you have my apologies. I completely misunderstood the point that you were making.
You did indeed prove your point #2.
I think you're also correct in your entire premise.
Geni -
I'm sorry, Chad ... but I have to disagree that your point #2 is made. Please take a look at my registration date and my post count.
The reason that my post count is so low is that I don't post unless I have something I want to say AND that hasn't been said before (frequently, multiple times) by others.
Geni -
Quote:I would have to agree with the above. However, I will note that, in my opinion, it is a late bloomer. It was my impression that at the beginning it was a little squishier than I expected. Bear in mind that this was my impression/perception and I have no numbers or particular expertise to back up that feeling.MA equals awesome whoever told you other wise is either full of it or ignorant.
Early RELATIVE squishyness aside ... I find it a very enjoyable set.
Geni -
For a brute, WP will be easier and more forgiving than Elec. I have both and while I LOVE my Elec/Elec brute, if you're new to the Archetype, WP is probably easier to get a handle on than Elec. I'd say go for the WP first and then do an Elec.
Regeneration is also a forgiving and easy to learn to use secondary. It has several heals, of various flavors that can be very useful, particularly as you learn.
Geni -
I don't think that you should blame yourself, Net. This stuff happens.
There's good news and bad news. The good news is that we are attracting new people every time we raid. The bad news is that we're attracting new people every time we raid. We'll work it ... as long as we keep working at it and practicing.
I do agree that we should be encouraging questions, however.
Geni -
As I understand it, there are no more base salvage drops. If there's any appearing on the market (and I suspect that there is), it comes from players that still have some stored.
The convert option is probably being kept in the game for the indefinite future for those of us who still have base salvage in our inventories. I, personally, still have base storage on all my toons that predated the change in salvage. Since it doesn't take up any "space", and we didn't need it for the base, I've never done anything with it. I doubt I'm the only one. One of these days, I'll have to make a killing on the market!
Geni -
I'll be there for the raid ... I am not sure that I can make either EoE farming time, though.
If I can, I'll be there.
Geni -
Hi, everyone!
Quick question regarding "Global Friends" list.
If one player removes another from their global friends list, does that remove the first player's name (i.e. the player removing the name from their list) from the second player's list as well as the second player from their own.
I was asked this question in game ... my response was to say that I thought that that would be the case, since it required an agreement from the second player in order for the addition in the first place. However, I don't know for sure so I thought I'd ask here.
Thanks, in advance, for any information.
Geni -
Quote:I'm picking up my copy of Dragon Age Origins tomorrow morning. Also, a copy for my hubby ... as his Christmas and birthday gift (complete with the strat guide so he gets a present for each day ... in this case, Dec. 24th and 25th ... no question, he gets the short end of the stick in the presents department).Dragon Age Origins is out in a week, Mass Effect 2 out in two months.
Now ... it's not a surprise ... if I bought it and kept it secret ... he'd probably go out and buy it for himself, so, he knows it's coming. It's up to him if he breaks it out now or on the "right" days.
I'm looking forward to it, although, between CoX's Halloween Event and my burgeoning work schedule, I'm not sure how much time I"ll be able to give it right away!
Geni -
Quote:My apologies ... but, I can't resist!El Perfecto Paino has hit the nail on the head
Let all these small changes be included in the next batch of QOL issues we get. For now though, we want more new content! No more QOL issues for at least the next three issues PLEASE!
"La Perfecta Dolor" ... or a case could be made for "La Perfecta Dolorosa"!
Geni -
Quote:As to the pre-order ... I checked my preferred Gamestop this past Friday ... there isn't even a sniff of being able to pre-order Going Rogue. Which makes me wonder if even the closed Beta will be coming all that soon.Semi-unrelated, but is it confirmed you'll definitely get into GR Closed Beta if you're a 5-year vet/been part of the Loyalty program/preordered GR, or do you merely get the CHANCE of getting into the Closed Beta?
I tend to overlook fine-print, so I don't wanna get my hopes up just because I was part of the Loyalty program.
Geni -
Quote:If you look at the timetable, we DID finish under two hours in terms of the actual raid. What took the extra time in this case was getting the teams together. In other words to get the people organized ... after that, Hami was a piece of cake (or pie, if you preferIndeed. I was most worried actually about getting enough people there, but that was probably due to Witty's Shartober. I think I'll hold off on the bi-weekly schedule until we can finish by 11 pm EST (or under two hours from announced start time till hami death)
). Maybe we can come up with some ideas for cutting down on the pre-raid organizational time?
Geni -
I'll be there this Saturday, barring force majeure and all that. Also ... I should be able to do the EoE farming on this Thursday and Saturday. Friday's wasn't possible for me because ... it's also one of my DnD nights!
Thursdays is sometimes also a DnD night, so I'll have to do those on a case by case basis.
As far as doing it every two weeks ... I'm more than willing to turn out. I may, from time to time, not be able to attend but, in all likelihood, I'll know if I can't and I can let you know.
See everyone Saturday!
Geni -
Quote:Okay, I remebered another N00b moment I had, since ones that were only discussed in RL apparently count.
It was a similar thing with the Fateweaver on Mercy Island. With a dominator. A low level dominator.
I thought something like, "all those people have cool titles before their names, and I want one. This must be how they get them." The fact that there were only 5 options in the Fateweaver list and that I had seen way more than 5 different titles in front of people's names didn't register at the time.
My brother (who had been playing both CoH and CoV for a while previously) must have been endlessly entertained by me, since I was trying to solo a single-digit lvl dom on the third or fourth difficulty setting, and then complaining that the missions were too hard.
I did this with my first corruptor, too. It took me about a month of off-and-on playing (and several hints from my increasingly amused brother) to finally get it.
The worst part of all this is, he's my younger brother. Ouch.
Hehe ... for me it was my son! While learning this game the house rang to repeated comments of "MOM!", "No, Mom!", Do X, Y or Z, Mom!.", DON'T do X, Y or Z, Mom!", etc. In tones ranging from exasperation to patient resignation!
Geni -
Quote:I haven't noticed any difference. I still seem to get about a dozen per week, across several toons. I have not bothered with any of the new settings.
I've made no changes in my e-mail settings and I've still noticed an appreciable drop in the number of spam e-mails I've been getting. It may be too early to really make a judgement, though, as Memphis Bill points out.