Official Forum Feedback Thread




Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
A couple of things. Do we really need to click a "Quick Reply" button to quick reply?

Additionally, the Quick Reply box isn't automatically spell checked by Firefox, gotta turn it on manually. Any way to fix this?

Edit: Oh and the "go to the first new post" button only seems to work if it wants to
The Quick Reply box is just a feature of vBulletin. Since we're used to having to type (QR) thanks to UbbThreads' limited functionality, the Quick Reply box is kinda redundant. Since the quote system on this board inserts the name of the user you're quoting into the quote, the "New Reply" button pretty much serves the same purpose as the Quick Reply box.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I really miss the way the old forums made hyperlinks bold and light green by default. I also much preferred the dark blue background of the old hero boards, is there any way we can get those back?

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Sin_Stalker View Post
I don't like this.

Now we have the forum style of Champions Online....

I prefered the old forums. They were the first forum setup I greatly enjoyed and found easy to move through.

Oh well, guess we are trying to go with a style like other games (including other comic book superhero games).

Sin, they were looking at vBulleting long before Cryptic had bought the IP for CO. As a matter of fact, it may have been before NCSoft bought out Cryptic's part of the City of Franchise.

The vBulletin forums have a lot of improvements over UBB, especially on the moderation side, but it may take them a bit to get all of the minor kinks worked out here. I do agree that they can use some work, but using the features of these forums will become second nature when you start using them a bit.

Unless all you do is type and gripe (not you specifically, that's a general you).

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by GoliathBirdEater View Post
The Quick Reply box is just a feature of vBulletin. Since we're used to having to type (QR) thanks to UbbThreads' limited functionality, the Quick Reply box is kinda redundant. Since the quote system on this board inserts the name of the user you're quoting into the quote, the "New Reply" button pretty much serves the same purpose as the Quick Reply box.
You're... missing the point.

What I mean is, on the old forums, the Quick Reply box was "always on" and you could just type want you wanted, hit send and that was it... now you have to click a "quick reply" button to reply to a specific user, rather than to the thread in general...

The net result is identical, except we now have to click a button, when before we didn't. I'm just saying it feels a bit redundant.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
I really miss the way the old forums made hyperlinks bold and light green by default. I also much preferred the dark blue background of the old hero boards, is there any way we can get those back?
all we can do is hope they'll make it as a forum theme, I guess.

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Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
You're... missing the point.

What I mean is, on the old forums, the Quick Reply box was "always on" and you could just type want you wanted, hit send and that was it... now you have to click a "quick reply" button to reply to a specific user, rather than to the thread in general...

The net result is identical, except we now have to click a button, when before we didn't. I'm just saying it feels a bit redundant.
The result isn't identical to anyone using Threaded or Hybrid view.

Oh, right... I was going to post another request, too:
I'd like a link to Social Groups in the Quick Links list



Originally Posted by Gulver View Post
The only real issue I have is that the Dev/Community Digest isn't working.
Pretty much all I have to complain about too. Or all of any real merit. Everything else is just a minor nit-pick.

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Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
You're... missing the point.

What I mean is, on the old forums, the Quick Reply box was "always on" and you could just type want you wanted, hit send and that was it... now you have to click a "quick reply" button to reply to a specific user, rather than to the thread in general...

The net result is identical, except we now have to click a button, when before we didn't. I'm just saying it feels a bit redundant.
I actually addressed someone else who brought this point up, so neener!

Yeah, Quick Reply can be set to not require the click. The only possible downside is that it might make the Threaded and Hybrid board modes a little screwy. But this day and age, why bother with those two modes anyways?

With any luck, it'll be among the many little tweaks, fixes, and additions that still need to be made to the board.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I am confused and frightened by change!

But more seriously, I liked the old arrangement of subforums, and didn't see any real need to change those.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



I'm not sure exactly where to start.

1. Using the game login password as a forum login password is not safe. Please do something to allow those of us that care about the security of our game accounts to change our forum passwords to something other than our game account password.

This is a big problem. A big, big, BIG problem. Previously, forum passwords and game passwords were distinct, and could be changed if desired. Please bring that option back. I don't want to have to completely avoid the forums in order to maintain the security of my game account.

2. Avatar auto-scaling. As shiny and new as these forums are, they can't accept the avatar at its actual size up to 100x100 without jacking it up to 100x100? Seriously?

3. Nit-pick: The monochromatic scheme is dull, and makes it difficult to pick out one post from the next. In addition, the vast amount of wasted space seriously limits the number of posts I can read at one time. Hoping to find a way around that.

3a. These look JUST like the Aion forums, with a different color scheme, and those stink in terms of ease of reading/posting also.

(Edit) 4. Please, for the love of god, kill the images in signatures before reading each page turns into a swamp of graphics surrounding two lines of meaningful text.



Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
I am confused and frightened by change!

But more seriously, I liked the old arrangement of subforums, and didn't see any real need to change those.
Click on the "English" at the top and you'll get the traditional Sub forum view.



Originally Posted by Vixen_Valor View Post
Using the game login password as a forum login password is not safe. Please do something to allow those of us that care about the security of our game accounts to change our forum passwords to something other than our game account password.

This is a big problem. A big, big, BIG problem. Previously, forum passwords and game passwords were distinct, and could be changed if desired. Please bring that option back. I don't want to have to completely avoid the forums in order to maintain the security of my game account.
Especially since they apparently don't allow secure connections.



Another request to remove the images from signatures - they're just too distracting when what I want to do is read the contents of the thread. An alternative would be to let us turn off images in signatures separately from those in posts.

At the moment, I'm just shutting off signatures entirely, which is a shame, as there was sometimes useful information in them - mission arcs and the like. But as-is, the inclusion of images makes them more trouble than they're worth.

I'd also like the "show all" option back. It was something I used often.

On another note, I'd really like to be able limit the boards to English in my options - things like Quick Links "today's posts" are a lot less useful when they're filled with messages I can't read, and am therefore uninterested in...

Synchrotron, level 50 Radiation/Radiation Defender
Fighting crime on Champion since 2004



Not liking the overall feel of the boards. Looks cheap. I would kill for a theme that replicates the old boards.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Took me a while to figure out what the icon was I had to click on to enable quick reply. Don't really care for the second click, probably will get used to it.

Animated avatars means no avatars, for me. Too frequently abused. I don't want to watch tv; I want to read text. Images also turned off. I sort of like the point someone made about enjoying seeing people's Photoshop skills, but I'm not a graphics guy. I am a musician...anyone want to hear some roaring guitar when they load my post? Didn't think so.

So, those are cantankerous objections from someone who naturally tends to prefer text-only boards anyway. Disregard them.

But, seriously, don't make me use my game login for an insecure http connection. I've stuck around through all kinds of changes here, most great, a couple I didn't like, through most of the game's run...but if I wind up having to start over because someone hacked my account, I'd be done. Don't risk that! It's a security hole. Sorry to be so abrupt about this, but I think this is a really, really bad idea. Enable https and make it the default or don't force the game account password to be used.

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Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
Not liking the overall feel of the boards. Looks cheap. I would kill for a theme that replicates the old boards.
You think these boards look cheap, but like the look of the old boards? O.o



Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post
Animated avatars means no avatars, for me. Too frequently abused. I don't want to watch tv; I want to read text. Images also turned off. I sort of like the point someone made about enjoying seeing people's Photoshop skills, but I'm not a graphics guy. I am a musician...anyone want to hear some roaring guitar when they load my post? Didn't think so.
People were able to have animated avatars on the old boards. That's nothing new.



Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
You think these boards look cheap, but like the look of the old boards? O.o
The old boards felt solid, these feel ephemeral. Like a cardboard cutout replacing a carved stone wall.

I think it's due to all the gradients.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



I LOL'd.


If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas_Justice View Post
I'll answer what I can, but someone may be able to clarify what I say.

1. Use the New Reply button instead in the lower right corner. It will open to the default editor you have selected in your UserCP. I have mine set for the WYSIWYG editor.

The Quick Reply box here really isn't a Quick Reply box. It's just named that. It's more of a Same Page Reply box since you have to click a Quick Reply icon in a message first. A true Quick Reply box wouldn't need you to click anywhere else first.

2. Will come back to later.

4. Does make it a bit difficult to tell what's a link and what's just underlined text. Needs to be HIGHLY differentiated that it is a link.

7. Griped in Beta, as did others, apparently fell on deaf ears.

8. Only if you use the Quick Reply box and don't click Go Advanced. If you use the New Message or use the Quick Reply with the Go Advanced feature, you get a Preview Post button.

10. If I am looking at a list of threads and see a thread with new posts, I click the white downward pointing triangle. It takes me to the first unread post. No 2 clicks. Just one click.

11. Not sure I follow that one.
I figured out a lot of this after a couple of hours of poking around so yes I now know about jumping to the first new post now and finding out that the full editor has a preview.

As for the blocking of images from devs and the like, right now that's a small price to pay to blot out sig images. Just waiting for the first 1920x1200 screenshot to be embedded in a post in the Tech section just to show the poster's netgraph.

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Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
People were able to have animated avatars on the old boards. That's nothing new.
Really? Weird. I never noticed them before. I guess I don't read the forums from home much, just at work, where I have animations blocked. Huh.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Yea, I hate it. I will admit that it may just be because it is new. I was rather fond of the old boards.

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Originally Posted by FatherXmas View Post
I figured out a lot of this after a couple of hours of poking around so yes I now know about jumping to the first new post now and finding out that the full editor has a preview.

As for the blocking of images from devs and the like, right now that's a small price to pay to blot out sig images. Just waiting for the first 1920x1200 screenshot to be posted in the Tech section to show the poster's netgraph.
And this can be prevented by the admins either installing a [spoiler] code so that you don't have to load the pic unless you want to see it, or by forcing all images beyond certain dimensions to automatically scale down into a thumbnail version which expands to full size when clicked upon. Easy peasy.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
The downside of that is that it also removes all images in the posts themselves.
Yep. Which is annoying since you're forced to either never see pictures, or see the invitable foot long sigs.

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