Official Forum Feedback Thread




A bit of positive feedback for a bit. Well, I may throw one negative into it, but it may just be that I haven't figured out the most efficient way to do what I'm looking for, but we'll save that for last.

The Report Post button opens a Text box that will allow you to input text to specify the reason you are reporting a post. Much better than the old Notify Moderator button IMO.

Also, that same Report Post button? Multiple users can click it and give their explanation about why they are reporting the post. Sometimes it may not be the same reason as previous users of that button. Much better than the old Notify Moderator button IMO.

The Ignore User feature works quite nicely. The one negative I'm going to put here is that it is a bit of a chore to get to where you can put someone on ignore. You either need to get to their forum profile then go through the user lists to add them to the ignore list. Or go through your UserCP and Edit Ignore List then manually type in the forum name. I inevitably spell people's forum name wrong unless I'm looking at it, since I can never remember if they have any extra lettering or _ or similar. A button to click from within their post or the section containing their forum name, avatar, etc would be much appreciated. Maybe if Castle or BAB has to fight through the Ignore process enough they can help get something changed here.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



(Posting this again in there)

I'd like to be able to login on the forums with Firefox my preffered browser, not IE8 which tbh I do not trust using. I enter my login details only for it to reset after the page is refreshed

Aside from that they seem fine and they are much faster than before so thats great news.



Originally Posted by MajikMan View Post
(Posting this again in there)

I'd like to be able to login on the forums with Firefox my preffered browser, not IE8 which tbh I do not trust using. I enter my login details only for it to reset after the page is refreshed

Aside from that they seem fine and they are much faster than before so thats great news.
Odd, I'm on Firefox...



Originally Posted by MajikMan View Post
(Posting this again in there)

I'd like to be able to login on the forums with Firefox my preffered browser, not IE8 which tbh I do not trust using. I enter my login details only for it to reset after the page is refreshed

Aside from that they seem fine and they are much faster than before so thats great news.
Several are using Firefox with 0 problems. I've even been installing various versions on both my XP rig and my Vista rig tonight to try to duplicate issues, but haven't encountered any.

I'm normally an IE user, but I generally have some version of Firefox installed on my computers for testing purposes with various sites.

This post was entered using Firefox 3.5.1 on Vista x64 with SP2. No addons loaded in Firefox. That's about the only thing I haven't looked at tonight in my testing is different addons.

I'm hoping the problems clear up for you or that someone can figure out the common link between those having trouble and get it resolved.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Make sure you're using and not cityofvillains. You can set the theme to villains after you log in, it should stay that way from then on. The portal seems to have issues.



Originally Posted by MajikMan View Post
(Posting this again in there)

I'd like to be able to login on the forums with Firefox my preffered browser, not IE8 which tbh I do not trust using. I enter my login details only for it to reset after the page is refreshed
Are you by any chance blocking cookies?
(tools/options/privacy/Firefox will: Use custom settings for history/accept cookies from sites) (in FF 3.5)



It clears all my cookies anyway, I'm using Firefox 3 (current), and have had no problems. The other Vbulletin boards I'm on also remove my stupid cookies and I don't like it. I would far rather it actually "remember me" when I click "remember me".

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



The functionality of the new software is much improved, BUT...

The colors you've selected are realy quite droll. Is there any way you'd consider using the brighter blue from the previous forums?



The new forums are a tad chunky and take some getting used to, and I've decided to not worry about losing the name I've had since the Way Old Boards with Aura. In fact, I'm going to be TS Garp with them and the NA changes based on my mood: I am Nearly Alright.

However put me on the list of folks who think having the ONLY forum login also be your game login is very insecure. Especially when the forums are NOT secure, they are http:.

This is a wonderful way for all of us to wind up with hacked accounts. Don't think it can happen?

Some players of SL who were using the same passwords on other sites wound up with their other stuff hacked.. like banks and eBay accounts.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



Originally Posted by Umber_NA View Post
The options for disabling images are under User CP, you can individually turn off avatars, sigs, and some third option (in-post pics?)
Ah, but I still want to see people's sigs. I just don't want to see graphics in them as it's a pain in the rear.

Plus, I'd point out, on the old forums, when question about graphics in sigs, the mod reply was always "NEVER!"


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I haven't had time to explore too many features here, but one thing I really like: hovering over a subject title in a forum to get the first few lines of the first post. This is great for those threads titled something non-descriptive, "Hey I Just Had An Idea" or similar.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



My feedback, all categorized-like.

What I like:
- the 100x100 size for avatars. Much cleaner without being obnoxiously big.
- 'Report Post' function allows you to attach an explanation. Nice.
- posting images is a plus, especially for media and tech forums. If people abuse this, smack 'em.
- general speed seems decent so far.

Onward to various suggestions and criticisms!

- the index should be duplicated at the bottom of the forum. vBulletin annoyingly doesn't do this by default but it can be changed.
- the main page should be set to show details of the subforums. I'm not sure why it wasn't set up this way. Bookmarking 'English' is a bit of a kludge but a workaround for now.
- hyperlinks (URLs) should be bolded and/or a different color so they stand out from regular text better. I would also suggest not having them underlined by default.
- there are several sharp-looking spoiler tags available for vBulletin. I'd recommend implementing one.
- if the 'Quick Reply' box is going to be available, I'd suggest turning off the requirement to click a button first to use it.
- the inverted triangle image you click to go to the first new post is a bit too small and plain. Make it more visible.
- the timer that automatically marks messages read is way too short, meaning that a lot of unread messages get marked as read. This feature can be turned off. I'd suggest either doing so or at least extending the timer to a typical browsing session.

- decent filesize restrictions should be in place for all avatar, linked and sig images. There are some floating around that are nearly a full megabyte in size and that seems unnecessary.
- sig images should be restricted to a smaller display size that currently, IMO. Or implement an option to only disable sig images.
- emoticons should be cleaned up but I understand this is already being looked at.

- I'd avoid using gradients as backgrounds for the posts. It's a bit hard on the eyes. Solid colors are best.
- the default font of Arial is not optimized for viewing onscreen (it works better on paper). I'd recommend using Verdana instead.
- 'View Post' in quoted text should probably be an image and not text.

Other stuff:
- reputation is probably a bad idea. I'd axe it.
- having to use the game login for the forum is a security risk. I'd strongly suggest allowing players to use unique logins for the forum.
- the forum is not consistently remembering logins when you click 'Remember me'
- this thread should be stickied!

I admin a vBulletin board and will come back to fix up my post with better terminology for some of the points I've made.



Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
Yes, that WOULD be nice.... IF people used it. I'm afraid instead we'll have the "Nanny Squad" that will come by to say that all images should be BANNED PRONTO because THEY don't want to use the image blocker.... or they don't want their under 18 kid to read the forums and see nastiness because THEY didn't use the image blocker.

I know this because it has happened over and over and OVER in the past. People would rather have SOMEONE ELSE do the work for them rather than let them resolve the problem for themselves.

I swear, I'm surrounded by...... ummm... very nice people.
As said, that lets you turn of sigs totally, or images totally. Not images in sigs. If you turn of images totally, you lose emoticons too.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



[Objective Criticism]

The forums are no longer viable on a mobile device. Too large, too slow, and too bandwidth intensive.

Shame really, I used to browse them on my phone fairly often...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
As said, that lets you turn of sigs totally, or images totally. Not images in sigs. If you turn of images totally, you lose emoticons too.
I'd much rather get more control, such as being able to turn off images in Signatures only.

I have mine set to not show images, and I still see emoticons.

The only thing I lose that I miss is being able to see images directly in posts, much like Positron's recent post showing us Power Customization for I16. But, it shows up as a clickable link and if it's something I want to see it's easy to click on it and let it open in a new window (it's default behavior).

Yes, I'd still rather have more control, but I don't understand why people keep saying that turning off images (the last option) stops you from being able to see emoticons.

That's just not true.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Frost_NA View Post
It's all fine and dandy with little slivers of images. But it only takes a couple people to put a big-**** image in there to ruin it.

Forum signature images can die a slow death.

And no, turning off all images is not an option

The main problem I have is I'm okay with seeing the images, but I DON'T want to be stuck either seeing all animated GIFs or none (using ESC in IE for example). We really should have the option of being able set an on/off preference for animated GIFs for each of the image locations. However if that is not possible, then IMO signature images should NOT play animated GIFs.

If not, we'll start seeing things like this... and then the screaming will really start.

.Driver Sweeper * CohHelper * HijackThis * TweakCoH * CPU-ID
* Defraggler * Program Security Scan * PC Performance Scan *



Clicked your link.

While a bit annoying (ok, a LOT annoying) I can easily see several posters using MUCH worse animated images. Heck, just look at some of the really ... hmmm ... annoying (is that safe enough?) ... animated avatars. Then expand that to a much wider screen.


If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas_Justice View Post
As a side thought, it might be an attempt to avoid some of the accidental double-posts, although there may be mods or something that can handle that instead. Unless, that mod is what's causing this. Something to think about at least.
Most of THOSE were being caused by the constant problems plaguing the UBB software. I was probably the worst affected in the EU by that...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Most of THOSE [double posts] were being caused by the constant problems plaguing the UBB software. I was probably the worst affected in the EU by that...
You say that, FFM, but you forget that the rest of us had to read your posts twice (or thrice on occasion).

On balance I'd say the rest of us were affected far more, and in much deeper ways.

Do you still have difficulties browsing on your phone with all images disabled?

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
You say that, FFM, but you forget that the rest of us had to read your posts twice (or thrice on occasion).

On balance I'd say the rest of us were affected far more, and in much deeper ways.
True that.

Do you still have difficulties browsing on your phone with all images disabled?
Yep. It's not just all the images, it's the whole layout. REALLY not friendly to mobile devices. Quite a few forums these days tend to have a mobile skin they switch to automatically...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Please activate the quick reply without needing to click something.

Yeah Im sure it has come up already.



Well, so far, I like it.

Things I like...

Having images. Sorry, I know people hate it, but I love it. As long as there's limits to size etc, than it's a good thing. Sigs for SG's will stand out more, the creative sections will be simply awesome when we can actually see the artwork without having to go to a different site/page all the time, badge whor....hunters can have the CIT sig images as well to show of their size of manhoods as well :P

Nice to be able to edit the posts easier

Lots of other things I've discovered messing with the forums

Things I dislike.....

Links need to be easier to spot, not just underlined text when people can underline anything, make em a different colour at least.

Login with my game account details......very bad. I know I only have to do it once thanks to using Firefox and it saving them, but still not good.

Emoticons. I know these are going to change, but can we have a little box with the main ones in that I just click on. Some of the ones I use don't always work with the text version and I don't like having to navigate away to work out what I need to type for a tongue sticking out!

Overall, I like

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



There's very little I like about it, but I suppose it's due to all the changes... I don't like changes that much, especially after being used to the old EU forums for 4 years. Anywho, for some reason it won't let me log in properly, even with the correct combo it took me 4 attempts today, the CP hates me and won't let me make changes (been trying to set an Avatar for the last 30 mins) and, worst of all, the place is crawling with Americans.

Ok, the last one was a joke, so no need to bite my cute little blue haired head off. Unless you really want to, anyway.

Sigh, growing pains... how I dislike them.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Again, seeing how this is the OFFICAL thread for the forum suggestions. for anybody who makes a suggestion or feels that something is missing or needs to be added,

Find a Mod/Hack/add-on that does what you want the forums to do and post a link in here to the mod/hack/add-on that does it as well as a short reply on why it should be implemented.

Thats the best I've got for a suggestion.
BTW, the version this board is running is vBulletin 3.7.4
should make it easier to find compatible mods and such.

IF attachments are ever allowed,

Quick Reply complaint fix,

For people who have problems seeing small print,

a toy for the administration, a Advanced announcement block,

Spell checker... We know 75% of you people need it. (I need it as well >.>)

This should get rid of alot of duplicate threads/people complaining about the same thing,

Image resizer (a compromise for those people who want siggys to go away Lytebox rox!)

Advanced "New Posts"

Recently viewed threads (not sure about this one with how many people use the forums at once...)

A better ignore system,

Anti double-post,

Pop-up private messaging,

I'll find more later.



Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into forum changes.

Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: On the villain skin links are unreadable because of the color.

Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the forum as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: The villain skin is very nice, I wish the hero skin was as nice because I mostly play heroes.

Are you reporting a bug from the forums? Please use the Forum Bugs thread to report bugs.

You will not like my opinion, but I will deliver it respectfully.

The new forums, like the new website, is a bloated mess that looks to me like it was intentionally designed to run on resolutions much higher than 1200x768. There is SO MUCH wasted space that it's beyond ridiculous. The unnecessary "white space" and the various breaks and padding separating the different sections of the page are uncomfortably large and enforces continuous scrolling to complete reading most articles or even individual posts now.

The theme is dark, dull, generic, and very non-heroic - I would go so far as to say that every section of the site is designed for the City of Villains atmosphere were I not aware that it is a copy-cat of the main NCSoft site's equally flawed design. The muted colors are also psychologically demoralizing for me. After the site was first changed, I deliberately set up a hot-link to jump straight to the forums because they retained the bright, easy-on-the-eyes visuals of the previous web site. Now I not only have to deal with excessive scrolling due to bloated padding and a clunky interface built for extremely high resolution monitors, but I also must deal with a color scheme that strains my eyes and looks horrible.

Whoever is in charge of these site designs needs to quit relying on dreamweaver (or equivalent template-biased program), take a internet course in color theory, and try fitting the site to a 1200x768 desktop (which for many users is still a standard). The whole design feels to me like it means to alienate its viewership. Or, at the very least, provide us an alternative skin which addresses these issues.

Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!