sex change, with a condition
Oh god no, that would ruin a lot; you're either a girl from the start or a boy. We wouldn't want people shifting in-between sexes now would we?
The 'Midnight Visage' (Or so I think it's called) allows any user to turn into a certain contact's dad. A friend of mine did that and it just looks weird when a girl shifts into a random guy in a suit.
But the game's gender system dosen't just discriminate between male and female, it discriminates between male, female, and huge. I don't think it's unreasonable to allow it on this basis. I mean, just look at the hulk, for my example, and it's entirely possible you could use a disguise or potion (midnight visage...) to change gender.
Eh, why not.
Eh, why not.
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A shorter, better and more important question:
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Well, for one thing it would mean I wouldn't keep having the awkward "you're playing as a girl???" conversation with my wife once I'd set up a quick bind. For another, it opens up a whole new realm in terms of character concepts. Ok, maybe not a realm, more like a small cupboard with one cramped shelf.
Was CoH an age 12 rated game? Or soemthing... anyway, i think because there could be players of a young age playing, the idea of trans-gender characters is a bit... well let's say it's more mature content. Does that sound reasonable to people?
Was CoH an age 12 rated game? Or soemthing... anyway, i think because there could be players of a young age playing, the idea of trans-gender characters is a bit... well let's say it's more mature content.
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*looks closely at the PG certificate on his Ranma 1/2 DVD*
Somehow I doubt that. >.>
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

Before any one jumps to any hasty awsers (oh to late)
I suggest you go look at some of source material and inspirations this game draws from
but just in case you cant be bothered the superhero gern (think thats the corect term) is full of characters that shift sex/body shape pretty much at will as examples hows about
Mystique who frequently changes between male and female to get her(his) way.
or there's Xavin who pretty much changed gender originally for love and now seems to switch from male to female dependant on his emotional state
Was CoH an age 12 rated game? Or soemthing... anyway, i think because there could be players of a young age playing, the idea of trans-gender characters is a bit... well let's say it's more mature content. Does that sound reasonable to people?
[/ QUOTE ]
So kids aren't ever transgendered? Nice to know...
Oh wait what about that kid from Sheffield who recently killed himself mainly through lack of understanding on the part of those around him. He was 10. (Link to story.)
Sex change in game has zero to do with gender issues in the real world, I should know I have suffered with gender Dysphoria for most of my life. There are far worse memes in this game than something like this.
Personally I see no reason why some form of 'body type' change can't or shouldn't be implemented, a loing with the ability to change the height slider it would make some interesting character options available... not least as mentioned above size changes as a part of your back story (eg Hulk) or even if you want to grow up...
Was CoH an age 12 rated game? Or soemthing... anyway, i think because there could be players of a young age playing, the idea of trans-gender characters is a bit... well let's say it's more mature content. Does that sound reasonable to people?
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Many many many many (many xalot) Young people realise feelings of transgenderism at an extremely young age, true enough modern society does its best to supress these concepts in them, for the most part, but still, chances are by the age of 12 a young person in todays modern world will be loosely aware of the concept, and somebody who genderidentifies as the other gender to their unassigned one will be desperate for an outlet where their feelings and desires are expressed in a socially acceptable manner.
No offence, but closed midned views like "transgenderism" should be kept as an adult topic causes more and more kids harm than it will ever do good for, ofc this topic isnt one for discussion in this segment of the boards, so i'll leave it ihere.
want examples from comic books?
Hulk, as mentioned Man > Huge
Ranma, as mentioned has Male>Female
and also has Male > Huge
Justice Leage (Jean): "Male"> Anything
I think its a perfectly acceptable cocnept to want something like this, the limitations of the costume designer atm, where you can barely change hieght, but a dampener on any minor shapeshifting abilities someone might want to play. I've had many characters where a Male>Huge transition or back would have been a joy to use in their costumes. and I would atleast make 1 Ranma homage for Male > Female.
I agree with this you should be able to change your sex, size and or shape. It would give new life to old characters. I find myself thinking that I really like a certain power set on an alt I have. But Im just not 100 % happy with the way her/she looks.
I also think this should be an added bonus to the re-specification trial, which give the whole thing more meaning.
@Boy Wonder
Quantum Flash - Ill/Kin Controller
Leader of the Legion of Heroes
Few short answers....
No, Why and also Whats the point.
Would be nice if you have a mid 30s/40s character you dont like anymore because of the body type... Also I dont see any harm in this so why say no?
Anyway, one of my friends has a mid 20s character he would want to have a different body type. Sure, it's not very high level but if you only get to play 1-4 hours a week he can at best get back to that level in 2 weeks. So yeah, I vote yes for this one.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
Was CoH an age 12 rated game? Or soemthing... anyway, i think because there could be players of a young age playing, the idea of trans-gender characters is a bit... well let's say it's more mature content. Does that sound reasonable to people?
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Many many many many (many xalot) Young people realise feelings of transgenderism at an extremely young age, true enough modern society does its best to supress these concepts in them, for the most part, but still, chances are by the age of 12 a young person in todays modern world will be loosely aware of the concept, and somebody who genderidentifies as the other gender to their unassigned one will be desperate for an outlet where their feelings and desires are expressed in a socially acceptable manner.
No offence, but closed midned views like "transgenderism" should be kept as an adult topic causes more and more kids harm than it will ever do good for
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He didn't say it was an adult topic, he said it was a mature one. A great deal of young teenagers are far more mature than some adults. However, adults are more likely to be mature, to understand controversial topics, to know to let others' have their opinions and live as they choose - which is what age ratings are all about.
You can't have everyone sit a test before watching an 18 rated film, say, to judge their maturity and whether or not they can handle the topics covered - so they guess, they pick an age which they believe will be suitable - that the vast majority of people of that age will be able to handle the subject, or will at least have a greater understanding; enough to know to avoid it, say.
People of any age can suffer with gender issues, true. But, like homosexuality and rebellion - it can also be a phase. Temporary, they'll "grow out of it". This, I would argue, is why in the real world, it tends to be skirted around when a person is in their childhood or teenage years. Peer pressure is a powerful thing - if someone's going through a phase in their life, and is encouraged in it, it may become permenant or a case of, "Well, everyone thinks this is right... I'll do it", rather than letting the individual make up their own mind.
Support, yes. Support is always good, acceptance and understanding I'm all for it. But the individual should choose/realise for themselves - and maturity is likely to be the time this happens. Unfortunately, as mentioned, people mature at different ages - so we stamp that number on there as a gateway and an alarm for everyone else. They're eighteen or so now, they're mature.
This, I believe, is why it would be unlikely that controversial subjects like transgenderism, homosexuality etc. etc. are going to be covered to any great degree in a game rated suitable for younger people. Books and films, maybe - likely, in fact - but books and films are more likely to be educational than computer games; they have that loophole.
As for the suggestion itself: I really can't think of many concepts where male-to-female body type changes would be needed. Male-to-Huge, or to a lesser extent, Female-to-Huge yes... but not so much swapping between the sexes. Perhaps just port some costume items over for males and vice versa - it wouldn't, I wouldn't think, require so much coding. (Bearing in mind, contacts will refer to you as male or female - if your character is both... I'm not sure, I'm not a dev).
Oh wait what about that kid from Sheffield who recently killed himself mainly through lack of understanding on the part of those around him. He was 10. (Link to story.)
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Sorry, but i think bringing that to board, however it is your opinion, is slightly offensive and is blowing it out of porpotion.
I think i have to give kudos to Statisesque, he put my point across alot better than i could've.
This, I believe, is why it would be unlikely that controversial subjects like transgenderism, homosexuality etc. etc. are going to be covered to any great degree in a game rated suitable for younger people. Books and films, maybe - likely, in fact - but books and films are more likely to be educational than computer games; they have that loophole.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know about anyone else in this thread but I certainly don't want any real life issue of this depth covered in game. Not only as you point out is this the wrong medium but it also would trivialise the whole issue (issues).
However being able to change an animated character in a game, a character that already has little basis on reality anyway, how many people who can fly and shoot laser beams from their eyes do you know? In my opinion not only is this a non-issue it has no real bearing on any of the above issues.
My earlier post was more aimed at the apparent attitude that it is something that is only likely to affect mature people or adults. When in fact it has no basis on age at all.
So yes a body type changer.
I would like to have the opportunity to use a big body and a normal body for the same toon. Why? becasue it is interesting from a rp view. I also like to see that you can alter the height of your toon as well. In that light being able to change gender as a hero fit in logically. So yes I am in favour of it.
Oh wait what about that kid from Sheffield who recently killed himself mainly through lack of understanding on the part of those around him. He was 10. (Link to story.)
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry, but i think bringing that to board, however it is your opinion, is slightly offensive and is blowing it out of porpotion.
I think i have to give kudos to Statisesque, she put my point across alot better than i could've.
[/ QUOTE ]
... fixed.
I also agree with Stasis. I also agree to having the option to be able to change gender.
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
As for the suggestion itself: I really can't think of many concepts where male-to-female body type changes would be needed. Male-to-Huge, or to a lesser extent, Female-to-Huge yes... but not so much swapping between the sexes. Perhaps just port some costume items over for males and vice versa - it wouldn't, I wouldn't think, require so much coding. (Bearing in mind, contacts will refer to you as male or female - if your character is both... I'm not sure, I'm not a dev).
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as has been mentioned by myself and one other Ranma 1/2, quircjy origin story, true enough doesnt lend to the characters actual power.
If you dont know about it, basic synopsis is a young naturally powerful martial artist. who, after falling in a magic well finds himself turning into a girl when touching cold water, and back into a boy when touching hot.
Its a quircky concept, but its one of many different ways a player of this game could choose to conceptualise their change. Just because you cant think of one, doesnt mena there isnt one.
Also I should note that having spent 7 Years of my life (which curiously enough was from 12 to about 19 or so) fighting for Lesbian [censored] Bisexual and Transgendered equality (including representation) I really cudnt care if its represented in a game or not.
The whole discussion on Transgenderism skirts around that the request is simply for a more dynamic second costume slot in regards to what can be changed, and like i said in my initial post, the "Where does LGBT representation fit into modern media" debate is not something we should have here.
I could quote various sections of your post, and others, and make valid arguemnts against your points, and I'm equally open to the same, however I don't want to, atleast not here, its really taking this request off topic, so i'll settle with a nice concise
I think this, and other body changing options between slots is a good, worthwhile suggestion, and many inventive players will find a way in which to conceptualise these options.
I dont see the problem with being able to swap genders, it doesn't affect gameplay in any way, appart from in the contextual dialogue, and seeing as it's an act of activating the redundant body types for your character it should be easy enough to implement. Plus, as has been mentioned: in the creative area of the game, namely RP and the many stories that get written, you could implement the change in whatever way you choose.
I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!
I think i have to give kudos to Statisesque, he put my point across alot better than i could've.
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Hey Stase, you have a sex change or something?
oh, and Shockwave said:
Few short answers....
No, Why and also Whats the point.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, Why not? For conceptual reasons. There's a LOT more to this game than just pwning your buddies in the PvP zones, boyo. Comics have plenty of examples of both gender and size changing. Hell, one of my RP friends has a gendermorph character, and my own main is a shapeshifter. Would be nice to be able to portray such characters properly, and beyond the minor technical reasons of contacts and badges referring to you as the gender initial design, there really is no problem with it.
And for those going on about transgender issues, it REALLY doesn't have any bearing on this suggestion you know, and isn't really appropriate for this forum I think.
As for the OP. It's not a new suggestion, but it's a perfectly valid one that I agree with!
So... /signed!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Reasons for Male to Huge change:
Character transforms and gains mass somehow, could be mutation or accident based, or technology, or even good old fashioned magical transformation.
Reasons for Female to Huge change: Hulking out as above, or maybe wearing a suit of heavy combat armour that isn't feminine sculpted.
Reasons for Female to Male change: The classic 'Mulan' situation, disguising their ID to prevent retaliation, magical/mutation/whatever transformation, shapeshifting, et cetera.
Likewise for Male to Female change.
Being able to change height too would be pretty great.
*gives the suggestion the Zortel stamp of approval, and all prior suggestions.*
You know, I've always thought that if Billy Batson turned into Mary Marvel, it would be a lot harder for anybody to guess his secret identity...
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
i think it's bin asked already, but what about being able to change your sex.
it doesn't have to be an entire unrealistic thing, maybe just when you have your second costume slot you can choose your sex on that one.
so what ever you do, you will always be the first sex you was when you first started, but are able to change sex while offering a costume slot for it.
ofcouse you can choose which slot you begin with, so you could start out with your other sex.