What is there left?




The boom-shaka-laka emote.



Revamping of the prestige to influence ratio.


New base stuff.

New powers. Staffs, whips, new swords, axes,

New enemies.

New outfits.

All kinds of stuff.



I'd just be happy if I never saw another powerset get proliferated ever. Every time it happens there's 1 less reason to play another AT, and possibly less reasons for those that primarily play heroes or vills to try the other side.

[/ QUOTE ]
For you perhaps. For me, proliferation mean that I get to use powerset that I'd never otherwise touch. For example; I prefer to solo most of the time, and positively hate feeling forced to team. So when team centric powersets like /Cold and /Therm go to ATs with pets, I can enjoy them when I couldn't before. I don't like the low damage of Tanks and Defenders; when other ATs get powers/powerset combos formerly exclusive to them, for me they might as well be new powersets. And powersets just don't play the same from AT to AT; a /Storm Mastermind isn't that much like a /Storm Corr, which isn't like a /Storm Controller.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



On another note: every time a bunch of powersets get proliferated, it takes away from the complete, overall uniqueness of every AT (minus the epics). At this point, it's almost like the only thing separating most ATs is their inherents and epic/patron powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe, although I don't really buy this in my experience thus far.

However, it does add tremendously to the uniqueness of each *character*. That's even more important to some of us.



However, it does add tremendously to the uniqueness of each *character*. That's even more important to some of us.

[/ QUOTE ]


What really separates the ATs? The inherent, different (riiight) APPs, and a whole slew of AT variables.

For me, that's a good thing. It made comparing the scrapper/brute primaries easy when I decided to proliferate the sets that haven't been done so yet.

Be well, people of CoH.



I'd like to see:
- small vehicles (ala cycles, jetpacks, power pogo-sticks) which are just 'skins' for various existing travel powers 9ie: super speed, flight).

- weather - and a revamp of the sky graphics (Check out DDO for some very cool skies and weather) Paragon City is so drab.

- not necessarily new powers, but new power animations, emit points, and even methods (ala fire blaster that uses devices instead of generating the fire via their body - or, heck, energy melee that uses an energy staff instead of fists)

- more and better mission arcs. Try to make most missions part of a story arc, and have the arcs be of varying lengths

- more unique maps

- more enemy groups

- destructible items - that can also be used indirectly, like making a drum of flammable liquid explode near foes or pulling a street light out of the ground and using it to smack someone

- Allow knockback to do extra damage if the receiver gets knocked back into something really hard, or falls off of a building, etc.

- eliminate the predictability of generic missions. Don't place the mobs in the sam places all of the time. Be able to take a portion of one map and attach it to another map (of the same type) to provide more variability. Provide more variability in mob composition. Hitting the occasional all-boss mob can be fun. (I have seen this recently, but not sure if it was a systematic change or not.)

- have more missions that can be failed - and add more of a bonus of some sort when they succeed, or take away when they fail. ie: if you fail a mission, you lose prestige!



Rularuu/his forces invading.

[/ QUOTE ]

Zinda! His face black, his eyes red! Uzani, his army at Lashmir. Uzani, his army, with fists open. Shaka, when the walls fell. Sokath, his eyes uncovered! Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

[/ QUOTE ]

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that.



the still need to rebalance the balancing that was used to fix the balancing they did before they did it.



Rularuu/his forces invading.

[/ QUOTE ]

Zinda! His face black, his eyes red! Uzani, his army at Lashmir. Uzani, his army, with fists open. Shaka, when the walls fell. Sokath, his eyes uncovered! Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

[/ QUOTE ]
What is this from? It sounds familiar, but I can't place it and it is bugging the carp outta me . . . (yeah - you heard me - carp!)



whatever the heck the coming storm is.

[/ QUOTE ]


Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



ifotym wrote:

What is this from? It sounds familiar, but I can't place it and it is bugging the carp outta me . . . (yeah - you heard me - carp!)

[/ QUOTE ]

It's from Star Trek: The Next Generation, the episode Darmok.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



My #1 would be an improved PvE game -
destructible objects in normal missions both for atmosphere and utility,
pattern-based objectives in normal missions,
interactive environments (flip a switch to turn out lights, push desk in front of door, pick something up with a crane, etc),
throwable objects, large ones restricted to certain power sets (super strength, mind control, gravity, maybe others),

And most importantly, make it all available in AE (which would be critical for the devs' ability to generate that content quickly).

Not that the PvE game isn't really fun right now, but it's fun mostly because of our power sets, rather than because of the actual environments and situations presented to us. By improving that, you potentially crank up the fun factor even higher. They've slowly been getting better at it, but they could do a lot better.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



ifotym wrote:

What is this from? It sounds familiar, but I can't place it and it is bugging the carp outta me . . . (yeah - you heard me - carp!)

[/ QUOTE ]

It's from Star Trek: The Next Generation, the episode Darmok.


[/ QUOTE ]
aha! - thanks.



Open the Shadow Shard to villains. They get to go to instanced versions anyway. Add new villain-only SFs to the Shadow Shard...and not something stupid like helping free Rularuu, that's stupid. Revamp the Dr. Q and Augustine TFs to not suck. Sara Moore could be a bit shorter too. Expand on the Shard lore through non-TF story arcs that are different for both sides; same story, different goals.

Story zones for villains, especially in the 20-30 range. These zones should have nothing to do with Arachnos.

Hero groups for villains to fight besides Longbow. The Legacy Chain especially could stand to have their level range extended. It doesn't make sense that the only magic-based hero group stops at such a low level, when magic-based villains are running around doing evil magic stuff all the way to 50.

Revamp of low-level hero arcs and the Freedom Phalanx TFs. A Positron Task Force that no longer sucks might as well be new content.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



personalized, persistent arch enemy with a ongoing serialized arc that pops up from time to time for personal flavour.

for anyone that suggests the ae (as ingame canon) it's 'just a virtual experience'.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is basically the Nemesis system that was scrapped for CoH and brought into Champions.

[/ QUOTE ]

I actually submitted a document on this sort of idea for City of Heroes. Still have it around, actually.

Still here, even after all this time!



I get what Shatterghost is trying to say though, and was thinking the same thing.

With power customization and side switching both about to become realities, the last of the "big ones" are going to be checked off the wish list.

I know it's been expressed before. But hopefully this will clear the way for a lot more new CONTENT.



I want a car.

Hey, the Devs are smashing the boundaries left and right. I can dream.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Well, I have 2 accounts and have tried everything. I have been forced to make powersets over again and again if I want to make a new character. I am not fond of doing a powerset again just to do it on another AT. Also, I am open to trying all ATs (I have played each AT at least into the 30s and am still working on them).

Maybe because I have played for so long and have a 60 month account and a 27 month account each with multiple 50s and I play my characters through almost all of the time. I know there are people with more accounts and more characters that somehow are happy with proliferation, but I am not!

It's not like there aren't a truckload of great ideas for powersets here in the forums. Every once in a while the easiest of them gets chosen and implemented. Even if it's not a set I want, it's something, I would just like to see it more often.



Or maybe you just need to take a break for a few months, ever think of that HEO?



The ability to walk......



Almost more than I want new content, I want someone to take a fine-toothed comb and go through all these old arcs that have been made nonsense by updates in the last few years. And to maybe spice up some of the original arcs with the tech that came after (where appropriate of course.)

I'd be glad to do it if they pay me.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



I'd just be happy if I never saw another powerset get proliferated ever. Every time it happens there's 1 less reason to play another AT, and possibly less reasons for those that primarily play heroes or vills to try the other side.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a really dangerous way of thinking, because it relies on the notion of making people play ATs they don't like to get to powersets they may like. This is BAD game design, because ideally, you should never make people play something they don't like whenever possible.

Face facts - some people do NOT want to play certain ATs and, sometimes, even a certain faction. Whether powersets are proliferated or not, these people will NOT play the AT/faction they don't like, and so not have access to certain powersets. Proliferating those allows people to eat their cake and have it, too and that should, ideally, be the goal. Let people have fun their way.

On another note: every time a bunch of powersets get proliferated, it takes away from the complete, overall uniqueness of every AT (minus the epics). At this point, it's almost like the only thing separating most ATs is their inherents and epic/patron powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

The "uniqueness" of each AT is found in that AT's playstyle and dynamics, not in the powersets it has available to it. If the only thing differentiating one AT from the other is artificial limitations and, were they removed, the ATs would be very much alike, then that's a fault in the AT's design, NOT in the choice of powersets to give to the AT. Furthermore, it's not so much unique as outright silly to allow, say, a Scrapper to use a sword but a Tanker not. It's silly to allow a Defender to shoot radiation, but a Blaster not. There is nothing inherent in the nature of Defenders that makes them more qualified to use radiation than Blasters, specifically since Archetypes are just a framework design of the mechanics of ability, intentionally not defining the NATURE of ability. Tankers aren't Tankers because they can cover their bodies in ice while Scrappers can't. Tankers are Tankers because they have superior survivability to anything else in the game, and are designed for a playstyle that can rely on this survivability and exploit it. A Scrapper, even when he shares the same powersets as a Tanker, does not really play by the same framework.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'd like to see an AT-less system, so I can have a character with a ranged blast and a melee weapon, or summoning pets while mezzing the opposition.

Something that will never ever happen for a thousand years in CoH/V, unfortunately, but it's a nice pipe dream.



I'd still love to see:

- Melee/Buff-Debuff AT
- Blast/Armour AT
- Vehicles, even if they're just travel power emotes pulled out of hammerspace

New content would be cool, but I find its the characters I keep coming back for. There's enough content in there to keep things fresh almost indefinitely for me now. Things like a revamped co-op Shadow Shard would be lovely, but not something that I'm absolutely hanging for.



I'd like to see an AT-less system, so I can have a character with a ranged blast and a melee weapon, or summoning pets while mezzing the opposition.
Something that will never ever happen for a thousand years in CoH/V, unfortunately, but it's a nice pipe dream.

[/ QUOTE ]

You'd think that'd be great, but the Mission Architect actually gives strong evidence that that may not be quite accurate. Yes, it's possible to make stupid overpowered bosses. It's also possible to make bosses that SHOULD be overpowered, but aren't, like my own Energy Blast/Energy Melee boss. Yes, he deals a lot of damage... If he gets a chance to. Lacking any sort of actual protection from anything, however, he's dog meat before he can so much as blink. He even came in Hard Elite Boss for and he was STILL not very hard.

The Architect, in fact, is a perfect example why the AT-less system was scrapped. Some bosses are hideously overpowered, some look like they should be but they suck, and some are just about meh. That pretty much means that authors have to design their missions with a specific difficulty in mind and target only specific players, or throw their hands up in the air and give up trying to balance their content for everybody.

ATs are there there to ensure that everyone is on at least somewhat of an equal footing and you don't end up playing things like Invulnerability/Super Reflexes with no attacks whatsoever.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.