What is there left?




By the way, when people mention fat avatars, do they mean they want a whole new model, or just a stomach slider added to the current models?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
That would require a lot of extra work - plus, it'd mean newer players would miss out on some really good stuff.
I'd rather they added new stuff, rather than taking away the old stuff.
Flashback System.

Granted we still need the Calvin Scott TF in there among other things, but it'd be a way to revamp the lower level areas, bring in new missions, and yet still have the older content accessable.

I'd love to see an issue which makes the game world feel more alive and unique. Dalaran in WoW has curiosity shops, NPCs going about on their duties, NPC's chatting. CoH could do with being an actual city, instead of just bunches of skyscrapers and buildings and roads.

The SG base system needs more items, the kind of variety for objects that we find in the game world, and the system twinked with some more so that you can, for example, remove a desk that has had an item placed on it.

Make City Hall look like a proper City Hall. Hero NPC's queing up for their licenses, other citizens, petitioners, the Mayor, so forth. Make City Hall a mini instance if you have to. Same with Freedom Court.

Fire Fighting missions with the Paragon City Fire Department. You get given an advanced extinguisher pack, some teleport beacons, and a flight pack, and get to help out in putting out burning buildings and rescuing trapped civilians.

Ambulance type missions, where you rush to a scene with super powers to help provide first aid and so forth before the ambulance crew get there. Police missions to hunt robbers and so forth in the city.

Make the overworld way more interactive, vibrating, colourful, interesting and populated. Give them things to do. Upgrade buildings, add in shops you can enter. Coffee carts that you can get a buff form with a small +Spd +Rech or something.



Fix Hamidon !!!

Tweak it back so its a community event once more and enjoyable. I don't know what the attempt rates are stateside but we used to have Hamidon Raids every week, now the event is so under-used and neglected because it is too hard and not fun.

I would dearly love to see the statistics for server attempts pre and post redux. I suspect they make for poor reading.



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
By the way, when people mention fat avatars, do they mean they want a whole new model, or just a stomach slider added to the current models?
Don't really care as long as I can make a guy fatter than this :



"Whips n Chains powerset coming Issue 17"



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
"Whips n Chains powerset coming Issue 17"
Probably as the attack portion of Demon Summoning, although every other attack set for MMs has been ranged, so it doesn't seem quite right.

Maybe we will get a full-on whips set? That'd be neat.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-




(Apologies for shouting, but I'd really like to see this!

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Originally Posted by Shatterghost View Post
With the introduction of I16 and power customization, GR with it's side switching, moon base (?), and new self contained world...

What is there left to add to the game as far as defining features for an issue go?

The game won't be complete until I get a swimming pool I can fill up with gold and paddle around in ala Scrooge McDuck.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Most of my "want" list from two years ago has been delivered, but there's always more. My druthers:

1. Jetpacks and other costume pieces that work with powers.

2. Expanded Ouroboros system that lets you go back and do Mayhems/Safeguards, individual non-badge/non-story arc missions, and the Calvin Scott TF.

3. Base re-vamp, including more items, UI update, and more base functionality.

4. More Epic ATs (unlocked by epic story content, not security level).

5. Alternate leveling paths -- more zone content (Perez Park, Boomtown, Dark Astoria, Crey's Folly, Eden on blueside, at least three new starting contacts for villains and three new Hazard Zones for villains).

6. At least one alternate animation available for every power.

7. Cathedral of Pain, and other SG-specific content. Also, SG mission architect slots for running "Danger Room"-type stuff that is only accessed in the SG, not in AE buildings, and don't count against any individual's MA slots.

8. Re-vamp of AE reward structure to make it less of a power-leveling haven. Perhaps an XP cap per mission, as there is already a ticket cap?

9. Move the CoX storyline forward, even if that means re-vamping current content. You want the game to stay fresh? Always have fresh things to do and discover -- at all levels. Old content shifted to Ouroboros.

10. At least three new SFs for villains, at least one of which must be for level 30-34. My suggestion: a villain version of Striga Isle, but with 25-35 content and two SFs. Use that Ernesto Hess back-story to your advantage.

Global name: @k26dp



After 5 years I still can't:

-enter the drenched donut.
-have a short tail.
-pattern any of the monstrous stuff
-deform the monsterous heads beyond height,width, and depth.



I would be happy if one issue would just have anti-knockback IO's, so you would knock stuff down instead of back.

- Underwater travel and fighting
- Zone updating
- Base attention (we want to make them even bigger)
- New IO's for mez protection
- Vehicles
- costume recipes that help: rocket boots make u fly faster, goggles that increase perception and accuracy, auras that do damage and such
- Level 60 Cap with new content

we could go on and on and on and on..........



Originally Posted by badchad View Post
Level 60 Cap with new content
There is just about 0% chance of that happening - the devs would prefer a system of super enhancements to make 50s much more powerful, without breaking the balance of the game.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



- Level 60 Cap with new content
I would like to politely counter this point with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfIlAJ6flvw

Raising the level cap is not needed. Simply impliment a system to increase level 50's power, while offering Advanced/Cosmic/Epic missions for those of the super-elite to face against. Raising the cap to 60 would obliterate all the work people have put in crafting and buying level 50 IO's, from normals to rares.