What is there left?




ifotym wrote:

What is this from? It sounds familiar, but I can't place it and it is bugging the carp outta me . . . (yeah - you heard me - carp!)

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It's from Star Trek: The Next Generation, the episode Darmok.


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You fail.
Picard and Darthon at El-Adrel, is what you should of done.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I get what Shatterghost is trying to say though, and was thinking the same thing.

With power customization and side switching both about to become realities, the last of the "big ones" are going to be checked off the wish list.

I know it's been expressed before. But hopefully this will clear the way for a lot more new CONTENT.

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And after reading a bit, I can agree on a couple things:
-Revamping the 1-20 game on both sides (always liked the idea of origin contacts in CoV)
-Power Emanation points
-and I don't remember if its been said or not, but revamps of more zones, specifically DA, Boomtown, and a minor change or update to KR, keep the dark, gritty tone, but just make the zone nice to look at.

50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...



I'm probably in the minority for wanting this but would like to see other parts of the Rogue islands. Blueside has a bit more city zones and special ones,it would be great if the developers got around to at least adding one or two more so redside has a bit more zones(I don't mean Co-Op or hazard or PvP zones either.) Villains still don't have any zone similar to Striga or Crotoa for example and it would be nice if we did.

How bout perhaps Issue 17 or 18 having them added?

Come on developers!

[Beta Testers]Zombie Man: Harlot is Swan's nickname too. And Dominatrix. And Sister Psyche. And Mynx. And Bobcat. And Synapse.



1.Revamp lowbie hero PvE.

Have contacts give you Inspirations immediately, as they do villainside. Cut a lot of the hunts out. Cut a lot of the pizza deliveries out.

2.Interesting end fights

Fight where you need special Inspirations, temp powers, splitting of mobs, stuff like that.

3.Big Red Ball

Set up up via the zone event channel.

"The Big Red Ball has been spotted in Talos Island!"
Put a small marker on the map, like you get for your Siren's Call Bounty. Have the ball immune to caging/phasing/Terrorize effects and give it high resists to holds and immobs. Conversely, make it VERY weak to Knockback/Knockup/Knockdown attacks.

Heck, you can even attach a badge to it, called BRB: You said you'd be right back, until you caught sight of the big red ball.

4. Account-wide storage

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease. I'm so tired of transferring inf between characters so they can buy stuff and I'm only marginally interested in the Market these days. The Market is fun for flipping etc but I have so many items on some servers I'd like handed to another server without server transfers.

5.Moon (Low grav) or Underwater zone

Would be really cool.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Big red ball would be fun. Also, there are a lot of CoT wizards who would love to stop being my punching bag.

Most important thing to me, I think, is revamping missions. Partially randomly generated maps would help a lot. I don't expect (or want) a new reactor every time I do a respec, but for normal missions in offices, warehouses, etc, variety would help.

Same goes for spawns. What I'd love to see most is all the enemies have a purpose. The game has come a long way, and I think this would give new life to missions and make them more compelling. So, for instance, rather than a warehouse full of Family all standing around in little groups of roughly the same composition, you could have: some low level guys constantly on the move (running errands, essentially), some guards at key points, guarding, possibly a group or two practicing like the Warriors like to do, etc. Bosses might be lurking in the back, or keeping an eye on the mission objective, or supervising one thing or another.

This would make missions much more lifelike. Also, it would provide another way to make groups differ from each other. Skulls and Hellions probably aren't very organized, and mostly just wander about or stand around in groups like they do now. Council, however, might have much more organized defenses, which would make them tougher to fight without just making them impossible to hit.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



How about a crotch slider for male characters on the character creation screen. There is one for the girls chests, after all.



I want REAL power customization, not just the color palette change on SOME powers (though I am grateful).



I want REAL power customization, not just the color palette change on SOME powers (though I am grateful).

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What would make it real? Animation swaps?

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Combine the Cathedral of Pain (way to be a feature of CoV and still not in game years later. GJ statesman) with The Coming Storm and make Mender Nemesis vs God.

"What does God need with a Time Machine?" your mysterious ally asks in a note.

I'd say Hazard Zone facelifts, but what with MA nobody would probably care enough to leave the holodeck anyway so making them into new leveling zones Faultline-style would kind of be a waste of time. Unless they made them all level 50.

5th Column and Reichsman running around Boom. The Sleeper beneath Dark Astoria is partially reawoken and suddenly the place is super-dangerous. Crey's Folly begins spawning mutants and Arachnos gains a foothold there with the assistance of Crey Corp.



customizable signature power

One of Six, Cannibal 6




I mean, c'mon, how can you be taken seriously when you have oodles of bus stops and no friggin' buses?!




What is there left to add to the game as far as defining features for an issue go?

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Issue XX: The Mean Streets, containing "user-generated" world events.

This is what I mean: right now, when your hero goes out in a zone, there's an area beyond the outermost limits of targeting where stuff actually spawns. It moves with the hero. In a sense the hero creates the spawn by running around in a zone.

So you visit an NPC, and set yourself to "opposing" a particular enemy group. The engine then spawns that enemy group as doing special unusual stuff, resulting in overworld versions of objectives you ordinarily find in missions, like defending objects, preventing escapes, and escorting (for a short distance) NPCs.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Rularuu/his forces invading.

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Zinda! His face black, his eyes red! Uzani, his army at Lashmir. Uzani, his army, with fists open. Shaka, when the walls fell. Sokath, his eyes uncovered! Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

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I'll be impressed if you posted that from memory and not have looked it up on some Trek TNG site.



About a third of the maps in Mission Architect. Email attachments: inf, loot, SG invites. Motion-captured dance moves. Outdoor instances of more of the existing city zones. Villain strike forces at levels 10-15 and 30-35. Suburbs. A total rewrite of the hero contacts in Kings Row, Skyway City, and Steel Canyon, plus the contacts other than the starter contacts in Atlas Park and Galaxy City. Another villain zone in the 15-25 or 20-30 range, so that villains have an alternative to Sharkhead in the 20-25 range. Lunar, orbital, desert, jungle, underwater, and alpine environments. Any evidence whatsosever of the existence of civilian government in the US. West Libertalia. Personal rooms for all members of a supergroup, accessed by elevator in the base. A public lobby room (or rooms) for supergroup bases. Full zone revamp for Boomtown, possibly giving it to the villains as their level 20-30 alternative zone, or at the very least synchronizing the instanced outdoor "Boomtown under repair" map with the hero version of Boomtown. More mastermind primaries. One or more Halloween story arcs explaining why we suddenly have Zombie Apocalypses. Balanced incentives to level via either street sweeping or in PvP zones, as alternatives to story arcs, task forces, and AE. Cross-server Arena matches that don't depend on the test server. Automatic in-game promotion, via NPC chat or billboards or the newspaper animation's textures or something, of winners of cross-server Arena tournaments. Nemesis's steampunk-utopia city base, wherever it is in the Shard, including an instanced mission in which we invade his steampunked-out zeppelin airship. Craftable monkey-wrench melee temp power. Rikti Epic Archetypes for both sides, Traditionalist heros and Restructurist villains. Completely re-written and updated in-game Help. Non-Arachnos patrons for villains.



I want REAL power customization, not just the color palette change on SOME powers (though I am grateful).

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What would make it real? Animation swaps?

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What we have with color spectrum is the start of customization, but we still have No control on how our powers animate when they activate, or how our pets pets look etc...

I'll add that some powers in the powersets themselves could use some "custom options," like Flame breath and eye beams, if you don't like how these powers look, you are kinda stuck with them.

unrelated, but I'd finally like to see a Mecha powerset of some kind come down the pike.



<ul type="square">[*]A huge, sweeping bug fix release.[*]A massive graphics upgrade. Not to make things prettier, but faster.[*]Translucent bodies for your characters.[*]Velociraptors in Perez Park, Eden, and Dark Astoria.[*]A monstrous mayhem taskforce, in which you go through every named monster known and must defeat them because they're rampaging through the city. Then, in the epic battle at the end, you must defeat them all at once, and the archvillain who is controlling them.[*]Epic space-based battles in an asteroid belt.[*]Time travel missions into the FAR future. What does Paragon look like 200 years from now?[*]Atlantis.[*]New mission objectives (traps, puzzles, etc.).[*]Weather.[*]New modes of travel.[*]The war walls come down.[*]The Rikti surrender.[*]The Coming Storm.[*]Improved storage. Recipe storage. Account-wide storage. Increased personal salvage storage.[*]"Suburbia." The areas between the zones that are filled with gangs and just waiting for street sweeping. Essentially a massive hazard zone, it should offer increased rewards for heroes brave enough to venture into it.[*]"Land of the Lost." A zone filled entirely with prehistoric beasts. Tropical, with a volcano or two, lagoons, etc. Watch out for the T-Rex, and the main base of the villain group who hides out there.[/list]
How could anyone think there's not much left to do? This is a game based on superhero comic books. You can do anything. It's not just QoL issues that make a release.



More Villain Exclusive Strike Forces, some Villain Exclusive Trials, and updates/refinements on several existing Hero Exclusive Task Forces and Trials that aren't exactly reflections of the writing team at its best. That's really all that's left that would get me excited.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - scorpany@yahoo.com or <sameasmyAIM>@aol.com (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'd like to see an AT-less system, so I can have a character with a ranged blast and a melee weapon, or summoning pets while mezzing the opposition.
Something that will never ever happen for a thousand years in CoH/V, unfortunately, but it's a nice pipe dream.

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You'd think that'd be great, but the Mission Architect actually gives strong evidence that that may not be quite accurate. Yes, it's possible to make stupid overpowered bosses. It's also possible to make bosses that SHOULD be overpowered, but aren't, like my own Energy Blast/Energy Melee boss. Yes, he deals a lot of damage... If he gets a chance to. Lacking any sort of actual protection from anything, however, he's dog meat before he can so much as blink. He even came in Hard Elite Boss for and he was STILL not very hard.

The Architect, in fact, is a perfect example why the AT-less system was scrapped. Some bosses are hideously overpowered, some look like they should be but they suck, and some are just about meh. That pretty much means that authors have to design their missions with a specific difficulty in mind and target only specific players, or throw their hands up in the air and give up trying to balance their content for everybody.

ATs are there there to ensure that everyone is on at least somewhat of an equal footing and you don't end up playing things like Invulnerability/Super Reflexes with no attacks whatsoever.
Whoah, there, did you read my last sentence?
Pipe dream, dude. Something fantastic to achieve that is conceptually impossible or extremely flawed.

EDIT: Looks like I revived this topic. OPPZ. My bad.



We still need animated hair, animated faces, more realistic bust shapes, more detailed hands and also moving waists, plus the ability to walk, and an easier way for us to sit down on objects.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



1) Revamp of all the early content (making a good first impression for new players is a must...yes...even with the AE looming over them like a doom bringing doomster of noobish doom) and instead of tacking on a massive number of merits for the awful TFs (namely the Task Force commander ones), rework them completely, lower the merit reward to match (this bringing pariety(sp) with villainside) but make them more enjoyable.

2) Revamp of the underused zones, frankly this has been my deepest bugbear with the way NCsoft are doing things, it's the relentless march of "NEW AND SHINEY!" Issue 16 is a great thing, it opens the floodgates for further customisation down the road. However being told personally by Positron at the EU Q&A on the training server that they would rather keep pushing out new zones and not bother revamping the old ones (which sorely need it IMO they are a waste of space at the moment). Yes I understand new zones are a bigger "NEW AND SHINEY!" thing to attact new subscribers with but Boomtown, Dark Astoria, Creys Folly and Eden are going to make new players (if we do ever get them out of the AEs shadow as some poster would say) "Why on earth is this here, I guess it's some half finished zone that they just forgot about...oh...what's that...another one just like it...are they ever going to get around to finishing it?"

Hazard zones are a relic of a bygone era, keyword being bygone, things have moved on a lot since their invention.

3) Either do the promised "big PvP updates" you mentioned almost a year ago or just get rid of PvP, currently it is really a mess, I enjoy it but it is a complete mess, personally I'd just cut it away that, while I could make the statement that it's draining resources for such a small (if very dedicated and certainly amongst some of the best number crunchers we have) community, currently it doesn't looke like any resources are being put into it at all.

4) Be a bit more open and willing to admit mistakes. This isn't a game update that's need but something towards the devs themselves.

Issue 13 PvP changes is probably the biggest one of these, you dropped the ball, yes Positron feels it's better but Positron doesn't exactly play high end arena tournament matches. Infact I don't think any of the devs engage or watch the PvP tournaments on test with any kind of regularity. You ignored a large portion of what the current community wanted in order to 'fix PvP' for a community that just wasn't interested in it (PvErs). I personally doubt that there will be any admittance on a mistake on this one but it's just a thought.

Seriously people learned that the Vault had been scrapped randomly at the EU Q&A, they weren't told for ages, people were left wondering when on earth it was turning up since the last time they heard anything it was "soon".

Advertising, admit it didn't work out the way you wanted it too and that the first initial advert was a mess (seriously you didn't apply any of the 'filtering' you said you would to it, so it was a bright clean billboard even when in an apocalyptic future), thankfully lessons were learned and there were a few better looking adverts until this feature was ditched in a cold, dark pit somewhere. Just admit that it was a mistake, the backlash that came from the community over it was more hastle than it was worth even if you could turn it off.

Hamidon on the EU servers is deader than a doornail since the changes, prior to the changes it use to be a big, if lag filled, community event with hundreds of heroes turning up, now it's all about being a well oiled machine with a limit of only 50 heroes. There were promises to keep an eye on the changes and whether they were detrimental to the occurances of raids, of course the US having a bigger population do still regularly raid it but it simply made the EU communities voice feel completely unheard in this regard.

5) Custom signature powers, we have an awesome thread on it with lots of good ideas.

6) Enemy costume pieces available, I don't mean ALL of them but things like the Carnival of Shadows masks, the 5th Column faceplate (which the death goggles and death mask in the science booster admittedly do a good job of imitating), the Freakshow chest detail....

And...that's it for now folks, perhaps some controversial opinions now doubt, I'm not even going to go into the whole AE thing...



There are quite a few things I know I'd like, such as a more powerful costume creator and market UI, more well-written Task Forces, more Hamidon-style large scale raids, more base functionality, as well as a rebalancing of Merit costs - making the most desired items more expensive and everything else much less expensive, etc.

But there's really just one thing that would make me excited - as in, if I'd hypothetically left the game, I would come running back to resub and play happily ever after.


No, disco bottoms are not it. They're too long. I want to get my thighhighs-and-miniskirt look that no costume piece allows me to get right now.



Dynamic storylines with a beginning, a middle, and an end. I don't want to be fighting Reichsman for the next ten years. I want to actually save Salamanca. I want the Calvin Scot task force to be the model for stories that cause permanent evolutionary change in the game backstory and environment.



Rusty Robots
Hawaiian Surf Zombies
Mardi Gras Mercenaries
Naruto Ninjas
Ushanka wearing Soldiers

...and now for the more serious list

Sleeker Mastermind robots - in a variety of colours, so I can (finally) have Pink ones!
Raise the cap on Super Speed - so it's more super speedy!
Aerial acrobatics when using Fly
SG Logos on capes!
Create your own Nemesis/Archvillain system - speaks for itself.
A speed-based combat set (and no, im not just talking about Flurry).

Oh, and some more base customisations like windows so it doesn't look like our base is a hidden in a dirty hole deep underground would be nice.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



A lot of things I'd like have already been mentioned, vehicles, dynamic mission arcs, revamped zones/missions, but I've got another...

I want to see more of the world. Our characters are supposed to be from all across the globe (many are even from outer-space), but we've all holed up right in these two (soon to be a third, though it's in an alternate dimension) little places that are only important BECAUSE we're there.

What about New York, London, Tokyo or Moscow? Barring that, perhaps Comic Book World analogues that would give us access to the same cultures. I want to travel to places that have their own importance. I want to go to cities that probably don't care for super humans, and possibly openly discourage them. I want to have a mission where we save a President or a Prime Minister. I want missions where our characters threaten such important figures, too. The Rikti attacked the world, yet our heroes only patrol Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, while our Villains terrorize the same places.

When we first get here, the game world seems so big... Then you go to play it a few more times, and you learn that it really isn't. The development of your character winds up taking more time than it does to explore the meaty bits of the various zones.

My ultimate dream along that line is to have fan-created locales. Enable us to produce our own areas of adventure with connections to the Cities of Heroes, Villains and Rogues. Of course, that's probably an excessively improbable pipedream, so far as to be impossible.

Oh yeah, and a level 30-35 Redside Strike Force. That spot right there is one of the nastiest grinds throughout the game.

I also want to see the Villains get away from Arachnos. It was drawn to my attention that Arachnos is sort of yoked onto the Villains (I rather regret that Going Rogue precludes me from calling the Villains anything else at the moment). I also don't like the way Arachnos is an openly malevolent force in the Isles, as opposed to first appearing as they sell themselves to the rest of the world, an organization dedicated to providing security and stability in areas where the social or economic infrastructure is damaged (hence their "legal" claims to the Isles, presence in Overbrook, and their behavior in the comics when they restore the city after all the Heroes have their powers stolen from them). Our characters are roped into the Arachnos plot, whether they like it or not, while being told all the time that "they are in control of their own destinies..." While it's true, we don't HAVE to get an Arachnos Patron, we can't get "Patron Powers" without getting involved with Arachnos. It's like a big evil magnet, constantly drawing us back in.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.