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  1. The description doesn't give much of an idea of what it really does. I think it can only be used on the tier 2 and 3 pets, but what buffs does it actually give? Being a level 32 power I hope to shout that it is very good, but does anybody know any specifics?
  2. I have always played hero side, and I plan to play a corruptor hero side. What percent of blaster damage do corruptors do, and what percent of a defender's primary powers do they have? For example a defender does 70% of a blaster's damage, if I recall, and a controller does 80% of a defender's primary effectiveness. How is it for corruptors?
  3. On one of my characters, when I go into the enhancement management function, as I scroll over the powers the field which pops up to describe the power and tell what enhancements it will accept, does not show up. Is it an option I need to set? If so which option is it? It is a Praetorian character in the new zones. Is it a bug?
  4. Battlebabe

    Options problem

    On one of my characters, when I go in to manage my enhancements, as I scroll over the power it does not give me the window which describes the power and tells which enhancements the power will accept. What is wrong with that character? What option setting is off? I need to fix her because I will probably play her quite a bit. She is a Praetorian so it is in the new cities. Is it a bug or a setting I am having problems with?
  5. I have never played villian side, but I have tons of heroes, with multiple higher level controllers. I am wondering if dominators do much more damage than controllers. Do the secondary sets give much damage? What secondary sets are more damage oriented? Since I am new to the electric control set, what kind of set is it, lots of control, lots of damage; what kind of general statement could be used to describe it? Sorry about the multi-question thing, but villians are very new to me.
  6. Cool, thanks. Paying for 3 games is a bit much. I will juggle my subscriptions.
  7. So I have been playing another game for a couple of months and I would like to inactivate CoH until after the new issue comes out. Does everything, including enhancements stay on their servers waiting for me to resubscribe later so I can come back to all of my goodies? Has anybody here unsubscribed for a while before?
  8. Thank goodness a major part of the game is not broken beyond reason anymore. The exploits happening in the ae building have been truly game breaking for quite some time, producing a large wave of new players who have no idea how to play the actual game outside of the ae building. To compare the massive ae EXPLOITS of late to normal hazard zone play created by the developers is the worst kind of fallacious argument, entirely without genuine logical merit.

    It is very refreshing to not see newcomers to the game grabbed up upon entering the CoX world and be taught to expect to gain multiple levels from running one mission, and to make up to 50 levels per day. AE was the Winterlord fiasco exponentially multiplied, and has led to newcomers to the game having very unrealistic expectations. They think the best exp generating missions in the regular game are very unrewarding, since they consider the experience to be extremely slow after gaining several levels per mission on a regular basis.

    I was extremely pleased to see mission and sewer teams forming in AP, and normal chat going on, instead of the constant broadcasts for ae boss missions as before. I was happy to see the farm broadcasts in PI instead of AP, and to see fewer of them than before. I was glad that there were two PI zones and only one AP zone. What the ae exploiters did to the AP zone was a shame. It messed up a lot of new players, and may have broken it for many of them for good, since they will expect to be able to make 50 levels in a day and may well quit when it doesn't happen. I think we have seen plenty of that already, since server populations are reduced (all servers are green now).

    I seem to notice that after all of the talk I heard about "creativity" in the ae missions, that the minute the exploits are gone, there are very few people playing in the ae house now. I guess "creativity" isn't so important now. I am glad to see the game has returned to the way it was before to a large extent, because it has been severely broken for months now.
  9. These boards are more complicated than the old ones, and things are harder to find. How do I change my name? I have this _NA thingy on the end of my original name and I would love to get rid of it.
  10. I am interested in the new electric armor, but in looking over the power choices it looks like a recycled fire armor with different effects. I consider fire armor to be a pretty weak choice, since my experience with fire armor is that one loses hp at a pretty fast pace. I played a fire/fire to the late teens but deleted her mostly for that reason. Is electric a carbon copy of fire armor, or is it better? I will make an electric melee character, but I may want to consider another armor type. What say you all?
  11. Very nice, thanks for the help. They certainly know how to make things hard to find in these new forums. It was all very easy to find before. I liked the old forums very much for their simplicity.
  12. You get a day that you could have gone camping or boating like everybody else in the US this weekend.
  13. I have been locked out of the new forums until today, they must not work at my work place. So I have a belated question about following the activity of my own posts. Is there a list of my current posts so that I can go straight to them from my personal profile, as in the old forums? Is it under messages or is it elsewhere if there is such a thing? I look forward finally posting again, since I do have a question of two now and then about new powers.
  14. And now for the actual answer. Gordon Stacy will intoduce you to him after you get the Doctor's Ally badge and run a mission or two after he gives you the badge. It has always been the first or second mission after the badge for me. One of your 30-35 contacts will not give you a new contact so that Gordon can give it to you. It works that way every time I have gotten Cadao. I do all of my contact badge missions solo as I level up each character. Now you can get both 35-39 badges, good luck.
  15. Battlebabe

    Funny AFK

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    About 5 seconds ago someone typed


    So... um... I typed AFK TAILS?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Funny response, but I'm hazarding a guess that the "head" they were referring to is the restroom. In the Navy, maybe.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was thinking they were talking about something MUCH dirtier
    and so I was tryin to "lighten" it up a bit

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't think anybody would mind going afk for some head or for some tail. Those are the best reasons ever.
  16. It's happened to me twice before, it is a big pain. You have to get options open and there is an option to reset windows or interface to default. I don't remeber how to open options with a letter key, it is not the letter O. Most other things you can restore with m for map, c for chat, t for target, etc.
  17. Battlebabe

    Father/Son Duo

    A fire/fire or fire/em blaster for damage and a plant/storm controller for damage and control to boot would be a heavy damage/heavy control option that can just lock down a spawn, decrease its def and kill it very fast. Tornado also produces very good damage against an av while fire blasters do very good damage against anything, including AV's. This is a very high damage team.
  18. Do the bank missions at level 5 and 10 to get temporary travel powers to get you to level 14 easier. You do 3 radio missions at 5 and 10 to get the bank mission as the 4th mission. You go to the detective contact you get when you zone to King's row to receive your radio for a contact.
  19. How about a crotch slider for male characters on the character creation screen. There is one for the girls chests, after all.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Or is that too extreme?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Extreme is an understatement.

    All Paragon Studios wants to do is keep as many players paying for a subscription to their game as long as possible. PLing characters to 50 in hours would seem to make players burn out much more quickly than if they had to play the game "as intended". That's why the Devs came down so harshly on AE farmers recently.

    As long as you keep playing, they don't care how you play. The idea that they have a "vision" that goes beyond "keep people playing and paying for as long as possible" is ridiculous.

    So no, the Devs aren't flagging your characters for later retributuion, and no, they aren't communicating with you through your fillings, and they aren't watching you from a closed-circuit video camera mounted in your closet.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dunno, I don't buy that excuse of players burning out faster because they get PLed to 50. Maybe that's true for some people, but it can't be true for all people.

    We don't ever hear about the players that never got near 50 but quit out of sheer boredom because of FedEx missions, and Kill 20 of these - Ok, now go kill another 20 of these missions, and running across another zone just to speak to someone who only sends you back to the guy that sent you to him in the first place missions, etc., etc. Just because we don't hear of those people doesn't mean they don't exist.

    I think some people that get PLed to 50 on one character might be more inclined to try out a different AT and/or powersets. I think most of the people getting PLs are second or third accounts of old players. I think if players flock to a feature that allows their characters to be PLed the devs should look at the reasons behind it and do something about it. Maybe low level missions need to be cleaned up and streamlined like villain side. Maybe the low to mid levels need to be made more interesting so people want to play them.

    And the reason I don't think the devs care how fast you reach 50 is because of all the changes to the game that have made leveling so much easier in general. XP changes, mission difficulty settings, combining inspirations, 2X XP weekends. If anything, players might be bored by how easy it's gotten in general.

    You said it yourself MG, in the Isos thread, how fast this run is going to reach 50. We've had 14 play sessions and are up to level 44. 4 years ago how fast could you make it to 44? If people can play 3 hours a night for 3 weeks and get to 50, why is it so shocking that min/maxers can do it in AE in a day? Why is 3 weeks okay, but not one day?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Three weeks isn't ok either. It is bad for the game, basically. It leads to very fast boredom and loss of subscriptions.
  21. Can't you see this is all part of a huge government plot, or have they gotten to you too?
  22. Battlebabe

    Plant/ ??

    To be a great team player plant/therm is a good way to go. You can shield your team, confuse every spawn at least once, maybe twice if the fight is long, and heal your team mates. It just depends on what you want. If you want damage though, plant storm would rock, with tornado and lightning storm and creepers and your pet, which is pretty decent with single target damage now in my opinion. It would also give you a lot of control.