A very confusing beggining




Hey Everyone! I'm new at the game and when i say new i mean i patched right about a few hours ago and have a 15 day free trial. When i finished my super cool hero (:P) I hit "play the tutorial" but when i started there was no UI. No buttons showing my hit points, chat or anything. After a minute of pressing every button i made the chat window come up with enter key and the target with "t" and well that's about it. So i kept going through the missions and when they where explaining my powers and everything else it showed a picture of a window i didn't have with my health bar and the XP progress and everything else that's needed. Then i pressed ALT+ every key and i got a window with my powers and some super speed and a temporary attack.

Is this normal or is it just me? Do you get to use the UI only if you have the account and not a free trial? Is there a way to make all the windows that are default appear? Any help would come in handy.

Thanks in advance,
The Sixth Illusion



That's highly unusual. It certainly isn't some form of limitation on the Trial Accounts, and it's usually standard to have access to all the normal windows and such at creation.

I suggest creating a new character, to see if it was a one time issue.

If it isn't, and the problem progresses, I hope someone else can give you the commands to open back up your windows. I know they exist, but I'm useless with most of those slash commands and have no idea (i know that "c" opens the chat window, "t" for the target window, "m" should bring up the map (and Nav bar)).



I have never heard of that happening before either. I'm sorry that was your first experience in City of Heroes.

I believe the command...


resets all the windows to the default. Hopefully that's the standard default with all the basic default windows showing. So the method you would use is press "c" or possibly "enter" to display the chat box. Then type the command --- /windowresetall (the underscore isn't needed) into the chat line and press enter.



Hey Everyone! I'm new at the game and when i say new i mean i patched right about a few hours ago and have a 15 day free trial. When i finished my super cool hero (:P) I hit "play the tutorial" but when i started there was no UI. No buttons showing my hit points, chat or anything. After a minute of pressing every button i made the chat window come up with enter key and the target with "t" and well that's about it. So i kept going through the missions and when they where explaining my powers and everything else it showed a picture of a window i didn't have with my health bar and the XP progress and everything else that's needed. Then i pressed ALT+ every key and i got a window with my powers and some super speed and a temporary attack.

Is this normal or is it just me? Do you get to use the UI only if you have the account and not a free trial? Is there a way to make all the windows that are default appear? Any help would come in handy.

Thanks in advance,
The Sixth Illusion

[/ QUOTE ]
That's an extremely rare bug. I've never heard of it hitting someone in tutorial like that; sorry about that =/.

Here's what you try: hit the \ key (the "backslash"). That should open up a Menu list. In that Menu List click "Options". In the window that pops up, make sure you're set to the General tab (should default to that), then scroll down to the Window section. Click Reset Windows.

That should fix things. If it doesn't, please come back and tell us.



Just type


That command resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults. The windows are: Target (toggled by t), Navigation (toggled by n), Health/Endurance/Experience bar, Chat (toggled by c), and the Power Trays.

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.



It worked!! Thank you very much Yanyan, Smurphy, Human_Being and Eislor . Well if anything I'm kinda glad this was my first experience, I got to see how nice and responsive the comunity is. ^_^ Hope to see some of you around.

Thanks again,
The Sixth Illusion from Virtue Server



Well if anything I'm kinda glad this was my first experience, I got to see how nice and responsive the comunity is. ^_^ Hope to see some of you around.

Thanks again,
The Sixth Illusion from Virtue Server

[/ QUOTE ]
Welcome to the Game. Feel free to come back here and ask any other questions.



Welcome to the Game!

So...what happened to the first 5 Illusions?



Welcome to the Game!

So...what happened to the first 5 Illusions?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a dark tale!

Current Main: Thudd. 36 SS/Invul Brute on Justice
50's - Bitter Hatred Bots/FF/Mu MM - Rogue Wyvern Arch/Elec/Elec Blaster - Stonewerk Stone/Stone/Stone Brute - GB Nasty Thugs/Storm/Lev MM

Power and Chaos!



The Sixth Illusion from Virtue Server

[/ QUOTE ] Yesssss! *does the We Got a New Player dance*



Yesssss! *does the We Got a New Player dance*

[/ QUOTE ]

Ditto... and here's some friendly advise... get out of Atlas Park as soon as you can and experience all of the great content that the game has to offer your new hero! If you want to try AE, then go there after you reach level 10 or so.



I'd say 20 is a better bet before hitting AE... it doesn't take as long as you'd think.

EDIT: Actually, come to think of it, trial accounts can't use AE (the mission editor). Still, if/when you activate, stay out of AE for a while. You're overall experience with the game will benefit from it.



Welcome to the Game!

So...what happened to the first 5 Illusions?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a dark tale!

[/ QUOTE ]

Seven got even more hungry.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



The Sixth Illusion from Virtue Server

[/ QUOTE ]
Nice pick.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I dont' know why, but for some reason I expected this to be a new player asking if everyone is always able to get to level 20 on thier first night.

(tip... don't join a MA <mission architect> team until you've played the game outside of of MA for a month or so... err.. actually just don't join any MA teams at all, ever)

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



It worked!! Thank you very much Yanyan, Smurphy, Human_Being and Eislor . Well if anything I'm kinda glad this was my first experience, I got to see how nice and responsive the comunity is. ^_^ Hope to see some of you around.

Thanks again,
The Sixth Illusion from Virtue Server

[/ QUOTE ]Since you're on Virtue, you should, after you activate your account, join the global channel VU2009 (trials can't join global channels, another restriction implemented due to RMT spammers). Lots of teaming, task forces, and just fun chit-chat in there.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



I'd say 20 is a better bet before hitting AE... it doesn't take as long as you'd think.

EDIT: Actually, come to think of it, trial accounts can't use AE (the mission editor). Still, if/when you activate, stay out of AE for a while. You're overall experience with the game will benefit from it.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is good advice.



Welcome to CoH/Cov !!!!

And thank you for being the sort of player who does the tutorial and reads the information it gives you.

Well, this is TopDoc we're talking about. TopDoc would respec to gain 3 points of damage per day. - Arcanaville



It's happened to me twice before, it is a big pain. You have to get options open and there is an option to reset windows or interface to default. I don't remeber how to open options with a letter key, it is not the letter O. Most other things you can restore with m for map, c for chat, t for target, etc.