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  1. Funnily enough, I did petition when it happened, and a GM just got back to me, it seems they were able to reset it. Its working now, thanks all for your response!
  2. I have no outstanding missions, I haven't switched alignments, I started it a while back, and it let me track down trapdoor recently, but nothing else.

    I heard something about buying the unlock? How do I do that?
  3. So, I was just on as my Bots/FF MM, and I wanted to run Ramiels missions to unlock my alpha slot, but he won't offer me the next part (talking to Lady Gray) all he has are the "what is an incarnate" questions. Someone help!

    Edit: So it occurs to me that wasn't really a question, nor was I at all polite. Has anyone else had a similar issue? I had a problem on my Blaster that Ramiel wouldn't even acknowledge me because I had outstanding missions, but that's not the issue with this character. I'm not sure what to do, and I'm starting to think the game just doesn't want me to be an incarnate.
  4. I just figured it was part of the Signature Story Arc thing. Technically they're a TF, but... different. I could conceivably solo it without being purpled out, so its a bit of a different beast.

    Thats my guess anyway, but then I'm not a Dev!
  5. Actually, Nevermind, it appears that a mob got stuck in the ceiling for some reason, and we can't target him. Looks like we have to reset. Thanks for anyone who was going to respond!
  6. I'm currently running the Villainside version with my fiancee, we went into the midnighters club, beat up some cultists, went into the vault and now we can't do anything. The display case is not clickable, and the strange whirling vortex says I can't enter, what do I do? HELP!
  7. Okay, so I was over at Paragon Wiki, just hitting Random Page and doing a wikiwalk, and I landed on a page entitled Titan Weapons, and it said it'd be purchasable.

    My question: I'm not asking when it'll be out or anything like that, but I'm curious about rumors. Anyone have an idea of what it entails? What are Titan Weapons anyways? My interest is piqued.
  8. So, I finally managed to get my fiancee to play CoV with me, and we've found great utility out of the resuscitate power you get from the level 15-20 Mayhem mission in Skyway City. Sadly, it just ran out for both of us, and I was asked if we could get to back to which I answered "...I don't know..."

    So, is there a way to go back and do that skyway city mayhem mission at 29? Or is there an alternate way/power we could use?
  9. Hey all, it's been a while since I posted, but I've managed to come back with people in tow.
    A friend wants to play, and was wondering if he made a trial account, does he get to keep the account/characters when CoH goes free to play?
    My guess would be yes, but I didn't know, and my search-fu is weak, so I ask the good people on these boards!
  10. I played around with bright white and bluish-purple, and it looked pretty cool, but my concept is a half-angel half-demon raised human who doesn't know why these things serve her. (and yes, I do intend to bring her hero-side at some point, why do you ask?)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos_String View Post
    Actually, just today I saw a screenshot of demons in the beta forums where the T1 pets were called Larry, Moe and Curly. Also I had a buddy a while back with Ninjas and his T1 pets were called Larry, Moe and Curly. I think I've been in PUGs a handful of times with people whose T1 pets were named Larry, Moe and Curly.

    I think it's probably the single most common idea for naming T1 pets...
    You're probably right, but I saw a Demon Summoner the other night with Moe, Larry and Dagon, which I really liked.

    As for my bots:
    G.L.I.T.C.H, C.L.A.N.K, F.R.A.G.G *Yes, Glitch is an... attention problem. The game even once wigged out back around CoV launch, and he attacked an arbiter drone in Port Oakes. I got vaporized for that one. Still one of my favorite stories, right next to Glitch pulling and entire 8 man map right into my lap before the aggro cap was set. That was fun.
    KILLswitch and MAINframe for the protbots
    and Trauma-bot 9000 for Assault Bot
  12. DJ_Blackrock

    Lord Recluse

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    No no no, that's the Stig. Though I can see how you'd get the two confused.
    I'm totally making a Stig hero. Or maybe I should make the Stig's cousin, Janet.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Foundsavant View Post
    The protector bot is a rogue that has no place in a strictly disciplined and regimented squad of (supposedly) mindless automatons. ...
    I like to roleplay that its errors in the programming. I have a battle drone named Glitch who's powerfully stupid as well.

    ::shrug:: oh well.
  14. It's simple. Mastermind pets are kinda stupid because if they were smart, we'd be even more overpowered than we already are. We'd be unstoppable...

    You know what? Go ahead devs, listen to this guy, make us the strongest class imaginable! bwahahahahahahahahahaha...


    I did that out loud didn't I?
  15. Bots/FF was my first 50. I love them, but I have to admit, they're a bit, erm, slow. Vs. AVs and such, they're a little tough since there isn't much mitigation besides the DEF boosts. Properly slotted though, you're almost untouchable, and with the bots second upgrade, you can deal a truly unholy amount of damage. I suggest Scirroco for your patron, since his hold has -knockback, and it will keep mobs in your Assault Bots burn patches.

    Whoa, wall o text. Here, keep it easier, this is my personal pros and cons list:
    (Note, I am by no means an expert on the topic, these are my personal musings)

    Pro: Tough as Nails, personal attacks do decent damage in lower levels, teams love a bubbler, high survivability later on, OBSCENE damage in later levels, Force Bubble (that is all)

    Con: Slow to start, little personal mitigation, Force Bolt is pretty terrible all around, low damage before Assault Bot

    I love my Bots/FF, but I had more fun with my Thugs/SS.

    Happy Hunting!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Step 1: Download game from the main page (edit -> Link:

    Step 2: Create an account (you've done this, apparently)

    Step 3: Put in billing information, such as a credit card

    Step 4: Play

    Step 5: If game is not for you, or you do not want it to automatically resubscribe at the end of the month, cancel your subscription. You will be able to play out the rest of the month just fine.

    Step 6: ???

    Step 7: PROFIT!
    I know it's a terribly lame joke, but its 3:23 in the morning and I am known for being terribly lame.

    Sorry Aett!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deathstroke33 View Post
    Its a pain, and needlessly so. Just because its easy for you to do, doesn't mean its easy for everyone to do.

    FYI, I'm downloading the patch from the test server at a blistering pace of 19 k/sec WOW!
    If I could set up the test server copy, than pretty much anyone could do it. When it comes to file modification, I'm just a step above being totally hopeless.

    Though, if you haven't been on Test before, the patch to catch everything us is indeed, epically slow. Also, I'll back up others who put it more eloquently than me. When tens of thousands of people are trying to patch all at once, things are gonna move slower than molasses uphill in Vermont in January.

    Once you're in though, DEMONS!! Whoo!
  18. You may have already tried this, and it's only rarely helped me when end up rubberbanding, but have you tried /sync?
  19. DJ_Blackrock

    Origin Powersets

    Originally Posted by BBhumeBB View Post
    ...or even a Baseball Bat of the Gods.
    Like a certain Mr. Matchstick?

    I need to go dig up my Mage comics and re-read them. It's been too long...
  20. DJ_Blackrock

    Mentor Project

    This actually sounds really neat, and I wish there was something like this when I was a lowbie. I'm on an established server already (Justice) and have mostly villains, but my main question is this: I have two jobs plus volunteering, so I don't get to play a lot. I'd love to be a mentor, but my play schedule is... erratic. Is that okay?

    Edit: Please forgive my ignorance of shorthand, but what's OP? As in "All Mentors will be OP in this channel, named "N P C" "
  21. I had an absolute blast with my Thugs/Storm. You've got tons of mitigation and you can seriously mess up some mobs solo. If you group, just be aware of how much knockback you do and don't piss off the tanks, and you're golden.

    I also enjoyed my Bots/FF, but he was MUCH slower paced, but nearly unkillable once I got some good IOs going. Very different playstyles, both fun.
  22. DJ_Blackrock

    Origin Powersets

    I would post a pic saying "Obvious Troll is Obvious" but looking at his post count, I see that's not the case. A Troll would have gotten bored and bolted by now.

    We don't have origin-specific powersets because people would complain.

    People complain because we don't have origin specific powersets, but there are less of them.

    Needs of the many...
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    Storm for certain (properly recolored for a more hellish look naturally); I'm going to make at least one more but am not sure what.
    Oooh... black cloud for freezing rain, and red rain! Didn't think of that. That'd be awesome.

    ::runs off to tailor to play around with his Thugs/SS::

    ::runs back::

    Oh, yeah, probably going thermal. Just seems really appropriate.

    ::runs off again::
  24. Bots/FF

    Assault : Trauma-Bot 9000
    Protbots: KILLswitch and MAINframe
    Drones: G.L.I.T.C.H, C.L.A.N.K, and F.R.A.G.G.


    Bruiser: Big Devil
    Enforcers: Axel and Loco
    Punks: Little Devil, Jack Spastic and Johnny Bic(arsonist)


    Lich: Bob
    Grave Knight: Agony and Irony
    Zombies: Torment, Anguish, Sorrow
  25. Wish I could have joined, my Thugs/Storm has been getting dusty. Curse this working for a living thing!