88 -
Put me down as a maybe.
I'll bring something, probably level 50. Prefer Manticore but willing to do Renault.
I'll probably bring Baroness Blitz, my elec/shield brute. I could possibly be persuaded to run my arch/cold defender (Cryohuntress) that I'm still learning to play. Both are level 50.
I'll bring my 50 tank (Charcold - ice/fire). Or maybe the brute, or if I ever incarnated my defender (yes, I did say defender) I might bring her. Or the scrapper for the XP bonus. Most likely the tank.
I've got a blaster (Detective Cora - AR/mental) who needs Khan, and a brute (Baroness Blitz - elec/shield) who needs Baracuda. Although the brute is a rogue, so if there is a second Khan she could do that.
I'm sorry about the cat. I might be able to show up for the SF (with my level 50 elec/shield brute), but schedules are still iffy around here.
List me as an alternate - Charcold, ice/fire tank. Alpha is unlocked, but I don't think it's slotted yet, and I'm not sure of my availability Saturday.
Darn - I like this one, but I'm not sure if I'll be back in time, or if I'd have to leave before the end. Have fun with it!
I'll be there with my 50 ice/fire tank. Added bonus - TopDoc will be joining us. Not sure what he's bringing though.
Looks like it's full, but I'll probably show up in case we have enough for 2 teams. Most likely the 50 ice/fire tank, but I could bring an AR/MM blaster if that'd work better.
It wouldn't let my multi-quote, so my questions are missing. I had asked if we knew there would be a special promotion at GameStop later when people were first able to pre-purchase from NCSoft. So Forbin is correct that it's not relevant that GameStop had a special deal, but thankfully he(?) answered the main part of my question. If people knew that the "buy it now" deal wasn't going to be the complete edition that would be available later, then yes it was a decision to get access to the powers now and probably have to buy it again later to get the rest of the goodies and not just bad luck.
Quote:Is it a choice if there aren't any options? When GR was first available for pre-purchase, was it known that there would be a different special offer from GameStop? If so, then yes it's a choice between early access to powers vs extra goodies later. If not, then it's a matter of offering shinies to the new people that the current players have to pay extra for (if you're even allowed to have both the pre-purchase and the pre-order on the same account).Not following you at all. I've been playing over 5 years and, by going through Gamestop, I can get the full GR package, the free month, the special enhancements, and the dopey mousepad. In what way is this long-term vet losing out???
Now, if you're talking about getting early access to pistols and demons.... well, you (or whoever) CHOSE to get early access instead of the free month and stuff. I decided that the free month was more important to me. -
Normally I don't like exemping my 50's this far, but my lowbie is only level 10, and my 50 doesn't have the badge, so I'll be bringing Baroness Blitz (50 elec/shield brute) for this.
Looks like you might be full, but if I have a toon who could use the badge I'll show up anyway and hope we have at least 12 people so we could do 2 teams.
Soccer's in the morning this week, so I should be available. Baroness Blitz, level 50 elec/shield brute.
Closest I have is an AR blaster, but being AR/MM she's not close enough.
Thank you! I hope the other mothers are having a great day today!
That's one of the longer ones and my boys have a soccer game that afternoon, although the weather reports indicate it might rain. If I'm available, I could bring my 47-ish ice/fire tank or my 50 AR/MM blaster.
My fire/fire tank is on the wrong server, as is my fire/fire brute. Luckily, I have my ice/fire tank here on Justice. Charcold, level 45.
List me as an alternate - we're back into the "weather permitting" season. I could bring a tank (45, ice/fire), but it looks like my blaster (50, AR/MM) would be more useful.
Add me as an alt, please:
Baroness Blitz - 50 elec/shield brute - @Mrs. TopDoc -
TopDoc and I had a great time. Devs and players were awesome, and I won a Logitech G330 Gaming headset in the raffle. Can't wait for the next one.
Correct: I am neither a desk with a Diet Coke (although I did drink a few of those at the M&G), nor an inflatable shuttle. TopDoc also got a picture of me with Posi, War Witch, Ghost Falcon, and the Logitech G330 Gaming Headset that I won in the raffle, but he's not home now and the iPhone with the pictures is with him.
Quote:TopDoc took a picture of me with War Witch, but we didn't get a picture of Mari. Guess I should have checked the forum before we headed down.Whoever will be at the M&G, please be sure to give a big hug to Posi and War Witch for Incarnates, Kinetic Melee and Electric Control!
Also, don't forget to take pictures. I need proof that Mari exists! Remember, pics or it didn't happen!