Saturday Matine - RECLUSE: Legacy




I'll be out of town for a while, so I'm leaving the Matinée in the hands of Allyriah. This week will be a Recluse Strike Force (L45-50) at the usual 1pm eastern start time, with gathering in Grandville at 12:45. Have fun everyone and have a happy holiday!

NOTE: There will be no Matinée on Dec. 25th.

1. Allyriah - Ally Stryke (L50 Inv/SS Tank)
2. Bobitron - Dead or Alive (L50 DP/Dark Corr)
3. DeathsWhisper - Tenosce (L50 Crab)
4. Xarathion - Blizzard Shade (L50 Ice/Cold Corr)
5. MikeHoncho - Dolores Mulva (L50 Fort)
6. DesiNova - Cassandra LaViuda (L50 Crab)
7. Katfood - Supporty Spice (L50 Dance/Sonic Corr)
8. CinderSpawn - Inhuman Rampage (L50 DM/WP Brute)




Spindel, 50 Night Widow

Discuss all matters related to the Justice server here.*
*Excludes most topics



Chthonic Embers, level 50 Fire/Dark Corruptor

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



I'm in! I'll probably bring Dead or Alive, my 50 DP/Dark corr.



Tenosce - 50 Crab

Global: @Death's Whisper - When there's trouble you call DW!



Blizzard Shade - 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor



Dolores Mulva, lvl 50 fort

"Live every week like it's Shark Week" - Tracy Jordan



I guess I can bring Cassandra LaViuda L50 Crab. I think I need some shards on her anyway

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



I can tank or whatever you need for this one.



A few more are needed to push it to two teams.



I'm in. Probably Inhuman Rampage DM/WP Brute since he could use some shards to get Alpha slotted but I can switch if we need something else.

awakened death 50 necro/dark mm, Necrospider 50 Crabspider, Death's Hunter 50 claw/regen stalker, Inhuman-Rampage 50 DM/WP brute, Xander the Protector 50 Kat/sr scrapper, Phantom Force 50 Ill/Rad Controller, Friendly Persuader 50 Inv/Wm tank
Global: @Cinder Spawn



Turns out I won't be able to make it after all. I have some RL stuff to attend to during what's shaping up to be a busy weekend.

Hope you all have fun. :-)

Discuss all matters related to the Justice server here.*
*Excludes most topics



I need to cancel as well. I have to have one of my cats put down tomorrow.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
I need to cancel as well. I have to have one of my cats put down tomorrow.



Sorry guys.



I'm pretty sure I'm around this week so if there's a team two running I'll be there. My mind/psi dom most likely.



Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
I need to cancel as well. I have to have one of my cats put down tomorrow.
Sorry to hear that, Arwen

"Live every week like it's Shark Week" - Tracy Jordan



I'm sorry about the cat. I might be able to show up for the SF (with my level 50 elec/shield brute), but schedules are still iffy around here.

Well, this is TopDoc we're talking about. TopDoc would respec to gain 3 points of damage per day. - Arcanaville



System message just popped up saying they're bringing down the server for maintenance in 30 minutes. Hopefully it won't be down for too long. I'll switch over to Blizzard anyway to see if I can catch any of the team in-game...



If the server is only down for about 30 min or so, I can still run this so I'm going to try for a 1:30 EST start time. If it stays down any longer than that, you guys are welcome to try to form up without me later on although it sounds like several people are tight on time today.

It would probably be easiest for everyone to use the Justice Sat Mat channel to get in touch once the servers are back up to see if anything's happening.

Sorry all! Lousy timing for server maintenance. *shakes fist*

Allyriah - 50 Ice/Ice Blaster
Cyrrena - 50 Sonic/Dark Corr
Ally Stryke - 50 Inv/SS Tank
and so many more...



Supporty Spice hehehe



Server's back up.