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  1. i believe the winner would be that peacebringer a long time ago, that was able to put his slots in 2 attacks when respec'd. He 2 shotted Hami and got the Bug Hunter Badge.
  2. someone in chat said it doesn't start until noon. Any confirmation on that?
  3. I think it will be a waste of time trying to check in TF mode.

    I have the same low drops on Task Force, Radio Missions, Farming the wall in Cim. ( I tried the wall after i16 a bunch of times, because it used to be a good source for getting purples)

    Setting my difficulty in many different ways has not had any affect on the drop rate.
  4. Same results for me, very low. Spawned outdoor mission set for 8 and I get 1 recipe.

    I'll re subscribe when I see that the problem is being fixed.
  5. Yesterday and today I farmed the wall in Cim. for an hour each time as I have done countless times.

    Neither time did I fill up on recipes. Usually I would have filled up twice in an hour.

    Oh, and yesterday I ran a Sister Psych, and was the only lvl 50, the rest of the team was ssk'd to me, they were in the tf range. And one person had a purple drop for them. They were lvl 25.
  6. I would be happy if one issue would just have anti-knockback IO's, so you would knock stuff down instead of back.

    - Underwater travel and fighting
    - Zone updating
    - Base attention (we want to make them even bigger)
    - New IO's for mez protection
    - Vehicles
    - costume recipes that help: rocket boots make u fly faster, goggles that increase perception and accuracy, auras that do damage and such
    - Level 60 Cap with new content

    we could go on and on and on and on..........
  7. Really, you should step back and maybe take a break for a bit.

    Just because we have more people with wacked builds, more kiddies with 50's, so what??? There are more new playing than there have been in a long time, and lots of people who didn't play much who are enjoying an easier time of things.

    That doesn't stop you from doing anything that you did before.

    I somewhat felt the same way as you did, but I think that was because I have leveled 26 to 50 the "hard" way. But now that I see other people in my family playing more, (after they had pretty much left the game) I think, "who care's" as long as we are playing the game. It is still just a video game.
  8. Lots of entertainment in this thread. LoL's all around.

    wedgie < eye poke < fist to face < groin kick < whipped < frozen < shocked < burned < shot < nuked < mocked & pwned

    I wonder if you could use that attack chain w/ temp powers?
  9. badchad

    Level boosting?

    /em adjust tinfoil hat

    did you know that AE is really run by the Evil Empire?

    do not give in to the dark side...

    For all the complaining, myself included, I think AE has really helped our game to bring in new people. I see them everyday, and people who didn't play as much are on more. The game keeps getting better and better. Good Job CoX team!
  10. Off topic a little.

    Where do these RMTers play. I don't believe I have ever seen one. I could be wrong.

    Are they on all servers?
  11. On an AE Team last night. 2 new players, both had multiple 50's.

    They both said that they don't buy enhancements for their toons until lvl 40 or so.

    Player, "this game is lol"

    I really hate how AE is TF style so that it auto levels people to level 50 or whatever the AE mission is set for. These new players have no clue how broken their builds are.
  12. I went a little different route than most. I had about 30 regular IOs for sale for the easy money. But for the most part I put in bids for a lot of recipes.

    I spent all of my time leveling instead of worrying about the market.

    I logged in yesterday and had gotten almost all I had bid on (none were big ticket items, that wasnt the plan). With salvage prices so high after the event I went and spent a half hour farming.

    Got a purple and it sold for 240 million. Since my luck was good I decided to random roll 240 merits.

    Got a Lotg 7.5%
    Oblit quad
    blessing knockback
    and many other good ones.

    Makes up for all the "bad" rolls from the past.
  13. badchad

    Domi Farm???

    He's messin with ya.
  14. And they are just for show. They do not help in any way, just a costume piece.
  15. QR

    Can you get a drop from a mastermind pet?
  16. Thank you, I'll try it when I get home.
  17. Anyone good with macros?

    Could a macro for taunt do the chicken emote?

    I remember replacing the tricorder on aid self with roar a long time ago from a forum post.
  18. I don't like it, it makes my base look bad.
  19. badchad

    New Travel pool

    Good suggestion.

    This would be a nice addition without breaking anything.
  20. badchad

    The Devs Hate...

    The Devs hate my computer and wish that I would get a better one.

    The Devs hate my wireless router too.
  21. Yes, I kept it. If I am soloing I do not find it very useful, but on teams where they are scrapper or tank heavy I switch to Bright Nova.

    I debated this a long time too. So I settled on Build #1 as Triform,,, Hami-O build plus one knockback protection IO (this was medium expensive at the time)

    Build #2 Human/Dwarf

    The different build option is pretty nice on Khelds
  22. Thanks, I'll try exemping down whenever I can, I didn't know you got more influence on that when you were a level 50.
  23. Thanks to all for the input.

    I know I can get it eventually. I have a particular bad habit of liking to level up which overrides my badge OCD. I have 26 lvl 50's but those darn Epic badges are like a thorn in my side.
    BadChad is a Claws/Inv Scrapper (yes, they can be really good with enough IOs)