Bright Nova worth it after lvl 30?





I've been wanting to respec my PB and get back into the Kheld picture since I heard that Cosmic Balance now applies in forms, which I think is great!

The thing is, looking at the numbers, I'm having a hard time justifying playing in Nova form. The attacks are decent, and there's the %45 dmg and %9 tohit buff in Nova, but the base dmg isn't a whole lot higher than Dwarf or Human attacks. With a Force Feedback in Dwarf Flare, which is not far off in dmg from the Nova AOE's, you can pretty much spam it. Procs can help get the melee attacks up in dmg too.

So my question is, for a long-term IO build, is it worth building tri-form or should I just go Human/Dwarf? If the Nova can still rain death (err, arrests) late-game like it can pre-30, I'd love to hear about it. However, if I'm throwing away slots on Nova, and should just go Human for Ranged/AOE, please let me know.

I'm counting on the vet PB's for some solid advice here.

Thank you



Bright Nova worth it after lvl 30?

[/ QUOTE ]
Since it's still awesome fun for me to defeat two Lv50 CoT Death Mages solely with my Bright Nova on my Lv50 TriFormPB, I'd say it's definitely worth my power-picks and slotting.

From the practical point of view, if you're teaming with other AT's that allow you to actually remain in Bright Nova and simply blast with impunity, it's even more fun!

And... finally, If you consider all the fun Chance to XXX IO's you can slot in your Bright Nova attacks, it can be a source of joy to just watch what happens when several of those IO's proc together!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



If anything I'd say it's dwarf that's becoming obsolete... on teams. If you team more than solo chances are your resists in human with the shields are going to be pretty high if not capped. So all dwarf gives you is higher hp and mez protection with comparatively poor attacks, while nova has become even better with the recent changes to the inherent: Depending on team makeup you're probably more survivable and carrying an even deadlier load of aerial death.

Solo though? I'd rather play as a fully slotted human/dwarf.

I haven't done the math but human feels like it has far better single target burst (which I prefer for soloing) than nova. Once dwarf is fully slotted it works as a great backup form for when things go south and the old double footstomp/form switcheroo never gets old.



And... finally, If you consider all the fun Chance to XXX IO's you can slot in your Bright Nova attacks, it can be a source of joy to just watch what happens when several of those IO's proc together!

[/ QUOTE ]

Chance to [censored]?
Chance to do [censored] Damage?
Chance of a [censored]?

What sets are those from?

Touch of [censored]?
Ghost Widow's [censored]?
[censored]'s Shot?



Get it, Keep it, Love it.

'Nuff said.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm just going to sneak back in here and say
because I want to be constructive of the thread.

However, I will say that if it doesn't fit your play style, it's not necessary to have Bright / Dark Nova, but it is worth having. Like most powers, it requires slots to be effective (unlike most powers, it requires more then six) and that can be tight if you need those slots elsewhere. Especially if you find your Human Form blasts more 'effective' (in that while they don't get the damage boost from Nova, they can be damaging to enemies and not require form shifting which allows you to use other powers, such as the Melee and shields).




Sorry, got stuck using fowl language.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Yes, I kept it. If I am soloing I do not find it very useful, but on teams where they are scrapper or tank heavy I switch to Bright Nova.

I debated this a long time too. So I settled on Build #1 as Triform,,, Hami-O build plus one knockback protection IO (this was medium expensive at the time)

Build #2 Human/Dwarf

The different build option is pretty nice on Khelds