people leaving teams
Sometimes people have to leave. Don't take it personal, just find new teammates.
Meh. It happens.
The thing to do is either start another duo/ team, or solo for a bit.
There's always another team out there, and if there isn't one that suits you, you can solo any AT in this game.
You have no idea why they left though. It could have been because something else appealled more, or something came up. So it isn't worth it to get riled up about.
It could have been something you said or did.
They might have run out of time before they had to go.
It could have been any number of things, and if multiple people leave, it could be multiple reasons.
This is typical behavior of players from "that other" MMO. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of hanging with the team to do other people's missions as well. It's called selfishness and unfortunately a lot of people nowadays suffer from its influence, especially those from MMOs that encourage it.
Sometimes people have to leave. Don't take it personal, just find new teammates.
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I think they are more mad at the fact that people leave without saying anything, not that they are just leaving.
I hate to say it but it's something you get used to. I'd suggest using your notes feature to one star the jerks and leave you a reminder why you don't want to team with them in the future.
They could at least have the decency to make up an excuse.
Yes I know there can be unforseen disconnects and power outages. With the former the player is usually back as soon as they can reboot and asking to rejoin, the latter is a rare occurance.
I'll agree with the OP here in that it is frustrating to have people just vanish after a mission, or worse, during it.
However, it is true that lots of people come from games in which, once certain content is done, there isn't a need to remain on the team. I agree, quite rude to leave with no warning, but if they do that, I'll usually just send a tell along thanking them for what help they provided, and keep moving.
Instead of starting a new thread I'll stick it here.
I *thoroughly* enjoy being asked to team only to travel there, get inside then be kicked out due to "I gotta go RL came up".
RL came up=still online doing mission.
Outside of a TF, I don't think it's a big deal when someone quits and I don't think they owe anybody an explanation.
Outside of a TF, I don't think it's a big deal when someone quits and I don't think they owe anybody an explanation.
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I like explanations because you usually don't know if it was a mistake they quit, or if they got d/c'd or if they are coming back or what...
I have had this experience as well and it is upsetting; however, I have also been on Pugs that will roll for an hour and a half and are quite fun. I enjoy teaming over soloing, so I will keep trying for those "good" Pugs.
I prefer saying something even if it is just "Family demanding food, gotta go, thanks for team."
But sometimes people just leave - c'est la jeu du role.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
I usually give a warning before I join a team that I may have to exit quickly due to RL stuff.
Everyone has always been cool with that. I turned down a TF invite one or twive with this reasoning, and they still wanted me to join.
I will also quit teams that don't move or hit a dead end and can't pull it together. I quit a team the other day, cause everyone wold just run off in different directions. NO organiaation whatsoever.
When this happens, sometime wish there was a /forceduel within a team.
I've always liked the casual atmosphere in CoH that doesn't allow team dropping to be the end of the world. There are always people to just pick up as replacements and move on. Other MMOs require undying commitment to 4 hour raid encounters or they'll boot you from the guild. I'm personally glad CoH isn't like that.
That being said, one of the best strategies is to create an active friend list you can use as a core base to recruit from when building groups. Find people who fit your play style and are willing to stick it out for hours with you and you'll have a good base to work from. There will always be people who drop for no reason, but you can mitigate the affect of these people by choosing who you play with.
Sometimes i say something. Sometimes i don't. It depends on how well the team has worked, whether or not i CAN type something (somtimes, the baby is laying across my arm, or i've been eating at keyboard, or whatever). Sometimes, i see the team falling apart after trying to be polite and hanging in there despite having a barely literate leader and just say, "Finally, i can leave without it seeming too rude!"
It's not always the leader. But it can be. If the leader can't form proper sentences or won't actually LEAD (i.e. doesn't give any information on what/where/when the team is doing stuff, why there are delays, etc.), i'll get fed up and leave. i don't generally say anything if i can't say anything nice. i guess it has to do something with the generation i was raised in.
It's not always me. But, there are times when i'm just not feeling too well and i need to go. Or the baby has been left naked in my lap by my teen and he's just peed all over me. Or RL has pissed me off (kids not doing chores, Husband picking on me, whatever) and i'm just too irritated to be polite even to people i'm teamed with, so again i'll bow out and leave space for someone else that isn't in a pissy mood like me.
It's not always my team. But sometimes, even with a good leader, there are members on the team that are irritating, and rather than bad mouth them (though, if i'm pissy, i may do that back channel to the leader), i'll just leave and go do something else.
And, just because i've left the team and am online does NOT mean i'm still even at keyboard. Because IRL happens to me a lot, often times i'll just enter whatever mission is closest, or go to my base, or wherever i can that won't autolog me, and handle RL. i may be afk an hour, even two, depending on what my family needs. i usually try to set an afk msg, but having an almost-toddler around that likes to stand up and pat on my spacebar means that sometimes that afk msg gets removed.
So, there are any number of reasons people may leave without saying something. It doesn't mean you were a bad leader. It doesn't mean they are bad players. It just is.
It could have been established before you joined that they were only going to run a few more mishes and then log. Or some could be on a separate chat channel, and you weren't made aware of their intentions.
Explanations? Yeah my cat is on fire and my mother dropped a whole bunch of acid and kidnapped a school bust full of penguins and well I just have to go. That is so helpful.
Meanwhile "That other MMO?" Which one? In WoW you stay in a group till you finish the task at hand, be it an instance or Elite kill. FFXI you are attached at the hip with your group until you absolutely have to leave the computer, be it your house is on fire or your cath bag ruptures. EQ until recently you didn't leave a group for fear of being branded unreliable. Nope the 2 missions then bolt thing has always been stronger in CoH then anywhere else and it got worse with radio missions. With it's lack of dependence on the holy trinity and it's 10-15 minuet mission structure, unless you where on a TF you expected someone to leave after they got their fix. I think it's people from "Other MMOs" who are shocked by this behavior.
Nope groups in this game unless you are dealing with SGs or buddies are pretty flighty bunches. People leave because the XPs per minuite are too low, because they die one too many times, the team chatter sucks, they got their task done, it's the fourth radio mission and their task hasn't been picked. . .The nice ones tell you about their burning cat or five year old gnawing on the computer cables, but most just hit that bright shiny quit button and hop off. Heck even I do it, finish the task at hand, say "GG got to go" *QUIT* I feel pretty safe that after the Mayhem/Safeguard is finished, the AV is down, the TF/SF is over, they don't need my life story and I really don't want theirs, I infer that like me they want to move on with their game.
To the OP sometimes people do have a reason they are telling you. So take no harm in what they say or do. Just shrug them off and find someone else to fill a spot that is how you meet new people and improve you own skills in game.
Meanwhile "That other MMO?" Which one? In WoW you stay in a group till you finish the task at hand, be it an instance or Elite kill. FFXI you are attached at the hip with your group until you absolutely have to leave the computer, be it your house is on fire or your cath bag ruptures. EQ until recently you didn't leave a group for fear of being branded unreliable. Nope the 2 missions then bolt thing has always been stronger in CoH then anywhere else and it got worse with radio missions.
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Not so. Try early level questing in those games you mentioned. Not the high level raid stuff but the ordinary quests people team for, kill one thing and then poof, team disbanded. That's the kind of attitude I'm talking about. That's what those games bring to this one with the influx of their players, a selfish attitude.
Yes, CoX has a more casual nature, but in the past it has been easy to get together a good PUG and do missions for hours with the same players. People used to tend to stick to a good team for longer periods because they didn't just care about getting their own missions done. A lot of players from other games think like this though so you get those players now who, as soon as you finish their missions, leave without another word.
Meanwhile "That other MMO?" Which one? In WoW you stay in a group till you finish the task at hand, be it an instance or Elite kill. FFXI you are attached at the hip with your group until you absolutely have to leave the computer, be it your house is on fire or your cath bag ruptures. EQ until recently you didn't leave a group for fear of being branded unreliable. Nope the 2 missions then bolt thing has always been stronger in CoH then anywhere else and it got worse with radio missions.
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Not so. Try early level questing in those games you mentioned. Not the high level raid stuff but the ordinary quests people team for, kill one thing and then poof, team disbanded. That's the kind of attitude I'm talking about. That's what those games bring to this one with the influx of their players, a selfish attitude.
[/ QUOTE ] Isn't wanting people to stick around on your team for mission after mission you being selfish too? I mean, you want them to stick around for your fun.
Explanations? Yeah my cat is on fire and my mother dropped a whole bunch of acid and kidnapped a school bust full of penguins and well I just have to go. That is so helpful.
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Hell, I don't care what the excuse is. The more outlandish or silly will make me smile and eliminate any irritation. At least they care enough about their fellow players to speak up.
I may even throw them on my friends list because they made me laugh when they left.
one time in a team pvp match someone went afk during an actual match, and were like wtf on vent and there was no answer. that guy earned a special Title in vent for a month it was called the "Cockologist" as in tribue to the movie four brothers.
RL came up=still online doing mission.
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Or it means leaving your character in the mission instance while you're busy doing any number of RL things, but don't feel like logging out or don't have time.
Simple fact is, don't make assumptions just because you /friend someone and see them logged in. Unless you see them broadcasting LFT or in the market or what have you, it's really none of your business what they decide to do with their time instead of team with you. If you have a bad experience with them, /playernote them and move on. Don't come whining about it here (same goes for the original poster).
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Meanwhile "That other MMO?" Which one? In WoW you stay in a group till you finish the task at hand, be it an instance or Elite kill. FFXI you are attached at the hip with your group until you absolutely have to leave the computer, be it your house is on fire or your cath bag ruptures. EQ until recently you didn't leave a group for fear of being branded unreliable. Nope the 2 missions then bolt thing has always been stronger in CoH then anywhere else and it got worse with radio missions.
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Not so. Try early level questing in those games you mentioned. Not the high level raid stuff but the ordinary quests people team for, kill one thing and then poof, team disbanded. That's the kind of attitude I'm talking about. That's what those games bring to this one with the influx of their players, a selfish attitude.
[/ QUOTE ] Isn't wanting people to stick around on your team for mission after mission you being selfish too? I mean, you want them to stick around for your fun.
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Not so. It doesn't really matter one way or the other to me. I can quite easily drop out of a team and solo with any of my toons any time. But when I lead a team, I will switch from doing one player's missions to another's to another's with in a single play session. When player 1 remains on the team after doing a couple of his missions and then player 2 does also, this shows these players are team oriented and that fun is more than completing their own missions. When player 3 drops the team without a word the moment we finish his missions, that shows me that he is a selfish player who was only hanging around long enough for us to do his missions. Selfish is the best word to describe this behavior.
It doesn't affect my fun at all. I can easily search for more team members while the rest of us attempt to continue sans his assistance. I can easily also say, " Okay, thanks all. It's been fun teaming but I've got to run. Have a better day!" or "Thanks for the team all! I'm gonna go solo for a bit before I crash. Sleep fast! "
It's about manners. It's polite to say when and why you're leaving if it is at all possible. Go ahead and be selfish about it if you want, just give people a heads up before leaving them in the lurch.
I just was wondering, does anyone else get irritated when u finally get into a team, u do 1 or 2 missions, and then u have the "Incredible Shrinking Team" happen? What I mean is u do a couple of mishes with a really good/well-balanced group, and then the people whose mishes u did just leave, without saying anything, yer team just shrinks. To me that is kinda disrespectful and irritating. I am sorry, i had to vent.
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God forbid people have lives outside of the game....

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
I just was wondering, does anyone else get irritated when u finally get into a team, u do 1 or 2 missions, and then u have the "Incredible Shrinking Team" happen? What I mean is u do a couple of mishes with a really good/well-balanced group, and then the people whose mishes u did just leave, without saying anything, yer team just shrinks. To me that is kinda disrespectful and irritating. I am sorry, i had to vent.