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  1. Thanks to all of you who i said, it was just a curiousity thing. I guess I just have to step up and use "lft" instead of "looking to join a team". Again, thanks gang.
  2. Okay, I have been playing the game for a long time now, many years, and this question finally started bugging the hell out of me. Why are some servers populated more than others? I mean, the missions are the same, the enemies, environments, NPCs, etc are all the same, so why the vast gap in players? I have toons on both Guardian and Pinnacle, Pinnacle is not too bad, but Guardian should be re-named "the abandoned server". There is never anyone on Guardian it seems, at least on Pinnacle my SG is on there, so there are people I can team with. Also why is it that Freedom seems to be the most populated/poular server?
  3. Okay, at the risk of sounding totally stupid, after I do the /bindsavefile ccetest.txt, where do I find the file that has that info?
  4. I have a kinda weird question, am I doing something wrong when i try to bind keys to my costumes changes/emotes? For example, the following formula seems to work fine:

    /bind numpad1 cce 1 ccbackflip. I hit 1 my toon does a back flip and changes to his 2nd costume, however, when I do /bind numpad0 cce 1 ccbackflip. I do not do a backflip when changing back to my original cosume, and my bind for numpad 1 gets erased from keymapping. This is only the first time this has happened, all my other level 20+ toons do the emote changing both ways, and I have used the sme formula. What am i doing wrong?
  5. That's kinda what I figured, sigh, well at least he is still under level 20 so thats a good thing. Just gonna have to power level him when I re-create. Thanks all for your input
  6. I have an Assault rifle Corruptor whose motif would be better with pistols. As far as I figure when I16 comes out, pistols will be available to other toons besides MMs. My question is this: Will I just be able to switch to pistols at Facemaker, or will I have to respec the toon, or (please no) re-create him and start all over from scratch?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Also, this game is very solo friendly in comparison to the other big boys out there.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I totally agree, man...I can dig it
  8. I just was wondering, does anyone else get irritated when u finally get into a team, u do 1 or 2 missions, and then u have the "Incredible Shrinking Team" happen? What I mean is u do a couple of mishes with a really good/well-balanced group, and then the people whose mishes u did just leave, without saying anything, yer team just shrinks. To me that is kinda disrespectful and irritating. I am sorry, i had to vent.
  9. couple of times, usually it was from one of the officers of my SG/VG with some info about something going on soon, a raid or whatever
  10. I can see them, weird
  11. I am unable to see the avatars, or pics that the posters have chosen for there forum profile. The only thing I can think of is that I updated Flashplayer, and Shockwave Player yesterday, could that be causingthe problem? In my mind, an update shouldn't cause this problem, I could see them fine before
  12. Caemyr

    new Jetpack

    The other day I was in the AE building, and a player was flying around with a jetpack that was not the Raptor Pack which u get from doing bank mishes. I asked in a tell what it was nad where he got it, but he never replied, is there an invention or something you can get that gives u a different Jet Pack? The one he was using looked like it was actually part of his armor, or a backpack, and it had 2 jets on the bottom, but no wings like the Raptor pack does.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    First off, which key are you wanting to use?

    Earlier when I made my videos, I used "numpad1" (1 on the number pad) as my key of choice, and switch to the second costume (the slots are counted off of 0, so the second costume would be '1'), so I'll use that... You'd write: /bind numpad1 cce 1 CCBackflip

    "/" tells the game you're doing a command
    "bind" tells the game which command
    "numpad1" is the key
    "cce" is the command part of the bind
    "1" is which costume to use (remember, it starts at 0 and not 1)
    "CCBackflip" is the costume change emote to use, see wiki for the others.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    'K' is what i was gonna use, but I like your numpad idea better. thx for the info, I was going nuts trying to figure it out, if I had any hair, I would have pulled it out by now lol
  14. I have been trying to set my costume emotes, so they activate when i hit the key I set for costume change, how do I do this, I have gotten 3 different suggestions while in the game, and none of them work, the only time my emeote activates is if i go into the menu, and change my costume there. Any help would be appreciated...thx!
  15. Caemyr

    game shutdowns

    I do have Nvidia, but I still couldn't find the NAM files, also I tried the CoH helper, but I couldn't find my Windows Clipboard, so I was unable to post my system info. As I said before, I was not trying tobe disrespectful to you, I just wasn't sure how to do some of the things you mentioned and where to find some things.
  16. Caemyr

    game shutdowns

    I uninstalled, and reinstalled both games and they are working like a charm. I didn't know wher to find the NAM files (I looked everywhere) so I couldn't disable them as was suggested, I wasn't trying to dis u by not doing what u suggested.
  17. Caemyr

    game shutdowns

    Damn! The problem still exists, I even re-installed the game and that didn't help, I am at a total loss as to what to do
  18. Caemyr

    game shutdowns

    I uninstalled Ventrilo and the problem seems to have been resolved, thanx for the suggestions
  19. Caemyr

    I wanted to cry

    [ QUOTE ]
    MA baby. It's worse than the the WL babies of 2004.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    what is WL?
  20. Caemyr

    game shutdowns

    I have encountered a problem with CoH/CoV. I enabled Ventrilo for my SG (The Malevolent's Redemption) and ever since then within 10 min of logging into the game, irregardless of which server, it freezes, and then shuts down. Is this problem realated to the Ventrilo activation, or some other reason. The game worked fine prior to me activating Ventrilo, so I am thinking that is the culprit, although I have never had Ventrilo cause a problem with any other games in the past.
  21. I am considering getting a Netbook (Acer Aspire One), and i was wondering if it could play CoH/CoV. The specs for this laptop are: Resolution-1024x600, CPU/GPU-Intel Atom N270, GMA 950, RAM/Storage-1GB RAM, 160GB HD, Connectivity 802.11b/g, 3D Mark06-115. Please advise, or recommend a laptop that would be better, thanks
  22. Caemyr

    bugged mish

    I am trying to do the mish from Seer Marina "Uncover Paolo's True Fate" Where is the mission enterance? I go to where the arrow is pointing, and nothing is there. I encountered this bug before, will it be fixed soon?
  23. I have noticed not a lot of Plant Dominators out there, but thats just me
  24. I was looking at the link, didn't quite understand it. Does it mean when u get those badges, if u go to the tailor, the new weapons are available?