I wanted to cry
MA baby. It's worse than the the WL babies of 2004.
MA baby. It's worse than the the WL babies of 2004.
[/ QUOTE ]
I trust you told him how to get out of Pocket D.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
i saw a 54 month vet the other day who didnt know you could toggle on the ui during screentshots and thought he was allowed to swear all he wanted since there was a chat filter.
I'd have told him he had to click on War Witch 2138 times and she'd show him the secret exit. But, if he clicked her 2139 times he'd have to wait until tomorrow and try it again.
I had a level 24 Warshade asking how to get to Kings Row.
He was standing in front of the train car at the time.
Actual overheard statement: Cool! I'm level 50. I'm gonna go learn how to play my toon!
It's sad really.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Take heart in that these are the exceptions, and that the devs are working to curb farming abuse. There will always be noopids (quite different from newbies, who I don't mind in the least) in the game, some worse than others.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
On a team a few nights ago, I was myself impressed at the sheer volume of pissy remarks some players felt entitled to uncork in the direction of a player in his low 30s - all with some refrain about "at your level you should know X." How to use Ouroboros (I had just taken him through the portal and showed him the badge location), confusion between yellow and green lines, etc.
He had (it was surmised) ebayed his account, or played nothing but AE, or otherwise betrayed the CoX spirit, and the strutting little know it alls who seemed inordinately proud of knowing crap about a fraggin' game could not contain themselves on criticizing every question or hesitation.
The guy was out playing PvE action, teaming up, trying to get into the game the way (I gather) the few and the proud seem to think it should be played, but since he hadn't learned what they think he should have learned, when they think he should have learned it, he got a heaping helping of punk-[censored] posturing about his lowly station in life along with such grudging advice as came his way.
Now that behavior, unlike some of these other observations, is fraggin' SAD!
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
Be careful if you come across someone who really doesn't know these things. I have a friend with almost 21 months. She has a learning disability. Eveytime she plays, we play with her. Everytime she plays, my husband has to help her lvl up and help her sell and buy. We have to do this virtually everytime she plays because she can't retain the information.
She's almost left the game because of people who talk down to her because she doesn't know something. I know cases like her may be few and far between...just be careful who you talk down to or dis because they don't know something.
Yes, it is extremely ridiculous.
I seriously think that since the PL'ing exploits became available there was a massive influx from a certain other MMORPG where the players don't behave as politely and are nowhere near as friendly as the average CoX player of old.
I have a feeling that this new crowd came because they don't think you can "really" play an MMORPG until you hit level 50.
Those of us that have been here for a while know that is not the case with CoX.
If you rush to level 50 in CoX, you missed the "playing" of the game.
CoX is about exploring the game environment as you progress.
Once you are level 50, pretty much everywhere except for the MA and the highest level zones aren't a challenge or worth taking the time to explore.
I can only hope that once they get to level 50 they take the time to make a new character and really play the game.
For any of you new players reading this. Here are somethings that I really think that you should do ::
<ul type="square">[*]Run the training/tutorial mission - read everything in it. This will help you out a whole lot. (Sure you might know a lot about another MMORPG, but you don't know the basics of CoX)[*]I strongly suggest running some missions with your contacts before you do anything else.[*] If you team up early on, do it with a team that is your level.[*]Around the time you hit level 10 and before level 17, go to the university in Steel Canyon and run the University arc to learn about IO's.[*]Before you start selling stuff on the market, talk to the Market Rep and read the info about the Market.[*]If you have questions, use the [Help] channel by typing /hc [message]. There are still those of us who will help you. - but if you don't know basics, you might want to start at the top of my list before asking. I know that's the first place I will send you if you are asking about information that is in the tutorial/training area.[/list]
Yes, it is extremely ridiculous.
I seriously think that since the PL'ing exploits became available there was a massive influx from a certain other MMORPG where the players don't behave as politely and are nowhere near as friendly as the average CoX player of old.
I have a feeling that this new crowd came because they don't think you can "really" play an MMORPG until you hit level 50.
Those of us that have been here for a while know that is not the case with CoX.
If you rush to level 50 in CoX, you missed the "playing" of the game.
CoX is about exploring the game environment as you progress.
Once you are level 50, pretty much everywhere except for the MA and the highest level zones aren't a challenge or worth taking the time to explore.
I can only hope that once they get to level 50 they take the time to make a new character and really play the game.
For any of you new players reading this. Here are somethings that I really think that you should do ::
<ul type="square">[*]Run the training/tutorial mission - read everything in it. This will help you out a whole lot. (Sure you might know a lot about another MMORPG, but you don't know the basics of CoX)[*]I strongly suggest running some missions with your contacts before you do anything else.[*] If you team up early on, do it with a team that is your level.[*]Around the time you hit level 10 and before level 17, go to the university in Steel Canyon and run the University arc to learn about IO's.[*]Before you start selling stuff on the market, talk to the Market Rep and read the info about the Market.[*]If you have questions, use the [Help] channel by typing /hc [message]. There are still those of us who will help you. - but if you don't know basics, you might want to start at the top of my list before asking. I know that's the first place I will send you if you are asking about information that is in the tutorial/training area.[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd like to add on there, "Avoid the Sewers until you've done missions from your contacts."
The sewers are the gateway drug to MA PLing hehe.
I guess this is a rant about the influx of new players with lvl 50s who don't know the basic things. I ran into a player in Pocket D, a lvl 7 PB who was asking how they got out. I glanced at their personal info to find not even a single vet reward, no gladiator badges, and a total of 3 (all Atlas park) exploration badges. They said they had been playing 45 days. *sigh* they didn't even know where Peregrine Island was.
I know we were all newbs at one point in time...but isn't that a bit rediculous?
[/ QUOTE ]
it is rediculous. its one thing not knowing and another to half a** it and rush through the game. i have no patience for those people and prefer people that buy their accounts on ebay, which are idiots for buyin them in the first place, or pl to 50 didnt play the game at all.
RED CAP DAGGERS: if you want them red side on infinity, send a pm i have the mission to get them for dual blades.
I teamed with someone in Port Oakes and I was doing Paper Missions. Just as I got the Atlas Park Mayhem Mission, I received a team invite. I figured, why not?
So I say yes, get invited to the team and it is just the two of us. I reach the sub and I am waiting patiently for the Team Leader to pick a mission or suggest something. After about 3-5 minutes of watching him on the map just bouncing around, I ask what he had planned.
Shortly after that, my Mayhem Mission is selected and he makes a beeline for me. We go inside the mission and he is bouncing all around the place, attacking everything in sight.
Pretty useful actually, if a little uncoordinated in what he attacked. In the course a short conversation, he admits that he is only 8 years old. I check his badges and see 60 month vet badge. I figure it was probably Dad's account and Dad was probably there helping him.
All in all, it was pretty fun and we had a successful Mayhem Mission, considering I've been on 8 man teams that just totally fell apart with teamwipes and time running out.
I even got invited to join my young teammate's villain group. So, yes, be careful upon whom you look down on. Yes, MA Babies are bad, but not all Veteran accounts with little knowledge or even new accounts mean anything. Please remember to be respectful to your fellow player. It is up to us to help them learn how to play the way we would like to play.

it is rediculous. its one thing not knowing and another to half a** it and rush through the game. i have no patience for those people
[/ QUOTE ]
That was why I quit the team I was on. I had reached the point where I was about to say something I'd regret. So rather than say anything I quit and logged off for the rest of the afternoon.
Tonight I started a new character and had a great experience with another pug. We did a sewer run and went from Atlas to Boomtown with only 2 deaths. When the team finally broke up we had all at least earned 8 levels, and everyone was in a great mood.
I trust you told him how to get out of Pocket D.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, because it's so hard to figure out what those "exit to <zone>" markers on the map are.... I don't see helping willful ignorance. If someone isn't willing to do the minimal work needed to figure out the basics of the game themselves, I say let them flounder...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
I was talking to a SoA the other day, lvl 50, and I faceplamed myself so hard, I think I got a brain tumor.
"Why don't you have your toggles?" I said.
"What toggles?"
"Your team toggles, you know, the maneuvers and assault"
"Oh, those don't help me, and they cost way to much."
I've PL'd my last 5 or so (I think, I lost track) 50's almost all the way up, and enhanced them once they hit 50. I never played any of them until they were 50, and yet my teammates are asking for me to bring those characters, and are more than happy to team with me.
Just because someone PL'd their character doesn't mean they don't know how to play it, and the kind that are incredibly stupid about that (or refuse assistance when offered) are the ones who will probably quit the game in frustration for a different reason at some point. I'm not saying it's not something to get frustrated over, but there's this rather idiotic misconception going around that everyone who PL's a character is incapable of playing that character. It takes only a little basic intelligence and understanding of game mechanics to know "use this power when you want to do this, but don't use it for that."
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I've PL'd my last 5 or so (I think, I lost track) 50's almost all the way up, and enhanced them once they hit 50. I never played any of them until they were 50, and yet my teammates are asking for me to bring those characters, and are more than happy to team with me.
Just because someone PL'd their character doesn't mean they don't know how to play it, and the kind that are incredibly stupid about that (or refuse assistance when offered) are the ones who will probably quit the game in frustration for a different reason at some point. I'm not saying it's not something to get frustrated over, but there's this rather idiotic misconception going around that everyone who PL's a character is incapable of playing that character. It takes only a little basic intelligence and understanding of game mechanics to know "use this power when you want to do this, but don't use it for that."
[/ QUOTE ]
Apparently, it's too much to ask to read posts. This isn't about people who PL their characters but can still play them. Those types of people will probably not even be noticed since there would be little reason to "check badges" on someone who knows what they're doing. They're clearly talking about people who PL their characters and don't know jack all about anything, let alone how to play the character they just PL'd. This includes having no "basic intelligence and understanding of game mechanics". Whether or not you think the "stupid PLers" are going to quit or not doesn't matter.
So please, if you're going to get on a soap box, at least read the thread. Oh, and I really hope you don't claim that your post was just "another view/possibility" because it clearly wasn't.
Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage
Just because someone PL'd their character doesn't mean they don't know how to play it,
[/ QUOTE ]
We aren't saying that. There are a lot of good players that PL and actually know what they are doing. The catch is that we can't tell that they PL'd because they know what their doing.
the kind that are incredibly stupid about that (or refuse assistance when offered) are the ones who will probably quit the game in frustration for a different reason at some point.
[/ QUOTE ]
The thing that's unfortunate about that type of player is that they are the ones we will remember vividly. That's how we are wired. It's human nature.
It's like the first time you touched a hot stove when you were a kid, or stuck your finger in an electric outlet, or maybe you stuck your tongue to a flag pole in the middle of winter.
More and more players are having unpleasant experiences with "bad" players who have PL'd and it's giving the good players that do it a bad rep by association.
I trust you told him how to get out of Pocket D.
[/ QUOTE ]Yes, because it's so hard to figure out what those "exit to <zone>" markers on the map are.... I don't see helping willful ignorance. If someone isn't willing to do the minimal work needed to figure out the basics of the game themselves, I say let them flounder...
[/ QUOTE ]You don't have to hand-feed them and lead them to the exit and tell them to click this and click that. You can say "open your map and look for the green dots that point to [hero/villain (as appropriate)] zones".
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
I trust you told him how to get out of Pocket D.
[/ QUOTE ]Yes, because it's so hard to figure out what those "exit to <zone>" markers on the map are.... I don't see helping willful ignorance. If someone isn't willing to do the minimal work needed to figure out the basics of the game themselves, I say let them flounder...
[/ QUOTE ]You don't have to hand-feed them and lead them to the exit and tell them to click this and click that. You can say "open your map and look for the green dots that point to [hero/villain (as appropriate)] zones".
[/ QUOTE ]
Very true but when I started playing you would click on the green dot lets say Kings Row and it would lead you to the Villains exit. I was very confused on how to get out of Pocket D for a long time
I know we were all newbs at one point in time...but isn't that a bit rediculous?
[/ QUOTE ]
On the bright side, some of them will see that there's no huge big deal about having reached 50, and they'll leave.
On the even brighter side, some of them will stick around and become good players. Sure, they're annoying now with their 50 that only took them a week, but six months from now they'll have six months experience and it won't matter how fast they got their first 50.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I trust you told him how to get out of Pocket D.
[/ QUOTE ]
Um, roll an alt? That's what I do every time I somehow end up in Pocket D. Curse you, Pocket D! The Hotel California of CoH!
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
What makes me cry is people being so jaded that they can't answer questions for people who don't sit at a computer playing a game for as long as they do.
Do not assume anything of anyone you are exposed to in game. If you're annoyed because it is your opinion everyone should know the answer to their question....simply say you don't know either and leave it at that.
It is my opinion people who complain about others not knowing what they should about the game are the one's with the problem.
If people asking questions you perceive as simple is an annoyance you're one of two things:<ul type="square">[*]Jaded. You've played this game for waaayy to long. Time for a new way to pass your free time.[*]You're mean, plain and simple.[/list]
For the record I've had an account for 13months now and I'm 32 years old. The only instance when I won't take a few minutes to answer even the most basic game questions is when I'm participating in a non-AE task/strike force.
Instead of throwing insults at a total stranger online you should perhaps work on your own issues. Sorry to pass judgement but I simply cannot understand taking offense or "slight annoyance" because people do not understand game basics.
I guess this is a rant about the influx of new players with lvl 50s who don't know the basic things. I ran into a player in Pocket D, a lvl 7 PB who was asking how they got out. I glanced at their personal info to find not even a single vet reward, no gladiator badges, and a total of 3 (all Atlas park) exploration badges. They said they had been playing 45 days. *sigh* they didn't even know where Peregrine Island was.
I know we were all newbs at one point in time...but isn't that a bit rediculous?