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  1. Mngwa


    Anything/Storm is gonna tear pretty much anything up.

    I personally like Thugs/Storm, them being mostly ranged is a great help, while you also have a nice punching bag to soak up aggro.

    I have also heard good things about Necro and Ninja, and Bots is always a crowd favorite. Mercs is alright, but they don't have anything that really stands them out. I have yet to try them with storm, so don't take my word on it.
  2. Mngwa

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Xmas to all!

    Sorry, I needed to say that. I kinda felt left out :3.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SaintTzu View Post
    I would love to see Banes get Serum and Whirling Mace, and happily lose a ranged attack or two. That would even things out nicely.

    Me too.

    I'd do anything to get Whirling Mace. Serum would be nice, with the Banes so-so defense on top of the +hp and resistance, they would be rather survivable.
  4. It's an alright power, it should crit from hide, but thats just me. With Surveillance, VG, and Shatter Armour, add in Placate and a crit Shatter, its worth the long animations and set up time for a massive wallop. For bosses anyway.

    I did see a widow with it the other day.
    I died a little inside.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fuzun View Post
    No. Any character at any level can switch sides at any time as many times as you wish. You can only start a core AT character in Praetoria. Before they come to Primal Earth they have to pick a side (Hero or Villain)

    (Note: There is a minimum level for switching sides. But Positron wasn't saying what it was.)

    Whew. Ok good. Seeing how I play the Epic Archtypes more often than the core ones.

    I can live with a minimum level for switching sides. As long as I can take my Bane to Atlas Park, I'm good!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    All of them - you can pick any of the 10 standard ATs when you start off as a Praetorian - HEATs and VEATs can only be blue side and red side, but all the others can be used by Praetorians.

    So Khields and SoA can't side switch??

  7. *whistle* Man that looks good.

    Demon summoning reminds me vaguely of the Necromancers pets in Guild Wars.

    The new water and textures look downright amazing.
  8. Mngwa

    MY BS/Ninja

    Originally Posted by Panikaze View Post
    I was going to read.. but then I saw the 3 slots in sprint and gave up.. or the stamina so deep while got teleport on 14... or danger sense with only a KB prot..

    really.. awful build :P try again.

    A little harsh, but yea it could use some improvements.

    What are you building this for exactly? PvE I'm guessing?
  9. I for one love the Vet rewards.

    I don't know what I would do without the Vet attacks or the respecs, considering I respec almost every month or so with better build. I'm at 60 months right now, but the Reveal one sounds kinda cool.

    They might not be perfect, but its better than a kick in the butt.

    Also its fun to chain Sands of Mu, Flurry, and Shadow Maul for lulz.
  10. I wouldn't mind them fixing it, seeing how Widows can be NW/Forts and still looks good.

    And with those smexy buttcapes...

    But it's not a big deal for me. I just rolled another Solider.
  11. Mngwa

    First MM

    Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
    It's all fun and games till you fight mobs comprised entirely of Executioners.

    *shiver* That sent a chill down my spine...
  12. Energize is also a end discount power. With it and Power Sink, you can probably drop Stamina.
  13. I think the Zombies also accept Defense Debuffs. Their puke might debuff defense, but I'm not sure.
  14. What does Power Boost do for Thermal? Does it boost the shields or something? Heals I know, which would be nice.
  15. I have a zombie/thermal build I am having a riot with in PvE. I love the Thermal set, the buffs and debuffs are nice, not to mention the heals. I am fast approaching 50, and I was hoping that it would be passable in PvP with some IO installments. Nothing like clear the zone good, but good enough to hold my own in RV. Most often on a team, but also solo if need be. I bet Thugs/Therm would be better, but I personally like flaming zombies better.

    Couple questions:

    1) I'm guessing I should build for +max health and KB IOs. And some +recharge if I can correct?

    2)How is team tp? I hate running out of BG mode, and I am hoping that team tp will solve that. Or Group Fly?

    3)What is the best patron for a MM? My guess would be Black Scorpion, on account of the webnades.

    Thanks guys
  16. I think the only thing that Banes need are a animation tweaking, and the maces blasts really need to be looked at. I think the blasts are a cool concept, but they are really lackluster.
  17. Mngwa

    BS/Nin first run

    I love Blinding Powder.

    It's fun to mess with a mob before ripping their kidney out. And as Alef said, it helps making you that much more unhittable. And you could always use it as a IO mule.

    I would personally just get range and AoE IO bonuses first, relying on Parry to provide the melee defense. With it 3 slotted with defense IOs, you should be soft capped with just 1 application of it.

    Then later if I wanted to drop Parry, then shoot for melee defense bonuses.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    Stalkers power do tend to be tweaked a little.

    Eviiscerate (claws) became single target such that the stalker can get the critical from hide. I believe headsplitter got the same treatment (and Mids suggests this), but I dont have a BS Stalker to confirm

    I got a 34 BS/Elec, and its still a melee cone. Says it in the description, and I've seen it 1 shot a line of mobs out of hide.

    Buged? I hope it stays a cone actually, its pretty fun.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
    Brutes easily have better protection once you factor in enhancements and Energy Cloak.

    With the numbers rounded, brutes get 26% Smashing/Lethal, 29% Fire/Cold, 32% Energy, 22% Negative Energy, and 6% Psionic/Toxic (via positional defense). They also get 12% resistance to L/S/NE, and 15% resistance to F/C/E/Toxic. Energy Drain restores 44.98 HP per target at level 50.

    Compare with stalkers, who (with Hide suppressed) get 29% Smashing/Lethal/Fire/Cold, 33% Energy, 23% Negative Energy, and 3% Psionic/Toxic. They also have 12% Energy/Toxic resistance and 9% NE. Energy Drain restores 36.14 per target at level 50.

    The defense numbers are pretty close, but the resistance makes brutes a lot more resilient, and they get more mileage out of Energy Drain.

    And they have more HP to back up that defense.
  20. Sorry,this might be a bit off topic, but I don't want to start a new thread for it, and it does involved Broadsword.

    Head Splitter for BS Stalkers accepts Melee Damage IO sets. On my Scrapper it was PBAoE. Is this working as intended, or did they change it around for Scrappers too?
  21. Haha, I'd die of laughter if Stalkers got SS before Scrappers.

    They got Broadsword before Brutes, so that is not so far fetched .
  22. I don't mind them. I spend a good 70% of my time at the BM in Cap, hardly ever seen MM pets there anyway. The only MM pets that are annoying are the robots, the rest are quiet. Especially the ninjas.

    It's a lot less common and annoying than the PSW spamming Dom.
  23. I'd pick a well played Bane over a well played Stalker any day.

    FM for Stalkers would be my guess next proliferation.
  24. Dang. Just thought I'd ask.

    <sad face>
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liberty_Paradox View Post
    When I read the title and the first sentence I thought you were gonna say a Brute went back in time and collected all the dinosaurs to make them into "armor" by wrapping their bodies around him.

    Same haha.

    I like the idea, but it seems too focused on just one armor type. I think we should call it Monster Armor so it has a broader scale.