I introduce.. Dinosaur Armor
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I think scale/plate/bark armor (done with multiple skin choices) is a decent concept. Not sure about your powers. Any new set needs a gimmick to make it different from existing sets.
I don't really see one here.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
Just roll a /willpower, use lizard skin chest, lizard face and monstrous hands.. lovin it
9. Fossel- after watching several of their brethren become fossilized by the earth itself, the dinosaurs have found the secret to surviving anything. Through a quick physical mutation, the dinosaur can instantly turn into a fossel, making him invulnerable for a short time but he cannot do anything.
Extinction: The sky turns deep red. Clouds of fire appear on the horizon. Your character lets out a primal yell. A meteor the size of the Atlas Globe strikes you and everyone around you for 10 trillion damage.
*EDIT* That's probably underpowered. Add Knockback to it and a small chance to stun.
Why is it whenever you get someone with an idea, their are always the haters coming in and bashing on the idea. I in fact support this idea, but I would change a few things around based on what I've seen the devs do.
Tier 1) Love it, but maybe change it to Scales(auto): Your body is naturally covered in scales, making you more resistant to smashing, lethal and fire.
Tier 2) Maybe not the heal just yet. Thick Skin(auto): After years of evolution, your skin has grown deeper and more resistant to cold, energy, and negative.
Tier 3) Would put the heal here. Temperature control: Rapidly raising the temperature of your body, you begin to regenerate hp faster at a increased rate, along with a small heal in hit points.
Tier 4) Good, mez pro is perfect here. Prevolution(toggle): Due to an underdeveloped brain, and over strong body, you have protection from sleep, holds, slows, repels, disorients, fear, and knockback.
Tier 5) Maybe not a damage aura, but a taunt aura instead. Hunters instinct: The more enemies in sight, the more you begin to rage adding to your damage and acc. The first enemy you see gives you the greatest bonus, with bonus range up to 10.
Tier 6) I'd put some def here. Reptile reflexes(toggle): Years of battle and survival, you have developed movements well supported for battle. Increasing your smashing and lethal def.
Tier 7) This one is perfect.
Tier 8) I've already placed these on the other powers so maybe. Armor plating(toggle): Over the years, you have adapted to your environment and evolved sturdy back armor plates increasing your def to fire, cold, energy, and negative.
Tier 9) Good tier 9, but maybe change the details. Fossilize: Thur many many years of evolution and development, you have hit the peak of your evolution tree, focusing for a couple secs you can transform your body into a living fossil and became highly resistant to all types of damage, as well as a +hp bonus, and +regen. After 3 minutes in this state you became extremely exhausted, and are drained of all your endurance, and are unable to recover for a little bit.
I can see this working with these changes it is no more than what the other armors provide, and at the same time provide a change of pace for the armors.
I don't see anyone bashing the idea. This is a forum and we are here to exchange ideas. Things would be fairly stale if we all just agreed about everything ever posted.
On that note, I am not sure if the OP is serious or kidding, but I think the storm armor set or rad armor seems more likely and interesting than this.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
7. Pea brain- dinosaurs have small brains. Their thinking capacity was just enough for them to survive.
Extinction: The sky turns deep red. Clouds of fire appear on the horizon. Your character lets out a primal yell. A meteor the size of the Atlas Globe strikes you and everyone around you for 10 trillion damage.
*EDIT* That's probably underpowered. Add Knockback to it and a small chance to stun. |

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
I don't see anyone bashing the idea. This is a forum and we are here to exchange ideas. Things would be fairly stale if we all just agreed about everything ever posted.
On that note, I am not sure if the OP is serious or kidding, but I think the storm armor set or rad armor seems more likely and interesting than this. |
Why is it whenever you get someone with an idea, their are always the haters coming in and bashing on the idea. I in fact support this idea, but I would change a few things around based on what I've seen the devs do.
Tier 1) Love it, but maybe change it to Scales(auto): Your body is naturally covered in scales, making you more resistant to smashing, lethal and fire. Tier 2) Maybe not the heal just yet. Thick Skin(auto): After years of evolution, your skin has grown deeper and more resistant to cold, energy, and negative. Tier 3) Would put the heal here. Temperature control: Rapidly raising the temperature of your body, you begin to regenerate hp faster at a increased rate, along with a small heal in hit points. Tier 4) Good, mez pro is perfect here. Prevolution(toggle): Due to an underdeveloped brain, and over strong body, you have protection from sleep, holds, slows, repels, disorients, fear, and knockback. Tier 5) Maybe not a damage aura, but a taunt aura instead. Hunters instinct: The more enemies in sight, the more you begin to rage adding to your damage and acc. The first enemy you see gives you the greatest bonus, with bonus range up to 10. Tier 6) I'd put some def here. Reptile reflexes(toggle): Years of battle and survival, you have developed movements well supported for battle. Increasing your smashing and lethal def. Tier 7) This one is perfect. Tier 8) I've already placed these on the other powers so maybe. Armor plating(toggle): Over the years, you have adapted to your environment and evolved sturdy back armor plates increasing your def to fire, cold, energy, and negative. Tier 9) Good tier 9, but maybe change the details. Fossilize: Thur many many years of evolution and development, you have hit the peak of your evolution tree, focusing for a couple secs you can transform your body into a living fossil and became highly resistant to all types of damage, as well as a +hp bonus, and +regen. After 3 minutes in this state you became extremely exhausted, and are drained of all your endurance, and are unable to recover for a little bit. I can see this working with these changes it is no more than what the other armors provide, and at the same time provide a change of pace for the armors. Nova |
Hey, maybe they could have this power:
Fossil Fuel: They are able to burn a bit of their essence to move at a faster rate.
Only kinda kidding with that last one .. it's kinda cool. :P
I can't wait to create Barney The Brutosaur

Ea depravate semper triumphatum...
I'll make Baby Bop ...
7. Pea brain (toggle)- dinosaurs have small brains. Their thinking capacity was just enough for them to survive. Their minimal mental footprint has left them with a nice defense and resistance to psionic attacks. they also have an inherint increased perception
most of the powers actually already exist in the game.. all the devs would have to do is change the animation skin.
Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.
What sets this idea apart from anything else that already exists? Where is there anything unique that will make me want to roll something as limiting in concept as Reptilian Armor?
what's unique is that brutes dont get ice armor or the regen set. why not sort of mesh the regen with ice armor? sounds good to me
Yaaaay my turn to create an idea =P
Reptillian Armour (Kinda based more around the raptor than the t-rex type dino =D)
(these are in no particular order)
1) Scales: (auto) your scales give you natural resistance to your environment, increses smashing, lethal, fire and toxic damage
2) Armour Plating: (auto) your tick armour can protect you from damage giving you a natural defence against melee, smashing and lethal defense.
3) Immunity: (auto) your natual immunity to disease and poison gives you increased resistance vs. toxic damage as well as slightly increased regen and recovery
4) Sharp Reflexes: (auo) your naturally toned reflexes give you increased perception speed and attack rate as well as some defense to ranged and AoE attacks
5) Will of the Raptor: (toggle) your raptor like intelect gives you a strong mind increasing your psionic res and defense whilst this toggle is activated.
6) Heavy Hide: (toggle) your heavy body makes you harder to shift and hold giving you protection against holds, immob, knockback and repel effects
7) Fierce fighting: (toggle) as a reptile you have a naturally fearful appearance, for every enemy in melee range your accuracy (or) attack speed is slightly increased and their damage is reduced (out of fear obviously, but fear would be too strong an effect here, and on its own wouldn't be too usedful with the set, but the power itself is thematic) the first enemy gives the biggest boost, taunt aura.
8) Morning Sun: (click) by basking in the sun you can heal your wounds as well as increasing your regeneration and recovery rate as well as fire res for 90 seconds,
9) Cry of the Raptor: (click) you let out a sinister cry leaving most foes within melee range in fear for a long while, also your attack speed and defense is increased for 3 minutes as you fight furily to protect yourself from harm. After 3 minutes you will become exhausted and lose alost all your endurance and not being able to recover for a short while.
What'ya think all? pretty lets say, individual yes. i quite like it and in the right preportions wouldn't be overpowered, it also does have some wholes so is not OV3RPOW3R3D as some may suggest maybe possibly i dunno. but who cares i think it's cool =D
Ahem... dinosaurs are NOT modern reptiles. In fact, many scientists now believe dinosaurs may have had many characteristics of warm-blooded animals, including being endothermic rather than exothermic.
Not a single theory that we've come up with has been proven. We don't "think" they were endothermic. Thermoregulation has been a heated ( pun intended ) topic since I was in college in the 80's. As you state ( although it is postured as truth since it is a rebuttal of sorts to refute my claim they are cold blooded ) they MAY have CHARACTERISTICS of endothermic creatures. There has been speculation that certain characteristics lend themselves to an endothermic result, again as you state, not the least of which are;
Speed - It is theorized that dinos that were erect and moved fast must be endothermic. The problem is that we don't know how fast they moved, no evidence has been found to support the erect posture as being a marker for endothermic status. Besides that, we don't know how fast they moved. The need for a 4 chamber heart to pump blood from the heart to the brain ( which is also theory only, but likely ) doe not specifically suggest an endothermic creature.
Location - Fossils have been found in Alaska and even Antarctica so they must be endothermic to cope with the cold. The problem with that is in the Mesozoic period those places were a great deal warmer, and in fact may have been nearly sub-tropic climatically speaking.
Size - It has been suggested that they grew very fast to get to the sizes that they achieved. The problem with that is we really don't know what their life span was. If you look at reptiles in nature now it is easily surmised that they lived a very long time and had ample opportunity in 100+ years like turtles ( http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_th...an_of_a_turtle ) or even birds ( eagles and swans can live as long as 150 years and they're dinos too ! ) to reach gargantuan size.
I would also suggest that homosapiens are not modern mammals yet we can reasonably state that they were omnivores, warm blooded and social by nature. Ancient or no, the rules still apply to physiology.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
In the beginning, the dinosaurs roamed the earth. Through unknown/unproven forces, they went extinct.. or so we thought. Now with a ripple in time, a new era of supers have arrived. Whether the cause was from a mutation, techonological advancement, or through the use of science, certain supers have aquired the feared Dinosaur Armor.
1. Scales (auto): Your body is naturally covered in scales, giving you defense to smashing, lethal, energy, and negative
2. Thick Skin (toggle): After years of evolution, your skin has grown deeper and become highly resistant to cold and fire, and you are more resistant to slows and -recharge.
3. Lizard regeneration- like the lizards of today, you are able to completely regenerate full body parts. effect lasts 30 seconds with an unenhancable regen rate of 800% and base recharge of 240 seconds.
4. Dinosaur vertebrae (toggle)- dinosaurs were huge. They often had a huge ego. With the ego comes the strength to resist fear as well as protection against hold, sleep, knockback/knockup, stuns, and even taunts.
5. Hunters instinct (taunt toggle): The more enemies in sight, the more you begin to rage adding to your damage and acc. The first enemy you see gives you the greatest bonus, with bonus range up to 10.
6. Enhanced recovery (auto)- the dinosaur has incredible endurance, able to live longer than several decades. His endurance is due to an enhanced recovery rate. They even have minimal resistance to recovery debuffs and drains
7. Pea brain (toggle)- dinosaurs have small brains. Their thinking capacity was just enough for them to survive. Their minimal mental footprint has left them with a nice defense and resistance to psionic attacks. they also have an inherint increased perception
8. Armor plating(toggle): Over the years, you have adapted to your environment and evolved sturdy back armor plates increasing your defense to smashing, lethal, energy, and negative.
9. Fossel- after watching several of their brethren become fossilized by the earth itself, the dinosaurs have found the secret to surviving anything. Through a quick physical mutation, the dinosaur can instantly turn into a fossel, making him invulnerable for a short time but he cannot do anything.
since you devs dont want to give us brutes ice armor, give us Dinosaur Armor!!