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  1. Looks like the last post was quite awhile ago.. Is this still going on? If so, I'd like to register as a free agent. I gots:
    fire/em blaster
    son/son def
    kin/psy def
    rad/son def
    I think that's it
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    Keeping 2 ID's per Kin stacked on every person on the team would be bad enough given the stop-start nature of post-I13 PvP, let alone trying to do that while being the main target since you won't have enough KB protection as one of the two Kins.
    No doubt it would be tough but the new aoe buff system would make it easier than the old targeted buffing. Huddle, ID, SB, ID, about 3-4 seconds? Having a couple of cold def/corr/trollers or poison corr/trollers/MMs might also be effective at neutralizing a lot of knockback. Anyway, my goal wasn't to argue about strategery but just to point out that the kb is uber argument isn't a good reason not to consider f2p / SO pvp. If there's no interest though, that is a good reason.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
    Not really, you just bring something with more than mag 9 KB and have knockback spikes that damage spam people to death as they try to recover.

    Which isn't much different from TK and Soulstorm I suppose.
    I could be off on the numbers, but for argument's sake, acro can be enhanced to ~12 kb with 3 SO's and increase density gives 10 kb. One of the higher kb powers I know of is force bolt with can be enhanced to ~50 kb with 3 SO's. So to counter it you would need acro enhanced and 4 ID's; I think ID kb stacks from the same source so it might be plausible to have 2 kins give 2 ID's each. Not easy to do every 60 seconds in the arena, but I guess my point is that most kb could be countered in SO pvp if the team planned ahead. Can't think of anything realistic that would counter powerboosted forcebolt though...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post
    I didn't realize the f2p accounts couldn't use IO set. Team arena events with no IOs might be a lot of fun.
    Agreed. A f2p league levels the IO field, maybe limits the array of toons brought (vets have way more 50 pvp toons), and might bring in more players, especially the casual ones
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by wasabivirus View Post
    3. Dinosaur bones- the bones of the dinosaur are strong and sturdy. the chill of the ice does not make the dinosaur cold to their bones giving them strong cold resistance.
    I think cold res was their problem. I vote renaming to dinosaur sweater or dinosaur hoody.
  6. fiteklub as in people just standing there or dueling with some strategery? for fiteklub I'd go bats/tarps and make sure to have a macro that makes all your bats point and laugh when the poison tarp makes people hurl

    for dueling I'd probably choose the fire/psy or ice/psy. I don't know if the -rech from ice still does anything or not though.
  7. Sabin

    Elec/SS Tank

    Oh, sorry, feedback. I'd recommend using kick, flurry, air supp, jump kick, flurry, and close with whirlwind
  8. I thought this was going to be a Jerry Seinfeld thread.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I don't think the game needs a "PvP dev" much less me as it.
    Step 1 - Cut a hole in the box
    Step 2 - Put PvP in the box
    Step 3 - Have her open the box
  10. Step 1 - Hire Arcanaville as the pvp dev
    Step 2 - ???
    Step 3 - profit
  11. You don't see a ton of sonics but disruption field + howl = -50% res for baddies ftw. That and remember to keep shields on teammates and your job is done : )
  12. Sabin

    Screw Rad blast

    [ QUOTE ]
    Personally, I don't see the point of porting over a powerset if they're just going to remove most of the things that make it unique.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    so that's it's balanced, just like every other blaster set. fair = fun in dev logic
  13. Sabin


    [ QUOTE ]
    whoa, whats up Sabin?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    hai, Psy
  14. Sabin


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

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    [ QUOTE ]

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    [ QUOTE ]
    Theres is a 5 mil influence entry fee to contend.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Don't know who casper is but double quotes for lol
  15. p.s. If you could tone down power pool attacks to something like a tier 2 melee attack rather than tier 6 that would be cool.

    p.p.s. Also, if you could make one of the alternate animation options for knockout blow based on my avatar, that would be teh best.
  16. Dear Devs,
    Just to remind you, you promised to add a base resists option for the arena in i16.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Also, can you imagine hitting someone with invisible [bananas]? PvPers would sure [lactate] it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    we were playing madlibs, right?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Team WAI is out of the league,gl hf

    Edit:Guess I should add why.One guy had his job change,so his schedule is not compatible any more.The other has/is in the middle of moving and playing time is sporadic.
    So goes life....

    Nites FTW.
    SYPH Rules.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Of course it's up to you, but why not pick up 2 of the subs to perma-fill if you want to play?
  19. Super strength and shield tank or brute? One handed giant rock hurling ftw!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    total kills are on the TitanNetwork board.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I must have missed this. linky or explanation please?
  21. Week 1 wins and losses?
  22. maybe when they add a no crazy base resist button revisit the issue? Ah, i12
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    In short, I respect the hell out of the man. And he knows that I do. Though, if he truly understood the magnitude, he'd probably be embarassed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This. Cheers to Dads