What Hero is your Dad most like ?
Alright, I'll give it a go.
My dad was kinda hard to match. He's the guy you will watch a movie with or ahng outwith and constantly try to be the funny man. However my dad has a bit of a short fuse and has been known to be kinda harsh sometimes. My dad has a great amount of intelligence though this temper comes into play when trying to solve the thing with no answer.
Despite all this My dad will defend someone in his family to the last bit if he knows they have been wronged, even if he doesn't like them.
I could be completely off on this since I don't know much about comics, but to me my dad strikes me as Deadpool. Except a bit more caring.
My dad is hard to put a finger on, and we don't always see eye to eye. In fact, truth be known, it hasn't been until recently that my dad and I have had any kind of real relationship. He can be extremely loyal and caring, and then, for what seems no reason, can cut your feet right out from under you.
Through it all, even though we've had quite a few misunderstandings and harsh words, I've learned that no matter how much button pushing my dad and I do back and forth, that he continues to surprise me in just how much he genuinely cares. He just has a funny way of showing it more times than not.
If I had to attribute him to one hero, Rorschach from The Watchmen actually fits him pretty well. He was the victim of a not-so-pleasant upbringing, could (if need be) make a weapon out of darn near anything at his disposal, is quite the little scrapper (my dad's 5'7 and has extensive martial arts training), and will not, under any circumstances, compromise his morals or ethics for anyone or anything. He also says what needs to be said, as blunt as it may be.
And even though we've had our rough patches, I love my dad for all of these traits. I am half of him, after all.
MA Arcs:
"Bloodlines" - 40810
"Bloodlines: Part 2" - 176139
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Homer Simpson
The Unofficial Official of Nothing Official
Proud member of Nites of Darkness/Shut Your Pie Hole
Alright, I'll give it a go.
My dad was kinda hard to match. He's the guy you will watch a movie with or ahng outwith and constantly try to be the funny man. However my dad has a bit of a short fuse and has been known to be kinda harsh sometimes. My dad has a great amount of intelligence though this temper comes into play when trying to solve the thing with no answer.
Despite all this My dad will defend someone in his family to the last bit if he knows they have been wronged, even if he doesn't like them.
I could be completely off on this since I don't know much about comics, but to me my dad strikes me as Deadpool. Except a bit more caring.
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I liked GK's answer best, I can really identifiy with that type of personality, in a wierd way my Grandfather had a bit of that in him. I once saw him punch his best friend in the mouth for calling my sister fat. I didn't understand it, I asked him what it was all about because he called her fat all the time, he said "I tell her she's fat so maybe she'll realize that eating that way will kill her, he called her fat because he was an a*****e, doesn't give him the right to insult my family". The next day him and his friend were back at it drinking whiskey and having a good time as if nothing happend.
So being that having Deadpool for a Dad I found downright hilarious, Rorshach downright disturbing, and Homer meh thats too obvious, I gave the award to GK. Gratz GK, and unlike a responsible Dad I will say "go spend your reward foolishly" for his effort he got a billion reasons to go spoil himself.
My dad is a real quiet guy, but very strong and very smart. I find he matches up with Black Bolt a lot. Except his voice (when he uses it) is very friendly and not a destructive force at all. I gotta say I learned a lot of my patience from my dad, (and I have a lot of fiery temper from my mom, so it's an interesting duality to live with).
I haven't got a freaking clue who my father would resemble in comic book lore. If you asked me to give him a super power, I'd say "Work Ethic".
This is a guy who was born in 1940 and pretty much was working from the time he was old enough to get a job. The first of 13 kids (Grandma never quite mastered her "I have a headache" birth control power), he wound up helping support his family from his mid teens until he got married at 30.
And, luckily he married a woman with super strength. My mom could pinch pennies so hard that you'd hear muffled screams of agony from the bas relief of Abe. Just don't get her mad. She can make the Hulk look like someone OD'ed on Prozac.
And given that my father was pretty much unconnected in the mob^H^H^union that he worked in (last hired, first fired... ALWAYS), and they would strike regularly, that came in VERY handy. In all save a few TRULY dire situations, neither my brothers, nor I had any inkling about how truly tight money was around our house.
Still, my parents provided a relatively lavish lifestyle for us. Field trips, band, Boy Scouts, summer activities, vacations damn near every year.r
All from a man who'd work his 40-60 hour weeks, then come home, eat, and go out to side jobs as a handyman for another 20-30 hours a week.
I only inherited a weak version of his work ethic. So I only put in 50-60 hour weeks. But my vacations are working vacations DAMMIT! Still, if I had either of my parents' work ethic, I'd be a trillionaire right now.
Now my father isn't the most emotionally demonstrative person. Granted, in a house of 13 kids, he never got a really good role-model for that sorta thing. But I never, EVER felt unloved.
My father even took up camping (an activity he didn't really care for) so I could go on the father-son outings with Scouts. Heck, I may have put in some work on my Eagle Scout, but I had a HELL of a lot of help. Lots of assistance from my father and a periodic boot in the *BLEEP* from my mother to "Just do it!" to help me get there.
In short, I respect the hell out of the man. And he knows that I do. Though, if he truly understood the magnitude, he'd probably be embarassed.
I dunno. Maybe Batman (out there just doing it, every...freakin'...day), except without all the dark and angsty stuff...or the crazy-prepared stuff. Lord knows my brothers and I were crazier than anything the Joker could come up with...
I guess my Dad sort of reminds me of Hellboy. He smokes, drinks and likes cats.

Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
I guess my Dad sort of reminds me of Hellboy. He smokes, drinks and likes cats.
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For the first time ever I literally laughed out loud at something Knight has said. Kudos kid!
The Unofficial Official of Nothing Official
Proud member of Nites of Darkness/Shut Your Pie Hole
In short, I respect the hell out of the man. And he knows that I do. Though, if he truly understood the magnitude, he'd probably be embarassed.
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This. Cheers to Dads
I guess my Dad sort of reminds me of Hellboy. He smokes, drinks and likes cats.
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Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.
I guess my Dad sort of reminds me of Hellboy. He smokes, drinks and likes cats.
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I have never drank a cat or smoked one befor....any good ?
I guess my Dad sort of reminds me of Hellboy. He smokes, drinks and likes cats.
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I have never drank a cat or smoked one befor....any good ?
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My dad is overweight and weasely so I'd have to say he's a cross between Volstagg and Dr. Zachary Smith.
Magus Prime- lev 50 kin/ elec defender
Meta-Human- lev 50 fire/ ss tank
Cabal Bravo- lev 50 merc/ ff master mind
Schwarzchild- lev 50 grav/ ff controller
Shanghai Storm- lev 50 ma/invinc scrapper
Nicodemus- lev 50 db/ regen scrapper
Dragonhyde- lev 50 wp/ sm tank
On The Pinnochle server!
What hero is your dad most like or what hero would your kids say you are most like ?
My dad took off when I was 2 weeks old, so my Grandfather raised me, he was the kind of guy where if you did something good, he would not say a word to you. However he would go to the bar and not shut up about what you did. The first deer I shot he just acted nonchalant about it, never moved from the car and told me "you better get tracking it judging from the look of the blood it looks like you hit it in the lungs". I tracked it for about a mile and found it laying in the corner of a field on the top of a hill I gutted it and carried it back. It wasn't until his funeral when I found out from one of his friends how he shot his mouth off about what I did for weeks, how I shot the animal from 400 yards, tracked it for a mile, and carried it back to the car.
if I was to say there was a hero he was like it would be Vigilante . If you asked me daughter when shes older what hero I am like she would probably say I was like this guy but I am hoping she will say I am like this guy.
Thanks to my good friends in game for calling me and wishing me a happy fathers day. My wife was amazed.
So being in a good mood, I am prepared to give an amazing prize, possibly like one never given away befor in game, to the best reply to this thread.