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  1. Wow am I in the minority here. When I get a new toon to lvl 50, I delete the old one. I only keep one active 50 on red and blue side. For me it is the journey. That and I have yet to find the high level material enjoyable. That said, I have yet to try the Incarnate stuff.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tolerance View Post
    I seriously think these to hit rolls are railroaded and/or tampered with.
    They have been. It's all a Nemisis plot....
  3. Q/R

    My worst PUG moment is generic in nature but it drives me nuts. You wait around to get the PUG formed. So everyone is at the mission and in we go! You get into your first scrap and a few of the heroes go down. Normal up to this point but I have seen so many people quit after the first fight because they faceplanted. At least give the team a chance to gel before you take your ball and go home!
  4. Q/R
    This is the most friendly MMO I have ever played, so feel free to ask questions in game as well as in the forums.

    I second (third or fourth depending on how many responses ring in as I type) Freedom and Virtue as a good place to start.

    My best piece of advice is to join groups as you play. It is easy to join teams and, IMHO, makes the game much more fun to play. I have played on rolling PUGs that lasted hours and had a blast. It's also a good way to fill up the friends list. You can solo if that is your thing but I feel this game was made with teams in mind.

    The most important thing is to have fun.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    I've been on Guardian a lot, but in between forming Task Forces (today is Wednesday; I've run 4 this week) I've been lying low to craft and marketeer. Frequently someone pops onto one of the global channels and complains that things are deserted and it's hard to find anyone to team with or talk to. Immediately a whole bunch of previously-silent people agree.


    Whenever I start a Task Force it fills up; whenever I start a PUG I get some folks (though not as many).

    Whenever I decline to do so, I see people complaining that they can't find a team leader to hire them (and apparently can't form a team themselves). If I didn't know better, I'd think I'm carrying the star for the whole server. :P
    I hereby nominate Sailboat as the Forever Team Leader on Guardian!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Calash View Post
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The OP hates MMs.

    Because only MMs have knocback in CoV.

    Oh, wait...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Additionally, ALL MMs have knockback.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Darn them crazy knock-backin' zombies. I think the Lich is the worst offender. Off with his head!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I most sincerely doubt he'd notice. I mean, he's already dead. That'd just mildly inconvenience him, at best!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Plus it can add to any Fear effects, kinda like an extra slot for the power

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It is hard to aim your fear attack when head os rolling on the ground.

    This is why I play Bots...metal necks help to deter decapitation. Sure knockback can be a problem, but that is what Detonate is for.
    Any lich, containing the unholy power of the undead, will hold onto the head and guide it around as needed for the fear cone attack. A diabolically inspired lich will spin the head at it's feet to create a fear based PbAOE!!!
  7. [/ QUOTE ]
    Put 8 masterminds or corruptors together and you have enough bubbles and buffs and heals to make there be absolutely no need for tanking whatsoever, throw in a couple trick arrow users or dark blast users or a couple doms and you solve all your crowd control problems.[/QUOTE]

    This is like playing an eight person team of all, various, Defenders Blueside. No huge DPS but the OP4 still goes down in a hurry with no faceplants. Hell a team member's health will seldom fall below 75%.

    Now make it a half Defender and half Controller group. Well, I almost pity those poor villians.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    i too was quite disappointed in this weekend. found 1 team the entire weekend. mostly soloed. tried all the famaliar ways to get a team going noone wanted to come out of AE. and i dont go in so it made for a boring weekend but its over now and i can get back to reg mishs with a good team.
    I had no problem picking up teams in or out of AE. Yes, I freely admit to using AE to get my 46 Corruptor to 50 so I could open up VEATs. After that I had a great time playing Blue and Red sides.

    The lag was annoying but not constant.

    I was also concerned about the population when it did not show red like the last few DXP weekends. Happy to hear that was due to the lack of return players. I know they use the DXP weekends to get players back but I hope they keep it this way as a thank you to the current players.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Croesis View Post
    Agreed, I'm experiencing faster load times and less annoying bugs than the old boards. Plus now you can see who a person is quoting.
    Same here, much faster and smoother. I like the custom page (Freaks/Ghost Widow/ Vanguard) idea. I also like the neato, wiz-bang (yeah I just showed my age) artwork at the bottom of the posts. Now if I can learn how to get an avatar loaded in a non techno-geek manner life will be good!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The OP hates MMs.

    Because only MMs have knocback in CoV.

    Oh, wait...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Additionally, ALL MMs have knockback.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Darn them crazy knock-backin' zombies. I think the Lich is the worst offender. Off with his head!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I most sincerely doubt he'd notice. I mean, he's already dead. That'd just mildly inconvenience him, at best!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Plus it can add to any Fear effects, kinda like an extra slot for the power
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Claws is not hurting in the damage arena regardless of scrap or brute claws.

    From this thread you can find a spreadsheet discussing single target damage with all brute/scrapper primaries propagated to both sides. This chart is based off of basic IO slotting.

    Brute claws is only slightly lower than scrap claws and both are in the top 8 sets out of 28 sets.

    Then you can consider that claws has three aoes, a huge cone, a small high damage cone and a pbaoe.

    Claws rocks. A lot.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dead on Target correct but it is fun to pick up a Volkswagon sized boulder and chuck it at an enemy.
  12. I have had this experience as well and it is upsetting; however, I have also been on Pugs that will roll for an hour and a half and are quite fun. I enjoy teaming over soloing, so I will keep trying for those "good" Pugs.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I say we take off and nuke them from orbit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's the only way to be sure!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    (I was too late!)
    ((Paraphrasing from memory as best I can))

    Now wait a second, this complex represents a multi-billion dollar investment and don't think that kind of decision should be left up to a grunt. No offense.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hello everyone. Thank you taking the time to read this.
    Im having a little bit of trouble putting together a character concept for my next Hero/Villain. I plan on making them a Werebear.
    Now with that in mind I cant decide between Brute/Tank.
    And to even go one step further. Will Power vs Inv or do I wait for Claws on brutes?

    I guess what im asking is, if given this concept, how would you roll?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I associate were-creatures with horror films, so I say roll a Brute. As for power sets, I always remember the were-creatures shrugging off bullet wounds and they kept going. That sounds like Willpower to me. SS or claws will work to flush out the character.

    Main thing is to roll something you will enjoy playing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wouldnt this also classify as Inv?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I see Inv as attacks bouncing off where Willpower is absorbed. Most movies I remember the were-creature would get shot, look at the wound, then get ticked off and go on a rampage. Hence Willpower was my selection.

    No scientific mojo here, just personal preference.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Hello everyone. Thank you taking the time to read this.
    Im having a little bit of trouble putting together a character concept for my next Hero/Villain. I plan on making them a Werebear.
    Now with that in mind I cant decide between Brute/Tank.
    And to even go one step further. Will Power vs Inv or do I wait for Claws on brutes?

    I guess what im asking is, if given this concept, how would you roll?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I associate were-creatures with horror films, so I say roll a Brute. As for power sets, I always remember the were-creatures shrugging off bullet wounds and they kept going. That sounds like Willpower to me. SS or claws will work to flush out the character.

    Main thing is to roll something you will enjoy playing.
  16. QR

    This thread brings back many old and joyful memories. Ah the days of yesteryear, D&D rulebooks, dice, pizza, two liter bottles of soda and 20 hours with nothing to do. Ah, the good old days! Of course my parents are still wondering if I will make anything of myself. Or if I'll ever move out of the basement...
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah I know of some SG's out there that hold CC with massive rewards, insane rewards and all these rewards go to SG alts. Makes the SG look generous, gives them exposure and they don't loose profit in the process.

    It's all business and they recruit during the CC.

    *Spooky music*

    Trust no one!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    The costume contests are a Nemesis plot!
  18. QR

    Favorite: Family. Nothing like running into a group and yelling, "Say hello to my little friend!"

    Least: Hoards of toons asking to be Power Leveled...
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    i have had a mid 30s villain on LIberty for over a year
    I have almost given up on him...
    He is getting ready for the DELETE button i am affraid...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I understand the frustration with 30/40+ villians. It can be a grind and it is hit or miss finding anyone to team. I can see the Veat reward yet it still seems miles away.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    i have popcorn.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I brought the l'il smokies!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    With all this food, we need some beverages. **Drops off a case of Pepsi**

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pepsi? PEPSI?!?!!? Don't you know I play on Pinnacle?! Where's the booze?!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow. I did not thik Pepsi would cause such outrage . Care for a refreshing glass of lemonade?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    i have popcorn.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I brought the l'il smokies!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    With all this food, we need some beverages. **Drops off a case of Pepsi**
  22. JAD65

    A little AE help

    [ QUOTE ]
    The Cyborg pack is pretty fun though. Self-Destruct never ceases to amuse.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Forget clowns at your kids birthday party. Send in the cyborg, hit self-destruct and watch 'em scatter!!!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I think its time for some pie.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can't do pie but here...((brings in fresh baked plate of peanut butter cookies))
  24. <QR>

    I have played SS/FA and enjoyed it. With that said, Acrobatics is a must with this set unless you like being tossed all around the place during battle.
  25. JAD65

    Brute or Tanker

    [ QUOTE ]
    Chasing Fury? Perhaps if you had one of those really slow animating sets like Axe I could see that, but I've never experienced it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have an Axe/Shield Brute that does not seem to have problems with Fury. I run to a group and smack one in the head, run to next group and repeat. Once I have a good mob going the Fury bar fills up in a hurry. In gives me such twisted joy to see an opponents health bar drop 50 to 75 percent with one good whack! The hard part was controlling the End output. Once that was under control, thank you End Redux and Stamina, said Brute turned into a killing machine.

    As for my preference, I like teaming so Tanks are my favorite option.