what the heck do CC holders look for in winners???
I've yet to do a costume contest, but I can go off of player reactions. I do not think I'm generic in any costume I choose. Like you I spend time attempting to find a look specific to a toon and their role as I imagine it.
The other day I was talking to someone on Smogshade, who I think has a decent enough costume, no one I've ever seen looks like him, the colors are unique to fit his power schemes. I had said that I try to come up with original costumes unique to a character. Their reply was, 'no you don't'.
Go figure. People have different ideas of what is ordinary and what is spectacular.
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
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Fashion is in the eye of the beholder.
Fashion is in the eye of the beholder.
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Most of the time, the beholder needs to have their eyes checked.
Fashion is in the eye of the beholder.
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Most of the time, the beholder needs to have their eyes checked.
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I wholeheartedly agree. I've never won a single contest.
Fashion is in the eye of the beholder.
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Most of the time, the beholder needs to have their eyes checked.
[/ QUOTE ]
I wholeheartedly agree. I've never won a single contest.
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Oh, I've won quite a few, with the costumes I'd say are my worst work, but my best costumes never get into the finals, let alone win.
Depends on their tastes, which is usually bad.
90% of CC holders usually have bad costumes anyway lol, to be sure before you enter, check the hosts costume, that'll be a sure way knowing of their tastes and abbility to actually create a good costume themselves
Shhh. My common sense is tingling. ~ Deadpool

Perhaps they should go by a majority vote rather than one person deciding.
However, even majority votes can be skewed.
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
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Fashion is in the eye of the beholder.
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Most of the time, the beholder needs to have their eyes checked.
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I wholeheartedly agree. I've never won a single contest.
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Oh, I've won quite a few, with the costumes I'd say are my worst work, but my best costumes never get into the finals, let alone win.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think next time I'll just make a new random character and see how it goes. Costumes with hours spent on them get nothing, costumes that look like someone vomited on their keyboard win.
I let my 6 year old pick the winners of the only CC I've ever held, the other night on Freedom to celebrate my first Kheld. to 50.
So if it sometimes appears totally random (which someone commented it had), it may not be.
Your judge could be a 6 year old with 2+ years playing CoH.
P.S.- if the 4th place winner still wants his 10 million Infl., look me up. You ran off before I could pay you.
Costumes with hours spent on them get nothing, costumes that look like someone vomited on their keyboard win.
[/ QUOTE ]
Lmao and congratulations, your post wins this thread!
Shhh. My common sense is tingling. ~ Deadpool

I've seen a lot of costume contests where the winning costume I'd say was bad, but I've also seen many that were good, either because they were awesome, stylish, funny, etc. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not good for a reason.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Fashion is in the eye of the beholder.
[/ QUOTE ]
Most of the time, the beholder needs to have their eyes checked.
[/ QUOTE ]
I wholeheartedly agree. I've never won a single contest.
[/ QUOTE ]I won the only contest I've been in. Of course, I didn't realize I was in the contest, and it was with a costume I made before I realized that there were categories for each body section...
My first time playing COH was in a EU Trial, and there weren't any US trials at the time.
I didn't realize there were diff colors per item you could choose because I missed the toggle off for the 'Apply Colors to entire Costume'. For someone first starting the costume creation process, if they aren't used to that level of customization, its almost like delving into a bag at the end of Halloween. I went nuts as soon as I realized there were options for each item and colors per item.
My first costume probably took over an hour as I skimmed through each item and each body part seeing what all the options were. Doc's Vintage Costume is a replica of the first costume I made on the EU Trial.
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile
Almost every costume contest is rig'd so that the friend, or even alt account, of the person holding it, wins.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

I wouldn't go as far as to say that "almost every one" is rigged, I think it's closer to a quarter or a third that are actually rigged, the rest are just blind people clicking at random with a "$target is the winner" bind... lol
To answer the subject like, usually friends of friends, suck-ups, or lame ripoffs...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
Yeah I know of some SG's out there that hold CC with massive rewards, insane rewards and all these rewards go to SG alts. Makes the SG look generous, gives them exposure and they don't loose profit in the process.
It's all business and they recruit during the CC.
*Spooky music*
Trust no one!
Shhh. My common sense is tingling. ~ Deadpool

Tell me about it a lot of us put good time in are Costumes and yet we dont win!
Power is unless without the will to use it,
But will in nothing unless you believe in yourself.
And that is ture power!
Written by-Mr Amazing
Just because you put time into it doesn't mean you should win, or deserve to win.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
I put my ironic character, PincessAngelCatGirl, into a cc once. The organizers themselves were catgirls. I got a tell that they didn't want to chose me as a winner because it would look fixed, so, they privately gave me a million inf.
Funny in many ways, esp. since I probably had more inf. then all of them combined.
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Myself? Whenever I have held one, it has been someone who seems to have put some thought into their costume. Someone who made good use of the tools before them. If it looks like you've had fun making it, then you've advanced in my mind.
I've never awarded someone who has just used a preset, someone who's used a poor colour choice (all costume pieces and details completely jet-black tends to make it difficult to appreciate any choices you've made), or that which doesn't make much sense to me. (You're an elec/elec blaster with flame auras?). Demonic-, Gothic- or Robotic- entries are often overlooked. You'd have to have a REALLY good robotic/cyborg look for me to consider it. Slapping enforcer gloves on a costume otherwise completely made up of Cyborg Pack items doesn't make it any more inventive.
I, unfortunately, have not held one since AE came aboard. There are too many players using crappy costume choices.

Thank you, Champion.
I put my ironic character, PincessAngelCatGirl, into a cc once. The organizers themselves were catgirls. I got a tell that they didn't want to chose me as a winner because it would look fixed, so, they privately gave me a million inf.
Funny in many ways, esp. since I probably had more inf. then all of them combined.
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL, funny
Shhh. My common sense is tingling. ~ Deadpool

I saw a nice one the other day... Several people in the group with at least somewhat original costumes. Many lower level folks too. The CC holder picked a lvl 50 whose costume consisted of nothing more than the Roman items from the ITF.
i remember when i first started this game, the winners actually had well thought out, colorful / unique costumes. now all i see in the winners are generic knock offs of comic characters, mismatched and ugly colors and people that picked the preset costumes.
i remember once this guy named "power ring" (or something like that, looked EXACTLY like the green lantern and this girl named something along the lines of tinkerbell who looked like...well you know. anyways, they won the CC..wth? it just seems that everyone now who holds these contest picks the most random costumes and i cannot for the life of me see whats so special.
i can spend up to 30mins makin my costumes and i take alot of pride into them. making a characters bio and look is almost as important as playin the game itself. i dont know, have any of you noticed this? what do u all look for in CC? i know i dont have the best costumes in the world but heck, i just dont get it, lol.
RED CAP DAGGERS: if you want them red side on infinity, send a pm i have the mission to get them for dual blades.