Power set proliferation...could've been better




MM - Kinetics would have been my choice. Although flaming zombies seems amusing.

[/ QUOTE ]

In all likelyhood, Masterminds got Thermal to thematically pair with the Demon Summoning set that is coming with Going Rogue. The demons are almost definitely going to be fire-based and BaBs said something about a Hellfire Whip involved somehow.

So it makes perfect sense to give Masterminds Thermal now rather than cramming it in later.

I am also willing to bet that Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning will be released with whatever issue Going Rogue is going to coincide with, I just don't see them not allowing people who didn't buy the expansion access to those two sets.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Very disappointed in Electric Melee since it's such a garbage set.

[/ QUOTE ]You're kidding, right?

Please tell me you're joking, because I can't see how anyone can call Elec melee, the AoE king set, the set that's finally getting Scrappers another non-smashing/lethal set, "garbage".

If you said Elec Armor, I'd be inclined to agree with the caveat "on scrappers/stalkers", since its main draw of capped Energy resists doesn't mean as much when cap is 75%, not 90%.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



MM - Kinetics would have been my choice. Although flaming zombies seems amusing.

[/ QUOTE ]

In all likelyhood, Masterminds got Thermal to thematically pair with the Demon Summoning set that is coming with Going Rogue. The demons are almost definitely going to be fire-based and BaBs said something about a Hellfire Whip involved somehow.

So it makes perfect sense to give Masterminds Thermal now rather than cramming it in later.

I am also willing to bet that Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning will be released with whatever issue Going Rogue is going to coincide with, I just don't see them not allowing people who didn't buy the expansion access to those two sets.

[/ QUOTE ]You mean like (until recently) not giving people who didn't buy CoV access to villain ATs or bases?

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



to the ops..im more happy then last time.

see i really wanted elec melee and armor for tanks and we got that crappy dark/dark stuff instead..

now i got what i want and im totally happy and cant wait to build my new tank.

..i just wish to know if their gonna trade out conserve power for a heal..*hint hint* oh babs or castle* are ya?..huh?.huh?.huh?



Could you perhaps tell us what the AS animation for BS is?

[/ QUOTE ]

That sounds dirty.

Larry Jablonski
Infinity Server

Arc Name: Old Folks Home
Arc ID: 261041
Synopsis: The Octogenician can control minds, but only of people over 80. He's taken an old folks home hostage. Beat up old folks screaming about the good ol' days to defeat the Octogenician!



to the ops..im more happy then last time.

see i really wanted elec melee and armor for tanks and we got that crappy dark/dark stuff instead..

[/ QUOTE ]You're complaining about what is essentially only a step or 2 down from granite without the movement, recharge, and damage penalties, and the only penalty being that you need to learn endurance management?

And you're complaining about the attack set that ends endurance woes and has Soul [censored] Drain?

And you're calling them crappy? What fantasy world do you live in?

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



real life ?

and btw dark isnt even close to being a step or 2 from stone..and yes it blows.

oh and if you check the tank section youll see that im not alone in dark tanks being meh but youll see more also happy with elec over dark..

go look.



real life ?

and btw dark isnt even close to being a step or 2 from stone..and yes it blows.

oh and if you check the tank section youll see that im not alone in dark tanks being meh but youll see more also happy with elec over dark..

go look.

[/ QUOTE ]

I find your opinion amusing. It made me giggle.

I'm going to go back to my Dark Armor characters with great resists, decent defense, two aoe mez powers, and a huge full life button. Then I'm going to solo huge hordes of guys and think "man dark armor stinks and this character blows because someone on the internet said so."



Stalker - Shields or fire melee

[/ QUOTE ]
Shields doesn't mesh with most stalkers sets or the stalker theme. Fire melee functionally double but breaks theme since how stealthy is a man on fire?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where there's fire, there's smoke...and smoke hides just as well as being invisible. I could easily see a Fiery Melee or Fiery Aura Stalker work. Especially if Placate and Hide involved vanishing into a swirling mass of smoke and embers, and then reappearing in a sudden blazing flash when you strike, like a backdraft.

That could be pretty darn cool.



I'm happy we got more this round -period-. But then I'm the happy to get anything type lol. *hugs Devs* Thank you guys and girls!!!



Where there's fire, there's smoke...and smoke hides just as well as being invisible. I could easily see a Fiery Melee or Fiery Aura Stalker work. Especially if Placate and Hide involved vanishing into a swirling mass of smoke and embers, and then reappearing in a sudden blazing flash when you strike, like a backdraft.

That could be pretty darn cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know that gift basket PP wants to send Castle? There'd be one with your name on it for this.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Stalker - Shields or fire melee

[/ QUOTE ]
Shields doesn't mesh with most stalkers sets or the stalker theme. Fire melee functionally double but breaks theme since how stealthy is a man on fire?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where there's fire, there's smoke...and smoke hides just as well as being invisible. I could easily see a Fiery Melee or Fiery Aura Stalker work. Especially if Placate and Hide involved vanishing into a swirling mass of smoke and embers, and then reappearing in a sudden blazing flash when you strike, like a backdraft.

That could be pretty darn cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think we know what BaB will be proposing for the next round of proliferation


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

I think you underestimate our fools, sir.

Why /duel is a bad idea



but other than that they were able to directly port everything over or at least pull powers and visuals from existing powersets.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then I really don't get earth assault for doms. I know we have the melee attacks from stone melee... but where are the stone blasts coming from?

Or are they using the same animations as other blasts with new particles, which you don't consider different animations?

[/ QUOTE ]

Earth Assault is a special case.

When Sunstorm first started, we gave him some training (read: shackled him to the desk and forced him to look at spreadsheets) and gave him a bunch of bugs to fix to learn the systems.

Fixing Bugs doesn't teach everything, though, so he put together Earth Assault as a set to experiment with and learn the ropes. Eventually, he got it into shape and it turned out to be quite a fun set. We wrote it up as a full proposal for the next round of proliferation, since all the work had already been done...and, here we are.




It's nice to see how little pet projects lead to improvements in the game.

EDIT: FIRST! [been a while]



I was really hoping for Ninjitsu scrappers but there are plenty of intriguing possibilities with what's here.

Also: lol @ DA tanks being meh.

Whatever man.



Stalker - Shields or fire melee

[/ QUOTE ]
Shields doesn't mesh with most stalkers sets or the stalker theme. Fire melee functionally double but breaks theme since how stealthy is a man on fire?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where there's fire, there's smoke...and smoke hides just as well as being invisible. I could easily see a Fiery Melee or Fiery Aura Stalker work. Especially if Placate and Hide involved vanishing into a swirling mass of smoke and embers, and then reappearing in a sudden blazing flash when you strike, like a backdraft.

That could be pretty darn cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds more like a "smoke" defensive set than a "fire" defensive set. But regardless, it sounds cool, and I know I'd want to play it.



Stalker - Shields or fire melee

[/ QUOTE ]
Shields doesn't mesh with most stalkers sets or the stalker theme. Fire melee functionally double but breaks theme since how stealthy is a man on fire?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where there's fire, there's smoke...and smoke hides just as well as being invisible. I could easily see a Fiery Melee or Fiery Aura Stalker work. Especially if Placate and Hide involved vanishing into a swirling mass of smoke and embers, and then reappearing in a sudden blazing flash when you strike, like a backdraft.

That could be pretty darn cool.

[/ QUOTE ]


...And I don't even play stalkers...



Dominator - Illusion

MM - Kinetics

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This may be my terribly faulty memory, but around the time of the first set of proliferation, I remember a dev saying something about how Illusion was better suited for a MM primary than a Dom primary, balance-wise.

Stalker - Shields or fire melee

[/ QUOTE ]
I was really hoping for Ice/Ice on Stalkers... Make the invisibility a very light misty aura, but with increased shine on the costume's existing textures, for a translucent ice-body look... Of course, I could see the latter effect ballooning into complexity that might put BAB in a straitjacket for a few months.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



Stalker - Shields or fire melee

[/ QUOTE ]
Shields doesn't mesh with most stalkers sets or the stalker theme. Fire melee functionally double but breaks theme since how stealthy is a man on fire?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where there's fire, there's smoke...and smoke hides just as well as being invisible. I could easily see a Fiery Melee or Fiery Aura Stalker work. Especially if Placate and Hide involved vanishing into a swirling mass of smoke and embers, and then reappearing in a sudden blazing flash when you strike, like a backdraft.

That could be pretty darn cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

That sounds awesome, and you are awesome enough to make it look as cool as it sounds.

/signed to your suggestion.

If Positron wants to know why you have started working on these animations for Stalker Fiery Melee and Fiery Aura, you can tell him that we said it was okay.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Still looking for Broadswords for Brutes!!!

Virtue Server: Jet Flash L50+3 EN/EN/Force Blaster | Doctor Mechanus L50+3 R/T/Mu MM | Titanium Girl L50+3 Inv/SS/EN Tanker | Kaishin L50+3 DB/SR/Primal Scrapper | Opilia L50+3 Crab Spider | Clockstriker L50+1 Kin/Elec/Primal Scrapper | Foxy Starr L27 Beam/Time Corrupter



very curious to see rad blast blasters - and OMG ty for TA corruptors - a serious lack of red side toons who can down hover babies in pvp.

broadsword seems kind of counter to a stalker - I mean it's all about the stealth kill - doing it with a huge swords is well...silly?

Earth assault - since BAB said he didn't want to do new powers I would guess a combo of ss and stone melee..

I don't think doms need ill at all... kin on a mm would be evil incarnate. Fulcrumed pets with sb and sp AND an the heal??



but other than that they were able to directly port everything over or at least pull powers and visuals from existing powersets.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then I really don't get earth assault for doms. I know we have the melee attacks from stone melee... but where are the stone blasts coming from?

Or are they using the same animations as other blasts with new particles, which you don't consider different animations?

[/ QUOTE ]

Earth Assault is a special case.

When Sunstorm first started, we gave him some training (read: shackled him to the desk and forced him to look at spreadsheets) and gave him a bunch of bugs to fix to learn the systems.

Fixing Bugs doesn't teach everything, though, so he put together Earth Assault as a set to experiment with and learn the ropes. Eventually, he got it into shape and it turned out to be quite a fun set. We wrote it up as a full proposal for the next round of proliferation, since all the work had already been done...and, here we are.

[/ QUOTE ]
Lol. The Shackles I didn't mind, but the IV's were obnoxious.

No "Eventually" about it, I was play testing it after the first round of proliferation and have been waiting anxiously till I can build one on the live servers. Never played a more "tankish" feeling dominator, despite it having no armors.

Some very good guesses here on the powers, but Earth Assault will be a very melee heavy set. Also opted for the regular Hurl boulder Animation, since the Propel Boulder animation uses the full 3.5 second long propel animation. Now I may be a huge fan of propel for my grav doms/Trollers, but the thought of having 2 versions of it didn't seem too fun.



No "Eventually" about it, I was play testing it after the first round of proliferation and have been waiting anxiously till I can build one on the live servers. Never played a more "tankish" feeling dominator, despite it having no armors.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sweet!!! I might need to make one now

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



Stalker - Shields or fire melee

[/ QUOTE ]
Shields doesn't mesh with most stalkers sets or the stalker theme. Fire melee functionally double but breaks theme since how stealthy is a man on fire?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where there's fire, there's smoke...and smoke hides just as well as being invisible. I could easily see a Fiery Melee or Fiery Aura Stalker work. Especially if Placate and Hide involved vanishing into a swirling mass of smoke and embers, and then reappearing in a sudden blazing flash when you strike, like a backdraft.

That could be pretty darn cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

Besides which, once you justify bright crackling electricity for the stalkers, any other set that's questionably stealthy is viable because, hey, look at Stalkerchu over there sneaking up on people with lightning bolts shootng out of his backside. Fire could be a roaring blaze of doom that burns with the light of a thousand suns and still be fine. It's a moot point these days.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound