I16 and MA




You do realize that, just to prove to some players that he could, he solo'd AV Ghost Widow with a Claws/Invuln without temps, insps, or anything without dieing 3 times in a row. And it was verified.

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Huh. Well, I guess he'd have capped hit points, decent resists, and probably cranked up his passive regeneration a lot. I suppose it would work. I survived her death hold once on Werner. I assume I had Dull Pain and Instant Healing up at the time, but it was a long time ago. I wasn't able to beat her, though.

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He actually stated that he never got hit by her Soul Storm (the mega hold) on any of the fights. He used an AI trick to convince her never to use it in one of them, at which point players cried foul (even though the players could themselves do it) and he went back and did it twice while in melee the entire time.

Bringing up Ghost Widow, once I figured out her pattern, I actually had a lot of fun soloing her. With a decent bit of defense, she's not actually all that scary. Soul Storm actually missed me 3 of the 5 times she used it on me when I was soloing her for a random person that needed help.

Is Castle the developer that was doing Rikti War Zone challenges on his newly minted Dual Blades/Willpower back before those sets went live?

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Yes. I believe he actually used the RWZ challenge as a metric for designing the set, insofar as it should be able to complete it with some degree of IO expenditure and effort.



I want scrappers to get superstergth.



Re: Elec Armor, I hope the devs will take this opportunity to rework the set a bit, with the focus on the set's performance between having a 75% and 90% res cap.

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Not just that. /Elec as CP I don't see them leaving that in there while both Tankers and Scrappers can get it in their epic powers.

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They could replace CP with a +HP power or something to make up for the res cap disparity.

I liked ELA as a Brute, but I admit I wouldn't play the set with a 75% cap if it was ported as it is.



I guess I'm selfish. I'm not often playing on teams anyway, so I want this.

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Echo this. AE has already made teaming a much less enjoyable experience for me. Might as well shoot the horse and put it out of its misery...and upgrade me to a much sweeter ride!



As to what is being discussed, it's the only thing I actually don't like about I16. I've never thought that the ability to modify what level and what size the game sees you as would be a good thing. It discourages actually filling out teams.

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If you're only filling out a team because you have to, you aren't doing the game or anyone any favors when you fill those spots. Meanwhile, if you're the kind of person who teams because that's what you enjoy about playing an MMO, you're not going to stop doing that because of the ability to pad your own teams.

Yes, there are some edge cases to consider where someone who didn't want more teammates might meet someone they liked because they were required to have more teammates. To me, that's a far too intangible benefit for me to not prefer this option to it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



You do realize that, just to prove to some players that he could, he solo'd AV Ghost Widow with a Claws/Invuln without temps, insps, or anything without dieing 3 times in a row. And it was verified.

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Huh. Well, I guess he'd have capped hit points, decent resists, and probably cranked up his passive regeneration a lot. I suppose it would work. I survived her death hold once on Werner. I assume I had Dull Pain and Instant Healing up at the time, but it was a long time ago. I wasn't able to beat her, though.

Is Castle the developer that was doing Rikti War Zone challenges on his newly minted Dual Blades/Willpower back before those sets went live?

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I wouldn't trust the dev whose job it was to balance powersets if he didn't know how to tweak those numbers like the best of us.



Castle also has intimate knowledge of the AI, so he has a pretty good idea when certain powers a likely to fire and that gives him what a normal player scrapper would consider precognitive defence. If you knew when GW was going to death hold you could probably move away such that you alter the AI routine into not using it, or using it when you're prepared for it.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Yes, there are some edge cases to consider where someone who didn't want more teammates might meet someone they liked because they were required to have more teammates. To me, that's a far too intangible benefit for me to not prefer this option to it.

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That seems to be the key point in my argument as well. There are times that I WANT to team. It's usually after a couple Guinness. When I do, I announce it in the badge channel and usually I can find some event to join or start.

But really, that's a rarity. My being able to start TFs without aid from others is not going to raise or lower the amount I team in this game.

However, I do foresee myself diving back into repeatable missions more after I-16 goes live. Not having the new diff slider allowing us to bypass the min number needed to start TFs will continue to be a nuisance as it has always been, but it's in no way a game breaker for me.

I'm still very thankful that this addition to the game is happening. A LOT of players using a LOT of different ATs and builds needed a higher difficulty when soloing.

We asked for it. We're getting it. That's pretty damn cool.

Be well, people of CoH.



So if you ever wanted to see if your Scrapper could take on a map that is populated for an 8 person team, four levels higher than your own, now you can!

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I started crying.

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I couldn't stand up from my desk for a bit. Resubbed as soon as I got home.

There is only one outstanding wishlist item left for this to be a perfect game for me and that's account-wide inf/enh storage.

As it is, I think I'll be sticking around for quite a while just because of the difficulty scaler change.

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WB, old wise one!

11 months of all-nighters, messy feeding sessions, bath fighting and realizing just how good my son's lungs work, and I am still convinced he is the crowning accomplishment in my life. What in the blue HFIL is wrong with me?



As to what is being discussed, it's the only thing I actually don't like about I16. I've never thought that the ability to modify what level and what size the game sees you as would be a good thing. It discourages actually filling out teams.

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If you're only filling out a team because you have to, you aren't doing the game or anyone any favors when you fill those spots. Meanwhile, if you're the kind of person who teams because that's what you enjoy about playing an MMO, you're not going to stop doing that because of the ability to pad your own teams.

Yes, there are some edge cases to consider where someone who didn't want more teammates might meet someone they liked because they were required to have more teammates. To me, that's a far too intangible benefit for me to not prefer this option to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uber, would you ever team with me if you didn't have to?

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Uber, would you ever team with me if you didn't have to?

[/ QUOTE ]

Definitely not. I don't want fleas!

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

[/ QUOTE ]I love you so much right now. I16 is going to be fantastic.



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

[/ QUOTE ]


"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

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see you added more and this is just Awesome to hear BAB, You guys ROCK!!!

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

[/ QUOTE ]

I love you man

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

[/ QUOTE ]

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so looking forward to dusting off my spines/DA scrapper now.



can't wait



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

[/ QUOTE ]
Holy smokes! A new AS animation for MA?!

Thank you BABs for confirming that the new MA animations are mainly punches. This Issue is going to be very satisfying for my MA characters.

Hrm, I will just have to wait and see what the alternate Spines geometry looks like then.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

[/ QUOTE ]

I love you man

[/ QUOTE ]

What he said!!
I may just have to dust off my spines/regen!! Should be a lot of fun!

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




Sweet! I'm going have to take my Spines/SR out of mothballs. Now if you can just get rid of that annoying Spines redraw after Practiced Brawler goes off, I'd be eternally grateful.



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

[/ QUOTE ]

There is a whole lotta win in this post, BAB. Awesome job, man.

Be well, people of CoH.



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

[/ QUOTE ]

Will we have to choose either Animation Set (1) for all powers and Animsation Set (2) for all powers, or will we be able to mix animations from both sets?




Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that the steel-y spines that whats-her-face uses? Uh, Silver Mantis? I always thought that'd be a keen look for a spiky hero and/or villain...



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

[/ QUOTE ]

I love you.


Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker