I16 and MA




If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

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Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

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Any chance on the alternate animations that you can set it to cycle between the two (or more), or choose at random at each time the power is used?

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Right now, the tech doesn't work that way. It's more an issue with the VFX not syncing up with random animations, as we've had the ability to randomly or sequentially play multiple animations for a while.

It might be something we could do in the future, but very unlikely to happen for I16s launch.

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Wouldn't that be similar to how you can spam Shadow Punch or Swipe, one time it uses the left hand and one time it uses the right hand? it's two different animations for the same power (that we currently have)

Also, first after a redname: yay!

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I think BaB is saying that if the two different animations have different timings (a punch and a kick might both take the same total number of frames to animate, but they might strike the target at different moments during the animation) then the visual effects associated with the animation (kapow) have to be configured with the correct timing so they are in sync. If the system is given two different animations to play for the same power activation with the same priority, the system will randomly cycle between them (i.e. left punch-right punch) but in those cases the two animations generally have the same timing so the other surrounding effects stay in sync regardless of which animation plays.

Customized animations in I16 don't work that way: the power is given two or more completely different animation "configurations" and in effect the player is given a setting to select which one of them is operative for their power. Theoretically speaking I think it might be possible to give the player a "random" setting in the power configuration screens (whatever they look like) but I don't know if there are deep game engine limitations that would make such a setting break stuff (maybe swapping animation settings like that cannot be done on the fly, for example, but only when the character is "idle" and in the Icon screens).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Theoretically speaking I think it might be possible to give the player a "random" setting in the power configuration screens

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That would be rather groovy.

Be well, people of CoH.




I am not a hotshot modeler/texture artist, so I prefer to work on the basic looking stuff that can accept a broad range of character concepts being projected on to it. My opinion is that the more specific and detailed you get with something like this, the more narrow it's potential for fitting a lot of character concepts become.

Similiar sort of philosophy for all of the shields and weapons I personally modeled. Except for the Rularuu stuff.

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This is a wonderful philosophy! please tell others about it before they make powersets like Demon Summoning AND necromancy or costume parts so specific and that they only fit with every other costume part in that costume "set"

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Interresting...I had a Necromancy/*I forget the secondary, it was before Storm was proliferated*, who's ability to raise the dead was a mutant ability.

I think I've heard of one, who used tech to raise the dead (nanobites in dead bodies to animate and control them).

How will Demon Summoning (and now Necromancy) limit you?

As for the costume pieces, the only limit I see in some of them, if not being able to blend into anything.

The leather heart top for example...the sleeves go half way down, but don't blend into ANYTHING! Grrrr...finely detailed top, and I never use it, because I can't get sleeves to fit with it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



So will I be able to make metallic looking spiney thingies or not ????

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



So will I be able to make metallic looking spiney thingies or not ????

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Exactly. I'd like some metal/blade based Spikes for Spines please.




Talasorian Spines
Metal Spines
Raluu (sp?) Spines...oooh...how I could just imagine all those blinking eyeballs on one scrapper!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Raluu (sp?)

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RULARUU! I *still* want Rularuu Bracers. I think it'd just be awesome to have bracelets with blinking shifty eyes on them, and it would be fun for everyone instead of just weapon users.

A rularuu crown too. That's what I'd call a third eye.



Not sure if this has been asked, but...

Given that we will be able to have different animations for some attacks, does this mean will will eventually be able to choose animations for all attacks? For example, a blaster who shoots everything from his eyes, like Cyclops?

Est sularis oth Mithas



Not sure if this has been asked, but...

Given that we will be able to have different animations for some attacks, does this mean will will eventually be able to choose animations for all attacks? For example, a blaster who shoots everything from his eyes, like Cyclops?

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lol, Rain of Arrows or Full Auto out of the eyes?... ROFL



Not sure if this has been asked, but...

Given that we will be able to have different animations for some attacks, does this mean will will eventually be able to choose animations for all attacks? For example, a blaster who shoots everything from his eyes, like Cyclops?

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lol, Rain of Arrows or Full Auto out of the eyes?... ROFL

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While that will most likely not happen, Thunderous Blast out of the eyes would rock!!

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.




Rularuu (sp?) Spines...oooh...how I could just imagine all those blinking eyeballs on one scrapper!

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I am imagining that now and all I can think of is High-Octane Nightmare Fuel. I am not going to be able to shake that image for a while...

11 months of all-nighters, messy feeding sessions, bath fighting and realizing just how good my son's lungs work, and I am still convinced he is the crowning accomplishment in my life. What in the blue HFIL is wrong with me?



I just need to know this...

Will Thunder Kick, Storm Kick, Dragon's Tail and Eagle's Claw all have alternate punching animations?



Not sure if this has been asked, but...

Given that we will be able to have different animations for some attacks, does this mean will will eventually be able to choose animations for all attacks? For example, a blaster who shoots everything from his eyes, like Cyclops?

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lol, Rain of Arrows or Full Auto out of the eyes?... ROFL

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Smart [censored]. :P

Obviously, I mean energy blast etc.

Est sularis oth Mithas



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

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Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

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Seriously BABs...bro....are you guys coming out with a package deal for buying additional slots? I mean c'mon I'm going to need 20 new slots AT LEAST.

I mean with all this awesome I might actually touch Willpower now or Super Strength or even *GASP* Martial Arts!



Will Thunder Kick, Storm Kick, Dragon's Tail and Eagle's Claw all have alternate punching animations?

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Well BAB said the most of the new animations are Punches.

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Storm Kick, CAK, and Eagle's Claw do.

I didn't see anything for Thunder Kick, Crane Kick and Dragon's Tail.



Going to reserve full judgment on them until I can get a look at the animations from a different angle, I think.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



I'm disappointed they didn't change the animations for the 2 ugliest kicks in the set, Thunder and CAK. I hope they'll add alternates for them once it hits closed beta.



Nice, nice.

Super Strength looks interesting for sure, but I might be making my first scrapper with this.

Unless it comes to brutes :-D



I like what I see on the vids.

53 Bots/FF/Mace Mastermind | 53 NRG/FF/Electricity Defender | 50 Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender | 50 Demons/FF/Mace Mastermind | 51 Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind | 50 Thugs/Time/Mace Mastermind | 50 Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker | 50 Plant/Rad/Earth Controller | 50 Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller | 50 Gravity/Force Field Controller
Yes, I like Force Fields.



Color me disappointed. The new animations just don't do it, for me.

Ah, well. Still interested about the difficulty changes.