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  1. Vojin


    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    Ah, if only they make it so you can blow up a confused enemy instead...


    Is what I want for Christmas.

    Edit: And I mean Christmas 2009. So Devs, Santa-fail.
  2. Vojin


    Originally Posted by Novawulfe View Post
    Oh now that's just evil... XD

    See, I envision Plant/Traps/Stone. Softcap to Smashing/Lethal, Wicked Regen, quick AV immobilization ability for Poison Trap (Web Grenade/Plant Immob). Seeker Drones + Fissure. But Ill/Traps...yea.

    That'd be fun. Especially if you could use Group invisibility on FFG.

    Ice/Traps would be fun too. Arctic Air in group, plant Trip Mines and Time Bombs at your leisure.

    Oddly Enough, I don't see Fire/Traps being too fun.
  3. Vojin


    Very simple question.

    Would anyone ever want and/or play Traps if it was a controller secondary?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    From the video it looks like the set has a ranged cone, a targeted AoE, and a PBAoE. But it also seems to have at least 3, if not 4 ST attacks too. Counting change ammo, that leaves one power at least up to speculation.

    Edit: found it
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    I think that /sonic with over-powered melee range pets would give /cold a run for it. Damage resistance debuff would be huge.
    Mmm....Necro/Sonic...Screaming at the Undead.

    Or, even deadlier, Ninja/Sonic. Though, Sonic Disruption may go against the whole Jounin Stealth thingy, but still...Ninjas with good resistance? SURVIVABLE Ninjas? Crit Fire Breath with Disruption Field on the ally close to the target? And just thinking about Sonic Siphon with Ninja's versus an AV? Yes.

    Then again...Necro/Sonic...mmm. Buffing the Necros to stupid levels of resistance. give one of the Knights Disruption Field.... Fearing very little. Those would be some strong zombies.

    And Thugs/Sonic. Forget about it. Ridiculous. Bruiser buffed and with Disruption Field? give some meaningful resistance to Arsonist so he doesn't die (as often)? That's stupid levels of damage there. I'd like to see if anyone could handle adding Leadership into that combo >


    we're talking about Radiation?....


  6. Vojin

    Fun with Freaks

    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    CaK boss - Caltrops - Burn - Dragon's Tail
    CaK boss - Caltrops - Burn - Dragon's Tail + Explosive Shuriken?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    I wasn't saying it couldn't work, just that other options were much better.
    /e sadness
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    BU + FE + LR = 400% damage

    BU + maxed AaO + LR + SC = 380% damage *2

    Granted, having 10 targets in range requires setup, and having 10 targets in range *after* either LR or SC, before using the other one, is unlikely outside of farms, but still :

    BU + one target in AaO + LR + SC = 320% damage *2

    All those things recharge in 90s as opposed to 180s for FE, making the LR + SC combo available twice as often too. With much better survivability.

    Not trying to discourage you, just saying.

    /e discouraged.

    but still, on those maps where you are running with an 8 man team on a task force and you go "THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK!" with FE/BU/Lightning Rod/Fireball would be sexy....

    And what's the cap on LR damage? and how do I get Mids to read that, i think it still reads it brawl damage. and the brawl damage put it around Rain of Arrows with Aim+ BU.
  9. Vojin

    Fun with Freaks

    oh, and can someone tell me the appeal of Spines/Elec?

    It's kinda lost on me.
  10. Vojin

    Fun with Freaks

    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    OK, now I have two threads telling me to take the plunge. First, a thread discussing the worst primaries and secondaries and combinations, leading me to think I want to play a Martial Arts/Fire Armor because it sounds pretty low end, and I've never done that primary or secondary (past level 8, anyway). And now this thread commands me to make a Fire Armor. OK, OK! I'm working on it!

    Which one will you chooooooose
  11. So, after screwing around on Mids for a bit today, I saw something

    Lightning Rod + Build Up + Firey Embrace = win.

    It wouldn't be up as often as say...Rain of Arrows, but I'd imagen ElecMelee/FireyArmor would be a bit more survivable than Archery/* and the knockdown associated with LR would add to survivability. You can also add Force Feedback procs to Thunderstrike/Lightning Rod, but it wouldn't scatter them everywhere.

    Anyway, enough of my rambling.

    Has anyone tried this combination?

    Mm....Firey Embrace + Build Up + Melt Armor + Lightning Rod + Fireball = doom
  12. Vojin

    Fun with Freaks

    Originally Posted by Katten View Post
    Hahaha, this thread is a Success!

    (Goes back to pretending he's a fire imp, whispering commands to players in game)
    I actually thought of making a DM/Fire/Blaze Scrapper for the massive heal, two damage/end recovery Aoes and two massive build-ups.

    Edit: that or a Elec/Fire/Blaze scrapper
  13. Back when I used to run my Sonic/Energy/Psi alot (don't run him anymore, even though he is 50. waiting to reroll as Sonic/Pistols defender. Concept over performance for me), I had liquefy slotted to recharge as quickly as possible without making a recharge build.

    In those days, I used to roll with a crowd that was fairly godly. (don't run with them much anymore, second degree and starting my career). So in order to show them up, every so often I would run ahead of my team-mates and BAM! neuter the next spawn with Liquefy.

    I always wanted to /e dance in the middle of liquefy waiting for my team-mates, just never had the where-withall.

    Oh yeah, Liquefy=win. I'd also totally give up the defense debuff if they made the power recharge in 100s over 300s. maybe even the hold. give me the initial damage, knockdown and toHit debuff on a 100s timer and you have sold me.
  14. Vojin

    Fun with Freaks

    Originally Posted by Ryeata View Post
    Damnit now i wanna make one too >_<!!!
    /e points to whomever reads this

    Now so do YOU!
  15. Vojin

    Fun with Freaks

    Originally Posted by Katten View Post
    This gives you the perfect time to /em evillaugh as the terrified mob burns at your feet.

    Kinda makes you feel like a hero.
    /e goes and makes a Firey Aura character.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SkillyHizoh View Post
    A friend of mine has one already at 50....mine is at 38 now, and so far it's a fun combo. I'm really unsure about how to do this toon's sets, but I'm looking forward to figuring it out.

    Does anyone think you could actually get by without Stamina/PP in this build, just on the endu redux from Energize and PowerSink?

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    Just had a fantastic experience with my Electric Kat :-D

    Ran with a 6 person team, and long story short, whenever the fit hit the shan, it was me and the tank (who was Electric Armor/SS :-D) that were still alive. There was a Regen in there, and a DB/SR and another tank (names have been withheld to protect them?) and they were dropping fairly often.

    Made me feel giddy. Glad i picked a good combination.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    I haven't tried it but I'd like to know how it does with two heals, and two endurance regaining power. Do you plan on taking anything like stamina or PP with dark consumption and power sink?
    The combination Fire Melee and Electric Armor only has one heal and one endurance recovery power.

    Dark Melee and Firey Aura (and now Electric Armor) has two heals and two endurance recovery powers.

    I tried a Fire/Elec once. After a few levels or realizing I would never have any real significant mitigation except for death, which some enemies manage to have some resistance to in the early levels, I never thought of it again. then again, that was before Energize.

    Electric Melee/Fire Aura is not a bad idea though, especially ElM/FA/Blaze. It may not be as efficent as other AoE machines, but it will look the coolest.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
    Anyone else playing one?

    I have mine at 50, ran him up on double xp weekend and the Halloween event mostly.

    I like it a lot, spent less than 200 million so far but he can tear though some badies.

    This is just a shout out to see if others like the combo.
    About to ding 25, and i'll say, so far, Stamina and Energize and DA. Bread and butter so far. I plan on picking up weave to stack with DA and I'm looking forward to Soaring Dragon, plan on putting Force Feedback Proc in both Golden Dragonfly and Soaring Dragon, cause the sooner Energize and Power Sink come back, the better for me.

    @MajorPrankster, do you have Lightning Field? It's not in my current planned build. Didn't think the added attention was worth it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MinMin View Post
    Day 41 - Straddling Maintenance Again
    A little bit of play before maintenance and a bit after has Capella close to L34 and doing Hard Luck's arc. Hopefully I'll get some more time tonight.
    I look forward to hearing about how Wormhole and Fissure work together.
  20. Vojin

    Moar Sonics

    Originally Posted by Psyonico View Post
    I've always wanted a fire/son controller, but I don't think it's possible without skipping one of the 3 big toggles in the combo
    Yeah, I've always wanted a Fire/Sonic/?? something myself. The very thought of buffing the imps then putting Disruption Field on them as you stun and/or liquefy them as you melt them...mmm...

    I thought, initially, that Fire/Sonic/Fire might be good for Consume and if you build for a recovery/recharge build, but it seems like something like that would need a fair amount of purples.

    ...sigh...one can dream.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Starbird_ View Post
    sonic melee ? cannot picture it ^^

    make sounds with your fists ?
    rub a blue hedgehog against your foes ? XD
    Short ranged scream (ala focus)
    PBAoE Scream
    Scream to Face

    something like

    Tier 1. Startle - Melee, ST. Chance to stun -2.5 res debuff
    Tier 2. Feedback - Melee, ST. Chance to stun -2.5 res debuff
    Tier 3. Cry out - PBAoE, Melee, Chance to stun -2.5 res debuff
    Tier 4. Echo - Melee (ala, Chain Induction)
    Tier 5. Taunt
    Tier 6. Veil of Sound - PBAoE Aura, chance to stun, damage aura
    Tier 7. Shotgun Scream - Ranged (40 ft), ST, Chance to KB -2.5 Res debuff
    Tier 8. Demonic Cry - Ranged Cone (ala Throw Spines, longer range, less damage) -2.5 Res debuff
    Tier 9. Deafen - Melee, ST, high chance to stun, -5.0 Res debuff, massive damage

    I like that.

    Edited: Added Taunt
  22. Vojin

    Zombie Thermal

    still, give me a Sonic Res over thermal. Actually kinda surprised they gave thermal over Sonic Res. But I bet it's because Thermal will be thematic with Demons.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    Sily BAB, the 60-month vet thing is for GR, not i16!
    Issue16 Closed Beta. So closed not even the DEVS can get in.
  24. Vojin

    Hows Gravity?

    Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    hows Gravity?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /e sticks hand out....

    Feels like 9.8 meters per second, per second..... same as always.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fixed that for you.

    (Seriously, when is this country going to get off its rear and adopt a sensible measurement system like almost the entire rest of the world? )
    We don't and won't adopt a sensible measurement system Cause the Metric System is for Wussies
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post

    I have been wanting to make an Ice Tanker since forever. I actually used to have an Ice/SS but I deleted him because the rage change (that most people love) pissed me off, so I deleted him (I was irritated that I could still attack and waste my endurance). Deleting him was probably stupid.

    Anyway, so I am thinking about making an Ice Tanker again, and I could go Ice/SS again (I've become used to Rage, finally, after having it on a couple of Brutes). I could also go Ice/Elec.

    Which would be better?

    I think Ice/Elec seems more interesting to me, but I am worried that Thunder Strike may suck if it has the knockback.



    Pure Theorycraft in saying this but...

    If you want EVERYONE's attention, both Allies and Enemies alike...Ice/Elec seems like the appropriate set.