The unofficial Red-name Retweet Thread




With the temporary loss of a fully-functional dev digest, some folks got the idea that the devs are spending more time tweeting than posting. To re-assure the worry warts and catch the occasional tweet that DOES enlighten our corner of the world, this thread will have copies of the dev tweets posted to it.

Note that I make no claims to know the Twitter accounts of all of our red-names or to be following them all. If anyone wants to contribute, feel free. This thread is being launched as an honest effort to help out the non-Twitterers on the forums, so while it's not all "tweetin' is srs bsns", posting fake tweets as a joke should be frowned upon. We want to provide actual nuggets of information here.

A key to the personalities we're following (Sorry, I don't know everyone's real name):

Positron_CoH = Matt Miller, aka Positron, Head Honcho
CoHBaBs = Christopher Bruce, aka Back Alley Brawler, Lead Animator
MelissaBianco = Melissa Bianco, aka War Witch, Senior Game Designer
CoH_OCR = City of Heroes Online Community Relations
BruceHH = Bruce Harlick, Game Designer
Niviene_CoH = Niviene, Community Specialist
Avatea = Avatea, Community Specialist
TheDarkWatcher = Vince D'Amelio, Senior Programmer
_EMpulse_ = Empulse, Community Specialist
plaync = NCSoft announcements

Note that I have no intention of posting every tweet ever made by these people. If you're THAT interested in what they have to say, you can darn well learn how to Twitter yourself!

A posting beginning with "RT" indicates a "retweet". That is, the poster is reposting a message they got from another source. A post beginning with an @ sign followed by a Twitter ID is a reply to previous posting by that other person.



CoHBaBs wrote:

Quote: Found myself disagreeing on ideas more than agreeing. But Appreciate vote of confidence. Look forward to followup
10:40 AM Jul 30th from web
Working on the East wing of the house of cards today, hope the guest cottage doesn't explode again
10:16 AM Jul 31st from web
Sorry bout false alarm earlier. Wasn't aware of new restrictions on access to TR for I16 closed beta.
6:05 PM Aug 5th from web
Quote: Nate, one of our concept dudes.
about 1 hour ago from web



Positron_CoH wrote:

Remember: Old forum bookmark may not work. Go to
2:39 PM Jul 31st from TweetDeck
Also, log in AS IF you were logging into the game. Your passwords may have been different, they are now the same.
2:40 PM Jul 31st from TweetDeck
Also, everyone needs to complain that the Positron at the top of the screen is too small.
2:41 PM Jul 31st from TweetDeck
Is listening to @BruceHH cough up a lung. Don't get me sick!
2:43 PM Aug 4th from TweetDeck
I can't believe we forgot the patch note about Pets zoning with their owners in I16.
12:58 PM Aug 5th from TweetDeck
To those that think I am pulling your leg. I am not, and Pohsyb is "da man" for making this dream of mine come true.
1:55 PM Aug 5th from TweetDeck



Niviene wrote:

@Positron_CoH I think my boyfriend will be happy as well with the change to MM pets.
1:57 PM Aug 5th from web in reply to Positron_CoH
*Edit* Niviene actually had a bunch of stuff that was relevant while the boards were offline but not so relevant now that they're live.



_EMpulse_ wrote:

I can't believe I'm doing planning for 3 work related conventions simultaneously!
4:47 PM Jul 19th from web



CoH_OCR wrote:

From EMpulse: Ooooh. I'm planning for PAX...and it's gonna be fun! We're going to have a Meet and Greet. More details coming soon!
5:42 PM Aug 4th from web
Oooh! We may have found a really good local costume maker to fix our convention costumes plus make new ones for us in the future!
about 7 hours ago from web
Note: CoH_OCR's twitter page has a ton of pictures and notes from the San Diego Comic Con that I am not going to repost here. Check out if you're interested.



TheDarkWatcher wrote:

Still looking for new engineers. If you think you have what it takes, visit:
11:19 PM Jul 26th from web
Maybe when the new forums live, I'll run a contest for a better avatar. I might even have a Comic-con code.
1:44 PM Jul 29th from web
There's something really cool about watching the server stats flow by in real time. Not sure what, though...
1:55 PM Jul 31st from web
Trying to find a good video game that I can play with my 3 yr old. Any good suggestions?
2:26 PM Aug 3rd from web
Networking code, my nemesis! Hopefully we have a fix for our queuing to allow Closed Beta peoples to access the servers soon.
10:38 AM Aug 6th from web



BruceHH wrote:

I have to remember to get my plane tickets to Seattle for next month. Virgin America for the win.
10:32 AM Aug 4th from Twitterrific
NB: If it isn't immediately obvious, the above indicates that Bruce is attending Pax.

@Positron_CoH I coughed up the lung yesterday; working on the esophagus and other internal organs today. remember: It's all Ray's fault.
2:48 PM Aug 4th from TwitterFox in reply to Positron_CoH



Danke, Spacenut!



Twitter Tracker Twitter Tracker Twitter Tracker!

Formerly known as Stormy_D



TheDarkWatcher wrote:

Wow. Just had a fascinating discussion with Hero-1 about the history of Praetoria. How messed up that place is!
28 minutes ago from web



CoH_OCR wrote:

An announcement a lot of you have been waiting for is coming next week...stay tuned!
44 minutes ago from web



Positron_CoH wrote:

G.I.Joe was great and Andre loved it. They even got in BOTH of the lines I wanted.
about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
The panel I didn't get to: (hopefully this stays up)
18 minutes ago from TweetDeck



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Wow, this is a fantastic way to up your post count... I should try this myself...

"The One"
Actually, no, it's not. That's kind of the point. The initial barrage was just the "bootup sequence". In any case, the thread was born due to an actual concern by some players that they were missing out on information, not as a post-padding method. I've been here since beta wave three. If I wanted to pad my post count, I'd have been in the forum cartel years ago; trust me.

Anywho -- Here's proof that our devs have a sense of humor, or at irony anyway:

Positron_CoH wrote:
I'm reading the forum thread about the Devs posting inane everyday things on Twitter.
22 minutes ago from TweetDeck



I think Niviene's having a bit of fun with the whole Twitter news discussion since this isn't really "news", but it might be that she's replying to people who have been tweeting her with questions about the state of the forums.

In any case, it IS CoH-related, so...

Niviene_CoH wrote:

@pandora114 The City Scoop, I am pretty sure Snow Globe is working on getting all the back issues and links working properly again.
27 minutes ago from web in reply to pandora114
Dev Digest we are still working on getting it up and running again.
27 minutes ago from web
@megscroggins I always use Fireofx when on the forums. I can't seem to stay logged in when at home however at work no problems. annoying
4 minutes ago from web in reply to megscroggins
This last is primarily interesting in that anyone who is having similar problems has some assurance that the community people are aware of it and, presumably, working to deal with it.



CoHBABs wrote:

Bug fixing on I16 progressing at feverish pace. I think we might actually get ahead this issue. Fixed a *lot of legacy bugs so far.
about 1 hour ago from web



CoH_OCR wrote:

We are in the process of deciding what merchandise we're going to make available at Hero-Con! What fun!
about 1 hour ago from web



CoHBABs wrote:

@CoH_OCR I want Midnight Squad pocket watches and "Mystic Fortune" Tarot Card decks!
35 minutes ago from web in reply to CoH_OCR
(See previous posting)



Originally Posted by slickriptide View Post
cohbabs wrote:
@coh_ocr i want midnight squad pocket watches and "mystic fortune" tarot card decks!
35 minutes ago from web in reply to coh_ocr
(see previous posting)

Me too!!!



Well, there's this:

CoHBABs "Lava" and "Crystal" themes for Stone Melee and Stone Armor.
Though I'm not sure if that would mean that they're cool ideas, that they're working on them, or that we're actually going to get them.

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