I16 and MA




Re: Elec Armor, I hope the devs will take this opportunity to rework the set a bit, with the focus on the set's performance between having a 75% and 90% res cap.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not just that. /Elec as CP I don't see them leaving that in there while both Tankers and Scrappers can get it in their epic powers.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



I was stunned!

I mean I knew the power color would be awesome... but all this?

This makes up for issue 13 and 15!!

50's: Heroes: Ozmeth DB/WP; Black Decker DM/Regen; Shado-Strike DM/SR Scrapper (13 AV soloed); Desert-Shock Claws/Elec Scrapper; Shado-Shriek Dark/Son Def
Villains: Bokken Nin/Nin
Current project(s):



It's funny, all these threads about "whooo I16" and no one has mentioned Elec Armor. Just goes to show that no one really cares.

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, BS/Elec might be interesting; the defense from Parry would make it more survivable, and /Elec does have the advantage of resisting a variety of things like endurance drain that flatten a lot of powersets. And Dark/Elec is quite nice on a brute; scrappers should do well with it.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



What what what? I can make all my missions as hard as I can stand? WOOT! Thank you devs! <Other MMO> can kiss it! Woo hoo!

Please please please let this affect Task Forces. Stupid Castle and his trying to keep newbies from totally killing themselves. *pout*

It also looks like the devs called us out.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah. Go devs!

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



I'm cool with the devs calling us out. But yea.... this better mean TF/SFs are startable solo. I can't think of any reason that they'd put in this functionality but not allow it to function on TF/SFs.

Be well, people of CoH.



I'm cool with the devs calling us out. But yea.... this better mean TF/SFs are startable solo. I can't think of any reason that they'd put in this functionality but not allow it to function on TF/SFs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well Castle said they will still have the minimum sizes because it is a "warning labels" for new players.

So it doesn't look like it will happen this Issue, but who knows.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



this better mean TF/SFs are startable solo.

[/ QUOTE ]

Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full.

[edit: Dangit, ninjaed.]



I hope I am getting right that Martial Arts... with punches? I don't care about anything else. I want punchy!
EDIT: Can we get any hints on the alternate animations please?



It's official. I have cancelled my order for Champions. Issue 16 has far too much win to think about going anywhere else...at least until SWtOR, but that's not for roughly a year AFAIK. Who knows what could come down the pike in the meantime?



It's official. I have cancelled my order for Champions. Issue 16 has far too much win to think about going anywhere else...at least until SWtOR, but that's not for roughly a year AFAIK. Who knows what could come down the pike in the meantime?

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome!!! That gets me thinking how many other ppl did the same thing...

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



C-O-H kiiiiiilleed the Champ-ee-ons star! C-O-H kiiiiiilleed the Champ-ee-ons star!



Oh wow. I hadn't even thought what customizable Spines might mean to me. If they allow for us to change out banana melee for something better... this might be the first time I'm actually seriously considering Spines!

Ohh damn, now I want Talsorian Spines!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Oh wow. I hadn't even thought what customizable Spines might mean to me. If they allow for us to change out banana melee for something better... this might be the first time I'm actually seriously considering Spines!

Ohh damn, now I want Talsorian Spines!

[/ QUOTE ]

Considering that Spines was lumped in with everything else, I predict that it will simply be a recolorization of the spines, just like everything else. Changing the spines extensively would involve a lot of work to the set as a whole (though, considering all of the work that's been done just to bring the system to bear, it might actually happen).



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



this better mean TF/SFs are startable solo.

[/ QUOTE ]

Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full.

[edit: Dangit, ninjaed.]

[/ QUOTE ]

So leave the minimums in place. That means I HAVE to set my diff level at 7 members of team before I can go start Manticore's TF by myself.

The label of "You must have 7 players on your team" still does the job of warning the newbie, and the newbie won't be running around with missions set for 7 teammates anyway.

C'mon, Castle... the min teammate mentality needs to go away. It's nothing but a nuisance.

Be well, people of CoH.



Oh wow. I hadn't even thought what customizable Spines might mean to me. If they allow for us to change out banana melee for something better... this might be the first time I'm actually seriously considering Spines!

Ohh damn, now I want Talsorian Spines!

[/ QUOTE ]

Metal Spines ala Silver Mantis would make me play a spines faster than you could blink.

Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker



this better mean TF/SFs are startable solo.

[/ QUOTE ]

Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full.

[edit: Dangit, ninjaed.]

[/ QUOTE ]

So leave the minimums in place. That means I HAVE to set my diff level at 7 members of team before I can go start Manticore's TF by myself.

The label of "You must have 7 players on your team" still does the job of warning the newbie, and the newbie won't be running around with missions set for 7 teammates anyway.

C'mon, Castle... the min teammate mentality needs to go away. It's nothing but a nuisance.

[/ QUOTE ]
I agree entirely. What newbie is going to set their teammates up to the level of soloing task forces? Then not read the team size requirement and just jump right in? Even if they do, and accidentally start a task force they can't handle, SO? So they fail! Oh noes! Lesson learned! Maybe they'll even show up on the scrapper board asking for help. Maybe they'll end up going back and creaming the thing with a better build, more experience and some key temp powers. How is this bad?

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



We need to have the ability to solo TF's... then maybe I could actually run some, other than the ITF and LGTF...

Still all good though
I guess I wound't be spending too much time in RWZ anymore



So if you ever wanted to see if your Scrapper could take on a map that is populated for an 8 person team, four levels higher than your own, now you can!

[/ QUOTE ]

I started crying.

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't stand up from my desk for a bit. Resubbed as soon as I got home.

There is only one outstanding wishlist item left for this to be a perfect game for me and that's account-wide inf/enh storage.

As it is, I think I'll be sticking around for quite a while just because of the difficulty scaler change.

[/ QUOTE ]
Welcome back! I thought of you the instant I saw the announcement of the new difficulty slider.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



this better mean TF/SFs are startable solo.

[/ QUOTE ]

Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full.

[edit: Dangit, ninjaed.]

[/ QUOTE ]

So leave the minimums in place. That means I HAVE to set my diff level at 7 members of team before I can go start Manticore's TF by myself.

The label of "You must have 7 players on your team" still does the job of warning the newbie, and the newbie won't be running around with missions set for 7 teammates anyway.

C'mon, Castle... the min teammate mentality needs to go away. It's nothing but a nuisance.

[/ QUOTE ]
I agree entirely. What newbie is going to set their teammates up to the level of soloing task forces? Then not read the team size requirement and just jump right in? Even if they do, and accidentally start a task force they can't handle, SO? So they fail! Oh noes! Lesson learned! Maybe they'll even show up on the scrapper board asking for help. Maybe they'll end up going back and creaming the thing with a better build, more experience and some key temp powers. How is this bad?

[/ QUOTE ] It's not bad.

Seriously, the devs need to allow us to solo this stuff. Why you ask? Because Castle and Back Alley Brawler can't make it to where we can't solo it. Because they are weak(I would challenge Posi too, but his woosiness is a given).

That's right. Castle, BaBs. Make it hard for us Scrappers. I'm calling you two out. But to be honest, I don't think yall can answer the challenge. Prove me wrong. I dare you.

Give us a dev created mission to solo spawned for eight on invincible that you think we can't do. I promise you we will do it. No temps, inspirations, or etc. Yall know the rules. Challenge us.

You know, if you have the balls(lol, yeah right).



Seriously, the devs need to allow us to solo this stuff. Why you ask? Because Castle and Back Alley Brawler can't make it to where we can't solo it. Because they are weak(I would challenge Posi too, but his woosiness is a given).

[/ QUOTE ]

You do realize that, just to prove to some players that he could, Castle solo'd AV Ghost Widow with a Claws/Invuln without temps, insps, or anything without dieing 3 times in a row. And it was verified.

I don't know about BAB and Posi, but I'm rather confident that Castle is more than capable of performing exactly up to the standard that we optimizing players expect of ourselves.

As to what is being discussed, it's the only thing I actually don't like about I16. I've never thought that the ability to modify what level and what size the game sees you as would be a good thing. It discourages actually filling out teams. The same would apply for TFs. If you could start any task force solo, you'd be hard pressed to find any effective players actually running them with other people, especially the AV soloing specialist builds like Rad/Son and Cold/Son Defenders. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but the repercussions for normal play would actually be rather bad.

Edited to correct for some vagueness in the first sentence.



You do realize that, just to prove to some players that he could, he solo'd AV Ghost Widow with a Claws/Invuln without temps, insps, or anything without dieing 3 times in a row. And it was verified.

[/ QUOTE ] Yes I do remember that. To be honest, I was just talking [censored] wanting one of them to come up with a dev created, non AE mission, that they think we couldn't handle.



There are those that likes to team and there are those that would rather solo...
I don't think that would change much...



You do realize that, just to prove to some players that he could, he solo'd AV Ghost Widow with a Claws/Invuln without temps, insps, or anything without dieing 3 times in a row. And it was verified.

[/ QUOTE ]
Huh. Well, I guess he'd have capped hit points, decent resists, and probably cranked up his passive regeneration a lot. I suppose it would work. I survived her death hold once on Werner. I assume I had Dull Pain and Instant Healing up at the time, but it was a long time ago. I wasn't able to beat her, though.

Is Castle the developer that was doing Rikti War Zone challenges on his newly minted Dual Blades/Willpower back before those sets went live?

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks