I16 and MA




I just saw the elec/ announcement for scrappers... They still keep adding to my Scrapper addiction...

Oh who the heck am I kidding THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!

Rendezvous Fire/SR Scrapper 50 (Main), Sole Savior Kat/WP scrapper 50, Papillon Noir DM/SR Stalker 50
Cascavela NW 50



Damn No soloing TF without fillers still

Castle post
Seriously, though, to the best of my knowledge we won't be changing minimum sizes of TF's/SF's. The minimum sizes stand as "warning labels" to newer players that these missions are more difficult/time consuming/whatever than other missions. It's a small, but important function.

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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps





Enhanced Difficulty Options - Players can now fine-tune their difficulty levels by telling the game exactly how they want to be treated. They can choose to be regarded as a specific size team (even if they are soloing), and even have control over the level they are detected to be when it comes to the dynamic spawn system. So if you ever wanted to see if your Scrapper could take on a map that is populated for an 8 person team, four levels higher than your own, now you can! The difficulty settings of the mission owner dictate how the mission is handled, just as before, and you can change your difficulty settings at any Hero Corp.'s Representative in Paragon City or Fateweaver in the Rogue Isles.

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This is the best QoL feature ever, and a great way to ensure you'll get my money, devs. Well played.

It looks like we better hold off on buying these purples, I'm willing to bet there'll be a sharp drop in prices with hordes of scrappers taking on 8 man maps by themselves.

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I was thinking the same exact thing, but now with that said I am going to be a farm king, between a fire/kin and a spines/dark we will be farming fools.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Enhanced Difficulty Options - Players can now fine-tune their difficulty levels by telling the game exactly how they want to be treated. They can choose to be regarded as a specific size team (even if they are soloing), and even have control over the level they are detected to be when it comes to the dynamic spawn system. So if you ever wanted to see if your Scrapper could take on a map that is populated for an 8 person team, four levels higher than your own, now you can! The difficulty settings of the mission owner dictate how the mission is handled, just as before, and you can change your difficulty settings at any Hero Corp.'s Representative in Paragon City or Fateweaver in the Rogue Isles.

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This is the best QoL feature ever, and a great way to ensure you'll get my money, devs. Well played.

It looks like we better hold off on buying these purples, I'm willing to bet there'll be a sharp drop in prices with hordes of scrappers taking on 8 man maps by themselves.

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I was thinking the same exact thing, but now with that said I am going to be a farm king, between a fire/kin and a spines/dark we will be farming fools.

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I knew it was a good idea to keep my freak farm after i14 went live. Let the good times roll!

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



Doubt it'll be new animations, so I wonder what powers they'll be nabbing. Maybe they'll be dipping into Punch attacks and MA will finally become a poor man's Street Fighting (still waiting on that power set Statesman promised was being worked on! And the super secret out of combat system, too!)

That would be pretty nifty. I'd like to throw some punches with my kicks.



I16 looks so awesome, I can't even find my words.

The new difficulty settings are just like the icing on the cake, but what an icing ! Looks almost as good as all the other features combined... and what features ! Powerset colors, proliferation, new anims for MA and SS.... Wow just wow !

Only half of this would make i16 full of win ! I don't see myself looking for new MMOs anytime soon !




I don't see myself looking for new MMOs anytime soon !

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QFT x1000000



The new difficulty settings are just like the icing on the cake, but what an icing!

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Seriously, it's like they spiked the icing with cocaine or something

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



You know, between that and Brutes getting Claws, I couldn't help but think BillZ will be one happy customer when he gets back.

Thanks for the link, btw. I was hawking Dev Digest for the info, didn't realize it would be posted on the actual CoH website. *chuckle* Good stuff!

[edit: My Fire Melee Tank is very happy about this. ]

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So I wasn't the only one who thought of Billz, when they heard Brutes were getting Claws. Whew...I felt weird there for a moment.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I can't freakin' wait for this. I'll definitely be rolling an elec/something scrapper. New difficulty rules will be kick-[censored] too.



It's funny, all these threads about "whooo I16" and no one has mentioned Elec Armor. Just goes to show that no one really cares.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



It's funny, all these threads about "whooo I16" and no one has mentioned Elec Armor. Just goes to show that no one really cares.

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Eh *shrug* Having a lvl 50 Elec/Elec Brute, I'm underwhelmed by /Electric Armor ALOT!

However, as long as one of the kicks can become a Barrage animation, I'll be happy I want a fancy kick + boxing set (with glowing pink pom-poms >.&gt I hope this allows it

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Heh, I'm not sure if I should finish my Martial Arts guide now or if I should wait until after I16....



So if you ever wanted to see if your Scrapper could take on a map that is populated for an 8 person team, four levels higher than your own, now you can!

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I started crying.

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I couldn't stand up from my desk for a bit. Resubbed as soon as I got home.

There is only one outstanding wishlist item left for this to be a perfect game for me and that's account-wide inf/enh storage.

As it is, I think I'll be sticking around for quite a while just because of the difficulty scaler change.

Be well, people of CoH.



It's funny, all these threads about "whooo I16" and no one has mentioned Elec Armor. Just goes to show that no one really cares.

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Read the first page of the brute boards... Nuf said

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



So if you ever wanted to see if your Scrapper could take on a map that is populated for an 8 person team, four levels higher than your own, now you can!

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I started crying.

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I couldn't stand up from my desk for a bit. Resubbed as soon as I got home.

There is only one outstanding wishlist item left for this to be a perfect game for me and that's account-wide inf/enh storage.

As it is, I think I'll be sticking around for quite a while just because of the difficulty scaler change.

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WB Billz

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps





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I'm almost scared to ask this... but do you think this means that we will be getting any new artwork for spines? *crosses fingers for Silver Mantis' metal spines*



I'm hoping at the very least we'll get the Thorns option.




Re: Elec Armor, I hope the devs will take this opportunity to rework the set a bit, with the focus on the set's performance between having a 75% and 90% res cap.




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I.. I can play a punchy MA scrapper.

I can play Spines without looking at Spines.

I can try and solo +5, 8 person missions.

I love this issue.