I16 and MA




I'm trying not to cringe that plain street fighting punches were put into MA. I think it just looking at them from the front that makes me not like them one bit, so I am just going to have to look at the animations more closely at a different angle.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



I think the quick upper cut looks very nice, and I can't really tell on the one that appears to be throwing an elbow/forearm rather than your fist....need to see that one more before I can decide if I like it or not.

The gut punch looks super weak, and the baseball pitch animation has been used a few different times for different things and always gets replaced because people hate it. No idea why they'd try to use it again.

The last one where you can't see it cause he goes off the screen looks interesting, but who knows what it looks like.

So out of 5 new animations for MA one is great, one is ok, 2 suck, and one is a total mistery. Was hoping for a little more out of BaBs to be honest. Who knows if these will be the final animations that make it to live though. If I make it into beta I will take it upon myself to do eveything I can to at least get the base ball pitch animation replaced

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The last one I saw that was going off screen (toon was jumping) was the normal Eagle's Claw.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



No idea why they'd try to use it again.

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Because some of us, crazy as we are, actually like the baseball pitch animation.

Though it does seem a bit out of place for Eagles Claw.



To me, it looks like you look limp wristed and actually making contact with the bottom of your wrist....kinda like how a 3 year old hits his sister or maybe like Richard Simmons would fight.



Two thoughts:

<ul type="square">[*]The uppercut on cobra strike is a nice variation but seriously, why use it there instead of an actual damaging power?
[*]The baseball windup punch for Eagle's Claw doesn't look so hot. A windup uppercut similar to a shoryuken super combo from the Street Fighter series (a sort of twisting spin into an uppercut) would look much better.[/list]



The uppercut on cobra strike is a nice variation but seriously, why use it there instead of an actual damaging power?

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The uppercut on cobra strike is a nice variation but seriously, why use it there instead of an actual damaging power?

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I'm not ll that familiar with MA and didn't even think about that. What a waste of a great animation



The uppercut on cobra strike is a nice variation but seriously, why use it there instead of an actual damaging power?

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I'm not ll that familiar with MA and didn't even think about that. What a waste of a great animation

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This is Truth.

I never take that power, but I sure do like the new animation.



I am looking forward to some of these alternate animations. I'm definitely going to check out how they feel in-game. I'm sure I'll be adding at least one punch to Shadowrush's attack chain. (I've been relying on the vet reward Sands of Mu to give him some punches.)

Can't wait for I-16.



in so far as stun and Crane animate in the same time, personally, i was hoping to palm strike someone across the room, but... oh well.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



in so far as stun and Crane animate in the same time, personally, i was hoping to palm strike someone across the room, but... oh well.

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Yeah seriously. Crane Kick, one of the most useful and potent attacks of the set, gets ZERO animation love while Cobra Strike gets a nice uppercut animation? What gives?



Originally Posted by Hagakure_NA View Post
in so far as stun and Crane animate in the same time, personally, i was hoping to palm strike someone across the room, but... oh well.

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Yeah seriously. Crane Kick, one of the most useful and potent attacks of the set, gets ZERO animation love while Cobra Strike gets a nice uppercut animation? What gives?

I was hoping for a something new for Crane Kick too, but I don't know what they would do.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



An edit/quickening of the Assassin's Strike from the Stalker MA set might do for a Crane Kick alternate.



When i heard the were giving u the option of adding new animations for MA i was sooo exited, when i heard they were punches, i was reeeeaaaalllly exited....when i seen them i couldn't have been more let down if they did nothing. SUCKS. like my dad always said, if your not gonna do it right, don't to it at all....... I mean really?



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Now only if they allow us to solo TF's... I might not ever...ever team...
We should start a concerted effort to get this included. Dropping the TF starting restrictions would be great, not just for solo types, but for duo's as well.
That would be extreme AWESOME!




Originally Posted by Simian_Stalker View Post
That would be extreme AWESOME!
I highly doubt they'll ever remove the minimum size requirements, simply because a number of TFs and trial actually have a reason for the minimum number of players. Just look at the Caverns of Transcendence trial.



Originally Posted by Umbral
I highly doubt they'll ever remove the minimum size requirements, simply because a number of TFs and trial actually have a reason for the minimum number of players. Just look at the Caverns of Transcendence trial.
Yes but one can hope

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



It would be lovely, but most TFs do require more than one character. I was thinking of the LGTF with the Riders, one of them draining endurance and fearing if hit by melee attacks, of weakned Hami that has one of the bubbles immune to melee.

The ITF though, would be great, even if I don't see passing Rom anywhere easily, BUT, it has been done, and what man has done man can replicate.

The whole thing about minimum team size because of newbies has holes though. If it requires the difficulty slider to be set for 8 people then what newbie is actually playing the game with it that high? He would be slaughtered at the first mission. That's assuming no one is reading the introductory text (this is a TF, it's a very hard series of missions) and, lets face it, most arcs already have AVs at the end of them.

But, even if somehow a newbie *is* somehow at the difficulty for 8 people *and* doesn't read the introductory text then what's the most that will happen? If he's playing and surviving at such a high difficulty he'll survive the whole TF and slaughter the AV anyway.



Assuming of course a newbie would be soloing anywhere other than in MA ;p