I16 and MA





Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

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Is that the steel-y spines that whats-her-face uses? Uh, Silver Mantis? I always thought that'd be a keen look for a spiky hero and/or villain...

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No. It never occurred to me that Silver mantis had spines. The ones I made are very basic, conical, metal spikes.

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Now that you been refreshed about it, how about adding them in?

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That may be dubious - other weapons have been excluded from our use because they were unique to an enemy.

Ex: Shadow Spider's broadsword ("Shadow Blade", or something like that) was added during Weapon Customization's initial pass, but was removed before it went live. To be honest, I didn't even know she had a broadsword, let alone that particular model.

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Darnit!!! Why you had to say that!!! He may had forgotten that too but no more, you had to remind him that too!!!




Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

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Is that the steel-y spines that whats-her-face uses? Uh, Silver Mantis? I always thought that'd be a keen look for a spiky hero and/or villain...

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No. It never occurred to me that Silver mantis had spines. The ones I made are very basic, conical, metal spikes.

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Now that you been refreshed about it, how about adding them in?

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That may be dubious - other weapons have been excluded from our use because they were unique to an enemy.

Ex: Shadow Spider's broadsword ("Shadow Blade", or something like that) was added during Weapon Customization's initial pass, but was removed before it went live. To be honest, I didn't even know she had a broadsword, let alone that particular model.

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Don't you mean the Death Knight broadswords?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




No. It never occurred to me that Silver mantis had spines. The ones I made are very basic, conical, metal spikes.

I am not a hotshot modeler/texture artist, so I prefer to work on the basic looking stuff that can accept a broad range of character concepts being projected on to it. My opinion is that the more specific and detailed you get with something like this, the more narrow it's potential for fitting a lot of character concepts become.

Similiar sort of philosophy for all of the shields and weapons I personally modeled. Except for the Rularuu stuff.

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*emphasis mine*

Just speaking in general here... I just love that.
I think that angle is so true and works really well (At least for making a gamer like me happy).

Oh, sure. Some specific artwork can be great as well.
However, especially in video games such as this, I absolutely prefer a more generic look that can then, as you said, allow the user to better project their own imagination unto it.

Now, I know you're just speaking off the cuff of your own personal work and taste.
I just thought I'd add that I find this is especially true for character models (faces and such) as well. And I get nervous whenever I hear about graphical upgrades and such for a game I enjoy.
(Especially after a certain other game I used to play... a long time ago... in a galaxy... eh, you know... made some major visual changes to existing player characters, claiming it was an upgrade... Which I did not see as such, hehe)

"Holy Side Track, EK!"

Anyway, I really only replied simply because I love that mentality, Mr. Brawler!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Darnit!!! Why you had to say that!!! He may had forgotten that too but no more, you had to remind him that too!!!

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Starsman: Sorry, consistency compelled me..

Don't you mean the Death Knight broadswords?

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Leech: Pardon? What Death Knight broadswords? I don't think that was its name, it's been a while, though.



Any chance on the alternate animations that you can set it to cycle between the two (or more), or choose at random at each time the power is used?

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Not quite the same thing, but assuming the selected animations are specific to a costume slot, you could make two identical costumes, assign different animations to each costume, and swap between the two occasionally to vary the animations. You'd be limited to changing it at 30-second intervals, and you'd obviously want to make a bind for it, but it's a start.

As to the Spines geometry...I get the feeling that I may have the only scrapper using the original version a week after I16 goes live. My Spines/Fire is named Bananas Foster.

Joke characters aside, I think this is another great change in an Issue already packed with them.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Heh. I always envision the current one as either shattering or ripping out your pelvis, so that's not too far off.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



What about Monkey Steals the Peach? (Not Safe For Sanity)

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Heh, I learned a variant to that as a method of grapple escape. Go go Bujinkan taijutsu!




As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

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Are you going to be changing the MA power names from "Kick" to "Strike" then?

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Don't you mean the Death Knight broadswords?

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Leech: Pardon? What Death Knight broadswords? I don't think that was its name, it's been a while, though.

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Probably a reference to the Grave Knight's swords. I don't think that's the sword Shadow Spider has though. Shadow Bane ? Something like that.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth




No. It never occurred to me that Silver mantis had spines. The ones I made are very basic, conical, metal spikes.

I am not a hotshot modeler/texture artist, so I prefer to work on the basic looking stuff that can accept a broad range of character concepts being projected on to it. My opinion is that the more specific and detailed you get with something like this, the more narrow it's potential for fitting a lot of character concepts become.

Similiar sort of philosophy for all of the shields and weapons I personally modeled. Except for the Rularuu stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]

*emphasis mine*

Just speaking in general here... I just love that.
I think that angle is so true and works really well (At least for making a gamer like me happy).

Oh, sure. Some specific artwork can be great as well.
However, especially in video games such as this, I absolutely prefer a more generic look that can then, as you said, allow the user to better project their own imagination unto it.

Now, I know you're just speaking off the cuff of your own personal work and taste.
I just thought I'd add that I find this is especially true for character models (faces and such) as well. And I get nervous whenever I hear about graphical upgrades and such for a game I enjoy.
(Especially after a certain other game I used to play... a long time ago... in a galaxy... eh, you know... made some major visual changes to existing player characters, claiming it was an upgrade... Which I did not see as such, hehe)

"Holy Side Track, EK!"

Anyway, I really only replied simply because I love that mentality, Mr. Brawler!

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I'll derail the thread some more(but at least keep it Scrapper-centric) by saying that I agree with the sentiment. And to further delve into the idea of making things slightly more generic to adhere to more character concepts, I think it'd be cool if Broadsword and Katana were renamed to One Handed Sword and Two Handed Sword respectively, and each given access to all of the other's sword options.

There's nothing particularly Katana- or Broadsword-centric about the animations(nothing that could preclude one powerset from realistically being able to use the other's type of sword, anyway) but I see the names being used to justify limiting the options available. Why aren't the Longsword, Flamberge, and Roman swords available for Katana? "Because the set's called Katana, not Broadsword" is the usual reply. Why aren't the Rusted and Ninja blades available for Broadsword? "Because the set's called Broadsword, not Katana." It's a needless limitation that can hamper a character concept.

Of course I know this kind of thing is a bit radical and goes beyond the scope of BaB's department and I apologize for further derailing the thread, but it's something that always bothered me and I thought I'd throw this out there while the subject of being less specific was being thought about.



[Scrappers and Tankers get ready to fry their foes with Electric Melee and Electric Armor]

There are not words to express my joy. Going outside to perform backflips and cartwheels now.

Ware ni tatenu mono mashi!!
[There are none before me who have not been cleaved!!]



BAB, thanks for confirming that most of the alternate MA animations are punches. That just makes my night




Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

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Is that the steel-y spines that whats-her-face uses? Uh, Silver Mantis? I always thought that'd be a keen look for a spiky hero and/or villain...

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No. It never occurred to me that Silver mantis had spines. The ones I made are very basic, conical, metal spikes.

I am not a hotshot modeler/texture artist, so I prefer to work on the basic looking stuff that can accept a broad range of character concepts being projected on to it. My opinion is that the more specific and detailed you get with something like this, the more narrow it's potential for fitting a lot of character concepts become.

Similiar sort of philosophy for all of the shields and weapons I personally modeled. Except for the Rularuu stuff.

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Scary thought of the day: Rularuu Spines/Thorns....



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

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Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

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This makes me very happy. Sin from the beginning was supposed to be more upper body martial arts than lower body. Very very happy I can now give that to him.

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at cohcomicindex.com

www.jkcomics.com for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

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Any chance on the alternate animations that you can set it to cycle between the two (or more), or choose at random at each time the power is used?

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Right now, the tech doesn't work that way. It's more an issue with the VFX not syncing up with random animations, as we've had the ability to randomly or sequentially play multiple animations for a while.

It might be something we could do in the future, but very unlikely to happen for I16s launch.

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Can we set different animations for each costume?

I have a character that is a werewolf woman. She uses MA and has alot of kicks when in her womanish form.

It would be great if when I go wolf (thanks to the science pack), I could set it to do more upper body animations rather than lower body.

This going to be possible?

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at cohcomicindex.com

www.jkcomics.com for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,



If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

Just say no to banana melee!

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

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Any chance on the alternate animations that you can set it to cycle between the two (or more), or choose at random at each time the power is used?

[/ QUOTE ]

Right now, the tech doesn't work that way. It's more an issue with the VFX not syncing up with random animations, as we've had the ability to randomly or sequentially play multiple animations for a while.

It might be something we could do in the future, but very unlikely to happen for I16s launch.

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he said "mainly" punches, which leads to think that it could involve other things aswell... though i doubt any of the powers themself will be changed aside from the animations, but if that is not the case, i would think that Martial Arts deserves a version of the Parry/Devine Avalanche, but to Smashing/Melee instead of leathal/melee, and it should be called something like... BLOCK (just a suggestion)



Sorry for being dense, I have been away from CoH for about a year.

Do they mean a second aesthetic choice, or that they are fixing the animation times?

I was under the impression, and this could be totally wrong, that MA had sort of screwed up animation times resulting in a dps loss relative to other scrappers.



Sorry for being dense, I have been away from CoH for about a year.

Do they mean a second aesthetic choice, or that they are fixing the animation times?

I was under the impression, and this could be totally wrong, that MA had sort of screwed up animation times resulting in a dps loss relative to other scrappers.

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Animation itself. This issue is all about giving the player the ability to control the aestetics of our characters to much more of a degree then ever before.

Whether it actually effects animation times relative to dps and such is beyond me but its not what this is about.

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at cohcomicindex.com

www.jkcomics.com for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,



he said "mainly" punches, which leads to think that it could involve other things aswell...

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What if that was a typo, and he meant we're getting MANLY punches?

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Sorry for being dense, I have been away from CoH for about a year.

Do they mean a second aesthetic choice, or that they are fixing the animation times?

I was under the impression, and this could be totally wrong, that MA had sort of screwed up animation times resulting in a dps loss relative to other scrappers.

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Animation itself. This issue is all about giving the player the ability to control the aestetics of our characters to much more of a degree then ever before.

Whether it actually effects animation times relative to dps and such is beyond me but its not what this is about.

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I don't remember exactly when, but MA's actual animations were already tweaked to give the set a smoother feel which also resulted in an increase in performance.

I'm betting my hat that any alternate animations put into the game will have 100% identical states to the primary animation.

To do otherwise would cause the number crunchers to go into seizures.

Be well, people of CoH.



I'm betting my hat that any alternate animations put into the game will have 100% identical states to the primary animation.

To do otherwise would cause the number crunchers to go into seizures.

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Not seizures. It would just completely defeat the purpose of the aesthetic changes for anyone that cared about performance, because we'd just pick the better attack in every case, regardless of if it was a kick or a punch. So yes, I'm betting they'll have completely identical stats. It wouldn't make sense for it to be otherwise.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks




I am not a hotshot modeler/texture artist, so I prefer to work on the basic looking stuff that can accept a broad range of character concepts being projected on to it. My opinion is that the more specific and detailed you get with something like this, the more narrow it's potential for fitting a lot of character concepts become.

Similiar sort of philosophy for all of the shields and weapons I personally modeled. Except for the Rularuu stuff.

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This is a wonderful philosophy! please tell others about it before they make powersets like Demon Summoning AND necromancy or costume parts so specific and that they only fit with every other costume part in that costume "set"



The stun in MA and Crane kick animate in the same time and, iirc, the first 2 kicks are .83 sec - many punches activate in this timeframe including follow-up in claws. Makes me wonder if they will "barrow" animations of the same timeframe or make new ones. Either way sounds great.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server