Rikti Invasion Incoming! ~Discussion~




War Returns To Paragon City And The Rogue Isles

A shadow passing overhead…

Fire and destruction raining from the sky…

A warlike adversary returning to menace Paragon City and the Rogue Isles once again...

The Rikti are returning.

Starting Friday July 17th (11:00 AM Eastern / 10:00 AM Central / 8:00 AM Pacific) and lasting through Sunday July 19th (11:59 PM Eastern / 10:59 PM Central / 8:59 PM Pacific)

the Rikti will once again renew their assault. Every hero and every villain’s services will be required to repel these vicious invaders if our homeland is to be safe from their murderous invasion.

Everyone will be called to action, will you answer the call?




EDIT: First after a redname.

Virtue - @Kabuto & @Kabutops
Main heroes:
Dark/Psy/Psy Defender
Grav/Storm/Power Controller
Ice/Storm/Ice Controller
Plant/Rad/Psi Controller
Earth/Rad/Earth Controller
Main Villains:
Ice/Cold/Sharks Corruptor
Elec/Shield Brute
Fortunata/Soul Widow



Well at least now I can work towards my Rikti Battle Axe.



Just imagine Atlas Park, already loaded with AE children, during an invasion. And the panic when some of them come out of AE into Atlas Park 2 and cant see thier buddies.

Woo Hoo! for chaos.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Not this lagfest again.

Boring. Been there. Done that. Too many times.

Just another recycling of old stuff put out there for the fanbois to fawn over.



I'll would be on the extermination side, if they allowed it.



I'll would be on the extermination side, if they allowed it.

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PVP in the PVE zones? Hero on Hero and Villain on Villain action? Count me in!

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Just imagine Atlas Park, already loaded with AE children, during an invasion. And the panic when some of them come out of AE into Atlas Park 2 and cant see thier buddies.
Woo Hoo! for chaos.

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I'm pretty sure that's exactly why the Devs are bringing them out of the closet again...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I plan to sit in AP the entire time just to read all the horrible things the AE kids have to say when it's too laggy for them to make it to Ms Liberty to level up! This will be awesome indeed!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Awww. I was hoping the next invasion would come while we still had the looping drone explosions.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Awww. I was hoping the next invasion would come while we still had the looping drone explosions.

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I was hoping for 5th column invasions (read as "Giant Mechman Invasions").



Not this lagfest again.

Boring. Been there. Done that. Too many times.

Just another recycling of old stuff put out there for the fanbois to fawn over.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just go to another zone then and avoid it, I have a load of toons I want the accolade on either because they have a psi hole in their defences or because I want to unlock the costume bits at low level.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I rather enjoy rikti invasions. But it would be nice if you could just enable these to happen randomly more often. They have been kinda rare lately with people not doing LGTF.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Awww. I was hoping the next invasion would come while we still had the looping drone explosions.

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As funny as those are, the amount of lag that would generate during an invasion?


Can you say Slideshow?

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Moar zombie invasions kthnx.



I was hoping for 5th column invasions (read as "Giant Mechman Invasions").

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Like that.

I can tolerate this because unlike last year, they're not over-doing it; this is the first time Hro'Dtohz has gathered enough forces to do several days of bombardment in over six months. Assuming it's even longer before the next time, it's not inconsistent with the fact that probably 75% of the players have saved the world from this guy and ended the Second Rikti War, on at least one of their characters, personally, by now.

But now that we have Ouroboros, it's seriously unnecessary. What I wish Paragon Studios would do is move the bloody storyline forward: rewrite the text of the RWZ missions to reflect a change from having to save the world from world-wide Rikti invasion to having to save Paragon City from Hro'Dtohz's revenge. Move the old missions, the zone invasions, and the LGTF into Ouroboros. (Yes, this would require a new "badge mission" for each side that simulated a zone invasion on an instanced outdoor map. So? What's so hard about that?)

And then give us some story arcs somewhere that explain why we're having zombie invasions every time someone turns in Halloween salvage. Let us defeat that global threat, and move it, and any zombie invasions that aren't on Halloween, to Ouroboros six months later.

And then give us some Boomtown story arcs that actually fill in the gaping plot holes in the BSF and the DKTF, let us find and defeat the base that the 5th Column was using to travel backwards in time and to travel sideways in time to Axis America. While that's going on, do what you should have done with issue 15, and have zones invaded by levelless 5th Columnists. Let that go on for three months or so, and move it to Ouroboros.

And then show us the Coming Storm, whatever it is. And when enough of us have defeated the source of the Coming Storm, move it to Ouroboros. And so forth, and so on. Seriously, give us something for old timers to reminisce about, give us some sense that time passes in the City of Heroes universe, don't trap the public zones forever in 2003. Now that we have Ouroboros, we don't have to take anything away to do so, we just put it where people can find it and travel to if if they care: in the past.



For maximum carnage please please please deactivate the police drones, and allow the Rikti to appear inside the AE buildings.



For maximum carnage please please please deactivate the police drones, and allow the Rikti to appear inside the AE buildings.

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QfM (Quoted for Mayhem)

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



For maximum carnage please please please deactivate the police drones, and allow the Rikti to appear inside the AE buildings.

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While I understand the annoyance with the "AE babies," it'd also be targeting those of us actually *working on missions* - as in writing, who don't see anything but the edit screen.




Okay, maybe its time to kick the tires and see if the old "new idea machine" can come up with something...new.

I mean, another invasion?

Haven't the Rikti gotten the point, yet?



Well at least now I can work towards my Rikti Battle Axe.

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Exactly what I was going to post!!

NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.



Well then I hope the Rikti bomb the crap out of the AE building in Atlas and force them to rebuild it in one of the unused corners of the area. (Yes, I know its unrealistic.)

I don't mind AE, I just don't like where they put it in Atlas. Bad enough there's a congestion problem by Atlas Plaza and Wentworths but to stick THAT mapserver-killer in the same general area? That's just poor planning.

Come on guys, the congestion is supposed to be on the freeways, NOT on the mapserver!

Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server
http://battlerockx.blogspot.com - The Battlerock X Chronicles
http://guardiansofthedawn.wordpress.com - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667



LOL...going to be out of town for the entire thing. But that's okay: I'll be at Azkatraz, indulging a different flavor of geekery.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Not this lagfest again.

Boring. Been there. Done that. Too many times.

Just another recycling of old stuff put out there for the fanbois to fawn over.

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For you, maybe. But there's always plenty of new players who haven't gotten to experience the invasion events yet.