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  1. Kabutops

    Arcane Arts

    I've been wanting a powerset like this since day one. A good chunk of my characters are magic based, and I'm sure I would have a lot of fun with this one.

    Another thing that might remedy our need to feel more magical is *optional* weapons. Give us the option to have our characters with ranged powersets carry a magic wand, and change the animation so that we wave our wand to shoot a fireball instead of shooting it from our hands. It could even be taken a step further...give us optional arm-guns for a tech feel, and other things of that sort. Just a thought.
  2. /Signed

    I love gravity, but it sometimes is a chore to play compared to all of the other control sets. Now, I think if Dimension Shift were changed to a PBAoE Knockup/stun version of Lift, the set would be golden, but of course Devs don't want to completely replace any powers... Oh well. That's just my personal opinion, I know some people find it useful. I just think the cons vastly outweigh the pros.

    And then there's the issue with Propel... It just takes WAY too long to activate. I would decrease the animation time to 1.83 seconds (that alone would increase its usefulness to me tenfold), add a mag 2-3 stun component, and make it a very narrow cone attack (like Dual Pistols' Piercing Rounds) so that could potentially hit more than one foe. Then I would take it in a heartbeat.
  3. This just popped into my head if they were to change poison to alchemy for heroes.

    Noxious Gas -> Transmutation
    Toggle: All of your powers reverse effects. (Your foe debuffs become ally buffs and your healing/buff powers do damage/debuff foes.)

    Thoughts? It seems very far fetched... But it fits conceptually, and I think it could be very cool if balanced properly.
  4. Spines/Dark, Spines/Fire or Spines/Elec scrapper.

    They're AoE monsters, not to mention extremely fun. Just make sure to grab/slot stamina and slot for lots of endurance reduction.
  5. I don't remember the prison guards in Breakout being able to attack you right next to where HT is. There were two, but I killed one.

    Maybe this isn't a bug and I'm remembering it wrong, but I felt like I should post it here just in case it isn't supposed to happen. Every time I make a new villain I go through the tutorial to get the badge and a free level... And I have a serious case of altitis. Ask anyone that I regularly play with. I've got two accounts, both with almost all 36 slots, and I'm constantly remaking characters and deleting old characters to make room for new ones... I think I would have noticed this before. <_<

    Maybe I'm just going crazy. Anyway, uh... That's it. Again, sorry if this isn't a bug at all. I feel like there's a good chance that's the case. >_>
  6. Should I get Detonator or Teleport Foe on my Bots/Traps MM? I don't see myself using detonator too often based on its description... But I've never actually used it, so I'm not sure how useful it really is. I can see myself 'porting foes on to trip mines/caltrops and stuff, though...

    Point me in the right direction, please?

    EDIT: Or, you know... I could always use another Leadership power.
  7. Local_Man pretty much covered everything...

    I wrote a bunch about my experience with Gravity/, but after reading it I decided it wouldn't really help me at all if I were in your position... I was really just rambling. My main point is (was) that I had to level up and play around with a Gravity controller myself before I could fully grasp, or "get" it. Explanations did nothing for me.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    The Riechman SF is the longest, most difficult and yet extremely boring TF/SF I have ever ran. Took a preety good pug team 2 1/2 hours. The last mission took over an hour. I hope the big boss is bugged, cause that [censored] was crazy hard for 20 merits. Leading multiple NPCs thru a huge cave map is just annoying and the AV was like soloing a Pylon. Don't plan on EVER running this SF again.

    Happy Anniversary! pffft...what a joke of an issue.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You clearly have never done a Quarterfield TF.

    I would like to use this post as an opportunity to say PLEASE DEVS WHEN WILL YOU MAKE IT BETTER? ;_; (Also i15 is awesome. But seriously, take a look at Quarterfield. <_&lt
  9. Connecting... #16


    EDIT: Connected! Playing live.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Too much room for abuse.

    Use your med-bot in your SG to buy small greens or small blues for dirt cheap and deck yourself out in Tier 3 insps in no time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're failing to realize that tier 3's would become more available to everyone. They would be in less demand, and prices would go down.
  11. This should to be told through the Mission Architect. <_<

    I will do it if nobody else plans to; it needs to be done.
  12. Will we be able to save our custom villain groups in a similar fashion to the way we save costumes, so that we can reuse them later? I don't want to have to remake the same villain group twenty times.
  13. Stupid question, but can you have more than one type of minion/lieutenant/boss for each custom villain group?
  14. Kabutops

    Switching Sides

    [ QUOTE ]
    This one again!! YAY!! I love my idea!~!! Well this one yours but I thought of it too so uh well, calll the Deves and beg them... HEY DEVE!!!! OVER HERE!! ! PLEASE DO IT!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Oh, wait... /power
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Sooo... no invite for me, looks like. And my updater keeps crashing. Anyone who's managed to load the patch able to confirm the existence of any proliferated powersets (unlikely), new costume bits (hopefully), or other stuff that can be viewed from character creation without actually being in the beta?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm getting there... 11:20 remaining...

    *taps foot*
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Hello everyone. I'd like to direct you all to this this thread I've started.

    I've included the old and the new merit values for each task in the game and also preemptively answered some questions.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    *EDIT*: First post after a redname.
  17. :O


    Edit: Tidbits make me giddy. The screenshots made me squeak like an overexcited fangirl.
  18. O_O

    Holy [censored]... Devs, I don't think you realize just how convenient this is for me... or how happy this makes me...

    Holy [censored].
  19. I just thought of a great one.

    Miner - The Tunnels (The Hollows, where the Cavern Trial is)
  20. NecessaryEvil, did you just... quintuple-post?
  21. Pain Domination looks like all I hoped it would and more! CANNOT WAIT GARBLEGARBLEGARBLE-

    Oh. I think I just [censored] myself... Excuse me.