I thought CoX was a Teen rated game?!?!?!

Ad Astra



What if slot 0 was a lizard man? Does that mean if an alternative slot is a human man, he puts on a human mask?

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Flayed human skin suit. Accept no substitute.

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Hey. That body was flayed when I got there. D:



i fail to see how Disney has cross dressing in there movies. If they have and im unaware of it then plz provide a better example then then Mulan.

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You want a better example? Well here ya go.

Cross dressing Disney style

Someone quick call the intolerance police!

What's next? Is the OP going to petition the devs to restrict players to only making characters the same sex as they are in real life?



i fail to see how Disney has cross dressing in there movies. If they have and im unaware of it then plz provide a better example then then Mulan.

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You want a better example? Well here ya go.

Cross dressing Disney style

Someone quick call the intolerance police!

What's next? Is the OP going to petition the devs to restrict players to only making characters the same sex as they are in real life?

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Random fun sidepoint: A notable T-rated game (Final Fantasy 7) not only had the main character (Cloud Strife) engage in cross-dressing (including a physical contest with a very... questionable set of gentlemen in order to acquire a wig to make a more convincing costume and a trip to a... gentleman's club to acquire both make-up and undergarments), but also has him posing as an 'escort' leading to a rather... quirky scene.

That was rather broadly covered in 'suggestive themes'.



i fail to see how Disney has cross dressing in there movies. If they have and im unaware of it then plz provide a better example then then Mulan.

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You want a better example? Well here ya go.

Cross dressing Disney style

Someone quick call the intolerance police!

What's next? Is the OP going to petition the devs to restrict players to only making characters the same sex as they are in real life?

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Random fun sidepoint: A notable T-rated game (Final Fantasy 7) not only had the main character (Cloud Strife) engage in cross-dressing (including a physical contest with a very... questionable set of gentlemen in order to acquire a wig to make a more convincing costume and a trip to a... gentleman's club to acquire both make-up and undergarments), but also has him posing as an 'escort' leading to a rather... quirky scene.

That was rather broadly covered in 'suggestive themes'.

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Wow... I sooo don't remember that... yet at the same time it sounds so familiar...

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



i fail to see how Disney has cross dressing in there movies.

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If you're having trouble, here's a top 5:

As an added bonus, here's a list of 452 movies with crossdressing elements, many of which are comedies, but include cartoons and kid movies: http://us.imdb.de/keyword/cross-dressing/

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



i fail to see how Disney has cross dressing in there movies. If they have and im unaware of it then plz provide a better example then then Mulan.

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You want a better example? Well here ya go.

Cross dressing Disney style

Someone quick call the intolerance police!

What's next? Is the OP going to petition the devs to restrict players to only making characters the same sex as they are in real life?

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Random fun sidepoint: A notable T-rated game (Final Fantasy 7) not only had the main character (Cloud Strife) engage in cross-dressing (including a physical contest with a very... questionable set of gentlemen in order to acquire a wig to make a more convincing costume and a trip to a... gentleman's club to acquire both make-up and undergarments), but also has him posing as an 'escort' leading to a rather... quirky scene.

That was rather broadly covered in 'suggestive themes'.

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Wow... I sooo don't remember that... yet at the same time it sounds so familiar...

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Sadly enough, everything but the wig and dress were optional, but that section of the Slums had a lot of things I'd consider fairly 'adult' (the gentleman's club, where you can glance in on various rooms, the fact you had to pose as a woman [and a CUTE one, to get in] to enter the manse of a lecherous pervert for what is clearly an 'escort' job) are just the start of that particular games really questionable content when you break it down. :3



i fail to see how Disney has cross dressing in there movies. If they have and im unaware of it then plz provide a better example then then Mulan.

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You want a better example? Well here ya go.

Cross dressing Disney style

Someone quick call the intolerance police!

What's next? Is the OP going to petition the devs to restrict players to only making characters the same sex as they are in real life?

[/ QUOTE ]

Random fun sidepoint: A notable T-rated game (Final Fantasy 7) not only had the main character (Cloud Strife) engage in cross-dressing (including a physical contest with a very... questionable set of gentlemen in order to acquire a wig to make a more convincing costume and a trip to a... gentleman's club to acquire both make-up and undergarments), but also has him posing as an 'escort' leading to a rather... quirky scene.

That was rather broadly covered in 'suggestive themes'.

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Wow... I sooo don't remember that... yet at the same time it sounds so familiar...

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Sadly enough, everything but the wig and dress were optional, but that section of the Slums had a lot of things I'd consider fairly 'adult' (the gentleman's club, where you can glance in on various rooms, the fact you had to pose as a woman [and a CUTE one, to get in] to enter the manse of a lecherous pervert for what is clearly an 'escort' job) are just the start of that particular games really questionable content when you break it down. :3

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Ahahaha, that was a great scene! I loved it because it was one of the truly unique little minigames that the game had to offer. I always tried to be as pretty as possible



Maybe change it so that when you gender bend it applies to all character slots not just 1 costume slot. Is it possible if we can get some kind of Dev clarification on this issue plz?

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Uh, that's like giving you 2 costume changes for free per slot.
I also don't understand how that changes the "cross-dressing" or transsexual aspect of the rest of your discussion.


Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.
Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.

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Part of the problem here is that there are many children that play this game that aren't even 13 years old.

We all know that once a game goes "online" the "experiences may vary" tag line goes up immediately. Mature content is only a "text line" away at any point in time.

What is the "rating" on Ranma 1/2 (boxes show NR)?
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranma_%C2%BD )

Face it, some Tanks are axe-welding maniacs ... and literally act like it while they are rushing around hacking up the enemy. Mastermind summon undead armies to puke on enemies. (One my masterminds poisons her henchmen at the end of every mission.)
There is a lot of content in the game that stretches the Teen rating, and many parent that don't care what the rating is on the game.

I understand your concern "in general". I don't find this situation any different than any of the other "questionable" issue in regards to the rating system.

I can definitely see some strange reactions happening when someone is RP'ing-up (or whatever the hip lingo is) with a female that suddenly changes into a man or vice-versa, but I'm sure there is a lot of that going on already at any rate.



Real life example of Crossdressing being A-ok!

Shakespeare. Refute that!

I wanted to get in on the cute/mad smiley thing too before it all goes away.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Why is this thread not dead yet?!



I'm wondering that, too... I'm also wondering why so many people hate crossdressers and transgenders. I've helped a few friends transition over the years and they're good people. I even went to Thailand with a friend to help her get her operations and got my facial reconstruction at the same time (Bad car accident a few years back)

If a teenager can't understand or be exposed to alternate sexualities while -learning- Sex Ed in middle school (in some states: Elementary school) then there is something terribly wrong.

If you're morally opposed to the idea of crossdressing or gender dysphoria: Fine! But you'd best lock yourself in a basement somewhere surrounded by cats and statues of whatever religious icon your pray to, because it's been around for centuries and it's becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Take a look here. It's a list of transgendered people. Some are relatively unimportant (like a Mexican immigrant who died in a detention facility) Others are Neurobiologists, Game Designers, Physicists, Actors and Actresses, Musicians, Entrepreneurs, Lawyers, and much much more.

Perhaps you should -teach- your child about these things rather than sheltering him or her from them and becoming irate or upset when your child is exposed to concepts and has no idea how to handle them.




I'm still waiting for an explanation of a Moral system that finds an altered cut of cloth around your body inherently closer to stabbing babies than to self-sacrifice.



What if slot 0 was a lizard man? Does that mean if an alternative slot is a human man, he puts on a human mask?

[/ QUOTE ]V!



Wow OP you are one of those people who wanna burn the Harry Potter books cause it promotes witch craft huh?



WARNING: This post might contain a logical response!

Please tell me how this situation would be considered drag.

1.) Let's say I have a hero named "I Am A Hero". Nice and to the point...it's also quite ambiguous when it comes to gender.

2.) Currently, "I Am A Hero" is male, and his bio is written as such.

3.) I decide that I no longer like the character concept of "I Am A Hero", but I don't want to re-roll him. I worked hard to get to 50, and he's fully IO'd out.

4.) I change all of his costume slots to female, and re-write his bio so that he is now a she. No mention of previously being male.

This isn't gender-bending, this is a complete change of character. I could even go a step further and change my name as well. With this, we can re-roll character concept, but keep the core powers.



I say, these women today! Did you know they wear petticoats that don't even cover their shins?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



I say, these women today! Did you know they wear petticoats that don't even cover their shins?

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*looks down*

Pants. Female. Win?



plz explain more on how standing up for what i believe and keeping morals and values intact

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Thank you for conflating cross-dressing with immorality. That is incredibly bigoted.

Also, you calling someone out on "sexism" and calling troll is comedy gold. For the record, Mulan dressing up as a man (which she did- and by your definition, would that not be cross-dressing?) was because of the limitations of the time period. Yes of course women can be soldiers- they couldn't in China in ~581 AD (I don't know exactly when Mulan is supposed to be set, so if I get that wrong, apologies). You making a sexism argument there is absolutely mindboggling.

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Hmmm...donm't know if I'd go that far. To him cross dressing can be immoral.

That does not make him bigoted.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection




What you call morals and values appear to be nothing more than a bigoted, ultra conservative, narrow minded and shallow view on life. And hateful to boot.

Take your 'morals and values', your money and your kids that will certainly grow up warped with you as a parent and go play someplace that we don't have to listen to you.


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Wow, saying ultra conservative the way you did. Makes you sound like you might have issues with ultra conservatives (not all ultra conservatives have a problem with cross dressers...ect).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



plz explain more on how standing up for what i believe and keeping morals and values intact

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Thank you for conflating cross-dressing with immorality. That is incredibly bigoted.

Also, you calling someone out on "sexism" and calling troll is comedy gold. For the record, Mulan dressing up as a man (which she did- and by your definition, would that not be cross-dressing?) was because of the limitations of the time period. Yes of course women can be soldiers- they couldn't in China in ~581 AD (I don't know exactly when Mulan is supposed to be set, so if I get that wrong, apologies). You making a sexism argument there is absolutely mindboggling.

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Hmmm...donm't know if I'd go that far. To him cross dressing can be immoral.

That does not make him bigoted.

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a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

Looks like it fits to me.



plz explain more on how standing up for what i believe and keeping morals and values intact

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Thank you for conflating cross-dressing with immorality. That is incredibly bigoted.

Also, you calling someone out on "sexism" and calling troll is comedy gold. For the record, Mulan dressing up as a man (which she did- and by your definition, would that not be cross-dressing?) was because of the limitations of the time period. Yes of course women can be soldiers- they couldn't in China in ~581 AD (I don't know exactly when Mulan is supposed to be set, so if I get that wrong, apologies). You making a sexism argument there is absolutely mindboggling.

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Hmmm...donm't know if I'd go that far. To him cross dressing can be immoral.

That does not make him bigoted.

[/ QUOTE ] Sure it does. To some people a white person marrying a black person is immoral. That is bigoted too.




What you call morals and values appear to be nothing more than a bigoted, ultra conservative, narrow minded and shallow view on life. And hateful to boot.

Take your 'morals and values', your money and your kids that will certainly grow up warped with you as a parent and go play someplace that we don't have to listen to you.


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Wow, saying ultra conservative the way you did. Makes you sound like you might have issues with ultra conservatives (not all ultra conservatives have a problem with cross dressers...ect).

[/ QUOTE ] True, but when someone uses the term ultra conservative Sean Hannity pops into my head. I'm guessing the person you quoted was thinking somebody like that.



You know, after all this.. i want all costumes to be open to all genders.. male/female/nethergoat.
Why can't my Namesake have a pencil skirt and the cool Magic booster clothing.... i demand change, i demand that we drop the whole dichotomy and do what i say.

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I agree!

I mean, the Crossdressing Zombie gets its point across with a bright pink kilt & tank top & chain necklace & gold bracelets, but the fashion options are definitely limited.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



LOL OMG THIS IS TOO FUNNY!!!! I wnet to sleep and this tread blew up!!. FY! I reall dont care either way. Dont get me wrong if not all costume slots change gender then it is cross dressing but look up cross dressing movies and you will find that most the movies are pg and pg-13 rated. I was just up late last night and wanted to have fun at some1 expense and accomplished just that. TYVM LOL This thread has been epic.

On a sad note though. its kinda sad how ppl just attacked me and was intolerant of a view somebody has while showing intolerance them selves. Either way.....Good Morning CoX and thanks for the laughs LMAO

.......Yes...Yes that was very eeeeebeil :P