I thought CoX was a Teen rated game?!?!?!

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*passes the brain bleach to Steelclaw*

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Snape breathed restlessly into Ron's ear...



Snape breathed restlessly into Ron's ear...

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually it was Harry and Malfoy... They weren't enemies in this version... not by a looooooong shot.

EDIT: Pun intended.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Snape breathed restlessly into Ron's ear...

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep going....




Snape breathed restlessly into Ron's ear...

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep going....


[/ QUOTE ]




Ron swallowed hard to keep his mouth from drying out, his fingers moving slow to take in all the contours of the potion master's wand.



Ron swallowed hard to keep his mouth from drying out, his fingers moving slow to take in all the contours of the potion master's wand.

[/ QUOTE ]
I thought this was a Teen rated thread?!?!?!

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Ron swallowed hard to keep his mouth from drying out, his fingers moving slow to take in all the contours of the potion master's wand.

[/ QUOTE ]
I thought this was a Teen rated thread?!?!?!

[/ QUOTE ]

This Thread is Relevant To My Interests!
(not really, but I sympathize with Steelclaw, and wanted to use that picture)



I'm late to this party it seems.

Which is cool an all but what confuses me is now with booster pack 3. They are introducing cross dressing.

[/ QUOTE ]

anyone have a link?

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Wow. Repressed much?

This new feature lets you have male and female (and huge) body types in a character's costume slots. It does NOT allow male toons (for example) to wear female costume parts. So don't worry, your virginal eyes won't have to behold a huge hero in a bikini.

Which is really a shame. I'd love to have a character named Bikini Man -- just to make the OP's head asplode, if nothing else.


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



Cross-dressing would be males wearing female clothes, or vice-versa. Since gender-specific costume pieces are not being ported to other genders, this will not be any different than it always has been. Your male costume slots will wear the clothing that has always been available to male characters, and your female costume slots will wear the clothing that has always been available to female characters. As has been explained numerous times already.

[/ QUOTE ]

And yet you keep missing my point. Most real ppl that do drag. look like real woman yet they are men and vice versa. if you have COSTUME SLOTS that look like men and some COSTUME SLOTS that look like females that is called drag. and is inappropriate for minors. Thous the clubs that have drag are all 18 ad old making this game have an adult theme with an adult rating. what part of that dont you get?

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you [censored] serious? It's a video game! No one is crossdressing, they are pixels.



This however, is NOT dependent on the sexuality, or sex of a player character. Switching genders or bodytypes is not inherrently sexually related in that sense. Therefore, there is nothing about switching gender that is covered in your definition of "mature"

This is a canard, and everyone knows it. For everyone that does something like "petite woman in huge battlesuit" there will be ten others using gender-swapping for ERP.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



This however, is NOT dependent on the sexuality, or sex of a player character. Switching genders or bodytypes is not inherrently sexually related in that sense. Therefore, there is nothing about switching gender that is covered in your definition of "mature"

This is a canard, and everyone knows it. For everyone that does something like "petite woman in huge battlesuit" there will be ten others using gender-swapping for ERP.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's shockingly... Wait. No it isn't! It's classic Venture! =-3

/ignore on the "ERP" crowd. Most of them don't do whatever they do in local or broadcast aside from -hilarious- mistells, anyway. There is nothing inherently sexual about the function itself. Only in the mind of a player does it become perverse. Which isn't a -game- issue. It's a player issue.




So we're not allowed to have different incarnations of the same character?

There are hundreds of Green Lanterns in the DC Universe, all with the same powers and same name. There is nothing sexual about having a female one (Jade, Arisia), a male one (Hal, Guy, Kyle, John, etc.), or a Huge one (Kilowog).

Someone lock this thread please?




oggabooga! I'm'a make a character that changes from a petite asian girl with a stuffed panda on her shoulder TO A MALE GIANT PANDA IN SAMURAI ARMOR!

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If only you could change from a petite Asian girl with a stuffed panda on her shoulder to a giant panda with a stuffed petite Asian girl on his shoulder.

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I say Duck wins"best post" on this thread.

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I know, I wish too. There are STILL no shoulder pets for boys

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'm late to this party it seems.

Which is cool an all but what confuses me is now with booster pack 3. They are introducing cross dressing.

[/ QUOTE ]

anyone have a link?

[/ QUOTE ]

You aint' the only one. Can someone please tell me what in the name of my sweet Aunt Petunia this thread is about?



This however, is NOT dependent on the sexuality, or sex of a player character. Switching genders or bodytypes is not inherrently sexually related in that sense. Therefore, there is nothing about switching gender that is covered in your definition of "mature"

This is a canard, and everyone knows it. For everyone that does something like "petite woman in huge battlesuit" there will be ten others using gender-swapping for ERP.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're really that confident there are that many erotic roleplayers who enjoy gender swapping? Really?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



I'm late to this party it seems.

Which is cool an all but what confuses me is now with booster pack 3. They are introducing cross dressing.

[/ QUOTE ]

anyone have a link?

[/ QUOTE ]

You aint' the only one. Can someone please tell me what in the name of my sweet Aunt Petunia this thread is about?

[/ QUOTE ]Super Booster 3 doesn't have a power because none of them fit science better then tech. So instead they gave it the Super Tailor which allows each costume slot to have different heights and models.



Too late, I called it first. But don't worry, everyone can still post in it(at least for now). I'm just letting yall know that it belongs to me now.

[/ QUOTE ]

MunkiLord's claim is valid according to the International Dibs Protocol and No Take Backs Accord.

This thread belongs to him.

But I call next.

[/ QUOTE ] Sounds fair, I'm being generous so I'll split ownership with you.



This however, is NOT dependent on the sexuality, or sex of a player character. Switching genders or bodytypes is not inherrently sexually related in that sense. Therefore, there is nothing about switching gender that is covered in your definition of "mature"

This is a canard, and everyone knows it. For everyone that does something like "petite woman in huge battlesuit" there will be ten others using gender-swapping for ERP.

[/ QUOTE ] I would love to see that. Two people are ERP'ing and then all of a sudden the hot catgirl has a surprise for her 'friend'.



This however, is NOT dependent on the sexuality, or sex of a player character. Switching genders or bodytypes is not inherrently sexually related in that sense. Therefore, there is nothing about switching gender that is covered in your definition of "mature"

This is a canard, and everyone knows it. For everyone that does something like "petite woman in huge battlesuit" there will be ten others using gender-swapping for ERP.

[/ QUOTE ] I would love to see that. Two people are ERP'ing and then all of a sudden the hot catgirl has a surprise for her 'friend'.

[/ QUOTE ]Even funnier if they both do it at the same time and go "Ha I...ohhh".



LMAO! Maybe I should hang out in Pocket D on Virtue. Of course I would just RP being a voyeur.



LMAO! Maybe I should hang out in Pocket D on Virtue. Of course I would just RP being a voyeur.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pics or it didn't happen.



As has been widely speculated this thread will be locked.

On a completely personal note however, if my daughter were to be so influenced by this video game and the options available in it, I would by far prefer she choose cross-dressing to bank robbery. Your mileage of course may vary this is just my personal opinion.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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