I thought CoX was a Teen rated game?!?!?!

Ad Astra



Kyo I miss you.



Thank you, Masque, for bringing the PvPEC's points to the table. Primarily that G_F doesn't represent the group and secondarily that this sort of activity is frowned upon.

-Unfortunately- I'm sure things of this nature will continue to happen. Whether it's another trolling attempt or a flamewar or even an accidental breaking of the rules. People on the forum will see the PvPEC tag and attribute the negative connotations of the poster as being typical for a PvP player and thus for a member of the PvPEC.

That's thanks to the negative stereotype spread by so very very many members of the PvP community who have -left- thanks to the i13PvP alterations. But the stigma remains.

I'd suggest asking each member of the Commitee to put the following signature on their forum accounts.

The above post is my own, personal opinions or facts I've located on the topic. I do not represent the PvPEC except in the pursuit of garnering more players and promoting our wonderful events

[/ QUOTE ]

Or something to that effect.




Thank you, Masque, for bringing the PvPEC's points to the table. Primarily that G_F doesn't represent the group and secondarily that this sort of activity is frowned upon.

-Unfortunately- I'm sure things of this nature will continue to happen. Whether it's another trolling attempt or a flamewar or even an accidental breaking of the rules. People on the forum will see the PvPEC tag and attribute the negative connotations of the poster as being typical for a PvP player and thus for a member of the PvPEC.

That's thanks to the negative stereotype spread by so very very many members of the PvP community who have -left- thanks to the i13PvP alterations. But the stigma remains.

I'd suggest asking each member of the Commitee to put the following signature on their forum accounts.

The above post is my own, personal opinions or facts I've located on the topic. I do not represent the PvPEC except in the pursuit of garnering more players and promoting our wonderful events

[/ QUOTE ]

Or something to that effect.


[/ QUOTE ]

I should hope we're all smart enough to realize this without a disclaimer.



I read up to page 9 before I had to stop. I was getting a headache from all the stupid.

The fact that the OP is an adult with a teenage child but has this viewpoint (and writes like a ninth grader) is really depressing. Looking at the posts on the last page, it looks like this is STILL going on.


2.) If this booster-pack "turns your kids into gender-bending freaks", you are a miserable failure as a parent to allow a video game to have so much influence on them.

Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.



That's thanks to the negative stereotype spread by so very very many members of the PvP community who have -left- thanks to the i13PvP alterations. But the stigma remains.

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually i'm of the opinion that the majority of PvP fans are relatively well behaved, and it was just a small but noisy group that gave the larger community a bad name, which is something that happens to many communities.

Kudos to the PvPEC members who have stepped forward to disavow support for an annoying fool's behavior.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...




The fact that the OP is an adult with a teenage child but has this viewpoint (and writes like a ninth grader) is really depressing. Looking at the posts on the last page, it looks like this is STILL going on.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree whole heartily.

This thread...

Save City of Heroes!



This is the first I'm seeing of this thread.

To the OP..... cross-dressing is not a sexual activity. In of itself, it's not suggestive. Cross-dressers, you may be interested in knowing, are usually straight. The term "cross dressing" is used by straight individuals who enjoy dressing up as the opposite gender. Transvestites can be either straight or gay, but cross-dressing is usually used by the straight person who likes to dress that way. Someone cross-dressers may engage in suggestive behavior or dialog, but that happens with the "straight" characters too, and is inappropriate for this game.

Your concern is that you don't wish for your children to see cross-dressers. Many conservatives believe homosexuality, bisexuality, cross-dressing, transgenders, and other people falling into similar categories are all people that shouldn't be exposed to children. They basically go under the premise that only "normal" heterosexual relations is something that children should be exposed to, and that gay people shouldn't do anything that lets them be identified as gay while they're in the general public. That's discriminatory. Regardless of what you want to teach your children, gay individuals have the same rights you do, and your wish that they hide themselves from your child does not override their rights. If they want to wear rainbow buttons and hold hands in public, or even kiss, to tell them that they shouldn't be allowed to do that because your children are near, but straight people can engage in those actions, is discriminatory.

Gay people exist. Cross-dressers exist. Transsexuals exist. You can keep wanting that these people will stay hidden so your children don't know they exist, but all that's doing is hiding your child from seeing the world for what it is.... a mixture of all different types of people. If your kids grow up never knowing that there are gay people or transsexuals or cross-dressers, they'll just find out when they go out on their own.

Children are capable of understanding many many things. While some people may think that a child cannot understand something like a gay relationship, the reality is that it's often the parent who simply doesn't know how to explain it so that the child could understand.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



Thank you, Masque, for bringing the PvPEC's points to the table. Primarily that G_F doesn't represent the group and secondarily that this sort of activity is frowned upon.

-Unfortunately- I'm sure things of this nature will continue to happen. Whether it's another trolling attempt or a flamewar or even an accidental breaking of the rules. People on the forum will see the PvPEC tag and attribute the negative connotations of the poster as being typical for a PvP player and thus for a member of the PvPEC.

That's thanks to the negative stereotype spread by so very very many members of the PvP community who have -left- thanks to the i13PvP alterations. But the stigma remains.

I'd suggest asking each member of the Commitee to put the following signature on their forum accounts.

The above post is my own, personal opinions or facts I've located on the topic. I do not represent the PvPEC except in the pursuit of garnering more players and promoting our wonderful events

[/ QUOTE ]

Or something to that effect.


[/ QUOTE ]

I should hope we're all smart enough to realize this without a disclaimer.

[/ QUOTE ]

It would be nice... But it's unlikely. There's a reason infomercials and political specials and so forth are often prefaced by a black screen with white lettering that states "The views expressed in this show are not indicative of the views of our company, employees, or subsidiaries" or something to that effect.

The human mind looks for patterns. Some do it more readily than others. But if a whole lot of people are posting flamewars and trolls there's no connection. Put a tag such as PvP on one or more and suddenly the connection springs to the foreground.

Hence the suggestion of the disclaimer.




First the rampant AE farming, and now cross dressing, what is this game coming to?

Next thing you know there will be guys playing female characters.



Whoops. It appears that, by looking at the OP's individual posts, I have been trolled. Good show, sir, though I still stand by my "You write like a ninth grader" statement.

Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.




First the rampant AE farming, and now cross dressing, what is this game coming to?

Next thing you know there will be guys playing female characters.

[/ QUOTE ]


I play all three genders. Male, Female and Huge.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



The fact that the OP is an adult with a teenage child but has this viewpoint (and writes like a ninth grader) is really depressing.

[/ QUOTE ] Actually, what I find kind of depressing is that's what the average ninth grader writes like.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812




First the rampant AE farming, and now cross dressing, what is this game coming to?

Next thing you know there will be guys playing female characters.

[/ QUOTE ]
Good thing the OP can escape to real life where that sort of nonsense isn't happening.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.




First the rampant AE farming, and now cross dressing, what is this game coming to?

Next thing you know there will be guys playing female characters.

[/ QUOTE ]


I play all three genders. Male, Female and Huge.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was being sarcastic.



ppl are getting confused between cross dressing and transgenders. If you have 5 COSTUME slots and 3 are 2 and 2 female thats cross dressing not transgender but if they made it so if you change your gender and all slots are gender changed . that is transgender. there is a difference. i never once said i had prob with it. I said that allowing cross dressing in a game that kids play is a bit concerning.

To thous that are getting upset about lack of tolerance. i could say the same to how they have acted in my believe. Also its not just me but society has a whole shuns cross dressing. like it or not but im not the minority but the majority in society. Case in point why do they have drag on jerry springer and muary show? For are entertainment. they are both laughed at and made fun of. why? cause its not socially acceptable. Just cause you dont share my believe doesnt mean the majority of society dont.

So again i ask for a dev to chim in and clerfy things or change it so that you cant change each costume to be a male female but to change all your slots to male female.

[/ QUOTE ] Well, when those three male costums are large and muscular, and then a flash of magic smoke your chest got a lot larger and the rest got a lot less muscular, Id say you did more than put on the opposite sexes clothes.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ]

I think he alone represents over half of the PVP player base. Fortunately, he could probably be tricked into voting himself out if we all promised to let him take it back afterward.


[/ QUOTE ]

I lol'd

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




First the rampant AE farming, and now cross dressing, what is this game coming to?

Next thing you know there will be guys playing female characters.

[/ QUOTE ]
Good thing the OP can escape to real life where that sort of nonsense isn't happening.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tomorrow I have to get up early and get to farming. It's a terrible turnover rate too, you grind for 9 hours plus, yet there's precious little influence to show for it.

Oddly enough though, if I just stay in bed, my infamy score goes WAY up! Sadly, too much of that and I get dropped from the team. It's madness I tell ya.

No cross-dressing though. ...Well, okay, there is one client we're not too sure about, he's way too pretty. And I've heard rumors that another, despite the female voice, totally has man-hands.



In before mod lock

[/ QUOTE ]

lol if this thread was gonna be locked it would've been pages ago

Find us here at Templars of the Abbey Webpage
Arc # 57740 - 'A Star is Rising Part One'
Arc # 90575 - 'A Lesson Taught'
Arc # 139943 - 'And The Game Goes Tilt'




First the rampant AE farming, and now cross dressing, what is this game coming to?

Next thing you know there will be guys playing female characters.

[/ QUOTE ]


I play all three genders. Male, Female and Huge.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was being sarcastic.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know. I was being facetious.

Guess I failed.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



I'm still shocked to see this thread still going. Since that is the case, I'll go ahead and make a joke.

How can you tell when it's noon in Neverland?

The big hand is on the little hand.



They would be losing their first biological sex organs

[/ QUOTE ]

What sex organs? All I see are Ken and Barbie dolls running around.


learn to spell.

[/ QUOTE ]




drunk Scotsman may come to blows over the matter

[/ QUOTE ]

You can put this sentence into any discussion, anywhere, at any time and it would be just as true.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is why he continued the line with :

, but like as not he was gonna find some reason to hit ya anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



What sex organs? All I see are Ken and Barbie dolls running around.

[/ QUOTE ]

Regardless of the pixels or not... The girls still have breasts, often very visible ones, and the men still have some packages (depending on the bottoms). Regardless, it was for the point of discussion. Transgender and cross dressing are different then a full on biological shift.