I thought CoX was a Teen rated game?!?!?!

Ad Astra



Best part of this thread for me was the community as a whole. Coming out and rallying around a lifestyle that for the most part they do not agree with or partake in. However they defended its rights over sheer stupidity.

[/ QUOTE ]

From looking at these threads, I'm not sure people understand exactly how large a part of this community the LGBT is...it's share is far larger than many seem to realize...

...maybe it's the fact that it's NOT flawnted (sp?) all about like so many seem to expect it to be.



I wish we could band together without describing how we want to throat punch the opposition.



Well you've gotta take into account that MOST Transgenders tend to go into hiding ASAP. Keeps them from getting insulted, people asking difficult or uncomfortable questions, and in some cases beatings and murder.

They just go right into the woodwork. Specifically any with passability. They let the obviosly transitioned members of the community draw attention while they live their lives, happy and free from persecution.

I've met and become friends with at least six gender dysphoric people over CoH in the past 5 years on Virtue. And that's not even the core LGBT Server...




Best part of this thread for me was the community as a whole. Coming out and rallying around a lifestyle that for the most part they do not agree with or partake in. However they defended its rights over sheer stupidity.

[/ QUOTE ]

From looking at these threads, I'm not sure people understand exactly how large a part of this community the LGBT is...it's share is far larger than many seem to realize...

...maybe it's the fact that it's NOT flawnted (sp?) all about like so many seem to expect it to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

More than just the LGBT community, the 'Deviant' society as a whole is, well, large enough that it probably no longer deserves to be considered abnormal.

Were a poll to go out, I think you'd be surprised how many people on the forums identify as something other than a vanilla heterosexual.



Best part of this thread for me was the community as a whole. Coming out and rallying around a lifestyle that for the most part they do not agree with or partake in. However they defended its rights over sheer stupidity.

[/ QUOTE ]

From looking at these threads, I'm not sure people understand exactly how large a part of this community the LGBT is...it's share is far larger than many seem to realize...

...maybe it's the fact that it's NOT flawnted (sp?) all about like so many seem to expect it to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

More than just the LGBT community, the 'Deviant' society as a whole is, well, large enough that it probably no longer deserves to be considered abnormal.

Were a poll to go out, I think you'd be surprised how many people on the forums identify as something other than a vanilla heterosexual.

[/ QUOTE ]
...surprised? Well, probably not me, hehe.

Ohh, "vanilla heterosexual"! I like that term...it's so cute!
Sorry, I'm being weird again.



Were a poll to go out, I think you'd be surprised how many people on the forums identify as something other than a vanilla heterosexual.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that a crack about being white and straight?

Just kidding! Just kidding!



Were a poll to go out, I think you'd be surprised how many people on the forums identify as something other than a vanilla heterosexual.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that a crack about being white and straight?

Just kidding! Just kidding!

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope not- I'm both. That's hardly all I am, though.



Either way it was awesome to see

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OMG, I just finished reading this thread! Incredible entertainment.

The OP is such a clear bold faced turnip Caught trolling, admitting it, flaunting a plan to avoid the mods and then ....wow...just wow.

Best part of this thread for me was the community as a whole. Coming out and rallying around a lifestyle that for the most part they do not agree with or partake in. However they defended its rights over sheer stupidity.

OP I have to say in all my years I have never seen anyone simply fail to spell 'mad' correctly....over and over again.

What a thread...

[/ QUOTE ]
I find that in most internet communities (worth a damn), bigots and other people with outdated beliefs and opinions tend to find themselves vastly outnumbered. Watching the ensuing dogpile is always lovely.



Best part of this thread for me was the community as a whole. Coming out and rallying around a lifestyle that for the most part they do not agree with or partake in. However they defended its rights over sheer stupidity.

[/ QUOTE ]

From looking at these threads, I'm not sure people understand exactly how large a part of this community the LGBT is...it's share is far larger than many seem to realize...

...maybe it's the fact that it's NOT flawnted (sp?) all about like so many seem to expect it to be.

[/ QUOTE ] My thing is I don't care. At all. If the person I'm playing with is gay or straight, good for them. I'll give the person a cookie. It doesn't make one bit of difference to me.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ] Liar.




This thread, seriously? Why is this even still here? Is this really bothering anyone? And if your answer is "yes", then I think you need to go find some real issue to worry about and stop wasting everyone's time. This is a non-issue. A stupid thing even be concerned about.

A transsexual or gender-bending character isn't any more of a "mature theme" than a homosexual character would be. I mean, unless you subscribe to some pretty stupid notions about homosexuals. In that case, there's no helping you because people can only enlighten themselves and if you're gonna get so hung up over such silly things then... yeah, please, go away. Haha!

And yeah, that's it! Too sleepy... I go now to dream of Ranma's girl form.



Post deleted by Moderator 08



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ]

I think he alone represents over half of the PVP player base. Fortunately, he could probably be tricked into voting himself out if we all promised to let him take it back afterward.


Attache @ deviantART

Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ]

I think he alone represents over half of the PVP player base. Fortunately, he could probably be tricked into voting himself out if we all promised to let him take it back afterward.


[/ QUOTE ]

Too funny, cause it is most likely true.

Find us here at Templars of the Abbey Webpage
Arc # 57740 - 'A Star is Rising Part One'
Arc # 90575 - 'A Lesson Taught'
Arc # 139943 - 'And The Game Goes Tilt'



I thought this was gonna be funny



I thought this was gonna be funny

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought so too when I first clicked the link.

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Well, to the OP before this gets locked or deleted...

Male characters in this game regularly dress in the rough equivalent of pantyhose or bodystockings - two garments generally considered "female."

Are you worried about this causing little Timmy to raid big sister Jenny's closet? If not then relax with the whole "crossdressing" thing. By the way, your last name isn't Wertham, is it?

Sorry if these points have already been made, but I couldn't bring myself to read through 38 pages of ridiculousness before I posted. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go change - these high heels are killing me!

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon




Wow. This is one of those threads you print off and take to some college class for study -- and I only read the first few pages. The OP was obviously trolling, but the community kept trying to make a valid point to put his mind at rest. I'm sure at some point it all broke down...

For what it's worth, I follow a simple philosophy in life: "Is it or can it hurt me or others" If yes, attempt to prevent. If no, attempt to persuade.



Wow Gear-Freak,
Stateing an opinion is one thing... but than stating that the purpose of this thread was to get a rise on other peoples behalfs for your own personall gain is another thing. Thats distasteful in so many aspects especially being that you represent a committee that so many people already frown apon. No wonder the ones who try so hard to get atleast alittle interested in pvp get frowned apon when there are people who sadly go around with that particular tag and cause a ruckus for [censored] n giggles. It's not right. Not in the least bit..
You stated an opinion that many also stated some good points about for ratings on the delemia you questiond yet changed your veiw in between than laughed at everyone who responded.. I find it just wrong, in your handleing of the whole thing from beinging to end... and yes distasteful onthe PVPec communittee...


My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite



Best part of this thread for me was the community as a whole. Coming out and rallying around a lifestyle that for the most part they do not agree with or partake in. However they defended its rights over sheer stupidity.

[/ QUOTE ]

From looking at these threads, I'm not sure people understand exactly how large a part of this community the LGBT is...it's share is far larger than many seem to realize...

...maybe it's the fact that it's NOT flawnted (sp?) all about like so many seem to expect it to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

More than just the LGBT community, the 'Deviant' society as a whole is, well, large enough that it probably no longer deserves to be considered abnormal.

Were a poll to go out, I think you'd be surprised how many people on the forums identify as something other than a vanilla heterosexual.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then there are those of us that are straight and fairly vanilla but who have watched the lives of LGBT friends be derailed and in some cases utterly destroyed by the sort of intolerance our friendly OP was tapping into.

If that person is indeed a parent, can you imagine what a transgendered child in that house would go through as they came of age? There's a good chance they wouldn't make it to 25. And if the OP is reading and is in fact a parent I'd like them to think about that: your intolerant abusive attitudes ("LOL I trold j00" or not) could kill your child. I have as little patience for someone like that as I do for someone who hits their children. Period.



Ohh, "vanilla heterosexual"! I like that term...it's so cute!
Sorry, I'm being weird again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually "vanilla" is used as a somewhat mildly disparaging term by the BDSM and D/s community to describe people who have "ordinary" sexual relations (kinda the way "muggles" are used in Harry Potter). It's used to imply that "normal" sex is boring by comparison.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ]

First off, Gear does not represent PvPEC as a whole. He may be a volunteer rep of his server as we all are. We accept anyone who is willing to promote pvp on their respective servers, however everyone who joins is expected to abide by specific rules and regulations.

PvPEC Code Of Conduct

It is expected that all members will uphold the following Code of Conduct, as sporting the PvPEC tag holds everyone accountable for the actions of individuals within the committee. Conflicts or concerns should be addressed personally and privately, in a respectful manner, if at all possible. Conflict mediation is also available, if requested or necessary, from the Server Reps or Committee Chairpersons.

Code of Conduct
1. All members are required to follow the EULA and the Official Forum Rules and Guidelines.

2. All members should refrain from leaking PvPEC-related information in public venues without approval from Committee Chairpersons.

3. Membership in this committee; and granted titles therein, do not grant any special benefits and only specify ones' DUTY to the community, and should not be used to further ones' own agenda.

4. Undocumented extended absences for more then 7 calendar days may be treated as a resignation.

5. PvPEC members are expected to enforce, encourage, and uphold all event and tourney formats/rules whether hosted officially or out-of-committee.

6. Members are expected to make due effort to present a unified front on every issue. Disagreements should be presented privately and positively on the PVPEC boards. ALL PvPEC decisions must be supported/upheld by all members after adequate discussion has occurred regardless of personal preference.

7. PvPEC members can participate if they are not officiating, and their sg/vg's can always join.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do feel that gears actions were out of line. The PvPEC does not and will never support forum pvp or trolling.

Some of you stated that the lack of response by the PvPEC shows support for Gear's actions. I can not (and will not) speak for anyone else in this committee however, in all honesty I do not read this section of the forums. This post was pointed out to me by a friend on my home server and I will be passing it along to the appropriate PvPEC leadership.

The goal of the PvPEC is as follows:

PvPEC Mission Statement
The PVPEC is a group of dedicated City of Heroes/City of Villains players formed for the purpose of promoting increased PvP interest and participation across the game as a whole. The aim of this group is to provide high quality player-driven content to the game community in such a way as to bring PvP to a greater audience, as well as retaining its current constituency.
The PvPEC has three primary goals:

1) To retain a currently diminishing population of dedicated PvP players by providing incentive to keep them interested in City of Heroes/City of Villains PvP.

2) To increase PvP interest in the casual and new player by providing an introduction and educational opportunities on the distinctions between the PvP system and the rest of the game, as well as providing incentive for participating in that portion of the game.

3) To bridge the gap between PvP play and PvE play through storylines that attempt to seamlessly integrate established PvP habits, trends and activites into the extant City of Heroes/City of Villains mythos, with the goal of making PvP meaningful in a world-advancing way.

The overall mission of the PvPEC is to supplement the available resources allotted to PvP development, events, and QoL in the PvP environment with additional player-generated input, organization and effort.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nothing more, nothing less. While I do not think Gear's actions should or do represent the PvPEC. I will appoligize on behalf of our committee for this trolling.




Nothing more, nothing less. While I do not think Gear's actions should or do represent the PvPEC. I will appoligize on behalf of our committee for this trolling.

[/ QUOTE ]

To be honest, I don't think anyone was asking for anything more than that sort of statement from the PVPEC.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
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I wasn't planning on posting in this thread, but I did want to point out that just because Gear_Freak is a PvPEC Rep does not mean that the rest of the organization supports or agrees with him.

Please do not blame the PvPEC for the actions of one member; they are a group of volunteers, most of whom genuinely care about the playerbase and honestly attempt to make the game a better place for everyone.

Things like this give the PvPEC a falsely bad reputation.

Thank you.

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