I thought CoX was a Teen rated game?!?!?!

Ad Astra



They are not introducing any new models. There is no transgendered model, no androgynous model, no pre- or post- operative model, and no model in between. You're either using a male model or using a female model. One or the other. No blending or bending. You can *switch* or *alternate*, but you can't *blend*.

Blending and bending can be done now by using some of the clothing options that are androgynous or sometimes traditionally associated with the opposite sex (long hair for males, tuxes for females). The ability to switch models is not providing any more tools for blending and bending than are already in the game.

Completely changing one's physical sex gender on the fly is the realm of fantasy and is not necessarily sexualized any more than being exclusively male or female (and dressing very provocatively, which this game allows in spades).

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Scotts dont wear skits there kilts. there i a differance. though they seam the same they are not

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There is no difference. Look up kilt in the dictionary. What's it say? 'A type of skirt.' A secure Scotsman can accept that he's wearing a type of skirt without feeling like his masculinity is threatened by the fact. An insecure or drunk Scotsman may come to blows over the matter, but like as not he was gonna find some reason to hit ya anyway.

Switching gender in the game isn't necessarily crossdressing. It could be used for power armor or shapeshifting or a series of heroes with the same name/powerset.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound




So ppl that do drag arnt cross dressing either???

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Um... what?

You missed the Muary show example.

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No, I've never seen the "Muary Show". I certainly have not missed it at all.

just cause you are a male dont mean you can look very much like a female.

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But you cannot instantly change your weight, height, musculature, facial features, and bone structure. At all, much less instantly. The game lets someone change their cartoon character into a different cartoon character of another gender. It does not let them make a male character look like a girl. It does, however, let them make it look really really stupid which is a far greater concern.

This is why i suggested if you allow to gender bend it would apply to all character slots not just the ones you choose. Thous making this whole argument or debate invalid.

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What's your issue anyways? Were you molested by a cross dresser or something? Did your wife run off with a girl who was really a guy in drag? What?

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



drunk Scotsman may come to blows over the matter

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You can put this sentence into any discussion, anywhere, at any time and it would be just as true.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Cross dressing hardly violates a teen rating.

Twelfth Night, a Shakespeare play, involves a woman dressing as a man so that she can go into the service of a duke who happens to fall in love with her while still believing that she's a man. Film Adaptations of 12th night usually get a PG rating.

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My reactions went basically along these lines:

Heh, cute, another 'zomg, doom!' humor thread.

Wait, is he serious?

Oh good lord, I think he's actually serious.


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It's not crossdressing. Female costume options are not being ported to males, nor vice versa.


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But it is cross dressing. When ppl do drag they do there clothes and makeup to match. most men that cross dress actually look like females. They dont look like hairy men in a women's dress. Take the muary show, on numerous times they have brought ppl on the show that do drag and most the ppl in the audaince cant tell if they are really a male or female. Same thing you have here.

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You sound like maybe, you have some issues to work through about your feelings towards transgender stuff, that is perhaps best not explored on a public board.



*walks into thread*

Hey wumpusrat, why is your forehead red?

*watches the OP say something on the topic*





This might be the dumbest thread I have ever read.




This might be the dumbest thread I have ever read.

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Ok I lol'd

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



It's not crossdressing. Female costume options are not being ported to males, nor vice versa.


[/ QUOTE ]

But it is cross dressing. When ppl do drag they do there clothes and makeup to match. most men that cross dress actually look like females. They dont look like hairy men in a women's dress. Take the muary show, on numerous times they have brought ppl on the show that do drag and most the ppl in the audaince cant tell if they are really a male or female. Same thing you have here.

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You sound like maybe, you have some issues to work through about your feelings towards transgender stuff, that is perhaps best not explored on a public board.

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personally i have no 'feeling' i need to work out about transgenders as you put it but i dont think cross dressing is appropriate for a game that my children or any1s child might and do play. Like i said. whats wrong with making it so if you do change from a male to female or visa versa it applies to all character slots not just one. Thous saying its acceptable to cross dress to young teens.



I have to say. The way the OP is talking, scares me a little.

The fact you find something morally wrong with someone in drag speaks volumes. Not to mention how you might feel about a real transgendered person.

The simple fact is, just because someone is using the Super Tailor to go from Male to Female doesn't mean they are "Cross Dressing". Last I checked there is a very popular staple in Comic Books called "Legacy Heroes". As a matter of fact I have several heroes who are Legacy heroes and will take full use of the Super Tailor to show the variants of a single hero concept. Off the top of my head, Green Lantern-esq concepts are the biggest examples of how this new feature can be used.

But seriously, get some help my friend.

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



OK, I'll bite.

personally i have no 'feeling' i need to work out about transgenders as you put it but i dont think cross dressing is appropriate for a game that my children or any1s child might and do play.

[/ QUOTE ] You have no 'feeling', yet you don't like it. Makes sense.

whats wrong with making it so if you do change from a male to female or visa versa it applies to all character slots not just one.

[/ QUOTE ] What if someone doesn't want all their costumes to be the same sex?

Thous saying its acceptable to cross dress to young teens.

[/ QUOTE ] Who the [censored] are you to tell me if something like that is ok? You can tell your kids whatever you want. If you don't think the game is appropriate for them, don't let them play it. That simple. But for you to think a game should limit everyone's choice because you don't like something is intolerant and ignorant.

Besides, what kind of backwards thinking 'person' prescribes to that kind of thinking in current times(that's a rhetorical question, I know what kind of people think like that).



Also, guys play girl characters and girls play guy characters all the time.




This might be the dumbest thread I have ever read.

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I would say sry for actually having morals and values but i would be lying. But if you want you kids to cross dress whither in game or in Rl thats not my call. I for one dont want it.

Whats wrong with allowing gender bending to apply to all character slots and not just one? There would be no issue at that point



I have to say. The way the OP is talking, scares me a little.

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Agreed. I find it quite hateful to be honest.

At least this restores my faith in the general decency of fellow forumites who all seem to get a couple things:

1.) A superhero who has both male and female incarnations is not necessarily a cross dresser.

2.) There is nothing inherently sexual or explicit about cross dressing or transgendered identity.

Hopefully Mod 8 will come and clean up this mess tomorrow morning.




This might be the dumbest thread I have ever read.

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I would say sry for actually having morals and values but i would be lying. But if you want you kids to cross dress whither in game or in Rl thats not my call. I for one dont want it.

Whats wrong with allowing gender bending to apply to all character slots and not just one? There would be no issue at that point

[/ QUOTE ] The issue would be people like you deciding for everybody else what is and isn't allowed based on your 'morals' alone. That is a big issue.

Also, I'm not a parent(and I don't want to be a parent at any point), but if I did have a kid all I would care about is him/her being happy. If that meant leading an "alternative lifestyle(for lack of better term)" then I would be 100% ok with it.







personally i have no 'feeling' i need to work out about transgenders as you put it but i dont think cross dressing is appropriate for a game that my children or any1s child might and do play. Like i said. whats wrong with making it so if you do change from a male to female or visa versa it applies to all character slots not just one. Thous saying its acceptable to cross dress to young teens.

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I just have to ask...

In a game where you have half-dressed catgirls, girls who run around in thongs and bras, shapeshifting aliens, girls who look 13 except for the fact that they're smuggling watermelons under their shirt, people being tortured, maimed, even outright murdered...

THIS is what is unacceptable to you? The idea that a character could shift from male to female, or female to male?

THAT'S what crosses the line?

If you're this hung up on it, don't let your kids play the game. Problem solved.

Take a step back, take a few deep breaths, and try to, as they say, 'get a grip'.

The Mastermind Project
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This might be the dumbest thread I have ever read.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would say sry for actually having morals and values but i would be lying. But if you want you kids to cross dress whither in game or in Rl thats not my call. I for one dont want it.

Whats wrong with allowing gender bending to apply to all character slots and not just one? There would be no issue at that point

[/ QUOTE ]Yes, because this game is so influential. Tomorrow, I plan to put on my mini skirt, tighten up my thigh boots, put on a little rouge, cause guys like that, then I'm going to fly and destroy evil invading aliens with my laser beam eyes and my zappy gun.

It's a game, lighten up.



It's not crossdressing. Female costume options are not being ported to males, nor vice versa.


[/ QUOTE ]

But it is cross dressing. When ppl do drag they do there clothes and makeup to match. most men that cross dress actually look like females. They dont look like hairy men in a women's dress. Take the muary show, on numerous times they have brought ppl on the show that do drag and most the ppl in the audaince cant tell if they are really a male or female. Same thing you have here.

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You sound like maybe, you have some issues to work through about your feelings towards transgender stuff, that is perhaps best not explored on a public board.

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personally i have no 'feeling' i need to work out about transgenders as you put it but i dont think cross dressing is appropriate for a game that my children or any1s child might and do play. Like i said. whats wrong with making it so if you do change from a male to female or visa versa it applies to all character slots not just one. Thous saying its acceptable to cross dress to young teens.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, yes, you do have issues with it or you would not have felt it something that your teen-aged child could be somehow hurt by seeing happen in a game.

I think you are selling today's youth short to think that they couldn't see the diffference between a pretendy, make-believe game where superheroes can transform their entire bodies into different forms and what happens on the Maury Povich Show (BTW, using a "reality" show like Maury's which sensationalizes sexual issues isn't exactly the best support you could bring here. HINT - They deliberately go out to look for people willing to say those crazy things on TV - they do not reflect RL for 99% of the people out there, even those watching that drivel.)

And your idea of making so that *ALL* slots would therefore change "gender" then makes the concept of a female character who wears powered armor (using the Huge "gender") impossible to do.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."




This might be the dumbest thread I have ever read.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would say sry for actually having morals and values but i would be lying. But if you want you kids to cross dress whither in game or in Rl thats not my call. I for one dont want it.

Whats wrong with allowing gender bending to apply to all character slots and not just one? There would be no issue at that point

[/ QUOTE ]

1. Because forcing people to change all 5 costumes at once is unworkable, to say the least, and

2. Because the vast majority of us don't even understand why you think there's a problem in the first place.

Also, I guess you don't ever watch anime. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



shapeshifting aliens COVERED IN PHALLIC TENTACLES,

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Mod08 closed the one thread saying there was too much intolerance for other people's lifestyles, so one of the posters makes a new thread shunning the decision. Nice.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.