I thought CoX was a Teen rated game?!?!?!

Ad Astra



My very first hero in this game, was/is a transsexual who gained their powers as a side effect of the process to change their sex. So from day one there have been trans characters in City of Heroes, and the three characters who came after her where all from the same program. Of course these characters will not make use of the gender change feature.

Even with that fact, I imagine most of my use out of the system will be power armor.

Of course if the outcry gets too large about trans characters I may have to run out and create the Gender Offender.



Morals have nothing to do with this issue. There is nothing morally wrong about cross dressing.

If you feel there is something morally wrong about it then that is your problem not anyone elses.

Also pick up a copy of the CoX box and read the disclaimer under the rating.



Also pick up a copy of the CoX box and read the disclaimer under the rating.

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"Contents may have shifted during shipping"?



Also pick up a copy of the CoX box and read the disclaimer under the rating.

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"Contents may have shifted during shipping"?

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Oooh, I see where you're going. Shift = dress.

The game itself is crossdressing!

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



The teen rating is only for content the developers actually put in the game.



Game Experience May Change During Online Play



I would say sry for actually having morals and values but i would be lying. But if you want you kids to cross dress whither in game or in Rl thats not my call. I for one dont want it.

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If any child of mine ever was born into that very difficult life of a transgendered biology, I'd damn well sure as hellfire want them to feel okay about cross dressing, going pre-op or post-op, whatever they needed to do to feel right about oneself. And I'd pray to whatever god exists that they never would be humiliated or shamed or worse by ignorant intolerant jerks who insisted everyone should live by codes of hatred packaged as systems of morals.

Life is hard enough for some people. Love and accept all your children. Even the boys that insist on wearing lipstick.

Mod 8 please come and lock this mess.



personally i have no 'feeling' i need to work out about transgenders as you put it but i dont think cross dressing is appropriate for a game that my children or any1s child might and do play.

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Then perhaps it's time to address your concerns to a Dev rather than dragging out the issue with people who obviously disagree with you... just a suggestion.

Like i said. whats wrong with making it so if you do change from a male to female or visa versa it applies to all character slots not just one. Thous saying its acceptable to cross dress to young teens.

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That makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever and even if it did, how is your solution going to solve the "problem"?

Btw, this thread needs MOAR DOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!



It's not crossdressing. Female costume options are not being ported to males, nor vice versa.


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But it is cross dressing. When ppl do drag they do there clothes and makeup to match. most men that cross dress actually look like females. They dont look like hairy men in a women's dress. Take the muary show, on numerous times they have brought ppl on the show that do drag and most the ppl in the audaince cant tell if they are really a male or female. Same thing you have here.

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You sound like maybe, you have some issues to work through about your feelings towards transgender stuff, that is perhaps best not explored on a public board.

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personally i have no 'feeling' i need to work out about transgenders as you put it but i dont think cross dressing is appropriate for a game that my children or any1s child might and do play. Like i said. whats wrong with making it so if you do change from a male to female or visa versa it applies to all character slots not just one. Thous saying its acceptable to cross dress to young teens.

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You see, theres that phrase again, its not cross dressing. They are actualy changing genders via science. Weird? Yes. Sexual? No. I'm not sure how its saying its "Acceptable" to crossdress if there isnt any crossdressing.



What's the rating of that story where the wolf dresses up like a woman to chat with little girls?



What's the rating of that story where the wolf dresses up like a woman to chat with little girls?

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The same rating as those episodes of Looney Tunes where Bugs crossdresses to fool Elmer Fudd.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.




personally i have no 'feeling' i need to work out about transgenders as you put it but i dont think cross dressing is appropriate for a game that my children or any1s child might and do play. Like i said. whats wrong with making it so if you do change from a male to female or visa versa it applies to all character slots not just one. Thous saying its acceptable to cross dress to young teens.

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I just have to ask...

In a game where you have half-dressed catgirls, girls who run around in thongs and bras, shapeshifting aliens, girls who look 13 except for the fact that they're smuggling watermelons under their shirt, people being tortured, maimed, even outright murdered...

THIS is what is unacceptable to you? The idea that a character could shift from male to female, or female to male?

THAT'S what crosses the line?

If you're this hung up on it, don't let your kids play the game. Problem solved.

Take a step back, take a few deep breaths, and try to, as they say, 'get a grip'.

[/ QUOTE ] Another very good point. This of all things is what crosses it for you?



What's the rating of that story where the wolf dresses up like a woman to chat with little girls?

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Dare I point out how often Bugs Bunny dresses in drag?

Oh, but I'm sure those cartoons deserve a teen rating. Right?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid




OP: get some therapy about that issue you have.

Your kids will be fine. They can actually play opposite gendered characters in any game and be fine. Unless, of course, you are as adamant about it in real life as you are about it in a game where the control over the appearance of your characters is the pinnacle of gaming achievement.

I worry for your teenage kids, seriously. It's not a moral issue.

My coworker loved cosplay and went so far as to get himself *completely waxed* for a pair of costumes. *he was hairy as hell* by the way.

One costume was a beautiful Sephiroth, full leather 'dress' style with straps and swords and all. The other was a geisha in silk and hip-high pleather boots. He looked fantastic in both outfits. He is not gay, he just likes dressing up.

This game is a big dress-up party.

If you treat it like it's a crime or a sin, the only ones you're hurting are yourself and your kids.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



What's the rating of that story where the wolf dresses up like a woman to chat with little girls?

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The same rating as those episodes of Looney Tunes where Bugs crossdresses to fool Elmer Fudd.

[/ QUOTE ]What about the one where the cigar explodes and.....well.. demeans an entire point in history.



What's the rating of that story where the wolf dresses up like a woman to chat with little girls?

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The same rating as those episodes of Looney Tunes where Bugs crossdresses to fool Elmer Fudd.

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Darn, you beat me to it.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



What's the rating of that story where the wolf dresses up like a woman to chat with little girls?

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The same rating as those episodes of Looney Tunes where Bugs crossdresses to fool Elmer Fudd.

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Darn, you beat me to it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Stare into the face of evil.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



OP I normally try to completely avoid these kinda of threads, there's only so much doom that one can deal with or get involved in. But this happens to cross a line and actually kinda hit home.

I am not a transvestite or transgender person, but I am homosexual. In my life I have known several people who have been at least some form of transgender and there just as normal as you or me. The idea that what they are doing is not okay really irks me. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with having a man dress up as a woman or a woman like a man. Transgender people that I know are normal respectable people and don't seem to be any kind of threat to anyone and are not indecent, so why should it be a problem in this game?

I think like many people have mentioned before, there are many worse things to worry about in this game. Catgirls, girls in skimpy bras and panties, and some things that conjure up the term furry in my head. So I am hardly worried if someone wants to change their costume from a guy to a girl.

Honestly, I take the way you worded some of your text as slander. So please, let people play the game how they want to, if you are worried about your children, that is your own problem. Just don't make us all not be able to do something because you disagree on a viewpoint.



What's the rating of that story where the wolf dresses up like a woman to chat with little girls?

[/ QUOTE ]
The same rating as those episodes of Looney Tunes where Bugs crossdresses to fool Elmer Fudd.

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Darn, you beat me to it.

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Stare into the face of evil.

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Maybe im wrong...

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What's the rating of that story where the wolf dresses up like a woman to chat with little girls?

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The same rating as those episodes of Looney Tunes where Bugs crossdresses to fool Elmer Fudd.

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Darn, you beat me to it.

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A serious question.

To the OP: The Maury Povich show is basically Jerry Springer Lite. Worthless garbage that nobody should ever use to prove a point, other than that people like to watch worthless garbage.

Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.



My very first hero in this game, was/is a transsexual who gained their powers as a side effect of the process to change their sex.

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Alright. I can see now the OP had a point.
