I thought CoX was a Teen rated game?!?!?!

Ad Astra



Hateful? Not my comments. Vaguely irritated, maybe.
Ridiculous? Well, okay, there you got me.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was throwing out a generalization. Like all generalizations, there's always going to be exceptions, though there was enough supporting evidence from a number of posters to point out that the problem was going both ways. Thusly, I felt the need to highlight the hypocrisy. :3



this crosdresing bzns has 2 stop cuz if it dont tehn my lesbian hellion mothers well deth kick u all and u WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!

Man, I'm going to miss the face when we move to the new forums.

[/ QUOTE ]The new forums have no frowny face?! DOOOOOOOOOM!!!one!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

They HAVE a frowny face, but it's more like this.

Our mad face looks cute and mad at the same time, the new one is just laaaaame.



While this is prime example of intolerance (sorry "wrong is wrong no matter what you say" IS intolerance when we are talking about subjects other then say murder)- I will answer in this game's Terms.
OP- this is a game based on Comics. Do you have any idea how often that medium blurs the gender line? Even ignoring shapeshifters etc. the concept of "cross-dressing" as defined by the OP has been around since 1940!!!!

The original Red Tornado was actually a woman dressed as a male hero. Ma Hunkel was created in 1939 in All American Comics and in 1940 donned the Red Tornado (as a MAN) to fight crime because her son adored Green Lantern. There were no mobs in the street demanding the characters removal then.

Jump to current day.. the 2 best comic examples is Sasquatch (who went from male to female and back to male) and the current incarnation of Loki in Thor was female now male. Would you punish your children for reading these issues?

By the OP's definition, all the games that allow you to play female characters should be rated M because young boys can play them and may get "confused" about their sexuality because games are SOO influential to a young person's sexual identity. What a joke.

(edited for spelling errors)

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat




Just saying, being a representative of a player-run committee and showing a prejudice against players because of their costumes does not reflect very well on you, or them. Who knows if someone enters a tournament you're running and you judge them based on their costume and their "morality" and somehow manage to fudge the results?




this crosdresing bzns has 2 stop cuz if it dont tehn my lesbian hellion mothers well deth kick u all and u WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!

Man, I'm going to miss the face when we move to the new forums.

[/ QUOTE ]
I was going to make a serious post here, but got near the end of the thread and started giggling over this. It made me realize there's no point in having a serious argument here. It's the OP versus the world, and no matter what's said, he keeps restating his ignorant and intolerant beliefs. He even accuses everyone of "not understanding what crossdressing is" while insisting that actually changing a character's entire gender IS crossdressing. All the while ignoring that basically every sitcom, cartoon, and a good portion of movies (like, say, "Good Burger," a Nickelodeon movie for kids) involves crossdressing in a humorous fashion.

It's 1 person versus about 50, and it doesn't matter what's said because he's going to keep insisting we're all wrong and he's the majority. At this point, I feel sorry for his kids, who will probably learn his intolerance and enter their generation with hate and anger toward people who are different than they are.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



because he's going to keep insisting we're all right and he's the majority.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well he can BE the one person majority, as long as we're all right.



because he's going to keep insisting we're all right and he's the majority.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well he can BE the one person majority, as long as we're all right.

[/ QUOTE ]
Don't post so fast! Now everyone knows I messed up for a portion of a second and you caught it before I edited it!

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Don't post so fast!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what SHE said.

Then she left disappointed.



Don't post so fast!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what SHE said.

Then she left disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gosh darnit, PK. You owe me a new monitor and a cup of coffee. :<



Don't post so fast!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what SHE said.

Then she left disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gosh darnit, PK. You owe me a new monitor and a cup of coffee. :<

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll get you a cup of coffee. We're supposed to have coffee together anyway right? Also: let's crossdress for our date!

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Don't post so fast!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what SHE said.

Then she left disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gosh darnit, PK. You owe me a new monitor and a cup of coffee. :<

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll get you a cup of coffee. We're supposed to have coffee together anyway right? Also: let's crossdress for our date!

[/ QUOTE ]Hawt!

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Don't post so fast!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what SHE said.

Then she left disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gosh darnit, PK. You owe me a new monitor and a cup of coffee. :<

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll get you a cup of coffee. We're supposed to have coffee together anyway right? Also: let's crossdress for our date!

[/ QUOTE ]Hawt!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hawt coffee?



Don't post so fast!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what SHE said.

Then she left disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gosh darnit, PK. You owe me a new monitor and a cup of coffee. :<

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll get you a cup of coffee. We're supposed to have coffee together anyway right? Also: let's crossdress for our date!

[/ QUOTE ]Hawt!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hawt coffee?

[/ QUOTE ]




Below is a reposting of a reply I made to a comment Venture made in the feedback thread for the latest Test patch (which had SB III). I did not want to quote the whole repost so I could keep the spacing I had in the actuall post.

Thank you for the time...

All I will say to your comments is this from the ESRB tag on the Architect Ed.


Suggestive Themes

[/ QUOTE ]


Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB

[/ QUOTE ]

The gender change part of the Super Tailor falls under the 'Suggestive Themes' part of the game for sure.

(Note: Venture's quote)

But as long as that Teen rating is there, sex changes -- and a lot of the behavior I've seen in-game that people seem to think they have a divine right to shove in everyone's faces like it or not -- are entirely inappropriate.

[/ QUOTE ]

The second quote covers most of this last comment. Simple as that.

Granted I'm not a RPer, but there are a couple of Characters that I have that would use the Gender change part. I also have a couple that would use the height change part as well.

I find that there is nothing wrong with the adding the Super Tailor in this game with the current rating.

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Don't post so fast!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what SHE said.

Then she left disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gosh darnit, PK. You owe me a new monitor and a cup of coffee. :<

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll get you a cup of coffee. We're supposed to have coffee together anyway right? Also: let's crossdress for our date!

[/ QUOTE ]Hawt!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hawt coffee?

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]
Hawter coffee?

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Don't post so fast!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what SHE said.

Then she left disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gosh darnit, PK. You owe me a new monitor and a cup of coffee. :<

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll get you a cup of coffee. We're supposed to have coffee together anyway right? Also: let's crossdress for our date!

[/ QUOTE ]

But every time I wonder about the logistics of doing this, you get all quiet and I start to wonder! D:

And, I dunno if it'd qualify as 'cross dressing' in this day and age, thanks to Mary Tyler Moore and her insistent desire to wear pants on camera. Now, it's socially acceptable for women to wear what were traditionally considered 'male' clothes, whereas the opposite STILL makes you a freak.

People confuse me.



People make no damn sense.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed for accuracy.



People make no damn sense.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed for accuracy.

[/ QUOTE ]

How is that any different from what I said?



Cause your statement suggested that people make sense, but that you were unable to understand them, thus making you the problem.

When the truth is that PEOPLE make no damn sense and are the problem, not you.



Don't post so fast!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what SHE said.

Then she left disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gosh darnit, PK. You owe me a new monitor and a cup of coffee. :<

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll get you a cup of coffee. We're supposed to have coffee together anyway right? Also: let's crossdress for our date!

[/ QUOTE ]

But every time I wonder about the logistics of doing this, you get all quiet and I start to wonder! D:

And, I dunno if it'd qualify as 'cross dressing' in this day and age, thanks to Mary Tyler Moore and her insistent desire to wear pants on camera. Now, it's socially acceptable for women to wear what were traditionally considered 'male' clothes, whereas the opposite STILL makes you a freak.

People confuse me.

[/ QUOTE ]
What if I dress like a guy who's dressed like a woman?

Also, I can never catch you in-game.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.