I thought CoX was a Teen rated game?!?!?!

Ad Astra



Post deleted by Moderator 08



My reactions went basically along these lines:

Heh, cute, another 'zomg, doom!' humor thread.

Wait, is he serious?

Oh good lord, I think he's actually serious.


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Concise, accurate, me too.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



It's not crossdressing. Female costume options are not being ported to males, nor vice versa.


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But it is cross dressing. When ppl do drag they do there clothes and makeup to match. most men that cross dress actually look like females. They dont look like hairy men in a women's dress. Take the muary show, on numerous times they have brought ppl on the show that do drag and most the ppl in the audaince cant tell if they are really a male or female. Same thing you have here.

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Its not cross dressing. It's not a man in a skirt or a woman in a man's suit.

Its changing form from woman to man or man to woman. That is shape shifting not cross dressing. And it's not sexual in the slightest, no where in the game does it call this trans gendered, transsexual, cross dressing or anything else similar to it.

The only way it becomes sexual is if some people sexualize it and that is completely on them.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker




No actualy. plz explain more on how standing up for what i believe and keeping morals and values intact has anything to do with common sense. sry if your lame attack makes no sense and you do nothing to contribute to the topic. Go troll somewhere else plz.

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Again, I must ask:

THIS is what you say crosses the line? The fact that someone could shapeshift from male to female, or female to male? What about a girl who wears a large, bulky powersuit (built on the "huge" model)? Is that "crossdressing" as well?

This game has BDSM villains, outright murder, torture, sadism, biological warfare on a city-wide scale, incest, scantily clad women, an entire map full of bondage-clad gimp-boys, and THIS is where you claim you're suddenly "standing up for morals and values?"

Where've you been? Are you afraid that if you try to chat up "hottiefirekin2000" she'll suddenly switch "costumes" on you and become a male, and laugh at you for all your clumsy advances?

As far as the cartoons examples go. What happen to two wrongs dont make a right? I never said i agree with it. you only presume i do. Wrong is wrong and that's just the way it is. As far as mulan dressing up as a warrior. i didnt know soldiers had to be males. i fail to see how Disney has cross dressing in there movies. If they have and im unaware of it then plz provide a better example then then Mulan. Your comment is not only wrong but comes off sounding sexist.

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You "fail to see how Disney has crossdressing in their movies", yet you were pointed directly at Mulan. A movie about a girl dressing as a man for 90% of the film. And you're hardly one to try and claim the "don't be sexist" stance, bucko.

As to Zombie saying men with long hair and girls wearing jeans is cross dressing that's just ridiculous. May be it was considered some generations ago but not today. today ppl changing outfits/costumes or appearance to look like the opposite sex is a current day example. See drag. Which by allowing to change form male to female with different outfits on the same toon at will is drag. like it or not.

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Actually, no, it's not. The fact that you fail to grasp that, and cling desperately to to your bizarre argument is why people are mocking you for it.

As to the person that said there are clubs that do dress up stuff and drag that are 16 and older not just 18 still only furthers my point. 16+ doesnt fall under the Teen rating. which states its sutable for thous that are 13+. 16 dont equal 13.

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Yeah, what part of "13+" doesn't equal 16? See the little "+" there? That means "more than". 16 is more than 13. Therefore it falls into the "13+" range. Simple math.

But really, guy, this is either a very elaborate troll, or you have some SERIOUS issues with the concept of crossdressing people. I suspect it's the latter, and thus I urge you to seek counseling for it, before you infect your kids (assuming you actually have some, and aren't just posturing) with your misguided hatred.


The Mastermind Project
Leveling every primary/secondary to 50!
50: Bot/FF, Bot/Dark, Ninja/Trap, Merc/Pain, Necro/Dark, Thug/Dark
Works in Progress: Thug/TA, Merc/Poison, Thug/Pain, Ninja/Pain, Thug/Storm




Sumptuary laws are a dieing breed somebody please think of the Sumptuary Laws.

Ever since the first woman walked onto the assembly line the slow and steady decay twords cross dressing started, gone is the day when a right minded person dare tell a woman to wear a skirt and stockings, no now they prance around flaunting their immorally in slacks and button down shirts, while good men must stand by and remain silent. No longer can we spot a proper woman by her corsets and petty coats. In the light of such immorality how could we as a species ever survive! For our very people it is imperative that we must put such woman back in skirts, and corsets, and stockings and heels, and we must do it fast or else soon the boys may take them up and make them their own.

Yet I fear that it may be too late, tho I so strongly wish that it can't be. We know we can't keep the girls out of the slacks, but maybe we can keep the boy out of the dress, yes we must fight them, we must call it immoral and say we are fighting the good fight! For we all know that nothing more then a few piece of fabric and some eye coal stand between man kind and the abyss.

We must have checks in the street put all people in jail unless they are wearing at least 5 pieces of gender appropriate clothing. Only then can we say we are a moral and good people, only then will we know we are on the right side of right.

Please for the sake of all man kind we must bring back the sumptuary laws, we must give the police, nay not just the police but every citizen, the right to call down the full wrath of the law on those who break them.

You can be a part of the solution, never give up hope.



Just going to point out that there have been a few superheroes who have actually been a team of mixed genders who took turns using the identity/suit/powers. Each costume slot is a different member of the team taking a turn as the hero. No, making two to five different characters with the exact same powersets and levels is not an effective way to represent a "team hero" who has a different member of the team step into the suit when one of the other members is incapacitated, especially on a SF/TF.

Also, there's Cloud: "Cloud is a sentient nebula, an immense cloud of gas, with the ability to assume human form. Cloud's initial human form was at first modeled after human female Carol Faber. After falling in love with Moondragon, Cloud also developed a male form modeled after Danny Milligan. Cloud first appeared in Defenders #123-124 (September-October 1983), and was created by J. M. DeMatteis and Don Perlin. She appeared as a regular member of the Defenders from that point on, in issues #127-152 (January 1984-February 1986) of the title. The character subsequently appeared in Solo Avengers #20 (July 1989), and Star Masters #1 (December 1995). Cloud received an entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #3."


Gear_Freak's posts are a little hard to read, being blocks of poorly spelled and punctuated text, but i don't recall any actual response to the many examples given of prime time broadcast television shows, G and PG rated movies, and children's cartoon's where the main characters pretend to be the opposite gender.

In one way this thread is utterly pointless. Gear_Freak knows the "real truth" (and how wrong, vile, perverse, and utterly ordinary it is) about being able to make different slots be different genders, and nothing you say, no amount of real-world examples, no amount of alternate explanations, nothing at all, will change their opinion. They know the real truth, have known it since grammer skool, and the rest of the freaking world is just wrong if it doesn't agree with their particular view on the matter. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

[i]Edit: Nevermind about the paragraph regarding Gear_Freak's lack of effective response to the cartoon, TV and movie cross dressing. (i should have specified "effective" in the original paragraph. *sigh*) The last paragraph before my edit stands, though. We're all wasting our time here, except for the slight chance that someone less rigid and narrow minded reading this thread might benefit from some of the insights, explanations and examples offered.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Well another thing, not that this is really considered in the rating, but you do need to buy this pack in order to use it. So if you don't like that you can skip the "cross dressing" and "trans-gender" by just not buying the pack.



Well another thing, not that this is really considered in the rating, but you do need to buy this pack in order to use it. So if you don't like that you can skip the "cross dressing" and "trans-gender" by just not buying the pack.

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The objection is to the idea of anyone in the game being able to do it. Not buying the pack won't stop other people from inflicting their vile, ambiguously-gendered ebil on Gender_Freaked_Out's poor, defenseless, sheltered children.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Post deleted by Moderator 08

The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



It should be noted that when you but the Science pack and get the ability to change the height/gender of the character in question, only some of the Tailors around the Cities actually grant the players the ability to change height/build. Those that do will have their names changed to include the word "Surgeon". (As in Facemaker Nurse will become Facemaker Surgeon) which indicates that a lot more is going on than just someone shopping at the other side of the store.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Wow, where to start?

First off, cross dressing is not immoral. You can argue it deviates from social norms, but you can make that argument about 90% of the superhero costumes out there, and obviously they are permissible in the game.

There are compelling reasons to allow model changes in the game. Your character could:

<ul type="square">[*]be a Master of Disguise[*]be a Shapeshifter [*]be an Artificially Intelligent hologram which can take any form it pleases[*]have fallen into a cursed spring and be doomed to take the form of a girl whenever he is exposed to cold water[/list]
Or hell, your character just might be a cross-dresser... and there's nothing wrong with that.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



OOooo shifter. *Ka-CHING* sold!



It is surreal that this thread still exists.



Sorry OP, maybe you should be an actual parent and explain to your kids what is going on and that it is just a game, instead of expecting the Devs to do your parenting for you.



Sorry OP, maybe you should be an actual parent and explain to your kids what is going on and that it is just a game, instead of expecting the Devs to do your parenting for you.

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This. Though the kids will most likely wonder what Daddy is so freaked out about, like the example upthread of the woman explaining what was "bad" about Ranma.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."




What you call morals and values appear to be nothing more than a bigoted, ultra conservative, narrow minded and shallow view on life. And hateful to boot.

Take your 'morals and values', your money and your kids that will certainly grow up warped with you as a parent and go play someplace that we don't have to listen to you.


"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Who cares its just a game! an Awsome game at that!

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Give that you are a kid judging by your response you may not. But parents that pay for you to play just might.

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Someone is uptight O.o

I think the same way: Its a game; who cares? Oh, I'm 30 in September and I pay for my own game. Your theory just flew right out the window. You know, the one where people who don't agree with you are automatically kids. =P



This thread depresses me.

The inaccurate premise that started it, and the hateful, ridiculous comments on both sides are really just about the worst possible kind of intolerance ever.

Why can't we all just agree to get along and accept each other for who we are? And I don't mean who we're perceived as, but who we really are on the inside? Sheesh.

At any rate, in regards to the OP... You're taking a very short-sighted and limited view to the Super Science power in general (the ability to alter your height and character model - I stress that point most heavily) by assuming that it will only be used by what you consider 'deviants' (which is a seperate issue neither here nor there) to play 'cross-gender' (misnomer: Not all model swaps can be assumed to be gender-bending) when it may be that only a select percentage will seek to do so (and that the lifespan of those characters is questionable at best).

What about the person that wants to have a size-altering hero, that goes from 'mild mannered Bob Johnson' to 'Ripped Studwell' through the use of whatever means at hand? What about someone that builds a gender-netural giant robot suit to save the day (happens a lot in comics)? Should those concepts be denied or ignored just because some people might choose to do something you consider morally offensive?

Do you go on similar tirades when other things you find morally questionable appear in game? I'm sure there's a plethora of things that you can think of that fit this category as well, that are fully allowed by the current game engine. Where exactly are we drawing a line, here? Why is that stuff tolerated (by you, the OP), and that this one thing is bad enough you have to demand it stop?

And why so controlling over what other people do with their characters and time? I think I'd go mad if I had to spend my entire time worrying about what someone might or might not do if I stopped and thought about it - there's also far worse things available that is marketed at Teens then just one small aspect of this game that isn't even available to everyone that plays it. I could probably generate a list, but that seems rather counter to the discussion, doesn't it? (And been done.)




Hateful? Not my comments. Vaguely irritated, maybe.
Ridiculous? Well, okay, there you got me.

My solution? String cheese!

(Really i've now got a sudden craving for French toast, not string cheese. Since i already used up all the bread i think i'll go out and order some even though no restaurant i've been to makes French toast as awesome as mine.)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



If he thinks this is so wrong, then why not the Satanic Hellions? You know, that one mission with the mark of the beast on the floor, walls...everyplace?

What about Dominatrix? Silver Mantis?

He doesn't seem to be uptight about those things. If he's *THIS* uptight over something that he thinks is crossdressing, but really isn't and lets those other things go without another thought...

I have no idea what to say, really.



This thread finally motivated me to register for the forum.

Ignoring the basic idea (crossdressing is immoral/wrong/R-rated), which I disagree with....

....here are yet more examples of using the gender-switch function *without* it being "crossdressing":

1) Mystique/shapeshifter. The four costume slots are:
Base form (blue female); Senator Kelly (adult male); Jean Grey (adult female); a small boy

2) Several generations of heroes, with ancestral powers. The four costume slots are:
Dad (original hero); his daughter; his grandson; his great-granddaughter

3) Psychic entity who possesses any body that wears a cursed necklace. The four costume slots are:
Buff adult male; slender adult female; bookish/wimpy adult male; Huge brute

4) Artificial intelligence chip that can be installed into different robot bodies. I'll let you work that one out yourself.....

5) Mystic curse. Heck, I'll pull this one straight out of D&amp;D - the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity.

6) Power armor. Main costume: 13 year old girl. Couldn't hurt a fly. Good thing she's got (alternate costume) Spitfire, a giant suit of mechanized armor! (Huge character model)

I think that's enough obvious examples for now.....



this crosdresing bzns has 2 stop cuz if it dont tehn my lesbian hellion mothers well deth kick u all and u WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!

Man, I'm going to miss the face when we move to the new forums.



this crosdresing bzns has 2 stop cuz if it dont tehn my lesbian hellion mothers well deth kick u all and u WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!

Man, I'm going to miss the face when we move to the new forums.

[/ QUOTE ]The new forums have no frowny face?! DOOOOOOOOOM!!!one!!!

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



CoH is a smorgasbord of BDSM.

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Learned something new this morning.

I always thought it was spelled smorgasborG.

Guess for years I've been making an obtuse Trek joke without even knowing it.

At least this thread has been good for something.