185 -
/signed a million percent!
i had just started getting into PvP right before these changes and was really starting to learn a lot about it. I was falling in love with PvP.
Then they changed it all, i no longer had fun and i have not been in a PvP zone or arena since. -
I would be a loyalist get an apartment, a job and try to move my family there. I would love to live in a place with no poverty or crime!
Hmm, still cant get in. I've checked my network setting's, and my firewall setting's. No changes there yet i still cant log in lol
Just wondering if anyone else is having trouble logging in? I keep getting the "server may be down" message yet the servers are all up on the server status page.
That really is a good idea. I would use that all the time
The only prestige you can loose is the bonus prestige for the first 15 members, so if your SG has less than 13 people left when they leave after the weekend then you would loose the bonus from those 2, but not the prestige they earned during gameplay.
Ive got both for the same reason's as mentioned above me. it allowed me to get IOs that were a little cheaper, instead of the uber expensive sets for +def. It also means i couldnt fit aid self in but i havent really needed it so YMMV
Quote:Travel at level 1:
Peacebringers (unlocked with a lv50 Hero) get Fly at level 1.
Warshades (unlocked with a lv50 Hero) get Teleport at level 1.
Heroes may purchase the Raptor Pack temporary power for 10,000 influence in the Shadow Shard (Accessible from Peregrine Island).
Villains may purchase the Raptor Pack temporary power for 10,000 infamy in Grandville (Accessible from the Rogue Isles Ferry in most CoV zones).
Purchase of a 30-day Mini-Booster will give all characters a flight jetpack for 30days (real time)
Travel at 4:
Super Booster IV: Martial Arts gives Ninja Run (slightly weaker than Super Speed + Super Jump) to all level 4+ characters on your account.
Travel at 5:
Heroes can run 3 Police Band missions in King's Row, and then the Atlas Park Safeguard mission. Completion of the Atlas Park Safeguard mission (if you've trained to lv5) grants the Raptor Pack temporary power, which grants 2 hours of flight.
Villains can run 3 Newspaper missions in Port Oakes, and then the Atlas Park Mayhem mission. Completion of the Atlas Park Mayhem mission (if you've trained to lv5) grants the Raptor Pack temporary power, which grants 2 hours of flight.
Travel at 6:
60 month veterans get the City Traveler badge, which allows any of their character to select Fly, Teleport, Super Jump, and Super Speed at level 6 without any prerequisites.
Travel at 10:
Heroes can run 3 Police Band missions in King's Row, Steel Canyon, or Skyway City, and then the King's Row Safeguard mission. Completion of the King's Row Safeguard mission (if you've trained to lv10) grants the Zero-G Pack temporary power, which grants 2 hours of jump.
Villains can run 3 Newspaper missions in Port Oakes or Cap Au Diable, and then the King's Row Mayhem mission. Completion of the King's Row Mayhem mission (if you've trained to lv10) grants the Zero-G Pack temporary power, which grants 2 hours of jump.
Edit - There are also a few other ways of getting around which aren't exactly travel powers:
Pocket D VIP Pass (purchase the Good vs. Evil edition of the game, or the Good vs. Evil edition goodies pack) will teleport you to Pocket D, which as access points in Kings Row, Faultline, Talos Island, and Founders' Falls (Heroes), and Port Oakes, Sharkhead Isle, St. Martial (Villains)
Mission Teleport (purchase the Mac Special Edition of the game) will teleport you to your currently active mission (or the first mission in your mission list if none is active)
Super Group bases can have teleporters to almost every zone in the game. The Devoted Badge (24 month veteran) grants a Base Teleport power.
Consignement House Teleporter and Black Market Teleporter are available at Wentworth's and the Black Market (respectively) for 10,000 inf, and will teleport you to any Wentworth's/Black Market.
Logging out near a Wentworth's or a Black Market will give you a market teleporter similar to the one which can be purchased.
Logging out in the Shadow Shard or Grandville will give you a flight temporary power, with a duration dependant on the amount of time you were logged out.
Logging out near a base portal after obtaining the Monitor Duty badge (log out near a base portal for 21 days) will grant you a base teleporter temporary power.
Logging out in the Shadow Shard or a train station after earning the Communter badge (log out near a train station for 21 days) and the Dimensional Explorer badge (log out in the Shadow Shard for 21 days) will earn you a flight temporary power.
Logging out in Grandville or near an Arachnos Helicopter after earning the Arachnos Official badge (log out in Grandville for 21 days) and the Pilot badge (log out near an Arachnos helicopter for 21 days) will earn you a flight temporary power.
Wow I've been here a little over 3 years now and I've never really thought about it, holy crap we have a lot of ways to get travel powers. -
Me too but not every month like that jet pack thingy, if it was a one time fee i would be all over that.
you sound like a kid whose puppy has been kicked, maybe you should lay off the cool aid?
I usually take it simply because if theres 2 brutes on the team i try to taunt first. i want a full fury bar after all
I wish they would just go back to the -1 allowable setting, really who cares its just a badge and its not even part of an accolade, there's no advantage for a toon that has the badge over a toon that dosent, and i want to fight 54 AVs in my TFs again instead of this yellow and white crap.
wow I' glad that was a nuke proof tent i hid behind
*pulls out metal detector and hides inbetween some of the mines* -
*puts on Ghillie suit and starts low crawling to the back of his tent*
Ive actually done exactly that just 2 weeks ago, also a previous poster in this thread Nihilii is constantly starting TF teams at what you would consider "off" times for the game and they are easily filled.
Wait so theres people complaining about females swinging their hips too much?!?!?!
WTF? i wish they would swing their hips more! Specially in real life -
By increasing your maximum endurance you also increase your recovery by default.
(random numbers just to make things easy)
You have 100 points of endurance you recover 2% of that a second, but by increasing your End points by say 20, you are now recovering 2% of 120 instead of 100.
EDIT: This is also the same way regen and health work -
it was either Avatea or GF that said it but yeah it doesn't start till noon
Base Raiding: Okay. Lets be honest. PvP in City of Heroes is like the Titanic. It already sailed and sunk. The noisy bunch of PvPer's that left after the I13 changes didn't do a thing to the subscription rates... which shows just how small a group they were to begin with. Most supergroups couldn't get over the prestige cost of their bases either. It was only practical for the really huge super-groups with maxed numbers of members active to base-raid since they were the only ones who could really afford having their SG base destroyed... and they were far and few between.
Not to point you out but i see this thought often when base raids are brought up.
I was an avid base raider when they were still active and all items in your base that were destroyed were only destroyed during the raid, as soon as the raid is over everything was back to normal. You dont have to spend prestige to fix things because everything reset after the match ended. -
Dont you hate it when you go to the mall/store for a single item and EVERY single overweight or old person just manages to keep getting in your way and walking 1/2 a mile per hour.
Walk faster or get the #*&^ out of the way! -
I'm a slightly more than casual player. I have never had a single purple as a drop since they were introduced, and even I don't even think they are too rare.