Just replied to another thread about the very same subject. I don't have the time or willingness to make this reply long and very thought out so I'll just put it simply:
Purples are not needed. Before IOs you could do all the standard content in the game and no one complained about not having epicx purp0lz or even HOs.
And yeah, purples are very much obtainable. Just work on getting some influence and buy them if you really, really want them so much. Besides, it's people like you who think purples are needed who drive the prices up, people who cannot settle with a very powerful character that has "only" rare and uncommon sets.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
They are obtainable though, just rare. That's the point. You CAN get them with normal play, but they're not common because they're so powerful...I fail to see the issue here.
High end store - the prices would have to be HIGH, which would only lead to more inf-farming.
I hesitate to say I'd support them being available in merit rolls, but only with a much smaller chance than the other recipes.

Purples are not needed. Before IOs you could do all the standard content in the game and no one complained about not having epicx purp0lz or even HOs.
And yeah, purples are very much obtainable. Just work on getting some influence and buy them if you really, really want them so much. Besides, it's people like you who think purples are needed who drive the prices up, people who cannot settle with a very powerful character that has "only" rare and uncommon sets. |
I never said they were needed. They just should not be so unobtainable.
They are obtainable though, just rare. That's the point. You CAN get them with normal play, but they're not common because they're so powerful...I fail to see the issue here.
High end store - the prices would have to be HIGH, which would only lead to more inf-farming. I hesitate to say I'd support them being available in merit rolls, but only with a much smaller chance than the other recipes. |
Hard to get != unobtainable. And compared to other MMOs, gaining the elite gear in this game is laughably easy. Best yet, they're not required for any content in this game.
I would love to see the drop rate increased for characters level 50, you get to choose the purple you want, and it's NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ANOTHER CHARACTER so there's no need or way to farm them for money.
If that's not an option, I would like to see them: - At a high end store - available in reward roles for merits or AE tickets I know some are going to hate this. |
They're described as "ultra rare". They're supposed to be very hard to find. This is not an accident or oversight.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Just replied to another thread about the very same subject. I don't have the time or willingness to make this reply long and very thought out so I'll just put it simply:
Purples are not needed. Before IOs you could do all the standard content in the game and no one complained about not having epicx purp0lz or even HOs. And yeah, purples are very much obtainable. Just work on getting some influence and buy them if you really, really want them so much. Besides, it's people like you who think purples are needed who drive the prices up, people who cannot settle with a very powerful character that has "only" rare and uncommon sets. |
Also, a pet peeve of mine: The apostrophe s ('s) does NOT mean plural. It's "Purples" NOT "Purple's." I feel dirty just typing that last part.
I don't think that word is what you think it means. You can *buy* them. They fall as random drops.
Hard to get != unobtainable. And compared to other MMOs, gaining the elite gear in this game is laughably easy. Best yet, they're not required for any content in this game. |
True, they are nore required, and the "buy" usually means heading to the real money traders to afford them. I think we need to find a way to make the RMT's find a different game, one way is to take one of the biggest money makers away, and letting folks make the characters they want, with sufficent effort.
Sorry but 2 drops since they came out and 3 50's created since then, to me that makes the drop rate far too low to be useful to people looking for sets, and purples for the most part do need to be in sets.
That's too ultra rare.
Ok, fine. Just make them non-transferable. Get them off the market. How much will they motivate you now?
Also on Steam
The candy most can never have. But, that's not right, they should be obtainable.
There is a reason they are called "ultra rare".
If everyone had them, they wouldn't be "ultra rare". They'd be "common".
Also, on an End-hungry build, they're not always the best bet. They're good for their primary purpose (damage, hold, etc), then Recharge, then Acc. There's pretty much NO end reducers in them. As such, there are other sets out there that are a MUCH better fit for many. And sometimes the benefits are better than capped damage and stupid-high recharge.
You do NOT need Purples.
You do NOT need Sets.
You do NOT need IOs.
They are NOT necessities. They are LUXURIES. If you want luxuries, you either work hard for them, or work hard to have the money to PAY for them.
Simply because this is a virtual world doesn't mean it is THAT much different from real life.
I don't play, nor do I care to play other MMO's. It's this one I am concerned with.
True, they are nore required, and the "buy" usually means heading to the real money traders to afford them. I think we need to find a way to make the RMT's find a different game, one way is to take one of the biggest money makers away, and letting folks make the characters they want, with sufficent effort. Sorry but 2 drops since they came out and 3 50's created since then, to me that makes the drop rate far too low to be useful to people looking for sets, and purples for the most part do need to be in sets. |
* Just bought them
* Used merits to buy recipes and sold them to buy the purples
* Had them fall from random drops - mostly on TFs
* Traded for them
* Had one gifted to me
* Sold over 30 crafted purple IOs (largely because I'd rather have the influence than the slight increase in character performance)
I have never used a RMT service nor would ever buy influence. It's funny to me that you think that just because purple sets have high prices you think that players had to have to used RMT services to afford them.
I don't play nearly as much as some players, but I use the resources I have at hand (merits, the market, some farming) to maximize influence gain to get what I want. Also, it's playing characters at level 50 where you realize the most chances for drops. If you're rolling new alts constantly, and hence never fighting level 47+ oppositions, your chances for purple drops are negligible.
I have friends of mine that just do TFs and Hami Raids and they then exchange the merits for recipes. They can pretty much afford anything they want and not farm one bit.
I think the problem lies with you. You're doing it wrong.
Most of my toons don't have Purples, some don't even have a full set of IO's and no sets. It's just that when you introduce something like this into a game, they need to be obtainable. I do not find them, I have run and run and only had 2 drop. The one's for one toon I have I had to buy and yea that raises the prices.
I never said they were needed. They just should not be so unobtainable. |
I've got three purple sets on three different characters (the sleep and immobilize sets, which were ridiculously cheap when I bought them, and the third is the PBAoE, which I got around I15 for 70 to 100 million apiece).
The thing is, the bonuses from the purples are pretty much the same. Mostly they give Regen, Recovery, Accuracy and Recharge. Regen isn't that useful unless you have a ton of it. Recovery is always good, but Stamina and other sets give more than enough for most characters. Accuracy is obtainable from many uncommon and rare sets.
Recharge is the biggie, of course. But if you pick your sets carefully, you can get pretty decent recharge with rares and uncommons, plus Hasten.
But if you're intending to make your character really uber, purples aren't the way to go unless recharge is the only thing you care about. For example, if you want to softcap your defense on your scrapper or brute, you will need a lot of other sets that give defense bonuses. Purples don't.
If you have a character with five or six purple sets you might see some major improvements in recharge and regen. But if you just have one set, it doesn't make much difference over what you get with a similar rare. Take a look at Malaise's Illusions and compare it to Coercive Persuasion. Definitely better, but worth hundreds and thousands of times as much influence? No.
The devs will never increase the drop rate so that everyone can have 5-6 purple sets. And increasing it enough so that everyone could get one set would probably fail in its intended goal. It would put purples in that much more demand because they would be more obtainable, and the price would probably increase as more people decided they wanted them.
To paraphrase Spock in Amok Time, "After a time, you may find that having a purple is not so pleasing a thing as wanting one. It is not logical, but it is often true."
I've often wondered if RMT's actually pay attention to the forums and if they have been attempting to manipulate popular beliefs to obtain their goals...
That would make sense...
Seeing as how the larger majority of players don't use the forums.
Some of the hate in this subject is unreal.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Again, unsympathetic. I have a few purple sets. I have:
I think the problem lies with you. You're doing it wrong. |
These techniques your mentioning are just egregious exploits based on the outcome you have mentioned.
I've often wondered if RMT's actually pay attention to the forums and if they have been attempting to manipulate popular beliefs to obtain their goals...
That would make sense... Seeing as how the larger majority of players don't use the forums. Some of the hate in this subject is unreal. |
I've been playing since Sept. 2004, and have received at least a dozen purple drops since they were introduced. And I don't play my 50s all that often -- so I've all got my purple drops on maybe 10 characters played from level 47-50. That's probably 30 or 40 levels worth of playing 50s.
I've got three purple sets on three different characters (the sleep and immobilize sets, which were ridiculously cheap when I bought them, and the third is the PBAoE, which I got around I15 for 70 to 100 million apiece). The thing is, the bonuses from the purples are pretty much the same. Mostly they give Regen, Recovery, Accuracy and Recharge. Regen isn't that useful unless you have a ton of it. Recovery is always good, but Stamina and other sets give more than enough for most characters. Accuracy is obtainable from many uncommon and rare sets. Recharge is the biggie, of course. But if you pick your sets carefully, you can get pretty decent recharge with rares and uncommons, plus Hasten. But if you're intending to make your character really uber, purples aren't the way to go unless recharge is the only thing you care about. For example, if you want to softcap your defense on your scrapper or brute, you will need a lot of other sets that give defense bonuses. Purples don't. If you have a character with five or six purple sets you might see some major improvements in recharge and regen. But if you just have one set, it doesn't make much difference over what you get with a similar rare. Take a look at Malaise's Illusions and compare it to Coercive Persuasion. Definitely better, but worth hundreds and thousands of times as much influence? No. The devs will never increase the drop rate so that everyone can have 5-6 purple sets. And increasing it enough so that everyone could get one set would probably fail in its intended goal. It would put purples in that much more demand because they would be more obtainable, and the price would probably increase as more people decided they wanted them. To paraphrase Spock in Amok Time, "After a time, you may find that having a purple is not so pleasing a thing as wanting one. It is not logical, but it is often true." |
You have some good and valid points. I am not suggesting they become common, just a bit more selectable. As you mentioned one or two sets can be good, sometimes it might be nice to just even be able to try it.
But Yes, other sets are better for specific things. And totally purping a character is as you said, not the best way to make the most of them.
Thanks for your civil reply
The part that makes them so ultra rare they create a place that feeds the real money traders and inflates the prices on the market to where you have to go and buy inf to get sets.
That's too ultra rare. Ok, fine. Just make them non-transferable. Get them off the market. How much will they motivate you now? |
A good rule of thumb is if you can't afford a luxury good (yes, purples are a luxury good, to think otherwise is ludicrous), you don't want it badly enough. This holds especially true in a game where there is essentially an infinite supply of resources (influence/infamy in this case) and making it hand over fist is very easy if you do a bit of research first.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Humm, well, I have done most of the task forces, as have other friends of mine, done most of what your have suggested and other than a Real Money Trader, I have heard no one that's been as versed in how to manipulate the games money system as you seem to be.
These techniques your mentioning are just egregious exploits based on the outcome you have mentioned. |
I'll tell you an "exploit" that I use. I buy a recipe right off the market for real cheap, put lowball bids for any salvage it needs, craft it and sell it for a profit.
Another "exploit" I use is do random rolls on merits I get from doing taskforces and mission arcs. I then sell those recipes on the market. Somehow, this earns me a profit.
This might come as a shock to you, but there's no secret to make influence easily in this game. The first step to realizing that you have a problem is admitting it. The next step is asking for help. Let me know when you've completed step one.
I wonder how many that want to keep the ultra rare purples the way they are, are in fact RMT's. I can't see how even discussing changes to this system could bring this level of bile.
The only thing I can really say about this:
I hope that the drop rate bug <If it is a bug> is addressed soon, that might be the only way to purp out a build, for those that are after that goal.
I am a Farmer.
I farm for prestige.
My reason for farming for prestige: Building my bases of course.
for me its all about the prestige.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
[QUOTE=macskull;2249150]You do realize that making purples bind-on-pickup (as obtained to the quasi bind-on-equip IOs use now, in that you can remove the via respec) will make them more rare, not less, and that it will be harder, not easier, to complete a set that will be useful to your character?
If they were blind when they drop, and you can then choose what they are when you slot them, then the rare drops would be useful, since you would not have to worry about whcih one's dropped. You could then have a set, be it rare and hard, that would work for you without having to sell your life to the game.
Making them non-transferable would be the key.
The candy most can never have. But, that's not right, they should be obtainable.
I would love to see the drop rate increased for characters level 50, you get to choose the purple you want, and it's NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ANOTHER CHARACTER so there's no need or way to farm them for money. If that's not an option, I would like to see them: - At a high end store - available in reward roles for merits or AE tickets I know some are going to hate this. RMT are going to see a large drop in sales, others have farming toons and will not be able to get stuff that they can give to their lower power toons. But you know, it's fair, and it will help get prices to where most folks can have fun and get the really cool benies that come with work. I am not suggesting making it easy, just not so impossible. |
We have no control over prices. The double blind auction system means that prices are set, for the most part, by the buyer(s) not the sellers (if you don't believe that you need to read up on the double blind system).
You are wasting your time posting this here. You are wasting our time posting this here. The devs do not post in the market forums and there is little evidence to suggest that they even read this forum.
Some of the market forum regulars were in the Closed Beta where purples were first released (I know that I was and I know that Uberguy was also). We brought up market concerns regarding both drop rates AND drop pool and were pretty much ignored then they were released and the predicted behavior occured.
The same thing happened with the rewards on AE (I was in the closed beta for that and so were many of the other market forum regulars Uberguy, Smurphy, and Catwhoorg are some that I saw for sure. We knew what effect the AE would have on the market, told the devs in closed beta, and again were ignored (until now when in typical dev fashion the nerf bat has swung, swung hard, and gone too far in the opposite direction.)
No dev on the team has any experience in the field of economics that we know of and for those of us that do have some experience in economics the lack on the devs part is painfully obvious. They have graphic artists, soft and hardware engineers in plenty, but no economists.
If they want to know what market effects will be caused by game changes they could actually ask us, they have yet to do so or to follow our reccomendations on any issue related to the market. They could also take one of their bean counters in the marketing department and put him on staff in charge of the market but they haven't that either.
The only conclusion that we can draw from this is that the drop rates and market work in the way they want them to.
You can point fingers at us and accuse us of being RMTers (none of us are. We know how to use the market and have absolutely no use for RMT in either direction).
You can point fingers at the devs and accuse them of doing this so that RMT proliferates. You can even go so far as a conspiracy theory that the devs are doing this so that RMT proliferates AND that THEY are the RMTers generating extra cash for themselves or the company.
Bottom line is that you are wrong and you've come to the wrong place to complain about it as well.
Suggestions and ideas is that way.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
The candy most can never have. But, that's not right, they should be obtainable.
I would love to see the drop rate increased for characters level 50, you get to choose the purple you want, and it's NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ANOTHER CHARACTER so there's no need or way to farm them for money.
If that's not an option, I would like to see them:
- At a high end store
- available in reward roles for merits or AE tickets
I know some are going to hate this. RMT are going to see a large drop in sales, others have farming toons and will not be able to get stuff that they can give to their lower power toons. But you know, it's fair, and it will help get prices to where most folks can have fun and get the really cool benies that come with work. I am not suggesting making it easy, just not so impossible.