I thought CoX was a Teen rated game?!?!?!

Ad Astra



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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You DO realize now that by saying THIS line, they now know to check your IP address and ban any accounts that have ever used that IP, right?

You're just digging the hole deeper, man.

Your best bet is to stop while you're behind.



Quick question regarding forum policies:

Do they ever ban multiple accounts if they can trace ownership back to a single person based on misconduct with a second account? And is it possible to get your game account(s) banned for misconduct on the forums?

Asking because I sincerely do not know this one.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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You would've done better if you didn't type like you were five years old.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now that is some forum PvP.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



Do they ever ban multiple accounts if they can trace ownership back to a single person based on misconduct with a second account? And is it possible to get your game account(s) banned for misconduct on the forums?

[/ QUOTE ]

I am not sure if they actually do it in practice, but in the EULA they specifically reserve the right to ban multiple accounts of the same user based on IP address, credit card information, etc.

(j) Related Accounts. If NC Interactive terminates an Account, NC Interactive may terminate any other Accounts that share the same member name, phone number, email address, postal address, Internet Protocol address, or credit card number with the terminated Account.

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Quick question regarding forum policies:

Do they ever ban multiple accounts if they can trace ownership back to a single person based on misconduct with a second account? And is it possible to get your game account(s) banned for misconduct on the forums?

Asking because I sincerely do not know this one.

[/ QUOTE ]No one here besides employees of NCSoft can say for sure and they will never tell you so this is pointless speculation. It doesn't seem unreasonable.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Post deleted by Moderator 08



Do they ever ban multiple accounts if they can trace ownership back to a single person based on misconduct with a second account? And is it possible to get your game account(s) banned for misconduct on the forums?

[/ QUOTE ]

I am not sure if they actually do it in practice, but in the EULA they specifically reserve the right to ban multiple accounts of the same user based on IP address, credit card information, etc.

(j) Related Accounts. If NC Interactive terminates an Account, NC Interactive may terminate any other Accounts that share the same member name, phone number, email address, postal address, Internet Protocol address, or credit card number with the terminated Account.

[/ QUOTE ]

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Thanks for clarifying. Good to know that there are things in place to deal with mischief makers who think they've beaten the system and that they are somehow above repercussions.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ] But yet you keep coming back trying to defend yourself. Another lie and yet another reason what you say right now can't be trusted. You also resort to name calling since you don't have anything reasonable to say. It's ok, we all know what you are and we don't hate you. We realize people like you were born with certain problems. We just don't like talking to your kind.



No, no, thank YOU for the laughs.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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You would've done better if you didn't type like you were five years old.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now that is some forum PvP.

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I didn't try to make it that way, but I guess it appears like it. The reason for what I typed is because trying to read his posts are difficult, and I didn't even bother to read the first post of this thread.




I do sincerely hope that any and all of the OP's accounts are banned. Regardless of whether or not he was serious with his original intolerance (I firmly believe he was, and later backtracked with a "LOL FOOLED U").

Thank you, Champion.




It would be really helpful if the forums had a "notify parents" button in addition to the "notify moderator" button.




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I totally heard that in Dark Helmet's voice.

And +1

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."




[/ QUOTE ]

I totally heard that in Dark Helmet's voice.

And +1

[/ QUOTE ]

At least Dark Helmet was funny.




[/ QUOTE ]

I totally heard that in Dark Helmet's voice.

And +1

[/ QUOTE ]

At least Dark Helmet was funny.

[/ QUOTE ]
Question: Does it still count as being 'funny' if we're laughing at you? If that was the case, I'd say the OP was pretty damn hilarious.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!




[/ QUOTE ]

I totally heard that in Dark Helmet's voice.

And +1

[/ QUOTE ]

At least Dark Helmet was funny.

[/ QUOTE ]
Question: Does it still count as being 'funny' if we're laughing at you? If that was the case, I'd say the OP was pretty damn hilarious.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I have a sneaking suspicion that the only thing the OP has accomplished is that he's inspired people on the forums to create gender bending parodies of himself, and when the booster goes on sale they will gather in the various Atlas Parks and sing Boy George songs.



most men that cross dress actually look like females.

[/ QUOTE ]

I used to work in Hollywood and would see TVs and transgenders walking down the streets almost daily. I can assure you that most do not look like females. Most look like men wearing dresses.

You're confusing the folks who have turned their TV lifestyle or transgendered status into a professional act (and are therefore probably more convincing as female) with your run-of-the-mill dude who wants to be a woman or dude who likes to wear dresses. They are not necessarily the same people.

Also, having the ability to change character models does not necessarily mean that it would (a) have to representative of crossdressing and (b) violate the rating. Like any addition, it has the potential for abuse but we really should be catering to the least common denominator, should we?

EDIT: Should have read the whole thread first.


Attache @ deviantART

Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection




[/ QUOTE ]

I totally heard that in Dark Helmet's voice.

And +1

[/ QUOTE ]

At least Dark Helmet was funny.

[/ QUOTE ]
Question: Does it still count as being 'funny' if we're laughing at you? If that was the case, I'd say the OP was pretty damn hilarious.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I have a sneaking suspicion that the only thing the OP has accomplished is that he's inspired people on the forums to create gender bending parodies of himself, and when the booster goes on sale they will gather in the various Atlas Parks and sing Boy George songs.

[/ QUOTE ]
Okay, here's a rather out there conspiracy theory... what if the OP is actually an NC shill, and he posted with the express intentions of getting everyone to gender bend to make fun of him? This plot is of epic proportions!

Then again, maybe I'm giving him too much credit

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ]
To recap, you made numerous anti-gay, anti-transvestite, anti-transgender, anti-transsexual posts across at least three threads (one of which you made), over the course of a couple days, and expect us to believe you did it all just as a joke?

Mod08 told people to behave in one thread, and closed another one, but you made your own thread to continue venting.

The Internet is the only place where you can hold an argument and fight against innumerable odds, ignore blatant facts and comments, pick apart the arguments by sentence to counter only the parts you can, continue to insist you're right no matter what happens, and at the end of the day pretend you did it all to make people mad and call yourself the victor.

The human defense mechanism for arguments is to want to be right at the end of the day. You stretched that to the extreme by ignoring every counterargument and still claiming to be right. At the end, backed so far into the corner, you chose the "just kidding" approach and still claimed victory. Sorry, but you lose.

I doubt that you would've put so much effort into a "joke," so I'm forced to conclude that you were serious up until the end, and now want people to believe you were kidding. Unfortunately, you selected the wrong ending. Intentionally trolling and "admitting" to it will get you banned. Moreso than just being a bigot would have, even though people would have still hated you for the gross intolerance you displayed.

I would've reported each and every one of your posts, but it seems someone already did.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



cross dressing and even gender changing may offend you personally, or be things you would not wnat your children exposed to. IM not going to argue about that because I honeslty dont care. But they do not meet the legal definition of content of a sexualy suggestive nature. If a male character turns female and propositions you (or visa versa), that is technically a violation and you can report them for that. You could also report them for the same thing if no gender-bending was involved. But simply changing genders doesn't break any laws involved in defining a "team" rated game.

There are some costume options that are pretty revealing as you've said, but once again they all meat the necessary legal qualifications (they all make sure the naughty bits are covered - though sometime with only milimeters to spare, I admit). If there were a mission where some scantily clad NPC were making sexual innuendo, or involved in a sexual situation, then once again, that would be "mature" content under the law, but no such mission exists (Im sure someone out there has undertaken to make one with the MA, but once again you can report them for that if you come across it).

The bottom line is that you may not like it, but it does NOT violate the rating on the game's label.



Post deleted by Moderator 08

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Can't this stupid topic just die?

Dont like cross dressers? DONT DO IT YOURSELF.
Dont wanna team with cross dressers? Quit or BUILD your own teams... and KICK any Cross dressers...

Who frakkin CARES? Really. This is the DUMBEST Topic, ever...