anyone still making MA arcs?
I made one, and have some more ideas, but I haven't gotten around to writing them yet. Having too much fun playing.
I'm making them! I've got two done and a 3rd in the works! Check them out if you have the time.
They're pretty plot intensive though.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I made one... and then decided it was far too much work.
Brother of Markus
The Lord of Fire and Pain
The Legendary Living Hellfire
Fight my brute!
A few of AOW members have made a collaboration of stories that will run together on the same theme, we currently are working on 4 trilogies based on a the same AV taking over the universe. You might want to talk to people you know and also collaborate. MA has so much potential, if you want to see what i am talking about try Illicit Affair ID 39278.
Best to go in with 4 lvl 50's and 4 sk's on heroic the first time for maximum benefit. There is no auto-sk, it takes away from the story when you add that feature and makes soloing it hard.
im still making one, family stuff got tight and i dont have the dedicated time that i need for it. I can hop on the forums between things, but ma is more dedicated time.
I still can't think of any good story ideas.
Done one (See my Sig) and have started a second. I've got a few thoughts floating as well.
Though, I'm also waiting for the fallout from I15 before I really think of anything more. With the changes already being done, Custom Critters are gonna be wierd to work with.
Thank you for the time...

I have two arcs published, one of which has gotten good feedback and will likely stay, the other has only gotten one three star rating and has not been completed(? Low level arc, no feedback with the rating, with an EB I routinely defeat when I come up against him in Billie Heck's second arc, and have beaten multiple times in testing with several Hero ATs).
I have several other arcs planned, but am waiting for Issue 15 before I get around to publishing them so that I don't have to make too many changes. I'll probably unpublish "Party" when I finish a new arc, but I think I'll leave "Beauty" up for the time being, although I'll need to make quite a few change when Issue 15 hits.
New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Still to lazy here.
On the list
1. Arc for my brother, Hero/Nemesis type thing.
2. A repeatable *shifty* scanner type mission that is taliored to my Hero to generate income/drops at a fair but profitable pace.
3. Stupid/funny custom stuff that will never get played or 1-0 stared into the ether.

I have a bunch of crappy arcs floating around.
Just posted a new ultra-short one called "The Happy Family"
I made one... and then decided it was far too much work.
[/ QUOTE ]
Same here and mine was medium length and only one custom mob (2 minions, 2 LTs, 2 bosses).
I'd rather spend my time punching stuff.
I published 2/3rds of one, and know what I want to do with the final story of the arc, but can't get motivated to finish it. Partly because I get sidetracked actually playing the game, and partly because I'm lazy, but also because I'm not sure what the point is in putting in another couple of hours writing, testing, polishing and publishing a story that won't ever get played unless I coerce my friends into playing it, or [censor] it out all over the forums. While I think it is a fun, and funny little arc, it's frankly nowhere near epic enough for me to coerce people to play it.
I have another idea for a 1-2 story arc that is intended mainly for the use and enjoyment of an RP team with whom I regularly play. That story(ies) will probably get written before the general arc I started working on ever gets finished.
I would like to earn all 24 or 25 of the MA badges they're retaining for my two badge toons, but that's unlikely unless someone finds my arc(s), plays it/them, and ranks it/them, so I'm doubtful.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
I've published the 2 arcs I really wanted to make and occasionally go back to tweak and polish them; I'll continue to do so any time we either get better compression/more space for the mission file, or new options open up that fit my intentions better (or someone gives feedback suggestions that I agree with).
I have a 3rd arc published that I was just being silly on (well, I was being silly on all of them really, but this one is more stupid than the others) that I'll probably replace some day, I just haven't had any idea that made me think "Yes! I must make that an arc!" to replace it with yet. The lack of attention the existing ones get doesn't particularly motivate me either though.
One done, one fiddling (depends if I can get old favorite opponents from my paper and pencil game modelled to my satisfaction in CoX terms).
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
The lack of attention the existing ones get doesn't particularly motivate me either though.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have to say that getting only 8 plays in several weeks of my 2nd arc has greatly reduced my urge to get my 3rd one done.
I just replaced one of mine with an updated version (Deal with the Devil's Pawn #207266). I added a lot more content and a custom boss. It's a single CoT mission. I'm actually having a lot of fun making arcs. I wish I had more slots because I have another custom group that I've been working on that I'd like to make an arc to fit them.
My other 2 slots are missions that are the same custom enemies in both arcs. Slash DeMento and the Stolen Weapons #100045 is a single mission 'intro' to the whole gang and Meet the Demon Spawn #151099 is a 4 mission arc. I'm hoping that I15 will let me add more story to the 4 mission one. It's a little sparse story wise because customs eat up a lot of memory.
If you're not into making arcs, but you like to play arcs with a story, give them a try and let me know what you think.
No AV/EBs Deal with The Devil's Pawn-207266 Slash DeMento and the Stolen Weapons-100045 Meet the Demon Spawn-151099 Feedback
I make arcs with every new patch because it either invalidates them or I have to redo all the enemies that they have arbitrarily changed.
Certainly not how I had envisioned using the system lol, but it probably helps keep activity numbers up so they can bring that up in manager meetings and talk about how successful it is.
Started two, ran into crashing problems, have not finished them.
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question
I have made 2 and stopped. Partly waiting for I15, partly knowing that once I finish my 3rd I'm done.
Anyone still making new arcs? Have you not made 3 yet? have multiple accounts? Unpublishing existing ones to make new ones?
[/ QUOTE ] I'm not making any arcs currently. They don't give out Vanguard Merits.
Have one serious arc (#105556), and one 'placeholder' testing arc (#53003) up at the moment, to test the custom enemy group I created in the first arc and fine-tune them without having to slog through 4 missions to do it (and because it's easier that way).
Currently waiting for i15 to go through and do some story adjustments (I like the stuff now, but I'd like to highlight important stuff now that I've figured out a few more editing tricks), and to downgrade the aforementioned custom enemy group. They're not super-powerful, but they are acting slightly outside of the range that I want them operating in.
Really, just a lot of little things to tweak and adjust here and there, before I get to work on the next part in the story...
I have two written and published (see sig). I even updated Cry Havoc the other day after I figured out now to add some elements the way I wanted them.
I was working on a third, a villain oriented story, and realized about half way through that my basic plot was the basic plot of one of Scirocco's arcs.
I know what I want to do with the third arc, I'm just having trouble making it not suck.
@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog
anyone still making MA arcs?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sure someone is, because the arc IDs keep increasing.
I only have one in Test mode, never published, that my badger runs from time to time for test mode badges.
Too much good stuff out there already that I'll probably never get to, and like LivingHellfire said, dude, lotta work.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
I made 1 short mission, recieved 4-5 stars for arount 40-50 plays....Some would call it a farm because it's an outside map...Even though there are a mix of Minnions, LT's and an EB/AV to fight...
With the Nerf Bat of Demacleus looming is the wings I have decided to withhold any additional arcs, and that's the pity of all of this MA insanity caused by the Exploit Farmers and the Anti-All Farming crowds...
There might have been a brillant story to be told within this medium that could have been played and passed around word of mouth to be played some more...But in the end all these so called story tellers didn't like the competition, and called the cops to come shut the party down....
"Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is." Josey Wales
I just this week posted my first one, (Arc 204741: When The Bough Breaks....) and other for that line above, I haven't done any advertising.
Work is almost at a point where I can tweak the mission itself, as well as start making it know, but yeah, I'm slowly but surly still using MA.
Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb
I have made 2 and stopped. Partly waiting for I15, partly knowing that once I finish my 3rd I'm done.
Anyone still making new arcs? Have you not made 3 yet? have multiple accounts? Unpublishing existing ones to make new ones?