Discussion: 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards!




Actually, it means you can SKIP taking the first or second power in the Travel Power Pools and, at level 6, pick the travel power immediately. No pre-requisites.

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When are we doing that for Fitness?




Actually, it means you can SKIP taking the first or second power in the Travel Power Pools and, at level 6, pick the travel power immediately. No pre-requisites.

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Pure Evil. Feeding the Altoholic addiction. lol =D



The 57 & 60 Month Veteran Rewards are designed to help our ‘Vets’ hit the ground running and in high style without breaking the bank! With players having so many opportunities to create new character concepts we feel these rewards will help our long standing fans suit up in style.

[u]57 Months[u]

Abiding Badge: 50% discount on all tailor sessions: Start out your new characters in style!

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Just in case we ever run out of free costume tokens...

[u]60 Months [u]

City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground running… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.
<ul type="square">[*] Flight
[*] Superspeed
[*] Teleport
[*] Superleap [/list] (1) Additional Character Slot: This reward is granted annually to each player that has been part of our Veteran Rewards Program. Months: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 should all reflect this value.

5 Merit Rewards

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[u]63 Months[u]

Workout Warrior Badge: Hit the ground running... this badge unlocks access to the Fitness Power Pool at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.


Pwetty pweese with a chewwy on top?




57-month reward is meh. 60-month reward is a mixed bag: very nice for some but not really interesting for others. I've been around less than two years so I'd still have a long way to go before getting either of those badges, but I can say it'll be useful for those who choose to level their characters normally. I tend to take the quick-n-easy route to the low 20's (SO's and Stamina make the game for me) so it would be of limited usefulness to me anyways.

I think the concept of being able to skip a prerequisite for a travel power is great for lowbies, but I don't see why all these people are jumping around claiming they'll need to burn a lot of respecs. If your toon is already higher-level, what need do you have for a travel power at level 6? Besides, every travel power pool has at least one useful prerequisite.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



******Waits for the incessant whining from non-vets.******

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Isn't it difficult to hear all the way up there on your high horse?

The fact of people who put their time in being able to pick travel powers early is a wonderful idea.

The not having to take the corresponding prereq doesn't sit well at all. I don't perceive it as gamebreaking, but it does seem to divide the haves and the have-nots just a little bit more.

Still, very creative.

//too much incessant whining?

The Unofficial Official of Nothing Official

Proud member of Nites of Darkness/Shut Your Pie Hole



Hmmm ... sad to say I'm unimpressed I have so many costume tokens stacked on every character, it's inconceivable that I would ever need to pay for a costume change ... so a 50% reduction in price is irrelevant. I never take a travel power until I'm well into my 20s; builds are so tight at low levels, I can't imagine wasting a slot on something that can easily be acquired through jetpacks, etc.

Kid Lazarus, 50 empath Defender
Freek, 50 mind/psi Dominator
Black Khopesh, 43 db/wp Scrapper
Circuit-Boy, 40 elec Brute
Graf von Eisenfaust, 38 db/wp Brute
Blue Banshee, 35 sonic Blaster
Blood Countess, 33 mind/storm Controller
Dr. Radon, 32 rad Corruptor
Phantom Pirate, 32 db/wp Stalker




Massive, epic FAIL. Something so profoundly, massively balance altering as being able to skip a travel prereq being doled out as a veteran reward? I thought these were supposed to be perks and conveniences, not ways for vets to ignore the power rules the rest of us have to follow.

Seriously, this is an absolutely insane change to give to just a small segment of the population. Given that this reward kicks in at 5 years, it's frankly unlikely that most will *ever* get to this reward during the lifetime of the game.

And, yes, I'm mostly annoyed that I doubt I'll ever get to use this. I have about 8 billion builds that would benefit immensely from being able to drop the travel prereq. But, seriously, this is by far the biggest thing they've ever given out in a vet reward, and frankly I think it's way *too* big to give out as a vet reward. I obviously can't say for sure how I'd react if I *was* in line to get this - I know I'd be quite interested in the options it would open up - but I'd like to think that I'd find this a bit iffy even then. Allowing just a small portion of the population to ignore such a fundamental rule seems more than a bit unfair.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



To all those like myself whose glass just went from half-full to full,
WIN. To all those whose glass is seems is always half-empty, what would YOU suggest as a meaningful reward that doesn't alienate three quarters of the CoX population?

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



Actually, it means you can SKIP taking the first or second power in the Travel Power Pools and, at level 6, pick the travel power immediately. No pre-requisites.

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I love you Positron. Where do I send the pizza?

PS: I love the 50% ICON discount. I will be using that too!

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Oh... forgot to say:

60mo reward is very very cool. I also like the 57mo one for newer characters.



i think the plus side people may be failing to see, or perhaps aren't saying, is that if you can go straight to the travel power, without worry of having to take others, it opens more power options for you. so, yes, very handy. i won't see it for another 42 months, but i can't still be excited about the future.

or maybe i can only read people poo pooing it and people really are excited?



There is one and only one downside to the 60-month reward for me....

The waiting until December to get it.

Very freakin' cool, otherwise.



Actually, it means you can SKIP taking the first or second power in the Travel Power Pools and, at level 6, pick the travel power immediately. No pre-requisites.

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Speaking as someone who's pretty close to getting that reward, I'm not a fan. I really feel like vet rewards should be nice little bonuses, not build-changing things. And that's a build-changing thing.

Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)

My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.



But we get plenty of respecs, vetspecs, and dual builds. So....there's really no excuse to whine about this one.

I think it's awesome, especially for folks who have characters who would use those travel powers straight away instead of having to go through something they don't want in concept.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



One immediate advantage I can see is you can take Teleport and Hover together for the same amount of powers as Hover/Fly used to take. Handy. I'll hit 60 months in June. June 14th, it seems. Better save respecs, a lot, for this.

Hmm, I do have a character who could use Combat Jumping/Fly...


I get the feeling Mids' head is gonna asplode because of this.

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The quick and dirty way out of this one is to create four "new" Power Pools and lable them "Veteran's Flight", "Veteran's Leaping" and so on.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Definitely a creative twist, well done.

As for balancing issues with pre-requisites, I honestly don't think it would be much cause for concern. People are talking about massively build altering changes, but when you think about it...

Speed: Hasten's always useful.
Super Leaping: Combat jumping's always taken luck of the gambler's quite well and had it's mobility uses.
Flight: Hover and air superiority definitely have their offensive/defensive uses.
Teleportation: Teleport friend is useful, although some consider it a waste. Teleport foe could also be put in a similiar position.

Admittedly it does make some build changes but being able to skip those powers doesn't exactly come without disadvantages as well. The only real advantage I'd see is probably skipping teleport pre-requisites for the travel power (which now doesn't work in PVP anyhow) and possibly skipping the leaping powers to go straight for acrobatics. Those who would be inclined to go for acrobatics may favor super jump anyways.

All in all, nothing horribly game breaking and a fun reward for the 5 year veterans.

Edit: Should probably mention I'm years away from ever seeing this reward.



I can't wait! This will make PvP even more interesting, since mobility and maneuverability is still an important part of those battles.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Actually, it means you can SKIP taking the first or second power in the Travel Power Pools and, at level 6, pick the travel power immediately. No pre-requisites.

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Speaking as someone who's pretty close to getting that reward, I'm not a fan. I really feel like vet rewards should be nice little bonuses, not build-changing things. And that's a build-changing thing.

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That's my thought as well.

One of Six, Cannibal 6




Massive, epic FAIL. Something so profoundly, massively balance altering as being able to skip a travel prereq being doled out as a veteran reward? I thought these were supposed to be perks and conveniences, not ways for vets to ignore the power rules the rest of us have to follow.

Seriously, this is an absolutely insane change to give to just a small segment of the population. Given that this reward kicks in at 5 years, it's frankly unlikely that most will *ever* get to this reward during the lifetime of the game.

And, yes, I'm mostly annoyed that I doubt I'll ever get to use this. I have about 8 billion builds that would benefit immensely from being able to drop the travel prereq. But, seriously, this is by far the biggest thing they've ever given out in a vet reward, and frankly I think it's way *too* big to give out as a vet reward. I obviously can't say for sure how I'd react if I *was* in line to get this - I know I'd be quite interested in the options it would open up - but I'd like to think that I'd find this a bit iffy even then. Allowing just a small portion of the population to ignore such a fundamental rule seems more than a bit unfair.

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Things like this will only alienate new players and make them feel like they can never compete or catch up.

Things like this don't encourage me to stay subscribed, in fact, they only re-enforce why I should not waste my money staying subscribed because there's no way I'll ever be able to "catch up" and have access to half this stuff. I'll always be perpetually years behind everyone else, even if I were to stay subscribed permanently right now from this point on.



Holy *censored*. And I'm only....*cry* at FOUR.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



But we get plenty of respecs, vetspecs, and dual builds. So....there's really no excuse to whine about this one.

I think it's awesome, especially for folks who have characters who would use those travel powers straight away instead of having to go through something they don't want in concept.

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No, you're missing my point. With this change, Veterans will have a definite, build-altering advantage over non-Veterans. Temp powers and vet pets are insignificant and unreliable, but not having to take Recall Friend on your Stone Tank, for instance, frees up a power choice that a non-vet won't have. I think that's a bad idea, and probably harmful to the game.

Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)

My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.



I like the 57 month one. When I make a new character, there's always something I forget, the colors don't look like they do in the creator, something turns out to be annoying, or whatever. It's not enough to burn a vet costume token, so I end up paying the fee. It's not a huge thing - the fee isn't exactly large in the early levels - but the 57 month reward will still be very useful to me.



57 Months

Abiding Badge: 50% discount on all tailor sessions: Start out your new characters in style!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh gawd Ex.....just change THIS ONE and everything else is fine. I mean seriously....that's so friggen lame it almost ruins the coolness of the 60 month rewards.....we've been in this game long enough to NOT need this reward at all....besides, we get sooooooooo many free tailor sessions with other rewards already....that this is, quite frankly....useless to many.

Seriously...change it....anything is better than that. Even just a free respec...

How about allowing us to choose a "second" buff pet? Hmmm? Like we got to choose a "second" attack from nem staff and black wand? I'd like that a WHOLE lot better and it wouldn't be in any way "game-breaking" plus it'd help us vets out in the lowbie levels some. Think about it....please.

Btw, the 60 Month reward is pretty cool, I guess..not sure just how useful it will be since we can attain fly packs at such a low level anyways...and super jump as well...but yea, should be sorta cool...



But we get plenty of respecs, vetspecs, and dual builds. So....there's really no excuse to whine about this one.

I think it's awesome, especially for folks who have characters who would use those travel powers straight away instead of having to go through something they don't want in concept.

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No, you're missing my point. With this change, Veterans will have a definite, build-altering advantage over non-Veterans. Temp powers and vet pets are insignificant and unreliable, but not having to take Recall Friend on your Stone Tank, for instance, frees up a power choice that a non-vet won't have. I think that's a bad idea, and probably harmful to the game.

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Two points:

1) If you don't PvP, this reward will have no downside.

2) If you do PvP, there's alt builds now. Make one build normally, make the other one with the pre-mature travel power. Encourage the people you PvP against to do likewise. No muss, no fuss. You can change the build you're playing with to suit the folks you're fighting.

Harmful to the game is probably a bit on the exaggeration side.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.